
Lesson 4




1. It is now common for physically disabled individuals to receive the bulk of their education in regular school programmes.

(A) majority (B) assignments (C) texts

2. Mary boasted that she would succeed where others had failed.

(A) threatened (B) warned (C) bragged

3. Laser beams can be used to bore metals and other hard materials.

(A) trim (B) melt (C) drill

4. Algae (藻类) vary in their capacity to tolerate salinity changes.

(A) desire (B) ability (C) effort

5. They breed longhorns (长角牛) on the meadow.

(A) chase (B) raise (C) trap


blank [blæŋk]

n./adj. 空白 (的) ,无字迹 (的)

Please sign your name in the blank at the bottom of the page. 请在这一页底部的空白处签上您的名字。


blast [blɑːst]

vt. 爆破,爆炸 explode〉

They had to blast a tunnel through the mountain. 他们得炸出一条穿山隧道。

n. 一阵 (风、气流或噪声) gust〉

A blast of cold air hit him as he opened the window. 他一打开窗户,便有一股冷空气扑面而来。

blast furnace 鼓风炉

bleed [bliːd]

v. 出血,流血

He’d been wounded in the arm and was bleeding heavily. 他的手臂受了伤,流了很多血。

blend [blend]

vt. 混合,掺和 combine〉

Lisa decided to make a cake and blended the flour, water and sugar together. 莉萨决定做一个蛋糕,于是她把面粉、水和糖混合在一起。

n. 混合 (物) mixture〉

This tea is a blend of lemon and herbs. 这种茶混合了柠檬和香草。

blender n. 掺和器,搅拌机

block [blɒk]

n. ① 一块 (木头或石头等) chunk〉

The sculptor turned the block of stone into a beautiful woman. 雕刻家将那块石头变成了一位美丽的女人。

② 街区 street〉

I went for a walk around the block . 我去这个街区附近散步了。

vt. 阻碍,阻止 hinder〉

A fallen tree is blocking the road. 一棵倒了的树挡住了道路。

blonde [blɒnd]

n. 金发碧眼的女人

Bill’s sisters are all blondes . 比尔的姐姐们都是金发碧眼。

bloom [bluːm]

vi. 开花 flower〉

Most trees bloom in spring. 大部分树木都在春天开花。

n. flower〉

What beautiful blooms ! 多么漂亮的花啊!

boast [bəʊst]

n./v. 自夸;有 brag; have〉

She boasted about how she had written a novel when she was only 15. 她吹嘘自己在15岁的时候就写过一本小说。

boastful adj. 吹嘘的,自负的

bold [bəʊld]

adj. ① 勇敢的 brave〉

She was a bold and fearless mountain climber. 她是一位勇敢无畏的登山者。

② 大胆的;放肆的;无礼的 daring〉

Cutting in front of the people waiting in line was a bold action. 排队时加塞是一种厚颜无耻的行为。

bolt [bəʊlt]

n. 闪电(~of lightning)

A bolt of lightning lit up the sky. 一道闪电照亮了天空。

自我检测 从第一部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

6. My roses ______ early this year.

7. It was very ______ of you to support Janet in front of the boss.

8. The applicant filled in the ______ on the form.

9. During a war, millions of the poor ______ to death on the roads.

10. Janet lives three ______ from my house.

11. The leaves were lifted into the air by a sudden ______ of wind.


bond [bɒnd]

n. ① 联结,联系;粘连 link, tie〉

There has been a close bond between them ever since she saved him from drowning. 她在他快要溺水时救了他一命,从那之后,他们便一直保持着密切的联系。

② 公债 securities〉

The company is now selling bonds in an effort to borrow money. 为了筹集资金,这家公司正在发行债券。

boom [buːm]

n. 繁荣 bonanza〉

This year has seen a boom in book sales. 今年是图书销售繁荣的一年。

vi. 迅速发展 prosper〉

The industry was booming at one time and then it suddenly crashed. 该行业曾兴盛一时,后来突然开始衰退。

baby boom 生育高峰

boost [buːst]

vt. 使增长;提高 raise〉

Share prices were boosted by reports of the president’s recovery. 总裁康复的消息推动了股价上涨。

border [ˈbɔːdə(r)]

n. 边境;边界;(通常作装饰用的)包边 edge〉

The wallpaper had a dark border at the top. 壁纸顶部有一条深色的装饰边。

v. 接壤 adjoin〉

The shrubs border our yard on the east side. 我们院子的东边紧挨着灌木丛。

bore [bɔː(r)]

v. 钻孔 drill〉

The carpenter bored a hole in the tabletop. 木匠在桌面上钻了一个洞。

vt. 令人厌烦

That girl’s voice would bore anyone. 那个女孩的声音让所有人厌烦。

boredom n. 厌烦;boring adj. 令人厌烦的

bother [ˈbɒðə(r)]

vt. 烦扰,打扰 annoy〉

Don’t bother your dad. He’s sleeping. 别打扰你爸爸。他在睡觉呢。

bounce [baʊns]

vi. 跳起,弹回 rebound〉

The basketball bounced off the backboard and into the net. 篮球弹在篮板上,然后落入篮筐中。

bound [baʊnd]

adj. 被束缚的;有义务的 tied〉

I feel bound by my promise. 我感觉被自己的承诺所束缚。

boundary [ˈbaʊndri]

n. 分界线;边界 border〉

The Ural mountains marked the boundary between Europe and Asia. 乌拉尔山脉成为欧洲与亚洲的分界线。

boundless adj. 无限的,无边无际的

breed [briːd]

vt. 养育,繁殖 raise〉

His main income comes from breeding cattle. 他的主要收入来源于养牛。

n. 品种 species〉

This is a particular breed of sheep. 这种羊是一种非常特别的品种。

自我检测 从第二部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

12. The government securely guards its ______.

13. He was ______ by the contract to make monthly payments on the car.

14. The glue made a strong ______ between the layers of wood.

15. Lake Superior forms part of the ______ between Canada and the United States.

16. The racket ball ______ off the wall.

17. During the ______, many companies hired lots of people.


breeze [briːz]

n. 微风 light wind〉

A gentle breeze is swaying the weeping willows. 柔和的微风吹拂着垂柳。

brilliant [ˈbrɪliənt]

adj. 辉煌的,灿烂的;才华横溢的 bright; intelligent〉

The brilliant student was accepted by numerous universities. 那位有才华的学生被多所大学录取。

brilli (发光) +ant→发光的→辉煌的,灿烂的

brilliance n. 聪明;灿烂

broaden [ˈbrɔːdn]

v. 放宽,变宽,扩大 enlarge〉

Education will broaden your opportunities to find a good job. 教育将拓宽你找到一份好工作的机会。

bubble [ˈbʌbl]

n. 气泡,泡 foam〉

The soap made bubbles in the water. 肥皂在水中产生气泡。

budget [ˈbʌdʒɪt]

n. 预算 estimate〉

As a student, Phil did not work and so he made a budget of how much he could spend every week. 作为一名学生,菲尔并不工作,所以他制订了每周的开支预算。

bulk [bʌlk]

n. ① 主体;大部分 majority〉

The bulk of the text is essentially a review of those historical events. 文章的主要部分基本是对那些历史事件的回顾。

② (大)量;(大)体积 volume〉

An elephant has great bulk . 大象体型庞大。

bulky adj. 庞大的;笨重的

bump [bʌmp]

n. 肿块;凸起 lump〉

When the little boy fell down, he got a bump on his head. 那个小男孩摔倒了,头上起了一个包。

bunch [bʌntʃ]

n. 串,束;群体 cluster〉

I bought a bunch of flowers in the market. 我在市场上买了一束花。

vi. 捆成一束;聚集 pack〉

Many people bunched around the ticket office to buy tickets to the famous pop singer’s concert. 许多人围在售票处,想购买那位著名流行歌手的演唱会门票。

bundle [ˈbʌndl]

n. 捆,束,包 packet〉

There are bundles of newspapers in his office. 他的办公室有一捆捆的报纸。

butcher [ˈbʊtʃə(r)]

n. 屠夫;刽子手

The butcher plans to slaughter the pig today. 屠夫计划今天杀了那头猪。

自我检测 从第三部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

18. A gentle ______ swept over the porch (门廊,走廊) and cooled us.

19. Janet arranged a ______ of flowers in the vase.

20. The ______ cut a thick slice of beef for me.

21. The ______ for groceries is two hundred dollars a month.

22. There were lots of tiny ______ in the soft drink.

23. They are ______ the road to speed up the flow of traffic.


cabinet [ˈkæbɪnət]

n. ① (有抽屉或格子的) 橱柜

The pots and pans are in the cabinet . 锅碗瓢盆都在橱柜里。

② 内阁

The President consulted his cabinet on the issue. 总统就这个问题向内阁征求意见。

campaign [kæmˈpeɪn]

n. (政治或商业性) 活动

The students held an environmental campaign to protest against pollution. 学生们举行了一次环保活动,以反对环境污染。

cancel [ˈkænsl]

vt. 取消 call off〉

Peter cancelled his doctor’s appointment. 彼得取消了与医生的预约。

cancellation n. 取消

candidate [ˈkændɪdət; ˈkændɪdeɪt]

n. 候选人

The reporter asked the candidate some hard questions. 记者向候选人提出了一些尖锐的问题。

capacity [kəˈpæsəti]

n. 容量;能力 volume; ability〉

The stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000. 这个体育场可容纳5万人。

capture [ˈkæptʃə(r)]

vt. 捕获;夺取 seize〉

They finally captured the enemy’s major city. 他们最终占领了敌方的主要城市。

cast [kɑːst]

vt. ① 铸造 shape〉

A statue of the general is presently being cast . 将军的雕像目前正在铸造当中。

② 投,抛 project, throw〉

Anne cast a stone into the water. 安妮向水中扔了一块石头。

casual [ˈkæʒuəl]

adj. 非正式的;随便的;漫不经心的 informal; purposeless〉

The meeting was casual , so we all wore jeans and T-shirts. 这次的会议非常随意,所以我们都穿着牛仔裤和T恤衫。

来自case (事件)→由偶然事件引起的→偶然的→非正式的

cease [siːs]

v. 停止,终止 stop〉

Fighting in the area has now ceased . 这个地区的战争现在已经停止。

ceaseless adj. 不停的

celebrated [ˈselɪbreɪtɪd]

adj. 著名的 renowned〉

The celebrated pianist will give a concert this weekend. 那位著名的钢琴家将在本周末举办一场音乐会。

自我检测 从第四部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

24. The Smiths dropped in yesterday for a ______ visit.

25. The presidential ______ lasted for months.

26. We can have a maximum of four ______ for the office of president.

27. Early every morning the fishermen ______ their nets into the sea.

28. San Francisco is ______ for its multicultural make-up.

29. The bottle’s ______ is one litre.


Exercise 1 找出与句子中画线单词意义最相近的词。

30. Nashville, Tennessee, boasts some of the finest country music performers in the United States.

(A) plays (B) attracts (C) contains

31. The land crab, a forest floor scavenger (食腐动物) native to tropical America, migrates to the water to breed .

(A) mate (B) swim (C) hatch

32. The artist captured the girl’s personality in his photograph.

(A) distorted (B) caught (C) masked

33. Grocery prices were boosted again last month.

(A) attacked (B) stabilised (C) raised

34. The making of the movie Star Wars involved a blend of creativity and sophisticated computer technology.

(A) combination (B) variety (C) organisation

35. Laser light beamed onto glass fibres casts a characteristic pattern.

(A) projects (B) molds (C) cuts

36. Communication is one of the most important bonds that hold cultural systems together.

(A) obligations (B) qualities (C) links

Exercise 2 从第二栏中选出第一栏各词的同义词。

Exercise 3 从下列单词中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

cease budget bleed bloom candidate brilliant bump capture bulk cancel

47. Einstein was a ______ thinker.

48. Jimmy ______ tormenting Susie as he became more mature.

49. Your cut will ______ if you pick the scab (疤,痂) .

50. There are three ______ standing in the election.

51. This month’s paycheck will ______ out his debt, but it won’t give him any extra money.

52. Sue was careful about keeping within her ______.

53. ______ in the road make driving difficult.

54. The buds ______ into huge flowers.

55. The office buys paper in ______ to keep costs down.

56. The hunters ______ the tiger.

1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. bloomed 7. bold 8. blanks 9. bled 10. blocks 11. blast 12. borders 13. bound 14. bond 15. boundary 16. bounced 17. boom 18. breeze 19. bunch 20. butcher 21. budget 22. bubbles 23. broadening 24. casual 25. campaign 26. candidates 27. cast 28. celebrated 29. capacity 30. C 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. A 36. C 37. B 38. I 39. E 40. D 41. G 42. J 43. F 44. H 45. A 46. C 47. brilliant 48. ceased 49. bleed 50. candidates 51. cancel 52. budget 53. Bumps 54. bloomed 55. bulk 56. captured UKyKBEmzKpwI9TDmb4DsKunreXhaD/N6wm2UZ0e4cGzvl8YHAgpa0dkDqPKzbTYz

