Henry James
(1843-1916) spent his early life in America, but often traveled with his celebrated family to Europe. After briefly attending Harvard, he began to contribute both criticism and tales to magazines. Later, he visited Europe and began
Roderick Hudson
. Late in 1875, he settled in Paris, where he met Turgenev, Flaubert, and Zola and wrote
The American
. In 1876, he moved to London, where two years later he achieved international fame with
Daisy Miller
. His other famous works include
The Portrait of a Lady
The Princess Casamassima
The Wings of the Dove
The Ambassadors
(1903), and
The Golden Bowl
(1904). In 1915, a few months before his death, he became a British subject.
Regina Barreca
, professor of English at the University of Connecticut, edited
The Penguin Book of Women’s Humor
and wrote
They Used to Call Me Snow White . . . But I Drifted
Perfect Husbands (and Other Fairy Tales)
; and
Sweet Revenge: The Wicked Delights of Getting Even
. She writes for the
Chicago Tribune, The Hartford Courant, The New York Times
, and other publications, and has appeared, often as a repeat guest, on
48 Hours
, and
. She can be reached via her Web site, www.ginabarreca.com.
Colm Tóibín
was born Ireland in 1955 and lives in Dublin. He is the author of five novels including the Booker-shortlisted
The Blackwater Lightship
The Master
, and of the short story collection
Mothers and Sons
. His nonfiction includes
The Sign of the Cross
Love in a Dark Time.