
Lesson 5




1. What are the characteristics of American culture?

(A) mental abilities (B) moral nature (C) distinguishing features

2. Footnotes sometimes explain a word or an idea, but more often they merely cite the source of authority for what the author says.

(A) correct (B) expand on (C) refer to

3. In the United States there are numerous federal, state, and local pro-grammes aimed at combating air pollution.

(A) fighting (B) limiting (C) prohibiting

4. A goose hisses when it charges its adversaries.

(A) comes across (B) attacks (C) communicates with

5. William McKinley quickly became known as a champion of high tariffs.

(A) a foe (B) a nullifier (C) an advocate


ceremony [ˈserəməni]

n. 典礼,仪式;礼节 ritual〉

The wedding ceremony took place in a garden. 婚礼仪式在一座花园里举行。

challenge [ˈtʃælɪndʒ]

n. 挑战 competition〉

Finishing the 26-mile race was a challenge for most of the participants. 完成26英里的比赛,对于大多数参赛者而言都是一个挑战。

vt. 向…挑战

The homework assignment challenged Bill. 家庭作业对比尔来说是个挑战。

chamber [ˈtʃeɪmbə(r)]

n. 室;房间;(动植物体内的) 腔,室 cell〉

The human heart has four chambers . 人的心脏有四个心腔。

chamber music 室内乐

champion [ˈtʃæmpiən]

n. 冠军;拥护者 winner; advocate〉

Do you think he will be the new champion after the contest? 你认为这场比赛结束后,他会成为新的冠军吗?

vt. 支持;拥护 stand up for〉

Martin Luther King Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize because he championed the oppressed in their struggle for equality. 马丁·路德·金能获得诺贝尔和平奖,是因为他支持被压迫者争取平等待遇。

championship n. 锦标赛

chaos [ˈkeɪɒs]

n. 混乱 disorder〉

There was complete chaos when the world champions arrived at the airport. 当世界冠军抵达机场时,现场一片混乱。

chaotic adj. 混乱的

characteristic [ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk]

adj. 典型的;独特的,特有的 typical〉

Warm sunny days are the characteristic weather of the summer months here. 温暖的晴天是这里夏季的特有天气。

n. 特征,特性 property, attribute〉

Heavy snow is a characteristic of winter around here. 下大雪是这里冬季的特点之一。

character (特征) +istic→特有的

characterise [ˈkærəktəraɪz]

vt. 表现…的特色;刻画的…性格 distinguish〉

Dreaming is a distinct and necessary part of sleeping, usually characterised by the occurrence of rapid eye movement. 做梦是睡眠的一个独特而必要的部分,通常的特征是出现快速眼动。

charge [tʃɑːdʒ]

n. ① 主管,负责 control〉

After the sudden death of the sheriff, the deputy took charge . 郡长突然去世之后,由副郡长主持工作。

② 费用 cost〉

The charge to repair your shoes is ten dollars. 你这双鞋的修理费是十美元。

v. 进攻 attack〉

The dog charged the intruder and bit him. 狗冲向入侵者并咬了他。

charity [ˈtʃærəti]

n. 慈善 (事业、机构)

Charity ’s goal is to help people in difficulty. 慈善机构的目的是帮助有困难的人。

分割联想:char (音似“茶”) +ity→请穷人喝茶→施舍→慈善

charitarian n. 慈善家;charitable adj. 仁慈的

charm [tʃɑːm]

n. 吸引力,(人的) 魅力

I used all of my charm to impress Bill. 我用我所有的魅力来打动比尔。

自我检测 从第一部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

6. The sparsely furnished ______ has only a bed and a dresser.

7. They donate large sums to the ______.

8. There was ______ in the crowded theatre after the fire alarm went off.

9. It was a ______ to convince Dave to take a vacation.

10. Our headmaster gave a speech at the opening ______.

11. I would ______ him as a diligent professional.


charter [ˈtʃɑːtə(r)]

vt. 包租;特许 licence〉

The University of Georgia, chartered in 1785, was the first state-supported university in the United States. 1785年获得特许成立的佐治亚大学,是美国第一所由州政府扶持的大学。

n. 宪章;章程

The Charter of the United Nation’s states its activities and powers. 《联合国宪章》明确了其职能与权力。

chase [tʃeɪs]

v. 追逐 run after〉

That dog chased the cat for nearly half a mile. 那条狗追了这只猫将近半英里。

chat [tʃæt]

vi. 闲谈 talk〉

Dave chatted on the telephone all evening. 戴维一晚上都在打电话聊天。

cheer [tʃɪə(r)]

n. 欢呼 applause〉

The crowd gave a cheer when the team scored. 当球队进球的时候,人群发出了欢呼声。

cheerful adj. 愉快的,高兴的

chew [tʃuː]

vt. 咀嚼

It was difficult to chew the tough meat. 这肉太老,很难嚼。

chiefly [ˈtʃiːfli]

adv. 主要地,首要地 mainly〉

The decision is chiefly up to the president to make. 决定主要取决于总裁。

chill [tʃɪl]

v. 使冷;变冷,冷却 cool〉

The January winds chill everybody. 一月的风让所有人都感到寒冷。

n. 寒意;寒战 coldness〉

The chill in the desert at night can be very bad. 沙漠晚上的寒冷会非常难熬。

chilly adj. 寒冷的

chip [tʃɪp]

n. 碎片;芯片

I stepped on a chip of stone and bruised my heel. 我踩到了一块碎石,结果擦伤了脚后跟。

choke [tʃəʊk]

vt. 使窒息 asphyxiate〉

The smoke almost choked the baby. 烟差点让那个婴儿窒息。

chop [tʃɒp]

vt. cut〉

Anne chopped the wood with an axe. 安妮用斧子砍木头。

自我检测 从第二部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

12. The rain has ______ me to the bone.

13. The dog seems to enjoy ______ rabbits more than catching them.

14. Anne laughed so hard at the joke that she ______.

15. The house is made ______ of wood products.

16. Bob often ______ on the telephone in the morning.

17. The old man must ______ his food well before he swallows it.


circulate [ˈsɜːkjəleɪt]

v. 循环;传播 circle〉

In times of prosperity money circulates quickly, but during a depression it circulates slowly. 货币在繁荣时期流通得很快,而在萧条时期则流通得很慢。

circulation n. 循环;流通;circulation desk 图书借还台

circumference [səˈkʌmfərəns]

n. 圆周;周长 perimeter〉

The highway was built on the circumference of the city. 高速公路绕这座城市而建。

circum (环绕) +fer (运载) +ence (名词后缀)→圆周;周长

circumstance [ˈsɜːkəmstəns]

n. 环境;情况 situation〉

We need to know the exact circumstances surrounding the accident. 我们需要知道事故发生地周围的具体情况。

cite [saɪt]

vt. 引用;举例 refer to〉

The boss cited Bill’s excessive absences when he fired him. 老板在解聘比尔的时候,提到了他多次缺勤的事。

clarify [ˈklærəfaɪ]

vt. 澄清,阐明 illuminate〉

The explanation clarifies the details of the plan. 解释阐明了计划的细节。

clar (清楚) +ify→澄清

clarification n. 澄清;净化

classical [ˈklæsɪkl]

adj. 古典的;传统的

We are rapidly nearing the end of this course on the history of classical music. 我们很快就要结束古典音乐史这门课程了。

classicism n. 古典主义;古典风格

classify [ˈklæsɪfaɪ]

vt. 把…分类,分等级 categorise〉

Scientists had never seen that kind of insect before and they did not know what to classify it under. 科学家之前从未见过那种昆虫,所以他们不知道该将其归入哪一个种类。

classification n. 分类,分级

clause [klɔːz]

n. 从句;条款

The sentence had too many clauses in it. 这个句子里面有太多从句。

clue [kluː]

n. 线索 hint〉

Police are searching the area for clues to the murder. 警方正在调查这个区域,寻找与凶杀案有关的线索。

clumsy [ˈklʌmzi]

adj. 笨拙的;愚笨的 awkward〉

People laughed at the clumsy elephant at the zoo. 动物园里笨拙的大象引得人们大笑。

参考动词clump (用沉重的脚步行走)→(行动)笨拙的

自我检测 从第三部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

18. In his report, the scientist ______ the work of other researchers.

19. The news of the President’s visit ______ quickly throughout the city.

20. Eagles have such long, broad wings and tails that they look ______ when they are on the ground.

21. Bill likes all kinds of ______ music, especially symphonies.

22. The ______ of his youth could not exonerate the thief.

23. A ______ can be introduced with “that” or “which”.


coach [kəʊtʃ]

v. 训练,指导 train〉

Anne coached Mary on her public speaking skills. 安妮对玛丽的公共演讲技巧进行指导。

coarse [kɔːs]

adj. 粗糙的 rough〉

The sand was so coarse that it was quite painful to walk on. 这些沙子太粗糙了,走在上面脚很疼。

code [kəʊd]

n. 代码;密码

The spy sent his message in a secret code . 间谍用密码发送消息。

codify vt. 把 (法律、法规) 编成法典;编纂

coil [kɔɪl]

n. (一) 卷;线圈 ring〉

A transformer is composed of two coils of wire placed together without wires actually in contact. 变压器包括两个安装在一起的线圈,但电线之间实际上并未连接。

vt. 盘绕;卷 twist〉

The snake coils itself around the tree. 蛇缠绕在树上。

coin [kɔɪn]

n. 硬币 nickel〉

Bill’s pocket was full of coins . 比尔的口袋里装满了硬币。

vt. 创造 (一个新的词或短语) create〉

The advertising company coined a new word to name the new product. 这家广告公司创造出一个新词来为新产品命名。

coinage n. 造币;货币制度

collapse [kəˈlæps]

n. 倒塌;崩溃,失败 breakdown, failure〉

The collapse of the stock market in 1929 signaled the beginning of the Depression. 1929年股市崩盘,标志着经济大萧条的开始。

col (共同) +lapse (滑倒)→全部滑倒→倒塌

collision [kəˈlɪʒn]

n. 碰撞;冲突,抵触 crash〉

There has been a collision involving a number of cars on the main road into town. 在进城的主路上,有多辆汽车发生了碰撞。

colony [ˈkɒləni]

n. ① 殖民地

Australia and New Zealand are former British colonies . 澳大利亚和新西兰曾是英国的殖民地。

② 群体 group〉

A colony of ants lives under our driveway. 一群蚂蚁住在我们的私家车道下面。

colonial adj. 殖民的,殖民地的;colonise vt. 使殖民化;colonialist n. 殖民者

combat [ˈkɒmbæt]

n. 战斗;格斗 fight〉

There was fierce combat between the two sides. 双方爆发了激烈的冲突。

combine [kəmˈbaɪn]

v. 联合;结合 unite〉

Mary’s and Bob’s businesses combined to form a new company. 玛丽的公司与鲍勃的公司合并成了一家新公司。

combination n. 结合;混合

自我检测 从第四部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

24. Sandpaper (砂纸) is an extremely ______ material.

25. The soldiers were trained for ______.

26. The woman’s bracelet ______ around her wrist.

27. Heavy rainfall caused the ______ of the roof.

28. Both of the drivers were injured in the ______.

29. Flamingos (火烈鸟) live in ______, some of which have thousands of members.


Exercise 1 找出与句子中画线单词意义最相近的词。

30. Both of the drivers were injured in the collision .

(A) hindrance (B) cry (C) crash

31. Janet’s job as an assistant at the Harvard University observatory was to classify stars according to their spectra.

(A) locate (B) photograph (C) categorise

32. In aerospace programmes, helium (氦) is used to chill rocket engines prior to the launch.

(A) cool (B) fuel (C) test

33. Ballet is theatrical entertainment that combines the arts of dancing, stage design, and music.

(A) replaces (B) promotes (C) blends

Exercise 2 从第二栏中选出第一栏各词的同义词。

Exercise 3 从下列单词中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

collapse circulate challenge clue characteristic chip chaos clarify charge cheer

44. Bill has the ______ symptoms of the flu.

45. An earthquake hastened the ultimate ______ of the ancient house.

46. I listened to the sermon with keen interest, for it ______ passages in the Bible that I had never understood.

47. A fan may ______ the air in summer, but it doesn’t cool it.

48. Janet discovered that trying to become a doctor was quite a ______.

49. ______ broke out in the building when the fire alarm went off.

50. The store ______ forty dollars for this shirt.

51. The police could not find any fingerprints or other ______ to help them solve the robbery.

52. The audience gave a ______ when she won the award.

53. They used ______ of wood to light a fire.

1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. chamber 7. charity 8. chaos 9. challenge 10. ceremony 11. characterise 12. chilled 13. chasing 14. choked 15. chiefly 16. chats 17. chew 18. cited 19. circulated 20. clumsy 21. classical 22. circumstances 23. clause 24. coarse 25. combat 26. coiled 27. collapse 28. collision 29. colonies 30. C 31. C 32. A 33. C 34. G 35. C 36. J 37. E 38. A 39. I 40. B 41. H 42. F 43. D 44. characteristic 45. collapse 46. clarified 47. circulate 48. challenge 49. Chaos 50. charged 51. clues 52. cheer 53. chips 13G33DpwxD9tpj9kglFf/SPtHZFrNuuXrs4Q0uH2T9m2F2hpwQbxQVmdEjmLq+dR
