
Day 03



annotated [ˈænəteɪtɪd]

adj. 有注释的;带注解的

You can visualise data using annotated diagrams. 您可以使用带标注的关系图对数据进行可视化。

appreciable [əˈpriːʃəbl]

adj. 可感知的;可评估的;相当可观的

There are many appreciable changes in nature, such as the change of temperature.自然界中可感知的变化很多,比如气温的变化。

shade [ʃeɪd]

v. 遮蔽 n. 阴影;遮蔽;遮光物;(色彩的)浓淡;少许

I'm going to shade this part in. 我要把这一部分画得再暗一些。

spray [spreɪ]

v. 喷射;喷洒 n. 喷雾;飞沫

A sprayer hooked to a tractor can spray five gallons onto ten acres. 用牵引车牵引的喷雾器可以将5加仑(药水)喷洒在10英亩田地上。

affectation [ˌæfekˈteɪʃn]

n. 做作;假装

I wore sunglasses all the time and people thought it was an affectation . 我一直戴着墨镜,别人认为是做作。

acquiesce [ˌækwiˈes]

vi. 默许;勉强同意

Steve seemed to acquiesce in the decision. 斯蒂夫似乎默许了这个决定。

annoyingly [əˈnɔɪɪŋli]

adv. 恼人地;烦人地;令人不快地

Annoyingly for his father, John failed the exam several times. 令他父亲烦恼的是,约翰连续几次考试失败。

eastern [ˈiːstən]

adj. 东部的,东方的

The projected line will provide the inland country with an eastern outlet to the sea. 计划修建的这条铁路将为这个内陆国提供一条向东出海的通道。

agora [ˈæɡərə]

n. 市场;集会

The ruins of its acropolis, agora , theater, and temples remain. 卫城、市场、戏院和神庙等遗迹仍保存至今。

prolong [prəˈlɒŋ]

v. 延长,拖延

A pharmacy company has already begun a larger study of the drug focusing on those patients to determine whether the drug will help prolong survival. 一家制药公司已开始进行针对这些病人的一项更大规模的研究,以确定这种新药是否能够帮助延长生存期。

vogue [vəʊɡ]

n. 时尚,时髦 adj. 流行的,时髦的

Black is in vogue again. 黑色再一次流行起来。

alarming [əˈlɑːmɪŋ]

adj. 令人担忧的,令人恐惧的

The disease has spread at an alarming rate. 这种疾病已经以惊人的速度传播开来。

abbreviate [əˈbriːvieɪt]

v. 缩写,使省略;使简短

We shall abbreviate the "directed graph" to digraph.我们将把“有方向的图”简称为“方向图”。

clamp [klæmp]

v. 夹住,夹紧;(用轮夹)固定(非法停泊的车辆) n. 夹子,夹钳

Do they clamp your wheels or give you a fine? 他们扣了你的车还是罚了款?

mutation [mjuːˈteɪʃn]

n. 突变,变异;转变,改变

Scientists have found a genetic mutation that appears to be the cause of Huntington's disease. 科学家们已经发现一个似乎是亨廷顿病病因的遗传突变。

adequate [ˈædɪkwət]

adj. 足够的,适当的,令人满意的

One in four people worldwide are without adequate homes. 世界上四分之一的人没有足够的住房。

hobby [ˈhɒbi]

n. 业余爱好,兴趣

Photography is said to be the most popular hobby among retired people. 据说摄影是退休人群中最流行的业余爱好。

equality [iˈkwɒləti]

n. 同等,相等;等式

Therefore, it is very crucial to have men to be part of gender equality projects. 因此让男性参与到促进性别平等的事业中来十分重要。

warehouse [ˈweəhaʊs]

n. 仓库;货栈;大商店

They operate three factories and a huge warehouse . 他们经营了三家工厂和一个大仓库。

ample [ˈæmpl]

adj. 充足的;丰富的

This leaves her ample time to prepare three meals a day. 这样她就有充裕的时间准备一日三餐。

coverage [ˈkʌvərɪdʒ]

n. 覆盖;规模;承保范围;新闻报道

Tests are conducted under laboratory conditions, as well as under simulated customer scenarios, to help ensure adequate coverage . 为有助于确保得到足够的覆盖率,测试同时在实验室条件下和模拟用户情形下进行。

morality [məˈræləti]

n. 道德,美德;伦理体系

The researchers noted that generosity tends to increase as people mature and develop stronger notions of morality and fairness. 研究人员指出,当人变得成熟、形成更强的道德和公平意识后,慷慨程度往往会随之提升。

atmosphere [ˈætməsfɪə(r)]

n. 大气,空气;气氛

It is not easy trying to model accurately the enormous complexities of the ever-changing oceans, with their great volume, massive currents and sensitivity to the influence of land masses and the atmosphere . 海洋体积巨大,洋流强大,对地面物质和大气的影响敏感,因此,试图准确模拟不断变化的海洋的极大复杂性并不是一件容易的事。

aqueous [ˈeɪkwiəs]

adj. 水的,水般的

It is already fully metachromatic in aqueous solution. 它在水溶液中已经完全变色。

alliance [əˈlaɪəns]

n. 联盟,结盟团体,亲密关系

The alliance stands ready to do what is necessary. 该联盟已准备好采取必要行动。

influence [ˈɪnfluəns]

n. 影响;作用 v. 影响;对…起作用

His first music teacher was a major influence in his life. 他的第一位音乐老师是他一生中对他影响非常大的人。

rental [ˈrentl]

n. 租费;租借 adj. 租借的;地租的

Moreover, local governments will provide certain allowances for these tenants on rental fees. 此外,当地政府将为这些租房者提供一定的租房补贴。

merge [mɜːdʒ]

v. 合并;融合;兼并

The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks. 这家银行宣布,他们将很快与另一家主流银行合并。

abolish [əˈbɒlɪʃ]

v. 废止;废除

The ancient Olympics were abolished by the Roman Emperor in 393 AD, after Greece had lost its independence. 公元393年希腊失去独立之后,罗马皇帝就废止了古奥林匹克运动会。

accrual [əˈkruːəl]

n. 自然增长;自然增长额 adj. 收益的

After an employee has 25 years of service, there is no further accrual of benefits. 一雇员在工作了25年之后,就没有更多的补助积累了。

afford [əˈfɔːd]

v. 买得起;承担得起;提供,给予

We cannot afford to drop behind our competitors. 我们可担当不起落后于竞争对手的后果。

delude [dɪˈluːd]

v. 欺骗,哄骗

Candidates running for Prime Minister often delude the voters with election promises. 参加首相竞选的候选人往往以竞选承诺来蛊惑选民。

descent [dɪˈsent]

n. 降下,降落;世系

The growth in consumer debt should not be simply seen and condemned as a complete descent into mindless consumerism. 消费者的债务增加不能被简单地妄加指责为完全堕落到了盲目的消费主义中。

slogan [ˈsləʊɡən]

n. 口号;标语

The message of advertisement itself is usually short, often no more than a slogan which the public identifies itself with the product. 广告语本身很简短,通常是一句能使公众立刻联想到产品的口号。

swell [swel]

v. 肿胀;膨胀;增加 n. 海浪的涌动;凸起的形状

Britain will see its population swell from today's 62.2 million to 77 million, an increase of 24 percent. 英国人口将激增24%,从目前的6,220万增长至7,700万。

aspire [əˈspaɪə(r)]

v. 渴望,有志于

Nor do they aspire to such command themselves. 他们自己也不渴望这样的命令。

synthetic [sɪnˈθetɪk]

n. 合成物;人工制品 adj. 合成的;人造的;综合的

The synthetic organic pesticides gained prominence during World War II. 在二战期间,合成有机农药受到重视。

arboreal [ɑːˈbɔːriəl]

adj. 树的,树木的;树栖的

Human vision like that of other primates has evolved in an arboreal environment. 人类的视觉和其他灵长目动物一样,是在丛林环境中进化出来的。

amenity [əˈmiːnəti]

n. 生活设施;舒适

Many of the houses lacked even basic amenities . 很多家庭甚至缺少基本的生活设施。

divergent [daɪˈvɜːdʒənt]

adj. 分歧的;发散的;不同的

Similar customs were known in widely divergent cultures such as Ancient Egypt and Scandinavia. 在大不相同的文化中有一些相似的习俗,比如古埃及和斯堪的纳维亚。

dump [dʌmp]

v. 倾倒(垃圾) n. 堆存处

They dumped his belongings on the floor. 他们把他的物品扔到地上。

assistant [əˈsɪstənt]

n. 助理;店员 adj. 助理的;副的

The elevation of the assistant coach to the head coaching position within only 9 months was a surprise. 这位助理教练仅仅在九个月内就被提拔到总教练的位置是件令人惊讶的事。

attend [əˈtend]

v. 伴随;出席,参加; 陪同

The president suggested that a UN observer should attend the conference. 大会主席建议应该有一名联合国观察员参加该会议。

comparable [ˈkɒmpərəbl]

adj. 可比较的;比得上的

Each division was organised in exactly the same way, used the same technology, did exactly the same kind of work, and had employees of comparable aptitudes. 每个部门都以完全相同的方式组建起来,使用同样的技术,做完全相同种类的工作,所有员工的资质也都相当。

considerable [kənˈsɪdərəbl]

adj. 相当大(或多)的;相当可观的;值得考虑的

Although the volume of work was considerable , the nature of the business was such that it could only be processed as it came along. 虽然工作量相当大,但是这项工作的性质就是这样,出现的问题要及时解决。

confine [kənˈfaɪn]

v. 限制;禁闭 n. 范围;界限;约束,限制

She confined her activities in educational circles. 她的各项活动都仅限于教育圈内。

averse [əˈvɜːs]

adj. 厌恶的;反对的;不乐意的

People who lived through the Great Depression were deeply averse to risk and were loath to buy stocks or keep too much money in one bank. 经历过大萧条的人非常厌恶风险,不愿意购买股票或将太多的钱存放在同一家银行。

shelter [ˈʃeltə(r)]

n. 掩蔽(处),庇护所

People were desperately seeking shelter from the gunfire. 人们拼命地找掩蔽处以躲避炮火。

complicate [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt]

v. 使复杂化,把…弄复杂

The expert also said the tunnels were small, which would further complicate the task of putting network infrastructure into them. 这位专家还表示隧道比较狭小,这会让在隧道里布置网络基础设施的任务变得更加复杂。

capital [ˈkæpɪtl]

n. 资本;大写字母;首都

The corporation has enough capital to build another factory. 这家公司有足够的资金来兴建另一家工厂。

curator [kjʊəˈreɪtə(r)]

n. 馆长;监护人

Sheena Wagstaff, chief curator at Tate Modern, said the work combined "an epic sense of scale with an exquisite level of craftsmanship". 泰特现代美术馆馆长希娜·瓦格斯塔夫表示,这件作品将“精湛的工艺水平与史诗般的规模”结合起来。

beneficial [ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl]

adj. 有益的,受益的

While these may be the desired consequences of rapid police response, actual research has not shown it to be quite so beneficial . 虽然这些可能是警察快速回应所渴望的结果,但目前调查还没有显示出它的有用性。

centigrade [ˈsentɪɡreɪd]

adj. 百分度的;摄氏温度的

On Monday, the temperature went down to 6 degrees centigrade below zero. 星期一温度降到了零下6度。

contingency [kənˈtɪndʒənsi]

n. 偶然,偶然事件

It's impossible to legislate for every contingency . 为所有偶发事件立法是不可能的。

completely [kəmˈpliːtli]

adv. 完整地;完全地

As a result of his incurable illness, Hawking can only speak through a voice synthesizer and is almost completely paralyzed. 由于身患无法治愈的疾病,霍金只能借助语音合成器讲话,而且几乎全身瘫痪。

congregate [ˈkɒŋɡrɪɡeɪt]

v. 聚集,集合

The crowds congregated in the square to hear the President speak. 成群的人聚集在广场上听总统演讲。

dexterous [ˈdekstrəs]

adj. (身手)灵巧的,敏捷的;机敏的,聪明的

As people grow older they generally become less dexterous . 随着年龄的增长,人们的身手通常不会像以前那样灵巧了。

caption [ˈkæpʃn]

v. 加标题;加说明 n. 标题;字幕;说明

The book is well written, properly illustrated and excellently captioned . 这本书写得很好,插图生动形象,说明文字简练精辟。

circumvent [ˌsɜːkəmˈvent]

v. 规避;围绕;智取

The game had a single inviolable rule: obstacles were to be overcome, not circumvented . 该比赛有一个规则不可违背:必须跳过而不能绕过障碍物。

complicated [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd]

adj. 复杂的;难解的

In an increasingly crowded and complicated world, biometrics may well be a technology whose time has come. 在这个越来越拥挤且令人费解的世界,生物测定学作为一项科技的时代已经来临。

curtain [ˈkɜːtn]

n. 窗帘;幕布

The curtain was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in. 窗帘被突然拉开,一道强光照了进来。

delete [dɪˈliːt]

v. 删除

The editor deleted the last paragraph from the article. 编辑删去了文章的最后一段话。

aurora [ɔːˈrɔːrə]

n. 极光;晨曦;曙光

Even for astronauts, this was a rare sight indeed: an aurora hovering over the southern Indian Ocean. 即使对宇航员而言,这也是一个罕见的景象:极光盘旋在南印度洋的上空。

personnel [ˌpɜːsəˈnel]

n. 人员;员工;人事部门

The company's main problem is the shortage of skilled personnel . 这家公司的主要问题是缺少有技术的人员。

cooperate [kəʊˈɒpəreɪt]

v. 合作,协作

The company is trying to create a fair atmosphere in which both males and females cooperate and compete on an equal footing. 这家公司正在努力创造一个让男女平等合作和竞争的良好环境。

chapel [ˈtʃæpl]

n. 小教堂;殡仪馆

The paintings in the chapel were perhaps a thousand years old. 小教堂里的这些画可能有1,000年的历史了。

crush [krʌʃ]

v. 压碎,粉碎

Aluminum cans are crushed before being recycled. 铝罐在回收利用前需要被压碎。

acknowledgement [əkˈnɒlɪdʒmənt]

n. 承认;感谢

A friendly nod or a wave of acknowledgement in response to an act of courtesy helps to create an atmosphere of goodwill and tolerance so necessary in modern traffic conditions. 对礼貌行为的友好点头或挥手表示感谢有助于创造带有善意的宽容氛围,这在现代交通条件下是非常必要的。

fertile [ˈfɜːtaɪl]

adj. 肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的

If we contrast the region with the Eastern region, the east is flatter and with fertile soils. 如果我们拿这个地区与东部地区相比,东部地区更加平坦,而且土地肥沃。

combustion [kəmˈbʌstʃən]

n. 燃烧;烧毁

The two principal combustion products are water vapor and carbon dioxide. 两种主要的燃烧产物是水蒸气和二氧化碳。

cafeteria [ˌkæfəˈtɪəriə]

n. 自助餐厅

In addition to a small cafeteria at the new centre, there are many meal choices. 这个新中心除了这家小咖啡馆以外,还有很多就餐选择。

coastal [ˈkəʊstl]

adj. 近海的,沿海的

San Sebastian is a coastal town that the best thing to do is to lay on the beach and wait for the next scrumptious meal. 圣塞巴斯蒂安是一个海滨城镇,在这里你要做的最好的事情就是躺在沙滩上,等待下一顿美味的大餐。

dilute [daɪˈluːt]

v. 冲淡,稀释 adj. 弱的;稀释的

The pub owner dilutes wine with water to earn more money. 酒吧老板为了挣更多的钱在酒里掺了水。

avenge [əˈvendʒ]

v. 报复,报仇

Hamlet planned to avenge his father upon the murderer. 哈姆雷特打算惩处凶手以报父仇。

commotion [kəˈməʊʃn]

n. 混乱;骚动;震动

The discovery caused a tremendous commotion in the scientific world. 那个发现在科学界引起极大的震动。

austere [ɒˈstɪə(r)]

adj. 严峻的;严厉的;简朴的

The room was austere , nearly barren of furniture or decoration. 房间非常简朴,几乎没有任何家具和装饰。

betray [bɪˈtreɪ]

v. 出卖,背叛;泄露;辜负

In failing to return the money he betrayed our trust. 他未能归还那笔钱,辜负了我们的信任。

admission [ədˈmɪʃn]

n. 准入;接纳;承认;入场费

She has the qualifications for admission to the college. 她具备进入该学院的条件。

compel [kəmˈpel]

v. 逼迫,迫使

Hunger and poverty often compel the poor to over exploit the resources on which their own livelihoods depend. 饥饿和贫困常常迫使穷人过度开采其赖以生存的资源。

commence [kəˈmens]

v. 开始;着手

The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon. 会议定于午间召开。

counterfeit [ˈkaʊntəfɪt]

n. 赝品,伪造品 adj. 伪造的,假冒的

This ten-dollar bill is a counterfeit . 这张10美元的钞票是假钞。

contact [ˈkɒntækt]

n. 接触;联系 v. 接触;取得联系

He tried in vain to get into contact with the local branch. 他试图与当地分部取得联络,但没有成功。

essentially [ɪˈsenʃəli]

adv. 根本上;大体上

It's been believed for centuries that great writers, composers, and scientists are essentially quite different from ordinary people. 几个世纪以来人们都认为伟大的作家、作曲家和科学家本质上与常人大不相同。

resource [rɪˈsɔːs]

n. 资源;机智

He said the government should take the opportunity to remove the long-existing energy and resource "development bottleneck". 他说政府应抓住机会消除长期存在的能源和资源“发展瓶颈”。

beverage [ˈbevərɪdʒ]

n. 饮料

The hotel is the closest to Sydney Airport and is designed to provide the best available accommodation, food and beverage and meeting facilities in Sydney's southern suburbs. 这是离悉尼机场最近的旅馆,旨在为悉尼南部市郊提供最好的住宿、食物、饮料和会议设施。

detection [dɪˈtekʃn]

n. 发现;侦破

Last year the detection rate for car theft was just 13%. 去年汽车盗窃案的侦破率仅为13%。

dart [dɑːt]

v. 飞奔;投掷 n. 标枪;镖

A bat can dart about in a room filled with crisscrossing wires without ever hitting one. 蝙蝠在一间布满交叉电线的房子里四处疾飞,竟然能够一下也不碰到电线。

adaptation [ˌædæpˈteɪʃn]

n. 改写;适应

He made a quick adaptation to the new environment. 他很快适应了新的环境。

deceive [dɪˈsiːv]

v. 欺骗,行骗

The old man warned the local population against being deceived by the mountain's outward calm, and forecast that an eruption would take place before the end of the century. 老人警告当地人不要被这座山外表的平静所迷惑,并预言世纪末将会有一次火山爆发。

cherish [ˈtʃerɪʃ]

v. 珍爱;怀抱

It is human nature to cherish hopes for a better world. 对更美好的世界抱有希望是人类的天性。

compress [kəmˈpres]

v. 压缩;镇压

He compresses a lifetime as a soldier into a few sentences. 他把一生的戎马生涯总结成几句话。

clement [ˈklemənt]

adj. 和蔼的;仁慈的;(天气)温和的

The land is fertile, the climate clement , water abundant. 这里土地肥沃,气候宜人,水源充足。

grant [ɡrɑːnt]

n. 拨款;补助金 v. 授予;同意;承认

The government has rescued the firm from bankruptcy by giving them a grant . 政府拨款给这家公司使其免于破产。

courier [ˈkʊriə(r)]

n. 信使;快递员;快递公司

The cheques were delivered to the bank by a private courier firm. 支票由私人快递公司送到了银行。

destitute [ˈdestɪtjuːt]

adj. 穷困的;缺乏的

When he died, his family was left destitute . 他死后,家里一贫如洗。

bewilder [bɪˈwɪldə(r)]

v. 迷惑;不知所措

I am totally bewildered by the clues to this crossword puzzle. 我被拼字游戏的提示完全弄迷糊了。

distribute [dɪˈstrɪbjuːt]

v. 分发;分配

The port function of the city draws to it raw materials and distributes them in many other forms. 城市的港口功能吸引来原材料并以诸多其他形式分发到各地。

deviate [ˈdiːvieɪt]

v. 背离,偏离

The plane deviated from its usual route. 飞机偏离了正常航线。

defiance [dɪˈfaɪəns]

n. 挑战;蔑视;挑衅

Many people were drinking in the streets, in flagrant defiance of the ban. 许多人在大街上喝酒,公然藐视该禁令。

deflate [dɪˈfleɪt]

v. 放气;使缩小;使泄气

The government decided to deflate when the economic crisis came. 经济危机来临时政府决定实行通货紧缩政策。

deign [deɪn]

v. 屈尊,降低身份

Now that she's jumped to one of the most famous vocalists, she doesn't deign to visit her former friends. 她一跃成为最著名的歌唱演员之一,便再也不愿屈尊去看望从前的朋友了。

promising [ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ]

adj. 有希望的;有前途的

Jonathan is one of our most promising employees. 乔纳森是我们当中最有前途的员工之一。

barbarous [ˈbɑːbərəs]

adj. 野蛮的,粗野的;残忍的

It's likely to be the most barbarous war that we have ever known. 这大概是我们所知道的最残忍的一场战争。

commemorate [kəˈmeməreɪt]

v. 纪念,怀念

A public holiday is used to commemorate the founding of the nation. 该国用一个公共假日来纪念国家的成立。

calamity [kəˈlæməti]

n. 灾难,不幸事

War is a frightful calamity . 战争是一场可怕的灾难。

conditional [kənˈdɪʃənl]

adj. 有条件的;引起条件反应的

He got a conditional offer from that university. 他得到了那所大学的有条件的录取通知书。

inspiration [ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn]

n. 灵感;鼓舞

Hypotheses arise by guesswork, or by inspiration , but having been formulated they can and must be tested rigorously, using the appropriate methodology. 假说来源于推测或灵感,但被系统地阐述之后,这些假说能够而且必须用恰当的方法进行严格检验。

partial [ˈpɑːʃl]

adj. 部分的;局部的;偏袒的

It was only a partial solution to the problem. 那只是这个问题的部分解决方法。

captive [ˈkæptɪv]

n. 俘虏 adj. 被俘的;被迷住的

They were taken captive by masked gunmen. 他们被戴面具的持枪人挟持了。

helicopter [ˈhelɪkɒptə(r)]

n. 直升机

A helicopter , however, is not your average aero plane, and the usual laws of aerodynamics do not necessarily apply in all cases. 然而,直升机并非普通的飞机,常规的空气动力学原理不一定在所有情况下都适用。

endorse [ɪnˈdɔːs]

v. 背书;签署(姓名);赞同,认可

The committee endorsed an initiative by the chairman to enter discussion about a possible merger. 委员会通过了主席提出的新方案,开始就可能进行的并购进行讨论。

facsimile [fækˈsɪməli]

n. 摹本,拓本,复制本;传真

His painting was an almost perfect facsimile of the original. 他的绘画简直像是原作的翻版。

freight [freɪt]

v. 装货;运送 n. 货物;货运

You can freight your belongings by air or sea. 你可把东西经空运或海运运出。

frugal [ˈfruːɡl]

adj. 节俭的,省钱的

They lived a very frugal existence, avoiding all luxuries. 他们生活非常节俭,力避奢侈。

offspring [ˈɒfsprɪŋ]

n. 儿女,子孙,后代

With one right and one left-handed parent, 15 to 20 percent of the offspring will be left-handed. 父母中如果一个人惯用右手,另一个人惯用左手,那么他们的子女将有15%到20%的几率惯用左手。

nutritional [njuˈtrɪʃənl]

adj. 营养的

The lifestyle medicine specialty is designed to train doctors in how to prevent and treat disease, in part, by changing patients' nutritional habits. 研究生活方式的医学专业旨在通过改变病人的饮食习惯来训练医生如何预防和治疗疾病。

dissent [dɪˈsent]

v. 持异议,不同意 n. 异议

I dissent altogether from such an unwise idea. 我对这种不明智的意见全然持异议。

period [ˈpɪəriəd]

n. 时期;一段时间;课时 adj. 具有某个时代特征的

After a six-month probationary period , her position was confirmed. 经过六个月的试用期后,她获准正式担任该职。

consult [kənˈsʌlt]

v. 商量;请教;咨询

Please consult with your physician before beginning this or any other exercise programme. 在开始这种或其他任何锻炼项目之前,请向你的医师咨询。

prepare [prɪˈpeə(r)]

v. 做好准备;预备

The programme aims to educate and prepare students for a challenging career. 这个项目旨在教育学生使其为一个具有挑战性的职业做好准备。

concrete [ˈkɒŋkriːt]

n. 混凝土 adj. 具体的;有形的

The advantages of concrete include low capital cost and durability. 混凝土的优点包括资本费用低廉、经久耐用。

distinction [dɪˈstɪŋkʃn]

n. 区别,差别;特征;荣誉

The traditional distinction between the old and new media is no longer adequate for understanding the world. 新旧媒体的传统区别已经不足以充分理解这个世界。

occasionally [əˈkeɪʒnəli]

adv. 偶然,偶尔

Occasionally air-conditioning units failed, and it was then that fatalities occurred. 偶尔空调机组会出现故障,往往就在此时会发生死亡事故。

fervent [ˈfɜːvənt]

adj. 热烈的;强烈的;热情的

It was a debate which aroused fervent ethical arguments. 那是一场引发强烈伦理道德争论的辩论。

extol [ɪkˈstəʊl]

v. 赞美,颂扬

The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory. 这位将军被誉为领导全国赢得胜利的人。

inevitably [ɪnˈevɪtəbli]

adv. 不可避免地

The smallest groups have too few animals to be viable, and will inevitably die out. 最小的群落中的动物少到无法生存下去,它们势必会灭绝。

foresight [ˈfɔːsaɪt]

n. 远见;深谋远虑

The foresight and coverage shown by the inventor of this apparatus are impressing. 这种装置的发明者所表现的远见和渊博学识给人很深的印象。

intrinsic [ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk]

adj. 固有的;内在的;本质的;自身的

For most of history, the value of a coin depended on its intrinsic value on the weight and purity of the metal from which it is made. 在硬币的发展历史上,硬币的价值往往取决于其自身的金属用料的重量及纯度。

spontaneous [spɒnˈteɪniəs]

adj. 自发的;自然产生的

My spontaneous reaction was to run away. 我自然的反应就是逃走。

academy [əˈkædəmi]

n. 研究院;学会

The academy is far more inclusive now than it used to be. 该学会的包容性比过去强了很多。

gasoline [ˈɡæsəliːn]

n. 汽油

Deflation fears might have receded but were replaced by a spike in food and gasoline priced that has also undermined domestic growth. 对于通货紧缩的担忧可能已经减弱了,但取而代之的是食品和汽油价格的上涨,这同样削弱了国内经济增长。

extent [ɪkˈstent]

n. 程度;范围

Prices have changed to a considerable extent since last year. 自去年以来,价格有了相当大程度的变动。

franchise [ˈfræntʃaɪz]

v. 授予特许经销权(或经营权) n. 特别经营权;特许;公民权

The corporation that owns the spa is hoping to franchise this treatment nationally. 这家拥有健康美容中心的公司希望得到全国的特许经营权。

dormitory [ˈdɔːmətri]

n. 集体宿舍

He soon gets accustomed to dormitory life and makes two or three friends. 他不久就逐渐习惯了宿舍的生活并交了两三个朋友。

expansion [ɪkˈspænʃn]

n. 膨胀;扩展;扩张

The time has come for the firm to consolidate after several years of rapid expansion. 公司经过几年的快速扩张之后,现在是该巩固的时候了。

vegetarian [ˌvedʒəˈteəriən]

n. 素食者 adj. 素食的

A vegetarian gets protein not from meat but from its analogues. 素食者所摄取的蛋白质不是来自肉类而是来自近似肉类的食物。

frown [fraʊn]

v. 皱眉,蹙额;反对

She looked up with a puzzled frown on her face. 她抬头望着,满脸困惑,双眉紧锁。

drift [drɪft]

v. 漂流,漂移 n. 漂流,漂移;趋势;大意;要旨

The idea that continents broke and drifted apart is known as the hypothesis of continental drift. 认为大陆曾经分裂并漂移的想法称作大陆漂移假说。

fleeting [ˈfliːtɪŋ]

adj. 短暂的;飞逝的

The girls caught only a fleeting glimpse of the driver. 女孩们只匆匆瞥了一眼司机。

exotic [ɪɡˈzɒtɪk]

adj. 异国情调的;外来的;奇异的

More recently, the city has become an exotic destination for adventure-seeking tourists to take photographs. 最近,这座城市已成为一个有异域情调的目的地,许多寻求冒险的游客来此拍照。

appropriately [əˈprəʊpriətli]

adv. 适当地,恰当地

If universities spent as much money on handling complaints and appeals appropriately as they spend on marketing, they would do better at keeping students. 如果大学在处理投诉和上诉上的花费和在市场营销上的花费一样多,它们在留住学生方面就会做得更好。

dynamics [daɪˈnæmɪks]

n. 力学,动力学;动态;原动力

The greatest challenge for all economists is to understand the dynamics of the financial-economic nexus. 所有经济学家面临的最大挑战是了解金融与经济之间的动态关系。

frustrate [frʌˈstreɪt]

v. 挫败;阻挠;感到灰心

He had hoped to set a new world record, but was frustrated by bad weather. 他本来希望创造一个新的世界纪录,但恶劣的天气阻挠了这一愿望的实现。

damp [dæmp]

adj. 潮湿的 n. 湿气 v. 使潮湿;抑制

The wood must not get damp as rot can quickly result. 木头不能受潮,否则很快就会烂掉。

furnish [ˈfɜːnɪʃ]

v. 供应,提供;布置,装修

When the plants lose grid power, emergency on-site generation is supposed to furnish backup power. 当电厂失去电网电力时,现场紧急发电应该自动运行,提供备用电力。

exquisite [ɪkˈskwɪzɪt]

adj. 精致的;细腻的;敏锐的

It seems to the manager that what is called for is an exquisite balance between two conflicting needs. 对于这个经理而言,所需要的是在两个互相矛盾的需求间寻求巧妙的平衡。

gallery [ˈɡæləri]

n. 美术陈列室;画廊;图库

The gallery possesses a number of the artist's early works. 这座画廊藏有那位画家的一些早期作品。

fossil [ˈfɒsl]

n. 化石 adj. 化石的;陈腐的;守旧的

But the nuclear industry needs to do more than build a few plants a year to be a true low-carbon alternative to fossil fuels. 但是,要想成为真正低碳的化石能源替代品,核能行业要做的不只是一年中建造几座核电站而已。

endorsement [ɪnˈdɔːsmənt]

n. 背书;签注(文件);认可

Such a subversive notion has recently received the endorsement of senior figures at the Bank of England. 这种颠覆性的概念最近受到了英格兰银行高层人物的认可。

assignment [əˈsaɪnmənt]

n. 分配;委派;任务

He is the best man who can finish the assignment . 他是能完成这项任务的最佳人选。

supervise [ˈsuːpəvaɪz]

v. 监督;管理;指导

The administrative departments of education shall guide and supervise the assessment work for teachers. 教育行政部门应对教师的考核工作进行指导和监督。

strain [streɪn]

n. 焦虑;紧张;负担 v. 拉紧;拉伤;

Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present. 目前,与邻国的关系正处于紧张状态。

grain [ɡreɪn]

n. 谷物,谷类

Therefore, it is important that they be fed enough food, such as grain , every day. 因此,让他们每日摄入足够的食物是非常重要的,比如谷物。

dispatch [dɪˈspætʃ]

v. 分派,派遣 n. 急件;派遣

Goods are dispatched within 24 hours of your order reaching us. 订单到达我方24小时内发货。

academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk]

adj. 学术的

Professor Watson is leaving the academic world to take a job in industry. 沃森教授将要离开学术界到工业界去工作。

dreadful [ˈdredfl]

adj. 可怕的;讨厌的

The girl shuddered at the thought of the dreadful possibilities. 一想到可能发生的可怕的事情,小姑娘就不寒而栗。

explanation [ˌekspləˈneɪʃn]

n. 解释,说明

She didn't give an adequate explanation for being late. 她没有给出充分的理由说明迟到的原因。

eternal [ɪˈtɜːnl]

adj. 永恒的,永远的,不灭的

She felt eternal gratitude to him for saving her life. 他救了她一命,她对他感激不尽。

eminent [ˈemɪnənt]

adj. 显赫的;杰出的;有名的

One of the most eminent of psychologists, Clark Hull, claimed that the essence of reasoning lies in the putting together of two "behaviour segments" in some novel way. 克拉克·赫尔是最杰出的心理学家之一,他声称推理的精妙之处在于用某种新颖的方式把两种“行为片段”组合在一起。

disseminate [dɪˈsemɪneɪt]

v. 散布,传播

They use the press to disseminate right-wing views. 他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点。

element [ˈelɪmənt]

n. 要素;元素;成分;自然环境

This report emphasises that cancer is not caused by a single element in cigarette smoke; harmful effects to health are caused by many components. 这份报告强调,癌症不是由香烟中的一种成分引起的;对健康的有害影响是由很多元素造成的。

anxiety [æŋˈzaɪəti]

n. 焦虑;忧虑;渴望

The parental role is central to the stress-related anxiety reported by employed mothers, and a major contributor to such stress is their taking a greater role in child care. 据有工作的母亲称,父母的角色主要与有压力的焦虑相关,造成这种压力的最大原因是他们要担任照料儿童这个更重要的角色。

scent [sent]

n. 气味;香味;线索;嗅觉

The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers. 空气中弥漫着野花的芬芳。

explore [ɪkˈsplɔː(r)]

v. 勘察;考察;探寻

Market team and product team work together to explore the market possibility for the new product. 市场团队和产品团队合作考察新产品的市场前景。

prompt [prɒmpt]

v. 提示;鼓动;促使 n. 提示;鼓励

Japan's recession has prompted consumers to cut back on buying cars. 日本的经济不景气促使消费者减少了用于购买车辆的开支。

excess [ɪkˈses] & [ˈekses]

n. 过度;超过,过量 adj. 过量的

An excess of fat in one's diet can lead to heart disease. 饮食中脂肪过量会导致心脏病。

expectancy [ɪkˈspektənsi]

n. 期待,期望

According to the census projections, female life expectancy will increase from 77.3 years in 2010 to 80.8 in the year 2020. 根据人口普查预测,女性预期寿命将从2010年的77.3岁增加到2020年的80.8岁。

ephemeral [ɪˈfemərəl]

adj. 短暂的;短命的

Such novels came forward to enjoy ephemeral popularity only. 这样的小说的流行只是昙花一现。

equivalent [ɪˈkwɪvələnt]

n. 等价物;对等的人 adj. 等同的;等效的

With phosphorus costing the equivalent of several hundred pounds per ounce, the first matches were expensive. 每盎司磷的花费相当于几百英镑,因此最初的火柴是昂贵的。

duration [djuˈreɪʃn]

n. 持续时间;持久

Courses of longer duration require a student permit. 持续时间较长的课程需要征得学习签证。

minimal [ˈmɪnɪməl]

adj. 最小的;最小限度的

Despite widespread concerns, studies have found minimal interference with medical equipment. 尽管人们都很担心,但是研究发现(手机)对医疗器械的干扰非常小。

distinct [dɪˈstɪŋkt]

adj. 截然不同的,独特的;清楚的

Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other. 这两种观点截然不同。

perceive [pəˈsiːv]

v. 理解;察觉

Our noses are able to recognise thousands of smells, and to perceive odours which are present only in extremely small quantities. 我们的鼻子能够识别成千上万种气味,也可以感知那些极其微量的气味。

dissolve [dɪˈzɒlv]

v. 溶解;融化;分解

It allowed the Earth to dissolve harmful gases, which had become part of the Earth's atmosphere, into the oceans and seas. 它使地球把曾经存在于大气层中的有害气体溶解到海洋里。

intelligence [ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns]

n. 智力;聪明;智能

In addition to gene, intelligence also depends on an adequate diet, a good education and a decent home environment. 除了遗传基因外,智力水平还取决于均衡的营养、良好的教育和体面的家庭环境。

epic [ˈepɪk]

n. 史诗;伟大事迹 adj. 雄浑的;大规模的

In Scandinavia, the Swedish cinema had a brief period of glory, notably with powerful epic films and comedies. 在斯堪的纳维亚半岛,瑞典电影有过短暂的繁荣,其中以壮观的史诗电影和喜剧为代表。

formidable [fəˈmɪdəbl]

adj. 难对付的;艰难的

To protect it, the new coastline is being bolstered with a formidable twelve kilometres of sea defences. 为了保护它,新的海岸线增设了12公里牢固的海障。

forsake [fəˈseɪk]

v. 放弃,抛弃;背弃;离开;遗弃

He had made it clear to his wife that he would never forsake her. 他明确地向他的妻子表示,他将永远对她不离不弃。

script [skrɪpt]

n. 手稿;手迹;剧本

He read the announcement from a prepared script . 他根据准备好的讲稿宣读了这项公告。

feed [fiːd]

v. 喂养,饲养

The student cafeteria feeds two thousand people a day. 学生食堂每天要为两千人供应饭菜。

evade [ɪˈveɪd]

v. 规避;逃避,躲避

She is trying to evade all responsibility for her behaviour. 她在试图逃避应为自己的行为承担的所有责任。

calculation [ˌkælkjuˈleɪʃn]

n. 计算;考虑

During the course of serious scientific study, every care is taken to ensure that statistical calculations are accurate. 在严肃的科学研究中,需要一丝不苟来确保统计计算的精确无误。

phase [feɪz]

v. 逐步执行 n. 阶段,时期;方面

Several European states are slowing down plans to phase out nuclear power. 一些欧洲国家正在放慢逐步淘汰核电的计划。

efficient [ɪˈfɪʃnt]

adj. 有效率的;有效的

The technique became more efficient after the discovery of iron, about 5,000 years ago. 大约5,000年前,铁的发现使得这项技术变得更有效。

disfigure [dɪsˈfɪɡə(r)]

v. 使变丑;损毁(外貌等)

This landscape is disfigured by a power station. 风景被发电厂破坏了。

embarrass [ɪmˈbærəs]

v. 使尴尬;妨碍

The speech was deliberately designed to embarrass the prime minister.这个发言是故意为难首相。

essence [ˈesns]

n. 基本;本质;精华

One of the secrets of great writing is the ability to edit and hone a message down to its true essence . 写出好作品的秘密之一就是要有编辑并磨砺使之表达出本质的能力。

diversion [daɪˈvɜːʃn]

n. 转移,转换;注意力分散;临时绕行

One of the gang created a diversion in the street while the others robbed the bank. 一拨抢匪去抢劫银行,同时另一拨歹徒在街上分散注意力。

fragment [ˈfræɡmənt]

n. 碎片,断片;片段

Police found fragments of glass near the scene. 警方在现场附近发现了玻璃碎片。

viable [ˈvaɪəbl]

adj. 切实可行的;能存活的

In the late 1700s James Watt designed an efficient and commercially viable steam engine that was soon applied to a variety of industrial uses as it became cheaper to use. 18世纪晚期,詹姆斯·瓦特设计了一种高效的、商业上可行的蒸汽机,随着它的使用成本越来越低,它很快被应用于各种工业用途。

cooperation [kəʊˌɒpəˈreɪʃn]

n. 协作;协助

Without cooperation , a person is unable to succeed, especially in this increasingly interdependent society. 没有合作,一个人是不可能成功的,特别是在这个日益相互依存的社会中。

strengthen [ˈstreŋθn]

v. 加强;增强;巩固

To understand how expressing gratitude helps strengthen relationships, the researchers conducted three different studies. 为了搞清楚表达感谢如何促进人际关系这一问题,研究人员为此开展了三项不同的研究。

circular [ˈsɜːkjələ(r)]

adj. 环形的;循环的

The work interposes a glass plate between two large circular mirrors. 该艺术品在两面圆形大镜子中间插入一块玻璃板。

enormous [ɪˈnɔːməs]

adj. 巨大的,庞大的

The project implies an enormous investment in training. 这个项目需要在培训方面做巨大的投资。

flush [flʌʃ]

v. (脸)发红;奔涌,奔流 n. 激动;脸红

He shows a flush of enthusiasm to the new idea. 他对这个新想法满腔热情。

curriculum [kəˈrɪkjələm]

n. 全部课程

Media studies are now part of the national curriculum , and more and more students are clamouring to take this course. 媒体研究现在成了全国性课程的一部分,越来越多的学生争先恐后地选这门课。

inhibit [ɪnˈhɪbɪt]

v. 阻止;抑制;约束

Shyness inhibited him from speaking. 羞怯的性格妨碍他讲话。

excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv]

adj. 过多的;过分的;过度的

The quality of urban living has been damaged by excessive noise levels. 城市生活质量已被过度的噪音所破坏。

neutral [ˈnjuːtrəl]

n. 中立者 adj. 中立的;中性的

Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral . 新闻工作者在政治上应持中立态度。

fatal [ˈfeɪtl]

adj. 致命的

In recent times, scientific research has been providing evidence that years of cigarette smoking vastly increases the risk of developing fatal medical conditions. 最近,科学研究提供的证据表明,常年吸烟极大增加了引发致命疾病的风险。

engrave [ɪnˈɡreɪv]

v. 雕刻;使铭记;铭刻

Their names are engraved on a stone tablet. 他们的名字被镌刻在石碑上。

execute [ˈeksɪkjuːt]

v. 执行,实行,实施

The painting had been executed with meticulous attention to detail. 画这幅画的时候,画家非常注意细节。

farewell [ˌfeəˈwel]

n. 再见,告别 adj. 告别的

The president gave the Prince and his attendants a farewell banquet. 总统为王子和他的随员举行了告别宴会。

frame [freɪm]

n. 帧;画面;框架

They have been made possible by the development of light steel frames and safe passenger lifts. 它们是由轻便的铁框架和安全的乘客电梯的发展促成的。

questionnaire [ˌkwestʃəˈneə(r)]

n. 调查表,问卷

They had 34 volunteers answer a questionnaire assessing how much they liked novelty. 他们要求34名志愿者回答问卷上的问题,对他们喜欢新鲜刺激的程度进行评估。

enclosure [ɪnˈkləʊʒə(r)]

n. 围住;围栏;圈围

The enclosure of public land meant that ordinary people couldn't use it. 公共土地的圈围意味着普通人将不能使用它。 zZgsnc2ukwzU4plnSGoNCTCdU3ZyLpqbDnGqhBJMnNCFezZTCtq1nKi0804T5K0M
