
Lesson 3




1. The light and hollow bones of a bird which allow it to fly in the air are strong enough to bear its weight.

(A) support (B) double (C) deflect

2. The poem is attributed to Emily Dickinson.

(A) testified as (B) handed out by (C) credited to

3. In certain types of quartz, bands of colour form an irregular pattern.

(A) shades (B) grains (C) stripes

4. The first paper was made from the bark of the mulberry tree.

(A) dried wood (B) rind (C) syrup

5. She was suddenly caught in the full beam of a torchlight.

(A) ray (B) measure (C) spot


attorney [əˈtɜːni]

n. 代理人;律师 lawyer〉

The attorney turned down the law firm’s offer of a position. 那名律师拒绝了那家律师事务所提供的职位。

at+torn (转) +ey→脑子转得快的人→律师

attractive [əˈtræktɪv]

adj. 吸引人的,有魅力的 appealing〉

The Hudson River has a couple of interesting physical features that made it very attractive for settlement by the Europeans. 哈德逊河有几个非常有趣的特点,这使其吸引了欧洲人来此定居。

at+tract (拉)+ive→把注意力拉过来→吸引人的

attribute [ˈætrɪbjuːt; əˈtrɪbjuːt]

n. 属性;品质 characteristic〉

His outstanding attribute was his kindness. 他最突出的品质是善良。

vt. 把…归于,归因于 (to) ascribe to〉

Her success is attributed to her hard work and a bit of luck. 她的成功归因于她的努力工作和一点点好运气。

attribution n. 归属;归因

audience [ˈɔːdiəns]

n. 观众 spectator〉

The audience was clearly delighted with the performance. 观众显然对表演非常满意。

authority [ɔːˈθɒrəti]

n. ① 权力;职权;(某领域的) 权威人士 jurisdiction〉

The Supreme Court of the United States is entrusted with the authority to interpret the Constitution. 美国联邦最高法院被赋予了解释美国宪法的权力。

② [ pl. ] 当局 officials, government〉

I am going to report all these holes in the road to the authorities . 我要把公路上的这些大坑报告给有关当局。

authoritative adj. 有权威的;authoritarian adj. 独裁的; n. 独裁主义者

automatic [ˌɔːtəˈmætɪk]

adj. (尤指机器) 自动 (化) 的;(人) 无意识的 automated; involuntary〉

The automatic door is operated by a small motor. 自动门通过一个小马达来操控。

auto (自己) +mat (动) +ic→自己动的→自动(化)的

auxiliary [ɔːɡˈzɪliəri]

adj. 辅助的;备用的 assistant〉

To prepare for the emergency, they built an auxiliary power station. 为了应对紧急情况,他们建了一座备用发电站。

aux (=aug 提高) +iliary→有助于提高的→辅助的

available [əˈveɪləbl]

adj. ① 有空的 free〉

Mr Green is on holiday and is not available for comment. 格林先生休假了,不方便作出评论。

② 可用的;可获得的 obtainable〉

There are not many choices available to an uneducated person in today’s job market. 在当今的就业市场,未接受过教育的人没有太多选择的余地。

a (使)+vail (利用,利益)+able (能…的)→可利用的

availability n. 可用性;可以利用的人或物

avoid [əˈvɔɪd]

vt. 躲避;避免 elude〉

You should really avoid him—he’ll only try to borrow money from you. 你应该避开他——他只会向你借钱。

avoidable adj. 可避免的;avoidance n. 避免

aware [əˈweə(r)]

adj. 知道的,明白的;意识到的 (of) conscious〉

We are aware of the potential problems and have taken every precaution. 我们已经意识到潜在的问题,并采取了全面的预防措施。

awareness n. 意识

自我检测 从第一部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

6. The ______ loved the opera and applauded loudly.

7. You will be informed when the books become ______.

8. The health ______ are tracking down the food safety issues.

9. The flowers looked ______ on the kitchen table.

10. The thief ______ capture by the police.

11. It was some time before the police became ______ of the fight that was taking place on the street.


awful [ˈɔːfl]

adj. 可怕的;糟糕的;极度的 horrible; bad;very〉

He is a pretty awful doctor. 他是个相当糟糕的医生。

awkward [ˈɔːkwəd]

adj. 笨拙的,不灵活的;尴尬的 clumsy〉

Sally is very awkward at speaking to the class but quite relaxed with her own group of friends. 萨莉在全班同学面前讲话时会非常尴尬,但与她的朋友们在一起时却非常放松。

awk (反拧) +ward (向)→向反面拧→不灵活的

awkwardly adv. 局促不安地;笨拙地

backwards [ˈbækwədz]

adj./adv. 后退的 (地) ;反向的 (地)

He began to count backwards :“Ten, nine, eight...”. 他开始倒数:“10,9,8……”。

bacon [ˈbeɪkən]

n. 咸肉,熏肉

I tried different brands of bacon , but none is as good as the kind I grew up with. 我品尝过不同品牌的培根,但没有一种能与我小时候吃过的那种一样美味。

balcony [ˈbælkəni]

n. 阳台;楼座

The bedrooms on the second floor of the house have balconies . 房子二楼的卧室有阳台。

ban [bæn]

vt. 禁止;取缔 prohibit〉

The anti-social leader was banned from attending the meeting. 反社会的领导人被禁止参加会议。

band [bænd]

n. ① 乐队;队 orchestra〉

The Beatles are one of the most famous bands in the world. 甲壳虫乐队是世界上最有名的乐队之一。

② (光或颜色的) 带;带子 stripe〉

She rolled up the papers and put an elastic band round them. 她把报纸卷起来,并在上面缠了一根橡皮筋。

bandleader n. 乐队领队;指挥;bandmaster n. 乐队队长;指挥

banner [ˈbænə(r)]

n. 旗帜;横幅 flag〉

The demonstrators carried banners printed with the words “Stop the War”. 示威者们举着印有“停止战争”口号的横幅。

bar [bɑː(r)]

n. ① 酒吧 pub〉

The bar will have a big television and will serve cheap food and drinks during the soccer game. 在足球比赛期间,这家酒吧将配备一台大电视机,并供应低价食物和酒水。

② 条,棒;栅 strip〉

A bar code consists of a pattern of lines and bars that a computer can translate into information. 条形码是由线条组成的图案,计算机可将其转换成信息。

③ 律师业

After passing the exams, he will be admitted to the bar . 通过考试之后,他便可以获得律师从业资格。

bare [beə(r)]

adj. ① 无遮蔽的;赤裸的;光 (秃) 的 naked〉

Don’t walk on that broken glass with bare feet. 不要光着脚在那块碎玻璃上走。

② 仅有的;勉强的 only〉

The hiking trip up the mountain will be long, so please don’t carry more than the bare necessities. 徒步爬山的旅程会很长,所以除必需品外,请不要带其他东西。

自我检测 从第二部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

12. The law ______ selling certain drugs without a prescription.

13. She picked up a metal ______ and waved it threateningly.

14. Adeline made an ______ gesture with her hands.

15. The couple hired a ______ to play at their wedding reception.

16. The kitten (小猫) inched ______ when it saw the dog.

17. The demonstrators walked along the street, waving ______ and shouting angrily.


bargain [ˈbɑːɡən]

v. 讨价还价 negotiate〉

John bargained with the salesman over the price of a used car. 约翰为一辆二手车的价格与销售员讨价还价。

n. 廉价货;好交易 good deal〉

The new car I bought on sale was quite a bargain . 我在打折时买的那辆新车真是划算。

bark [bɑːk]

n. 树皮 rind〉

Bark may be used as raw material for paper-making. 树皮可以做造纸的原料。

n./vi. (狗)吠叫;吼叫 yelp〉

They heard a dog barking outside. 他们听到外面有狗叫。

barn [bɑːn]

n. 谷仓;畜棚

Pigs, chickens, sheep, and cows are kept in the barn . 牲口棚里养着猪、鸡、羊、牛。

barrier [ˈbæriə(r)]

n. 屏障;障碍;栅栏 obstacle, hindrance〉

A tree fell across the road and made a barrier to traffic. 一棵树倒在路中间,造成了交通堵塞。

baseball [ˈbeɪsbɔːl]

n. 棒球;棒球运动

Baseball is a very popular sport in America. 在美国,棒球是一项非常受欢迎的运动。

bathe [beɪð]

v. 沐浴,洗 take a bath〉

Bathe the wound and then apply a clean dressing. 清洗伤口,然后用洁净的敷料包扎。

bay [beɪ]

n. 海湾

Our favourite fishing spot is in the bay . 我们最喜欢的钓鱼地点是海湾。

beam [biːm]

n. ① 大梁 rafter〉

One of the Olympic sports for gymnastics is to balance on two beams . 奥运会体操比赛有一个项目是在双杠上保持平衡。

② (光线的) 束,柱 ray〉

We could just pick out the path in the weak beam of the torch. 我们只能在火把微弱的光亮下辨认路线。

bear [beə(r)]

vt. ① 负担,支撑 support〉

The camels bear their cargo across the desert without complaint. 骆驼任劳任怨地驮着货物穿越沙漠。

② 具有,带有 carry〉

He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars. 他在战争中负了重伤,现在还留有伤疤。

③ 生产,生育 yield〉

Mary has borne three healthy children. 玛丽生了三个健康的孩子。

unbearable adj. 无法忍受的,承受不住的

behalf [bɪˈhɑːf]

n. 代表,作为…的代表 (on~of) represent〉

The actor’s agent accepted the award on behalf of him. 那位演员的经纪人代他领了奖。

自我检测 从第三部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

18. A ______ of sunlight came into the room through the partially open door.

19. I got a ______ when I bought that suit.

20. I ______ the children and put them to bed.

21. The police officers kept us behind the concrete ______.

22. New York Yankees is a well-known ______ team.

23. This tree is always recognisable by its extremely beautiful silvery ______.


behave [bɪˈheɪv]

vi. 举止端正,表现良好;运转 perform〉

The computer behaved without any problems for two months and then one day it suddenly didn’t work. 这台电脑在两个月内没有出现任何问题,但有一天却突然不工作了。

behaviour n. 举止,行为

beloved [bɪˈlʌvd]

adj. 心爱的

The rich man left each of his beloved grandchildren a large inheritance. 那个有钱人给他每个心爱的孙子都留下了一大笔遗产。

beneficial [ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl]

adj. 有益的,有利的 advantageous〉

It would be beneficial for you to take a break and drink a cup of coffee, and you will be refreshed. 休息一下,喝杯咖啡,对你会很有好处,可以让你精神焕发。

bene (善,好)+fic (做)+ial (有…的)→做好事的→有益的

benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt]

n. 利益,益处

A good education is an enormous benefit . 接受良好教育的好处是巨大的。

vt. 有益于 vi. 受益 be useful for〉

Use of solar power will benefit all mankind. 使用太阳能将有益于全人类。

beneficent adj. 仁慈的,善行的;beneficiary n. 受惠者,受益人

bet [bet]

n./v. 赌;打赌

We’ve got a bet on who’s going to arrive first. 我们打了个赌,看谁先到。

bid [bɪd]

n./v. 出价;投标;企图,试图

I made a small bid on the antique dresser. 我为那个古董梳妆台出了很低的价格。

We bid to sell at $10 per pound. 我们试图按每磅10美元销售。

bind [baɪnd]

v. ① 绑 tie〉

Bind the newspapers in a stack so we can carry them out. 把报纸捆成一捆,这样方便我们把它们带出去。

② 约束 oblige〉

The contract binds me to our agreement. 合同约束我遵守我们的协议。

bite [baɪt]

n. 咬;一口

The baby shoved a huge bite of apple into his mouth. 那个婴儿把很大一口苹果塞到嘴里。


Our dog bites , so be careful. 我们的狗会咬人,所以要小心点。

bitter [ˈbɪtə(r)]

adj. ① 苦的

Your coffee is bitter because you forgot to put sugar in it. 你的咖啡太苦了,因为你忘记加糖了。

② (令人) 痛苦的;尖酸刻薄的 painful; acrid〉

The weather in northern China during the winter is bitter cold. 中国北部冬天的天气异常寒冷。

bitterness n. 苦味;辛酸;痛苦

blame [bleɪm]

vt. 谴责,责备 condemn〉

If you lose your job, you’ll only have yourself to blame. 如果你丢掉了工作,你只能责怪你自己。

n. (过错、过失的) 责任;责备 responsibility; condemnation〉

Who took the blame for the failure of the project? 谁承担了项目失败的责任?

自我检测 从第四部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

24. It may be that a certain amount of misfortune and hardship in earlier life is actually ______ in helping to develop a strong character.

25. His duty to his parents ______ him to live near them.

26. Not getting the promotion was a ______ experience for Anne.

27. Mother ______ Jimmy for tracking mud on the carpet.

28. As a manager, she ______ with competence.

29. We just couldn’t ______ more money at the auction.


Exercise 1 找出与句子中画线单词意义最相近的词。

30. Sleep is beneficial to organisms because it enables them to get rid of accumulated wastes and to build up depleted materials.

(A) refreshing (B) irresistible (C) advantageous

31. This tree bears fine apples.

(A) enriches (B) yields (C) replaces

32. All living things have certain attributes that are passed on from one generation to the next.

(A) cells (B) viruses (C) traits

33. All available tickets were sold.

(A) obtainable (B) affordable (C) reasonable

34. Its charm and mild climate have made San Francisco, California an attractive city for both businesses and residences.

(A) an appealing (B) a profitable (C) an appropriate

Exercise 2 从第二栏中选出第一栏各词的同义词。

Exercise 3 从下列单词中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

backward barn bitter automatic bite bind avoid barrier authority auxiliary

45. To ______ the huge dog, I turned around and ran away.

46. Tom’s and Anne’s political beliefs are a ______ to their friendship.

47. Horses, sheep, and chickens were kept in the ______.

48. She knew the lesson so well that her answers were ______.

49. It is necessary for a hospital to install at least one ______ generator in case of a power cut.

50. I didn’t feel the ______ motion of the car until we hit the car behind us.

51. The guards ______ the prisoner to his bed.

52. This lettuce is old and ______.

53. The company’s owner granted each manager ______ to spend up to $10,000 on travel and entertainment.

54. The camper woke up with a spider ______.

1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. audience 7. available 8. authorities 9. attractive 10. avoided 11. aware 12. bans 13. bar 14. awkward 15. band 16. backwards 17. banners 18. beam 19. bargain 20. bathed 21. barrier 22. baseball 23. bark 24. beneficial 25. binds 26. bitter 27. blamed 28. behaves 29. bid 30. C 31. B 32. C 33. A 34. A 35. F 36. D 37. H 38. B 39. J 40. A 41. E 42. C 43. I 44. G 45. avoid 46. barrier 47. barn 48. automatic 49. auxiliary 50. backward 51. bound 52. bitter 53. authority 54. bite YgmDM0+NGQmWCmVQOTcCaqNkS6BmuotCA9tK+He6DsU1FWpPnzkcUAUQwacWluh4
