
Day 04



annoyance [əˈnɔɪəns]

n. 烦恼,气恼;令人恼火的事

He could not conceal his annoyance at being interrupted. 他因受扰而难掩怒色。

solitary [ˈsɒlətri]

adj. 孤独的

One solitary tree grew on the mountainside. 山坡上孤零零地长着一棵树。

objection [əbˈdʒekʃn]

n. 反对,异议

The objection is bound to be raised that such a conception is a complete travesty of the whole idea of philosophy. 这一观点是对整个哲学概念的歪曲,一定会有人反对。

specimen [ˈspesɪmən]

n. 范例;标本;样品

There were some fine specimens of rocks and ores in the museum. 博物馆里有一些很精美的岩石和矿石样本。

setback [ˈsetbæk]

n. 挫折;倒退;失败;打击

He has suffered a serious setback in his political career. 他的政治生涯遭遇了一次严重的挫败。

attraction [əˈtrækʃn]

n. 吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物

With the arrival of the feature-length narrative as the main attraction , other types of films became less important. 随着吸引人们眼球的长篇叙事电影的出现,其他类型的电影逐渐丧失了重要地位。

predominant [prɪˈdɒmɪnənt]

adj. 支配的;主要的;首要的

Whatever the approach, the study of financial crises is likely to be a predominant question for the newest generation of economists. 无论哪种方法,金融危机的研究似乎正成为最新一代经济学家的首要问题。

amble [ˈæmbl]

vi. 缓行 n. 缓行步态;漫步

The horse is walking at an amble .这匹马正在溜蹄行走。

accent [ˈæksent]

n. 重音;口音

He has a strong French upper-class accent . 他有很重的法国上流社会口音。

hinge [hɪndʒ]

n. (门、盖等的)铰链;枢纽

The gate seemed strong and solid, with four big hinges set into the stone. 这个大门看上去很牢固,门上有四个铰链嵌入石头中。

elastic [ɪˈlæstɪk]

n. 松紧带 adj. 有弹性的;灵活的;可伸缩的

Their plans are always fairly elastic so that they can deal with all the possibilities. 他们的计划总是相当灵活,因此他们总能应对各种情况。

widespread [ˈwaɪdspred]

adj. 分布(或散布)广的;普遍的

The high cost prohibits the widespread use of the drug. 该药因价格昂贵而无法得到广泛应用。

classical [ˈklæsɪkl]

adj. 古典的;正统派的;古典文学的

Other architects looked back to the classical tradition. 其他建筑师回顾了古典传统。

airstream [ˈeəstriːm]

n. 气流

Noise will probably not hurt the airstream . 噪音基本上不会影响气流。

liaison [liˈeɪzn]

n. 联络;联络人

The project has been set up in liaison with the art department. 这个项目已经与艺术部建立了联络。

opinion [əˈpɪnjən]

n. 意见,看法;主张

In my opinion and in the opinion of most people, it is a very sound investment. 根据我和大多数人的看法,这是很可靠的投资。

aloft [əˈlɒft]

adv. 在高处,在上面 prep. 在…之上 adj. 在空中的

The golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it aloft .这位高尔夫球手高举奖杯亲吻的照片被刊登在许多报纸的头版上。

stubborn [ˈstʌbən]

adj. 顽固的,固执的

This treatment removes the most stubborn stains. 这个方法能清除大多数顽固污渍。

foresee [fɔːˈsiː]

v. 预见,预知

The difficulties could not have been foreseen . 困难本不能被预知。

tender [ˈtendə(r)]

adj. 嫩的;温柔的;软弱的

The nurse was very tender toward the sick children. 护士对生病的孩子很温柔。

silly [ˈsɪli]

adj. 愚蠢的;无聊的

The silly ending robs the plot of any credibility. 这愚蠢的结尾使得整个情节变得一点都不可信。

mariner [ˈmærɪnə(r)]

n. 水手;船员

A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner . 平静的海面造就不了纯熟的水手。

falcon [ˈfɔːlkən]

n. 隼,猎鹰

Falcons usually pluck the feathers and strip the flesh when they catch birds. 猎鹰捕到鸟时,通常是先拔掉它们的羽毛,再把肉撕下来。

approve [əˈpruːv]

v. 同意,赞成;批准;核准

They urged Congress to approve plans for their reform programme. 他们敦促国会批准他们有关改革项目的计划。

anonymous [əˈnɒnɪməs]

adj. 匿名的

He received an anonymous letter threatening to disclose details of his affair if he didn't pay the money. 他收到一份匿名信,信中威胁说除非他给钱,否则就把他的丑事公之于众。

agitate [ˈædʒɪteɪt]

v. 煽动,鼓动,抗议;使焦虑

The women who worked in these mills had begun to agitate for better conditions. 在这些工厂里工作的女工开始为更佳的条件而抗争。

boundary [ˈbaʊndri]

n. 边界,分界线

The event occurred along the boundary of two of the moving plates that make up the Earth's crust. 这起事件发生在组成地球外壳的两大活动板块的分界线上。

gorgeous [ˈɡɔːdʒəs]

adj. 华丽的,灿烂的

The apartment had been furnished in rich, deep colours and gorgeous fabrics. 公寓已被绚丽多姿的深色和华丽的织品装饰一新。

tourism [ˈtʊərɪzəm]

n. 旅游业;观光

In the space of a few decades, tourism has become one of the major cultural and economic forces in the world today. 近几十年,旅游业成了当今世界最主要的文化和经济力量之一。

limitation [ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃn]

n. 限制;局限性;限度

A serious limitation for all these theoretical results is the lack of specific correlation with experimental results. 所有这些理论结果的严重局限性就在于缺乏与实验结果的特定关联。

acceleration [əkˌseləˈreɪʃn]

n. 加速,加快

He has also called for an acceleration of political reforms. 他也已呼吁加速政治改革。

ambassador [æmˈbæsədə(r)]

n. 大使,代表人物

The ambassador appealed for a change in the policy.该大使呼吁政策的变革。

allude [əˈluːd]

v. 暗指;影射;略加提及

I did not allude to anything. 我并没暗示任何东西。

dive [daɪv]

v. 潜水;跳水;俯冲 n. 跳水;潜水;暴跌

The first time you dive on a coral reef is an experience you will never forget. 第一次在珊瑚礁群里潜水的那种感觉会让你永生难忘。

thermometer [θəˈmɒmɪtə]

n. 温度计

Mercury is a poisonous silver-white liquid metal used in thermometers . 水银是用于温度计的一种有毒的银白色液态金属。

association [ əˌsəʊʃiˈeɪʃn]

n. 联盟;交往;联系

The changes I instigated in association with the board 18 months ago were because I love this company. 18个月前我联合董事会发起的这些变革是出于我爱这家公司。

election [ɪˈlekʃn]

n. 选举

In America, presidential elections are held every four years. 美国每四年举行一次总统选举。

container [kənˈteɪnə(r)]

n. 容器;集装箱

Heat the liquid in a large, wide container rather than a high narrow one, or it can boil over. 液体加热时要放进宽大的容器里,不要放进细长的容器里,否则它会溢出来。

eloquent [ˈeləkwənt]

adj. 雄辩的;有口才的

The old man is an eloquent speaker. 这位老者口才极佳。

presentation [ˌpreznˈteɪʃn]

n. 介绍;陈述;赠送

The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products. 营销经理将举办一个新产品介绍会。

enterprise [ˈentəpraɪz]

n. 企业;事业;进取心

Profit is the operating result of an enterprise for a specific accounting period, including operating profit, total profit and net profit. 利润是指企业在一定会计期的经营成果,包括营业利润、利润总额和净利润。

exile [ˈeksaɪl]

v. 放逐,流放 n. 放逐;被放逐者

The king went into exile after the revolution. 革命后国王被流放。

cabinet [ˈkæbɪnət]

n. 柜橱;陈列柜;内阁

He looked at the display cabinet with its gleaming sets of glasses. 他看着陈列柜,里面摆着几套晶莹剔透的玻璃杯。

flamboyant [flæmˈbɔɪənt]

adj. 显眼的,引人注目的

The actress, who died ten days ago at 63, was famed for her flamboyant personality. 10天前去世的那位63岁的女演员生前以招摇的性格而闻名。

moisture [ˈmɔɪstʃə(r)]

n. 潮气,水分

The fungi absorb moisture and mineral salts from the rocks, passing these on in waste products that nourish algae. 真菌从岩石中吸收水分和矿物盐,并在代谢废物中传递这些物质,而这些废物向藻类提供营养。

erupt [ɪˈrʌpt]

v. 喷发;爆发

The demonstrations erupted into violence. 示威游行突然演变成暴力行为。

dubious [ˈdjuːbiəs]

adj. 可疑的;不确定的

The science of artificial intelligence has always had both a mysterious and a dubious sheen to it. 人工智能科学总是笼罩着一层神秘和可疑的光环。

effluent [ˈefluənt]

n. 废水,污水 adj. 流出的

Almost a third of the world's population live within 60 kilometres off the sea, polluting inshore waters with effluent from industry and farmland. 全世界人口中将近三分之一居住在离海60公里的范围之内,而来自工业和农田的废水污染着近海水域的海水。

genre [ˈʒɒnrə]

n. 体裁,类型

According to Nina Baym, who has termed this genre "woman's fiction", the massive popularity of these novels claimed a place for women in the writing profession. 尼娜·贝姆将这种类型称为“女性小说”,她认为这些小说的广泛流行为女性在写作行业中占据了一席之地。

solar [ˈsəʊlə(r)]

adj. 太阳的;日光的

Scientists are going to build a spacecraft to probe Mercury, the most mysterious and least-explored planet in the inner solar system. 科学家将建造一艘宇宙飞船以探测水星——太阳系里最神秘、开发最少的行星。

encore [ˈɒŋkɔː(r)]

n. 加演的节目 v. 要求再演

She played a Chopin waltz as an encore . 她应听众的要求又加演了一首肖邦的圆舞曲。

decline [dɪˈklaɪn]

n. 减少;下降;衰落;衰退 v. 减少;下降;衰弱;衰退;谢绝

The number of tourists to the resort declined by 10% last year. 去年到这个胜地旅游的人数减少了10%。

dormant [ˈdɔːmənt]

adj. 睡眠状态的;静止的

For more than a century, Mount St. Helens lay dormant . 一个多世纪以来,圣海伦斯火山一直处于休眠状态。

frigid [ˈfrɪdʒɪd]

adj. 寒冷的;冷淡的

But experts did not connect the current frigid blast to climate change. 但是专家并没有把目前的寒流和气候变化联系在一起。

retain [rɪˈteɪn]

v. 保持;保留

This country retained its traditional and habitual ways of doing things. 这个国家仍然保持着它做事的传统和习惯。

occasion [əˈkeɪʒn]

v. 引起,致使 n. 场合,时机

The flight delay was occasioned by the need for a further security check. 这次航班的延误是由于必须做进一步的安全检查。

reservation [ˌrezəˈveɪʃn]

n. 保留态度;预订,预约

Some members of the committee expressed reservations about the proposal. 委员会一些成员对这项提议持保留态度。

reveal [rɪˈviːl]

v. 显示;揭示,暴露

A survey of the British diet has revealed that a growing number of people are overweight. 针对英国人饮食进行的一项调查显示有越来越多的人超重。

format [ˈfɔːmæt]

v. 格式化 n. 形式;格式

Select the text you want to format by holding down the left button on your mouse. 按住鼠标左键选取你想要格式化的文本。

occurrence [əˈkʌrəns]

n. 发生,出现;事件

The occurrence of a disease in a particular locality may indicate the nature of the disease. 某一疾病在某一特定地区的发生可能暗示该病的性质。

doom [duːm]

v. 注定 n. 厄运;沮丧

Many species are doomed to extinction because of evolution. 因为进化,很多物种注定要灭亡。

escalate [ˈeskəleɪt]

v. (使)变得严重;(使)升级

Large complex data sets escalate traditional data mining techniques to new levels of processing demand. 大型复杂的数据集将传统的数据挖掘技术推向新层次的处理要求。

fundamental [ˌfʌndəˈmentl]

adj. 基础的,基本的

The fundamental conditions and resources for health are peace, shelter, education, food, a viable income, a stable eco-system, sustainable resources, social justice and equity. 维持健康的基本条件和资源包括社会和平、住房、教育、食物、一份可观的收入、一个稳定的生态系统、可持续的资源以及社会的公平与平等。

enthusiasm [ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm]

n. 热情;热忱

He expressed infectious enthusiasm to his voters. 他对他的选民表现出极具感染力的热情。

domestic [dəˈmestɪk]

adj. 国内的;驯服的

Much domestic port trade has not been recorded. 很多国内港口贸易没有被记录下来。

dividend [ˈdɪvɪdend]

n. 股息;红利

The first quarter dividend of the company has been increased by nearly 4 percent. 这个公司第一季度的股息增长了近 4%。

doubt [daʊt]

n. 怀疑,不信任 v. 怀疑,质疑

She was beyond all doubt the finest ballerina of her day. 她无疑是她那个时代最优秀的芭蕾舞女演员。

resemble [rɪˈzembl]

v. 类似,相似,像

She closely resembled her mother at the same age. 她与她母亲在相同的年龄时长相酷似。

expire [ɪkˈspaɪə(r)]

v. 终止;到期

I was on a three-year contract that expired last week. 我签订的三年期合同已于上周到期。

noble [ˈnəʊbl]

n. 贵族 adj. 高贵的;高尚的;宏伟的

He was an upright and noble man who was always willing to help in any way he could. 他是一个正直高尚的人,总是愿意尽其所能帮助他人。

engage [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ]

v. 雇用;从事;订婚

Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their political judgment. 政治家不应该参与那些可能会影响其政治判断力的商业事务。

bilingual [ˌbaɪˈlɪŋɡwəl]

adj. 能说两种语言的,双语的

The bilingual teaching is an important content of modern higher education. 摘要双语教学是现代高等教育的一项重要内容。

drill [drɪl]

v. 训练;钻孔 n. 钻孔机

It was drilled into us at an early age never to drop litter. 我们从小就被叮嘱绝不能乱扔垃圾。

extinguish [ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ]

v. 熄灭;消灭;破灭;压制

News of the bombing extinguished all hope of peace. 所有和平的希望都因轰炸的消息而破灭了。

allergy [ˈælədʒi]

n. 过敏,过敏反应

Food allergies can result in an enormous variety of different symptoms. 食物过敏会引发很多不同的症状。

doctrine [ˈdɒktrɪn]

n. 教条;学说;主义;(政府政策的)正式申明

The doctrine was based on three fundamental principles. 这个学说建立在三条基本原理之上。

enthusiastic [ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk]

adj. 热心的;热情的

You don’t sound very enthusiastic about the idea. 你好像对这个想法不太感兴趣。

fabulous [ˈfæbjələs]

adj. 难以置信的;巨大的;极好的

The British Museum has a fabulous collection of porcelain. 大英博物馆有着大量的瓷器收藏。

obstacle [ˈɒbstəkl]

n. 障碍,阻碍;障碍物

The biggest obstacle to setting up such offices is often not financial or logistical, but cultural. 设立这类办公区的最大障碍并非资金或物流,而是文化。

insufficient [ˌɪnsəˈfɪʃnt]

n. 不足 adj. 不足的;不能胜任的

Overall, 29 percent of light users listed electronic media use as a possible cause of their insufficient sleep. 总体来看,有29%的轻度使用者将电子媒体的使用列为可能导致睡眠不足的原因。

discriminate [dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt]

v. 歧视;区别;辨出

The device can discriminate between the cancerous and the normal cells. 这台仪器可以区分癌细胞和正常的细胞。

practically [ˈpræktɪkli]

adv. 差不多;实事求是地

Practically unheard of a generation ago, the discounts have become a routine part of many businesses—as common as color televisions in hotel rooms and free coffee on airliners. 上一代人几乎闻所未闻的打折现如今已经成为许多企业的惯用手段——就像旅馆房间里的彩电和航班上的免费咖啡一样普遍。

pitch [pɪtʃ]

v. 投,掷;触地;确定标准;面向;推销 n. 球场;激烈;高低度

Local companies pitched in with building materials and labour.当地的公司支援了建筑材料和劳动力。

flow [fləʊ]

n. 流;流动;持续生产;不断供应;连贯 v. 流动;涌流

The stones have been worn smooth by the constant flow of water. 不停的流水把这些石头冲刷得很光滑。

feign [feɪn]

v. 假装;佯装

He boasts of dodging military service by feigning illness. 他炫耀自己通过装病来逃避服兵役。

propeller [prəˈpelə(r)]

n. 螺旋桨,推进器

Some gliders can launch themselves with a retractable propeller turned by a small combustion engine. 有些滑翔机可以靠着由小型内燃机驱动的可伸缩螺旋桨来起飞。

fabricate [ˈfæbrɪkeɪt]

v. 编造;虚构;制造

The excuse for her absence was obviously fabricated . 她缺席的借口显然是编造的。

fuss [fʌs]

n. 忙乱;骚乱;大惊小怪 v. 烦恼,烦扰

We made a bit of a fuss in a roundabout way. 我们拐弯抹角地发了点牢骚。

biodiversity [ˌbaɪəʊdaɪˈvɜːsəti]

n. 生物多样性

Some researchers have argued that speciation rates, both terrestrial and marine, could be much higher in the tropics, making them a "cradle" of biodiversity . 一些专家认为,在热带地区的陆地和海域,物种形成的几率更高,这样就使热带地区成了生物多样性的摇篮。

doleful [ˈdəʊlfl]

adj. 悲哀的;阴沉的;寂寞的

It is a doleful song about love. 这是一首关于爱情的忧伤之歌。

distinctive [dɪˈstɪŋktɪv]

adj. 与众不同的;有特色的

So far, consumers seem to prefer green cars that have distinctive looks and broadcast their identities as low-carbon, high-tech cars. 目前为止,美国消费者看来更喜欢外观与众不同、标榜低碳高科技的绿色环保汽车。

flatter [ˈflætə(r)]

v. 过分夸赞,奉承,阿谀

I felt flattered at being asked to give a speech. 承蒙邀请来演讲,我深感荣幸。

loyalty [ˈlɔɪəlti]

n. 忠诚,忠心

The spectators go to sport to be entertained rather than out of loyalty to a team. 观众去现场是为了娱乐,而不是出于对球队的忠诚。

navigate [ˈnævɪɡeɪt]

v. 导航;驾驶;航行

The river became too narrow and shallow to navigate . 河流变得太窄、太浅,不能航行。

autistic [ɔːˈtɪstɪk]

adj. 患自闭症的 n. 孤独症患者

Autistic spectrum disorders often result in major difficulties in comprehending verbal information and speech processing. 自闭症常常导致人们在理解言语信息和言语处理方面存在重大困难。

essay [ˈeseɪ]

n. 论文,短文;散文

There was a prize for the best essay on Shakespeare in the college. 这所大学设立了关于莎士比亚的优秀论文奖。

extravagant [ɪkˈstrævəɡənt]

adj. 奢侈的;浪费的;过分的

Residents were warned not to be extravagant with water, in view of the low rainfall this year. 鉴于今年降雨量少,居民被告诫不得浪费用水。

confined [kənˈfaɪnd]

adj. 有限的,狭窄的;受困于…的

A mysterious illness confined him to bed for over a month. 一种怪病让他卧床一个多月。

figure [ˈfɪɡə(r)]

v. 计算;估计;认为 n. 数字;图形;人物

You must figure out some way of getting some bread. 你必须想出某些赚钱的办法。

considerably [kənˈsɪdərəbli]

adv. 非常,相当多地

The crowd, which had been thin for the first half of the race, had now grown considerably . 上半场比赛的观众数量很少,现在则大大增多了。

fulfilment [fʊlˈfɪlmənt]

n. 履行,实行,实现

After many years, his plans have come to fulfilment . 他的计划在许多年后终于实现了。

edition [ɪˈdɪʃn]

n. 版,版本

The publishers are going to bring out a new edition of that book. 出版商打算出版那本书的新版本。

fetch [fetʃ]

v. 获取;拿来;售得

The painting is expected to fetch between two and three million pounds. 预计这幅画将售得两三百万英镑。

ferment [fəˈment]

v. 发酵;激动 n. 酵素;发酵剂

To serve the needs of bakers, manufacturers ferment the yeast to produce a more concentrated product. 为了满足面包店主的需要,制造商发酵酵母,生产出浓度更高的产品。

solely [ˈsəʊlli]

adv. 独自地,单独地;仅仅

He questioned whether the accident was solely the truck driver's fault. 他对事故是否应归咎于卡车司机一人表示质疑。

gear [ɡɪə(r)]

v. 换挡;(使)搭配;(使)适合 n. 齿轮

Education should be geared to the children's needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。

emergence [ɪˈmɜːdʒəns]

n. 出现;崭露头角;兴起

The emergence of internet will absolutely lead to the appearance of net culture. 网络的兴起必然导致网络文化的出现。

strictly [ˈstrɪktli]

adv. 严格地;完全地;绝对地

Like most other companies with a rigid hierarchy, workers and managers had strictly defined duties. 像大多数其他等级制度森严的公司一样,工人和管理人员都有严格界定的职责。

equitable [ˈekwɪtəbl]

adj. 公平的,公正的;平衡的

Investing in the green economy is not an optional expense. It is a smart investment for a more equitable , prosperous future. 投资绿色经济不是一种随意的开支,而是对更加公平、繁荣的未来的明智投资。

elapse [ɪˈlæps]

v. (时间)过去,消逝

Weeks elapsed before we could start renovating. 在我们着手更新之前几个星期已经过去了。

counterpart [ˈkaʊntəpɑːt]

n. 副本;极相似的人或物;配对物

The Finnish organisation was very different from that of its counterparts in the rest of the Nordic region. 芬兰的这一机构和北欧其他国家的同类机构迥然不同。

explicit [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt]

adj. 清楚的;直言的

He gave me very explicit directions on how to get there. 他为我指明了到达那里的清晰路线。

fold [fəʊld]

n. 折叠;折痕 v. 折叠;拥抱

Each fold in the skirt should be exactly the same width. 裙子上的每条褶都应该一样宽。

erode [ɪˈrəʊd]

v. 腐蚀;削弱

A business owner or CEO who constantly makes fun of himself will erode confidence in his abilities. 一个不断开自己玩笑的企业所有者或总裁将损害他能力中的自信。

hostile [ˈhɒstaɪl]

n. 敌对 adj. 敌对的;敌方的

The speaker got a very hostile reception from the audience. 演讲者遭到了听众的强烈反对。

elective [ɪˈlektɪv]

adj. 选举的;选修的;可选择的

They discussed whether patients should have to pay for all elective surgery. 他们对病人是否应该支付所有非必需手术的费用进行了讨论。

alcohol [ˈælkəhɒl]

n. 酒;酒精

Alcohol plays a part in an estimated 30% of drownings. 大约有30%的溺水是酒精的作用所致。

discourse [ˈdɪskɔːs]

n. 谈话;演讲 v. 交谈;讲述

He discoursed impressively on Newton's theory of gravity. 他讲述了牛顿的引力定律,让人印象深刻。

welfare [ˈwelfeə(r)]

n. 福利;福利事业

The welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the community. 个人的福利与社会的福利密切相关。

forfeit [ˈfɔːfɪt]

n. 罚金 v. 没收;丧失

Do you think that they would forfeit profit in the name of safety? 你认为他们会为了安全而放弃利润吗?

escalator [ˈeskəleɪtə(r)]

n. 自动扶梯

The new store has escalators to carry customers from one floor to another. 这家新商店有自动扶梯,可以在楼层之间运送顾客。

excavation [ˌekskəˈveɪʃn]

n. 挖掘;发掘现场;挖洞

There is the problem of illegal excavation , resulting in museum-quality pieces being sold to the highest bidder. 由于存在非法挖掘的问题,导致博物馆级别的作品被卖给出价最高的人。

expel [ɪkˈspel]

v. 驱逐;除名;排出(气体)

Foreign journalists were being expelled . 外国记者正被驱逐出境。

migrate [maɪˈɡreɪt]

v. 移动;迁徙

The beekeeper's family will then migrate with them to their summer location. 养蜂者一家人将随着蜂群迁徙到夏日居住地。

dye [daɪ]

v. 染色 n. 染料,颜料

You can dye your hair whatever colour you like. 你可以把你的头发染成任何你喜欢的颜色。

interfere [ˌɪntəˈfɪə(r)]

v. 干涉;妨碍,打扰

She did not let her health problems interfere with her responsibilities as coach and leader. 她没有让她的健康问题妨碍到她作为一位教练和领导的责任。

vertical [ˈvɜːtɪkl]

adj. 垂直的;直立的

The rate of heat transfer into the ocean by vertical diffusion is far lower in practice than the figures that many modelers have adopted. 通过垂直扩散进入海洋的传热速度,实际上远远低于许多模型器上应用的数据。

storage [ˈstɔːrɪdʒ]

n. 贮藏(量),存储;贮藏库

Studies have found that bacterial growth reaches potentially dangerous levels at storage temperatures of 5℃ or greater. 研究表明,在5摄氏度或高于5摄氏度的储藏温度下,细菌的存活将导致潜在的危险。

plausible [ˈplɔːzəbl]

adj. 似乎行得通的;貌似合理的;似是而非的

None of these sound plausible as explanations for the extreme house price increases we have observed. 所有这些似乎都不能合理解释我们所看到的房价的极端上涨。

discord [ˈdɪskɔːd]

n. 不和;纷争;嘈杂声

A note of discord crept into their relationship. 不和在他们的关系中悄然而生。

fossilise [ˈfɒsəlaɪz]

v. 使成化石;使陈腐;使过时或固定不变

As well-studied as dinosaurs have been over the past couple of centuries, paleontologists have learned little about their breathing, because lungs do not fossilise . 尽管过去的几个世纪里,我们对恐龙类有比较深入的研究,可是古生物学家仍对它们的呼吸状态知之甚少,因为肺无法形成化石保存至今。

dramatically [drəˈmætɪkli]

adv. 戏剧地;引人注目地;显著地

Japan has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, and its population is on course to shrink dramatically by the middle of the century. 日本是全世界生育率最低的国家之一,到本世纪中叶日本人口将显著减少。

omission [əˈmɪʃn]

n. 遗漏;疏忽;被省略的人

There were a number of errors and omissions in the article. 这篇文章中有多处错误和疏漏。

entice [ɪnˈtaɪs]

v. 诱惑,诱使;吸引

Our special offers are intended to entice people to buy. 我们的特价是为了吸引人们来购买。

distend [dɪˈstend]

v. 扩张;膨胀

Through this incision, the abdominal cavity is distended with carbon dioxide gas. 二氧化碳气体通过这个切口进入,造成腹腔肿胀。

discern [dɪˈsɜːn]

v. 目睹;洞悉;辨别

In the gloom I could only just discern the outline of a building. 在黑暗中我只能依稀辨出一座大楼的轮廓来。

sequence [ˈsiːkwəns]

n. 次序,顺序;序列

Afterwards, scientists were able to analyse the sequence of events. 后来,科学家们得以分析事情的先后顺序。

stuck [stʌk]

adj. 动不了的;被困住;难以继续的

Many home sellers remain stuck in a recessional rut. 很多住房的卖主仍陷在一场经济衰退的困境中。

strategy [ˈstrætədʒi]

n. 策略,战略

The overall corporate strategy will have several subordinate and interrelated strategies. 公司的总体战略通常有几个从属的、相互关联的战略。

fragrance [ˈfreɪɡrəns]

n. 香味,香气

This kind of perfume comes in three combined new fragrances . 这种香水有三种新的混合的芳香气味。

equation [ɪˈkweɪʒn]

n. 相等;平衡;方程式,等式

As the University of Florida ecologist, Peter Feinsinger, has noted, an approach that leaves people out of the equation is no longer tenable. 彼特·范辛格是佛罗里达大学的生态学家,他注意到把人置于生态平衡之外的方法再也站不住脚。

spread [spred]

v. 展开,张开;扩散;散布 n. 蔓延;范围

A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople. 一股迷信的恐惧浪潮在城里人中蔓延。

advent [ˈædvent]

n. (尤指不寻常的人或事)出现;到来

Sea ports have been transformed by the advent of powered vessels, whose size and draught have increased. 随着吨位和吃水量增加了的机动船舰的到来,海港也发生了变化。

bronze [brɒnz]

n. 青铜;铜像 adj. 青铜色的

There will be a display of bronze statuary in this museum next week. 下星期这个博物馆将举办一场青铜雕塑作品展览。

domain [dəˈmeɪn]

n. 领土,领地;(活动、学问等的)范围

This information should be in the public domain . 这一消息应该为公众所知。

pursuit [pəˈsjuːt]

n. 追赶;追求;从事

She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams. 她走遍天下,追寻她的梦想。

exorbitant [ɪɡˈzɔːbɪtənt]

adj. 过度的;价格过高的

Unsuspecting buyers paid exorbitant prices for their railroad stock. 轻信的买主为买进铁路股份而付出了过高的代价。

discreet [dɪˈskriːt]

adj. 谨慎的,小心的

The Swiss banking industry benefited for decades from its reputation as a safe and discreet haven for the rich around the world. 瑞士的银行业因其安全和谨慎的服务在世界各地的富人中享有盛誉,几十年来也一直受惠于此。

futile [ˈfjuːtaɪl]

adj. 徒劳无功的,白费力气的

The most futile thing in this world is any attempt, perhaps, at exact definition of character. 世界上最徒劳无益的事情,也许就是任何给性格下个精确定义的企图。

highlight [ˈhaɪlaɪt]

v. 使显著,突出 n. 最显著(或重要)的部分

This observation is a useful starting point for any discussion of extinction as it highlights the role of luck and chance in the extinction process. 这次观察对于任何生物灭绝的讨论都是一个有用的起点,因为它强调了灭绝过程中运气和机遇的作用。

extensive [ɪkˈstensɪv]

adj. 广大的;广阔的;广泛的;大量的

Mr. Miller said the remnants of the aircraft suggested extensive use of nonmetallic composite parts, which reflect less radar energy. 米勒先生说,飞机残骸表明飞机使用了大量非金属零件,这样会反射更少的雷达能量。

furious [ˈfjʊəriəs]

adj. 狂怒的;狂暴的

Greece's European partners were not just furious that they had not been consulted about the referendum. 希腊的欧洲伙伴对该国在公投问题上没有征求他们的意见不仅仅是感到恼怒。

possess [pəˈzes]

v. 持有;具有;缠住

Those who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most people in the world possess great wealth and good looks. 那些热衷看娱乐节目的人可能会认为世界上大多数人都拥有巨大的财富和美貌。

dissemble [dɪˈsembl]

v. 掩饰;假装

I tried to dissemble an interest but failed. 我设法假装感兴趣,但最终还是无法做到。

dioxide [daɪˈɒksaɪd]

n. 二氧化物

Doctors argue that cutting carbon dioxide emissions also can make the air cleaner and reduce lung damage to millions of people. 医生们表示减少二氧化碳的排放还可以净化空气,减少数百万人的肺部损伤。

friction [ˈfrɪkʃn]

n. 摩擦;摩擦力

Studies of primitive societies suggest that the earliest method of making fire was through friction . 对原始社会的研究表明:最早的生火方法是摩擦生火。

anticipate [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt]

v. 预料;预期

It is impossible to anticipate when it will happen. 不可能预料这事何时发生。

infection [ɪnˈfekʃn]

n. 传染病;感染;玷污

Looking to the future, though, we asked him what the prospects are for a vaccine to prevent infection in the first place. 然而展望未来时,我们首先问他一种预防传染的疫苗前景如何。

destination [ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn]

n. 目的地

Our luggage was delivered all the way through to our final destination . 我们的行李一直被托运到最终目的地。

absence [ˈæbsəns]

n. 缺勤;缺乏

However, these disorders often remain throughout life due to neglect or absence of specific kind of treatment. 然而,由于忽视或缺乏特定的治疗,这些疾病往往会伴随一生。

adaptive [əˈdæptɪv]

adj. 适应的

What is new is the wholesale interest in reusing the past, in recycling, in adaptive rehabilitation. 与以往不同的是,人们对重复利用过去、循环利用和适应性改造产生了广泛的兴趣。

adjust [əˈdʒʌst]

v. 调整;调节;适合

She must learn to adjust herself to British life. 她必须学会调整自己以适应英国的生活。

ferry [ˈferi]

v. 渡运,摆渡 n. 摆渡;渡船;渡口

The children need to be ferried to and from school. 孩子们上学放学需要摆渡。

consume [kənˈsjuːm]

v. 消耗;消费

Many people are unaware of just how much food and drink they consume . 许多人并不知道他们究竟消耗掉了多少食品和饮料。

diverge [daɪˈvɜːdʒ]

v. (道路等)分叉;(意见等)分歧

The views of the two groups of economists diverged so greatly that it was impossible to meditate. 这两组经济学家的观点存在着严重的分歧,绝无调和余地。

eject [iˈdʒekt]

v. 撵出,驱逐;喷射

Police ejected a number of violent protesters from the hall. 警察从大厅撵出一些激进的抗议分子。

funeral [ˈfjuːnərəl]

n. 葬礼 adj. 葬礼的

At her funeral her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work. 在葬礼上,她最早的朋友对她的一生和工作给予了高度的赞扬。

escort [ˈeskɔːt] & [ɪˈskɔːt]

n. 护卫队;陪同者 v. 护卫,护送,护航

The vessel was escorted to an undisclosed port. 那艘轮船被护送至一个秘密港口。

resolution [ˌrezəˈluːʃn]

n. 坚决,坚定;解决

He made a resolution to read something profitable for one hour every day. 他下决心每天要读一小时有益的读物。

exhale [eksˈheɪl]

v. 呼气;散发

Breathe deeply and then exhale slowly. 深深吸气,然后慢慢呼出来。

fracture [ˈfræktʃə(r)]

n. 破裂;骨折 v. 破裂;折断

She fell and fractured her skull. 她跌倒摔裂了颅骨。

framework [ˈfreɪmwɜːk]

n. 构架,框架;结构

One of the primary decisions that had to be made was what the basic organising framework would be. 首先要作出的决定之一就是基本的组织框架是什么。

modify [ˈmɒdɪfaɪ]

v. 更改,修改;修饰

The policy was agreed by the committee, but only in a modified form. 那项政策经修改后才能获得委员会批准。

dissipate [ˈdɪsɪpeɪt]

v. 消散;消失;浪费

One of the ways to dissipate perspiration is by convection. 消散汗水的一种方法是通过(空气的)对流作用。

placebo [pləˈsiːbəʊ]

n. 安慰剂;使人宽慰的事

Like any placebo , it must be dispensed with authority to be effective. 就像任何安慰剂一样,它只有在权威指导下(使用)才能发挥效用。

contribution [ˌkɒntrɪˈbjuːʃn]

n. 捐献;贡献;投稿

Other HR initiatives were developed by a small corporate HR team, with an eye always on the contribution of HR activities to the profitability of the business. 一家小公司的人力资源团队开发了人力资源方面的其他一些积极方案,并时刻关注人力资源活动对商业赢利的贡献。

variety [vəˈraɪəti]

n. 多样;种类;多样化

All pregnant women should strive for balance and eat a variety of foods, including fish. 所有孕妇都应该努力做到饮食均衡,吃多样化的食物,包括鱼类。

entangle [ɪnˈtæŋɡl]

v. 缠上;纠缠;卷入

Small animals can get entangled in the net. 小动物会被卷入网中。

disposal [dɪˈspəʊzl]

n. 处理;变卖

We intend to campaign against specific projects which damage the environment or squander our resources, and fight for their correction with every legal means at our disposal . 我们打算反对破坏环境或浪费我们资源的具体项目,并争取利用我们所掌握的一切法律手段加以纠正。

heritage [ˈherɪtɪdʒ]

n. 遗产;继承权;传统

The island is recognised as a World Heritage Site. 这个岛被列为世界遗址。

distribution [ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn]

n. 分布;分发;分配;散布

The pine tree has a very wide distribution . 松树的分布区域极广。

faithless [ˈfeɪθləs]

adj. 背信弃义的,不忠的,无信义的

He is a faithless person and has few friends. 他是一个没有信义的人,也没有几个朋友。

passion [ˈpæʃn]

n. 激情,热情

Age hadn't blunted his passion for adventure. 年龄没有减弱他冒险的激情。

erroneous [ɪˈrəʊniəs]

adj. 错误的,不正确的

It's erroneous to assume that the press always print the truth. 认为新闻报道披露的都是真相是错误的想法。

annual [ˈænjuəl]

adj. 一年一度的 n. 一年生植物;年刊

The issues will be voted on at the company's annual meeting on April 21 in Wilmington. 这些问题将在该公司4月21日在威尔明顿的年会上投票表决。

dispel [dɪˈspel]

v. 驱散;驱逐;消除

Mr. Hardwick said the new offices would help to dispel some outdated perceptions of London— "fog, bowler hats and the stiff upper lip". 哈德威克先生称,这些新的办事处将有助于消除人们对伦敦的某些老旧印象——“尘雾、圆顶礼帽和刻板的面孔”。

cautious [ˈkɔːʃəs]

adj. 谨慎的,小心的

He was very cautious about committing himself to anything. 他在决定做任何事的时候都非常谨慎。

foreshadow [fɔːˈʃædəʊ]

v. 预示

The increase in taxes had been foreshadowed in the minister's speech. 部长的讲话中早已预示要提高税额。

fortify [ˈfɔːtɪfaɪ]

v. 设防于;增强

The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城镇用高墙和深沟来加强防御。

vanish [ˈvænɪʃ]

v. 消失,突然不见

Near the end of Devonian times, thirty percent of all animal life vanished . 在泥盆纪末期,百分之三十的动物物种都消失了。

convenient [kənˈviːniənt]

adj. 便利的,方便的

Yet cars easily surpass trains or buses as a flexible and convenient mode of personal transport. 作为一种灵活、便捷的私人交通工具,小汽车远远胜过火车和公共汽车。

subsidiary [səbˈsɪdiəri]

n. 附属机构,子公司 adj. 辅助的;补充的;附属的

The question of finance is subsidiary to the question of whether the project will be approved. 财务问题是这一项目是否获准的附属问题。

dismay [dɪsˈmeɪ]

n. 担忧,失望,沮丧,惊愕 v. 使担忧,使失望,使惊愕

The teacher was dismayed at the students' lack of response. 老师为学生们冷淡的反应感到沮丧。

exclusive [ɪkˈskluːsɪv]

adj. 排外的;独占的;唯一的

No one part of the strategy is mutually exclusive ; they are linked and dependent on the other for maximum effect. 策略的各部分并不互相排斥;为实现最优效果,它们相互联系、相互依赖。

famine [ˈfæmɪn]

n. 饥荒;饥饿;严重的缺乏

These diplomats have never seen a famine . 这些外交官从没见过饥荒。

exploitation [ˌeksplɔɪˈteɪʃn]

n. 压榨;开发;利用

To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, we must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry. 由于大油井的枯竭,要想从北海的石油和天然气开采中盈利,我们必须集中精力开采小储量的油井。

generalise [ˈdʒenrəlaɪz]

v. 归纳;概括

You cannot generalise about the effects of the drug from one or two cases. 你不能仅根据一两个个案就对这种药物的效力作出归纳。

undergraduate [ˌʌndəˈɡrædʒuət]

n. 大学肄业生;大学生

The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge recently held joint conferences to discuss the noticeably rapid decline in literacy among their undergraduates . 近来,牛津大学与剑桥大学联合举办了几次会议,讨论两校本科生读写能力的显著急剧滑坡。

extraordinary [ɪkˈstrɔːdnri]

adj. 非常的;特别的

Electricity appeared to its early investigators as an extraordinary phenomena. 在早期研究者看来,电似乎是一种特别的现象。 mpTrpFNRh373iIxHjI34ySgcfdkObMZFeM05MUhApCbXYFsLR7mGZkE2RVC71WYx
