
Lesson 2




1. The judge’s decision was appealed .

(A) succored (B) pacified (C) challenged

2. Acetate is one of the most important artificial fibres.

(A) insulating (B) synthetic (C) unadorned

3. The commissioner agreed to attend our meeting.

(A) be particular about (B) be rude to (C) be present at

4. She is a great asset to our company.

(A) mistake (B) annoyance (C) advantage

5. As a gift to the United States from France, the Statue of Liberty was assembled and dedicated in 1886.

(A) repaired (B) brought over (C) put together


amaze [əˈmeɪz]

vt. 使吃惊,使惊叹 vi. 令人惊奇 stun, astonish〉

Janet amazed everyone by passing her final examination. 珍妮特竟然通过了期末考试,这让所有人都非常吃惊。

amazement n. 惊愕,惊奇;amazing adj. 令人惊奇的

ambition [æmˈbɪʃn]

n. 雄心,抱负 aspiration〉

It was Janet’s ambition to succeed in business. 珍妮特的抱负是要在商业上取得成功。

ambitious adj. 有雄心的,渴望成功的

ambulance [ˈæmbjələns]

n. 救护车

The hospital had five ambulances ready and they could arrive at any car accident in two minutes. 医院有五辆救护车随时待命,可以在两分钟内抵达任何车祸现场。

amount [əˈmaʊnt]

n. 数量;总数 quantity, sum〉

What is the total amount for the dinner table with all its chairs? 餐桌和所有餐椅的总数是多少?

vi. 总计,等于;达到 (to) total; reach〉

The damage after the fire amounted to $50,000. 火灾造成的损失达五万美元。

amuse [əˈmjuːz]

vt. 使开心;逗笑

The new toys amused the children. 新玩具让孩子们很开心。

ancestor [ˈænsestə(r)]

n. 祖先,祖宗 forefather〉

His ancestors came to America on a ship. 他的祖先乘船来到美国。

an (在前面) +cest (行走) +or→在前面走的人→祖先

ancestry n. 世系,血统;ancestral adj. 祖先的,祖传的

anchor [ˈæŋkə(r)]

n. 锚;精神支柱 tie, support〉

The drunk pirates forgot to put the ship’s anchor in the water before landing and the ship drifted into the rocks. 喝醉的海盗们在靠岸之前忘记抛锚停泊,结果船撞上了礁石。

v. 抛锚;系牢,固定 fix, fasten〉

Most plants depend upon their roots to anchor themselves in the soil and to absorb water and inorganic chemicals. 大多数植物都是靠根部将自己固定在土壤中,吸收水分和无机物。

annoy [əˈnɔɪ]

vt. 使恼怒;打扰 irritate〉

What annoys me is the fact that he won’t listen to other people’s suggestions. 令我烦恼的是,他竟然不听其他人的建议。

annoyance n. 烦恼;annoying adj. 恼人的

annual [ˈænjʊəl]

adj. 每年的 yearly〉

Companies publish annual reports to inform the public about the previous year’s activities. 公司通过公布年报,将之前一年的经营活动告知公众。

annually adv. 一年一次地

anticipate [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt]

vt. 预料,预期 expect〉

Columbus’ discovery of America was probably anticipated by earlier explorers. 哥伦布发现美洲大陆,可能已经被之前的探险家们预见到了。

anti (前) +cip (落下) +ate→提前落下→预期

anticipation n. 期望,预料

自我检测 从第一部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

6. He moved around the country often, but his family was an ______ for him.

7. Mr. MacDonald’s ______ came to America from Scotland.

8. It was his wife’s ______ to publish a novel.

9. We ______ good weather for the trip.

10. Mohan ______ everyone by passing his examination.

11. At school she always devises games to ______ her classmates.


antique [ænˈtiːk]

n. 古董 relic〉

The clock in the room is an antique . 那个房间里的钟表是一件古董。

adj. 古时的 old〉

Richard likes antique cars and always goes to auto shows on weekends. 理查德喜欢古董车,周末经常去参加车展。

anti (前) +que→以前就有的→古时的

antiquity n. 古迹,古物;古代,古老;antiquate v. 使变旧;废弃

anxious [ˈænkʃəs]

adj. ① 渴望的 keen〉

Since it was Rob’s first date, he was more nervous than he was anxious . 这是罗布的第一次约会,因此他感到更多的是紧张而不是渴望。

② 担忧的 worried〉

The drought has made farmers anxious about the harvest. 干旱让农民们担心庄稼的收成。

anxiety n. 忧虑,焦急;渴望,热望

anyhow [ˈenihaʊ]

adv. 无论如何 in any case〉

Anyhow , let’s get back to the point. 无论如何,让我们言归正传。

appeal [əˈpiːl]

n. 吸引力 attraction〉

The appeal of travelling to a sunny beach during the cold winter is very strong. 在寒冷的冬季,去阳光明媚的海滩度假非常具有吸引力。

vi. ① 有吸引力 attract〉

The thought of going for a walk after dinner tonight appeals to me. 今天晚上饭后散步的想法引起了我的兴趣。

② 上诉,申诉 (to) challenge〉

Judgments made in a criminal case can usually be appealed to a higher court, which can either overturn or uphold a lower court ruling. 刑事案件的判决通常会被上诉至上级法院,上级法院可驳回或支持下级法院的判决。

ap+peal (拉)→拉过去→有吸引力

appealing adj. 动人的,吸引人的

appetite [ˈæpɪtaɪt]

n. 胃口,食欲 desire〉

Michael had no appetite , so they had to coax him to eat. 迈克尔没有食欲,所以他们不得不哄他吃饭。

applicant [ˈæplɪkənt]

n. 申请人 candidate〉

The company was so popular that there were only two vacancies for one hundred applicants . 这家公司太受欢迎,只有两个职位空缺,却有一百名申请人。

application n. 申请;施用,运用;appliance n. 用具,器具;apply vt. 应用,适用; vi. 申请

appointment [əˈpɔɪntmənt]

n. ① 约会,约定

Dr. Smith will not be available for any of his appointments today since he is still out of town. 史密斯医生今天无法赴约,因为他现在还没回到城里。

② 任命

People are anxiously awaiting news on the President’s appointment of his cabinet members. 人们焦急地等待着总统任命内阁成员的消息。

appoint vt. 任命,委派

appreciate [əˈpriːʃieɪt]

vt. ① 赏识;欣赏 admire〉

The teacher is very busy with his work, but he can still find time to appreciate traditional Chinese painting. 那位老师工作非常忙,但他仍能抽出时间欣赏中国传统国画。

② 感激 be grateful for〉

I appreciate your advice on this important matter. 我非常感谢您为这件重要的事情所提出的建议。

appreciation n. 欣赏;appreciable adj. 明显的;可观的;appreciative adj. 感谢的;赞赏的

approach [əˈprəʊtʃ]

n. 方法 method〉

I’ve just read an interesting book which has a new approach to studying Cao Xueqin. 我最近读了一本有趣的书,书中提出了一种研究曹雪芹的新方法。

v. 接近,靠近 be close to, near〉

The time is approaching when Sharon will leave to study English in the United States. 莎伦去美国学英语的日子越来越近了。

approaching adj. 接近的,逼近的

appropriate [əˈprəʊpriət; əˈprəʊprieɪt]

adj. 适当的,恰当的 proper〉

I’ve been invited to her wedding but I haven’t got anything appropriate to wear. 我受邀参加她的婚礼,但我还没有合适的衣服穿。

vt. 拨款 allocate〉

The city government appropriated a large budget for the construction of a new science museum. 市政府拨出很大一部分预算,用于建设新科技博物馆。

ap+propr (=proper 正确) +iate→恰当的

appropriation n. 拨款;inappropriate adj. 不适当的,不相称的

自我检测 从第二部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

12. He was found guilty but ______ the decision ______ a higher court.

13. I see it’s ______ lunchtime, so let’s take a break now.

14. The children were ______ to open their gifts as soon as possible.

15. The elderly lady ______ the young man’s help in getting on the bus.

16. Vulgar language is not ______ in the workplace.

17. ______ auctions have become popular in the United States because of a steadily increasing awareness of the investment value of antiques.


approval [əˈpruːvl]

n. 赞成,正式批准 sanction〉

We’ll buy the new computer system as soon as we have the approval of the directors. 只要获得董事们的批准,我们马上就购买新电脑系统。

disapproval n. 不赞成;approve v. 赞许,欣赏;批准,赞成

approximate [əˈprɒksɪmeɪt; əˈprɒksɪmət]

v. 接近,近似 approach〉

Your latest design approximates much more closely what I understood the building would be like. 你最新的设计与我想象中这栋建筑的样子接近得多。

adj. 大约的,估计的 estimated〉

The approximate time that the train will arrive at its destination is 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. 火车抵达目的地的大致时间是明天上午八点。

ap+proxim (接近) +ate→接近,近似

approximately adv. 近似地;大约;approximation n. 近似值

arbitrary [ˈɑːbɪtrəri]

adj. 专横的,专制的;武断的 dictatorial〉

The manager consistently rewarded his sales team in an arbitrary manner, causing offense to the top performers of other departments, who received no pay for extra work. 那位经理总是以随意的方式奖励销售团队,这引起了其他部门优秀员工的不满,因为他们的额外工作并没有得到回报。

来自arbit (判断,裁决) +rary→武断的

arbitrarily adv. 任意地;专横地;arbitrator n. 仲裁人;arbiter n. 权威人士;仲裁人;arbitrate v. 仲裁;公断

architect [ˈɑːkɪtekt]

n. 建筑师

The architect has won awards for his designs. 那位建筑师的设计荣获了奖项。

architecture n. 建筑;建筑学;architectural adj. 建筑上的;建筑学的

argue [ˈɑːɡjuː]

v. 争论;争辩

“Don’t argue with me!” Janet warned her boyfriend. “别跟我争吵!”珍妮特警告她的男朋友。

argument n. 论证;论据;争吵

arise [əˈraɪz]

vi. 出现,发生;由…引起 happen〉

If something unexpected arises at the office, I will be home late. 如果公司有意外情况发生,我就得晚点回家。

arouse [əˈraʊz]

vt. 激起;唤醒 stimulate; awake〉

His refusal to walk through the metal detector before boarding the plane aroused the guard’s suspicion. 他在登机之前拒绝从金属探测器走过去,这引起了安保人员的怀疑。

arousal n. 醒来;激起

artificial [ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl]

adj. 人造的,人工的 synthetic〉

The soldier who lost a leg in a battle now has an artificial limb. 那位在战争中失去了一条腿的士兵,现在安上了假肢。

arti (技巧) +fic (做) +ial→(人)用技巧做的→人造的

artificially adv. 人工地;artisan n. 手工业工人,手艺人;artifact n. 工艺品;artifice n. 技巧;诡计

ashamed [əˈʃeɪmd]

adj. 惭愧的,羞耻的 humiliated〉

Aren’t you ashamed to tell such big lies? 你撒了这么大的谎,难道就不感到羞愧吗?

a(sh) (在圣灰节,人们撒灰于头上以示忏悔)+shame (惭愧,羞耻)+d→惭愧的,羞耻的

shameless adj. 不知羞耻的

assemble [əˈsembl]

vt. 集合;装配 put together〉

The children used the toy blocks to assemble a play castle. 孩子们用玩具积木搭建了一座玩具城堡。

vi. 聚集 congregate〉

When the fire alarm rang, we assembled outside the emergency exit. 火警警报一响,我们就到紧急出口集合。

as (一再) +semble (相像)→相像的物体一再聚在一起→聚集

assembly n. 集会;装配,组装;assembly line 装配线,流水线;assemblage n. 集合,组合

自我检测 从第三部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

18. Our food does not include any ______ additives.

19. The rioters ______ outside the White House.

20. This costume ______ authentic 17th century dress.

21. Bao claimed that the policewoman had been ______ in giving him a parking ticket while ignoring other cars on the street.

22. You should be ______ of yourself for cheating in the exam.

23. Techniques that create an atmosphere of suspense are commonly used by film-makers to ______ their audiences’ interests.


assess [əˈses]

vt. 估价;评估 estimate〉

It took a while to assess the damage from the tornado. 评估龙卷风造成的损失花费了好一段时间。

assessment n. 估价;评估

asset [ˈæset]

n. ① [ pl. ] 财产,资产 property〉

Among this celebrity’s assets were two ski resorts, a Las Vegas hotel, and an 18-hole golf course. 两个滑雪度假村、在拉斯维加斯的一家酒店和一个18洞高尔夫球场仅是这位名人资产中的一部分。

② 有利条件;长处 advantage〉

His eyes are his best asset . 他的双眼便是他最大的资本。


associate [əˈsəʊʃieɪt; əˈsəʊʃiət]

v. 联系;联合 pertain to〉

Accountants record all information associated with the economic aspects of an organisation’s activities. 会计记录一家机构活动的经济方面的所有信息。

n. 同事;(生意)伙伴 colleague〉

He is one of my business associates . 他是我的一位生意伙伴。

association n. 关联,联合;协会

assume [əˈsjuːm]

vt. ① 假定,设想 suppose〉

I assume that his suggestion is reasonable. 我假设他的建议是合理的。

② 承担 (责任)

The new President assumes office at midnight tonight. 新任总统在今天午夜就任。

assumption n. 假设;担任

assure [əˈʃʊə(r)]

vt. 确保;向…保证,使确信 solidify; guarantee〉

The doctor assured the patient that everything would be all right. 医生向患者保证,一切都会好起来的。

assuredly adv. 确实地,确信地;reassure vt. 使…安心,打消…的疑虑;assurance n. 确信,保证

athlete [ˈæθliːt]

n. 运动员 sportsman〉

He became a professional athlete at the age of 16. 他在16岁时成了一名职业运动员。

attack [əˈtæk]

n./vt. 攻击,抨击;着手处理 (某事) assault; work on〉

Steps are being taken by the government to attack unemployment and poverty. 政府正在采取措施应对失业与贫困。

attain [əˈteɪn]

v. 达到;获得 accomplish〉

The nineteenth century saw women novelists attain the same prestige as men. 19世纪,女性小说家获得了与男性一样高的声望。

attainment n. 成就

attempt [əˈtempt]

n./vt. 尝试;试图 try, endeavor〉

My attempt to bake a cake failed miserably. 我尝试烤蛋糕,不幸失败。

The prisoners attempted to escape but failed. 囚犯们试图越狱,但失败了。

attend [əˈtend]

vt. ① 参加;入学 be present at〉

I attend school daily. 我每天都去上学。

② 照顾 take care of〉

The doctors try to attend the worst injured soldiers first. 医生尽量先给受伤最严重的士兵治疗。

attendance n. 出席

自我检测 从第四部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

24. Our house is ______ at $50,000.

25. She was ______ by Dr. Ghosh in the hospital.

26. Money, taxes, employment, legislation—these are topics that we ______ with the adult world.

27. She is very talented and is a real ______ to our company.

28. The prince ______ the throne after the king’s death.

29. Bob ______ me that he would pay back the loan.


Exercise 1 从第二栏中选出第一栏各词的反义词。

Exercise 2 找出与句子中画线单词意义最相近的词。

34. The mystery story aroused my imagination.

(A) stimulated (B) prolonged (C) glorified

35. When you apply for a loan, you must show that you have assets to cover the amount of the loan.

(A) assessments (B) properties (C) legal documents

36. Microfilm can hold a large amount of information in a very small storage space because the image is stored in reduced form.

(A) packet (B) book (C) quantity

37. The car was made in 1800; it is now regarded as an antique .

(A) a product (B) a relic (C) a layman

38. Attempts have been made for nearly three decades to increase the amount of precipitation from clouds by seeding them with salt or silver iodide.

(A) Devices (B) Hypotheses (C) Efforts

39. The ropes are tightly anchored to the rock.

(A) fastened (B) restricted (C) dragged

40. The design of highways and expressways is dictated by terrain features and the anticipated volume of traffic.

(A) desired (B) expected (C) erratic

41. George Gershwin was the first American musician whose jazz compositions were seriously appreciated by concert audiences.

(A) heard (B) sought (C) admired

42. Walk softly as you approach the sleeping baby.

(A) cross (B) drive against (C) near

43. The Chinese people worship their ancestors .

(A) forefathers (B) elders (C) heirs

Exercise 3 从第二栏中选出第一栏各词的同义词。

Exercise 4 从下列单词中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

attack associate anticipate ambition assume athlete appointment attempt annoy appropriate

54. I have an ______ with the dentist at four o’clock.

55. Tina’s party was very boring—it was full of her business ______.

56. He ______ that we would give money, so he put our names on the givers’ list.

57. His casual clothes were not ______ for such a formal occasion.

58. Jimmy ______ his sister by stealing her diary.

59. The plot to kill the President grew out of the inordinate ______ of a few colonels (上校) .

60. An ______ must eat well and exercise often.

61. An escape was ______ by the prisoners.

62. Our dog ______ the neighbour’s cat.

63. We ______ the storm and brought raincoats.

1. C 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. anchor 7. ancestors 8. ambition 9. anticipate 10. amazed 11. amuse 12. appealed...to 13. approaching 14. anxious 15. appreciated 16. appropriate 17. Antique 18. artificial 19. assembled 20. approximates 21. arbitrary 22. ashamed 23. arouse 24. assessed 25. attended 26. associate 27. asset 28. assumed 29. assured 30. C 31. D 32. B 33. A 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. B 41. C 42. C 43. A 44. D 45. F 46. C 47. I 48. A 49. G 50. B 51. H 52. J 53. E 54. appointment 55. associates 56. assumed 57. appropriate 58. annoyed 59. ambition 60. athlete 61. attempted 62. attacked 63. anticipated 13G33DpwxD9tpj9kglFf/SPtHZFrNuuXrs4Q0uH2T9m2F2hpwQbxQVmdEjmLq+dR
