
Lesson 1




1. No matter what language they are learning, children all seem to follow the same order in the acquisition of sounds.

(A) inheritance (B) acquirement (C) accumulation

2. Athletes who compete in the Olympic Games are not supposed to be amateurs .

(A) well trained (B) novices (C) non-professionals

3. Janet abandoned her legal career and became a social worker.

(A) supported (B) gave up (C) prosecuted

4. Acculturation is a process whereby the members of one culture adopt the customs of another.

(A) spread (B) regulate (C) take on

5. The Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States from the people of France to memorialise the alliance between the two countries.

(A) association (B) negotiation (C) difference


abandon [əˈbændən]

vt. 抛弃;放弃 desert〉

The company has abandoned plans for further expansion. 这家公司放弃了进一步扩张的计划。

n. 放纵 unrestraint〉

The guests at the party danced with abandon . 聚会上的客人们尽情地跳舞。

abandonment n. 抛弃;放弃

abroad [əˈbrɔːd]

adv./adj. 在国外 (的),海外 (的) overseas〉

More and more people are going abroad for vacations. 越来越多的人去国外度假。

absorb [əbˈzɔːb]

vt. 吸收 (液体、气体等) take in〉

Almost all living things absorb oxygen. 几乎一切有生命的东西都吸收氧气。

ab (离去) +sorb (吸吮)→吸收掉→吸收(液体、气体等)

absorption n. 吸收;absorbed adj. 全神贯注的,专心致志的;absorbent adj. 易吸收的 n. 吸收剂

abstract [æbˈstrækt; ˈæbstrækt]

vt. 写…的摘要;提取 summarise〉

I abstracted the main idea of his science report. 我概括出了他的科学报告的主要观点。

n. 摘要 summary〉

The abstract of the conference last week was distributed to all the members before the meeting. 上周会议的摘要已于开会之前分发给所有成员了。

adj. 抽象的 theoretical〉

His abstract ideas were not easily understood by many people. 许多人很难理解他抽象的想法。

abstraction n. 抽象概念

abundant [əˈbʌndənt]

adj. 丰富的,充裕的;大量的 plentiful〉

In recent years, an abundant number of complaints have disturbed that company. 最近几年,大量的投诉让那家公司不堪其扰。

ab+und (波浪) +ant→像波浪一样起伏→丰富的;大量的

abundance n. 丰富,充裕;abound vi. 丰富;盛产

abuse [əˈbjuːs]

n. (权力等的) 滥用;(物品的) 不精心使用;虐待 misuse〉

An abuse of authority by the manager led to disagreement among the members. 管理者滥用职权造成了成员之间的分歧。

ab (偏离) +use (使用)→偏离正常使用→滥用

abusive adj. 滥用的;谩骂的

academic [ˌækəˈdemɪk]

adj. 学术的;学院的;理论的 collegiate, scholastic〉

Like other academic disciplines, sociology has several major subdisciplines.与其他学科一样,社会学有几个主要分支。

academician n. 学会会员;院士;学者;academy n. (高等) 专科院校;研究院;学院

accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt]

v. 加快,加速 speed up〉

The car accelerated as it went past me. 那辆车在经过我时加速了。

ac (表加强) +celer (速度) +ate (动词后缀)→加快,加速

acceleration n. 加速度

access [ˈækses]

n. ① 接触;接近 (的机会) approach〉

Students must have access to a good teacher. 学生必须有个好老师。

② 入口,通道 entrance〉

The only access to this building is through that narrow archway. 进入这栋建筑的唯一通道是那道狭窄的拱门。

ac+cess (走)→走过去→通道

accessible adj. 可接近的,可接触的;可得到的;accessibility n. 易接近;可到达

accommodation [əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn]

n. 住处,膳宿 lodging〉

I am searching for temporary accommodation in this new city. 我正在这座新城市里寻找临时住所。

自我检测 从第一部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

6. The reference letter from this distinguished professor gave him ______ to many important people he would never have been able to meet otherwise.

7. Intelligent children ______ things easily.

8. I ______ the old refrigerator at the landfill.

9. “Beauty” and “truth” are ______ ideas.

10. An ______ harvest was predicted by the Secretary of Agriculture.

11. The chemical ______ the fruit production of certain trees.


accompany [əˈkʌmpəni]

vt. 陪伴,陪同;伴奏 be associated with〉

She was accompanied by her son. 她有自己的儿子陪着。

accompanying adj. 陪伴的;附随的;accompaniment n. 伴奏;伴随物

accomplish [əˈkʌmplɪʃ]

vt. 完成,达到,实现 finish, achieve〉

If we work together, I think we can accomplish our goal. 如果我们齐心协力,我想我们能实现目标。

accomplished adj. 精通的,熟练的;accomplishment n. 成就

accord [əˈkɔːd]

n. 协议;条约 agreement〉

The two sides signed a peace accord last month. 上个月,双方签订了和平条约。

according [əˈkɔːdɪŋ]

prep. 依照 (to) as stated by〉

She gets paid according to the number of hours she works. 她按工作的小时数获得报酬。

account [əˈkaʊnt]

n. ① 说明,解释 description〉

She wrote an account of all her travels in Europe in her diary. 她在日记中记述了自己在欧洲旅行的所有见闻。

② 户头;账目

A personal ID is required to open any accounts at a bank. 在银行开立账户时必须出具个人身份证明。

v. 解释 (for) explain〉

Can you account for your behaviours tonight? 你能解释一下你今天晚上的行为吗?

accounting n. 会计学;记账;accountant n. 会计;会计师

accumulate [əˈkjuːmjəleɪt]

vi. 堆积,积聚;积累 pile up; collect〉

Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a library is not cleaned daily. 如果不天天打扫图书馆,灰尘很快就会越积越多。

ac (一再)+cumul (堆积) +ate→一再堆积→积累

accumulative adj. 积聚的,累积的;accumulation n. 积聚

accuse [əˈkjuːz]

v. 指责,归咎 blame〉

Janet’s mother accused her of lying. 珍妮特的妈妈指责她撒谎。

accusation n. 谴责;控告

accustomed [əˈkʌstəmd]

adj. 习惯了的 (to)

It took a long time for me to get accustomed to the fast food in America, but now I can’t live without it!我花了很长时间才习惯了美国的快餐,可现在如果没有快餐,我都活不下去了!

achieve [əˈtʃiːv]

vt. 完成,实现 vi. 获得成功 accomplish, win〉

He eventually achieved his goal of becoming a professor. 他终于实现目标,当上了教授。

achievement n. 成就,功绩

acknowledge [əkˈnɒlɪdʒ]

vt. 承认 admit〉

The experts reluctantly acknowledged that their estimate of food costs was not accurate. 专家们不情愿地承认,他们对食品成本的估算并不准确。

acknowledgement n. 承认;确认;acknowledged adj. 公认的

自我检测 从第二部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

12. I have a savings ______ at the Bank of China.

13. He has ______ his goals in life by having a good job and raising a family.

14. Interest ______ in my savings account month by month.

15. She ______ him of stealing her car.

16. Mary ______ Tom on the piano.

17. Historians generally ______ her as a genius in her field.


acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns]

n. 熟人

We are acquaintances and talk frequently. 我们是熟人,经常在一起聊天。

ac (表强调) +quaint (知道) +ance (名词后缀)→熟人知道彼此的事情→熟人

acquaint vt. 使熟知;了解;(be) acquainted with 熟悉

acquisition [ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn]

n. 得到,获得 acquirement〉

The stockbroker made an acquisition of the future price of the stock based on its historical growth patterns. 股票经纪人根据股票的历史增长趋势,预测出股票的未来价格。

ac+quisit (得到) +ion→得到,获得

acquire vt. 获得;学到

adapt [əˈdæpt]

v. (使) 适应;改编 adjust〉

After moving to Harbin, Janet adapted to the cold weather. 珍妮特在搬到哈尔滨之后,适应了寒冷的天气。

ad (去) +apt (适合)→(使)适应

adaptable adj. 能适应的,适应性强的;adaptation n. 改编,改写;适应环境;adaptive adj. 适合的;适应的

adequate [ˈædɪkwət]

adj. 足够的,充足的 sufficient〉

I bought four bottles of water for our camping trip and I hope it is adequate . 我为露营买了四瓶水,希望够了。

inadequate adj. 不充分的;不适当的

administration [ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn]

n. ① 管理,经营 supervision〉

Headmasters are more involved in administration than in actual teaching. 校长大部分的工作是行政管理,而不是实际教学。

② (政府) 行政机关;执行 executive〉

The school administration met to decide on a new school policy. 学校管理委员会开会决定学校的一项新政策。

administrative adj. 管理的;行政的;administrator n. 管理者;行政官;administer v. 管理;执行

adopt [əˈdɒpt]

vt. ① 采用,采纳 accept〉

The company adopted new policies regarding maternity leave. 公司采取了新的产假政策。

② 收养 raise〉

The Browns adopted the baby when she was just three months old. 布朗家在这个婴儿三个月大时就收养了她。

adoption n. 采用;收养

affection [əˈfekʃn]

n. 友爱;挚爱;情爱 fondness〉

Janet felt great affection for her parents. 珍妮特跟她的父母感情很深。

affective adj. 感情的;表达感情的;affectionate adj. 亲爱的,挚爱的

afford [əˈfɔːd]

vt. ① 付得起 pay〉

I was going to buy a diamond necklace as a birthday gift for Sally, but I couldn’t afford it. 我本来想买一条钻石项链,作为生日礼物送给萨莉,但我买不起。

② 提供 provide〉

Her seat afforded her a beautiful view of the stage. 她的座位让她可以清楚地看到整个舞台。

affordable adj. 负担得起的

agent [ˈeɪdʒənt]

n. 代理 (商)

David worked as a travel agent . 大卫曾经是一名旅行社代理人。

agency n. 代理处;中介

aggressive [əˈɡresɪv]

adj. ① 有进取心的 enterprising〉

His victory was largely a result of his aggressive election campaign. 他能获胜很大程度上是因为他积极参与竞选活动。

② 好斗的,有敌意的 combative, hostile〉

The country made an aggressive attack on a neighbouring nation. 这个国家主动攻击了邻国。

ag (一再) +gress (走) +ive→一再向前走→有进取心的

aggressiveness n. 侵略性;竞争能力;aggression n. 侵略,攻击

自我检测 从第三部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

18. My latest ______ are a washing machine and a new car.

19. The ______ of a company requires hard work.

20. What you have given us is not ______; you must find more.

21. He cannot ______ to fail any of his exams.

22. He is an old ______ of mine.

23. The ______ journalist pushed her way to the front of the crowd.


aim [eɪm]

n. 目标,目的 purpose〉

His aim is to win this game. 他的目标是赢得这场比赛。

vi. 针对;目的是;瞄准;致力于 (at) direct towards〉

These advertisements are specifically aimed at young people. 这些广告是专门针对年轻人(设计)的。

alarm [əˈlɑːm]

vt. 使惊恐 frighten〉

I was alarmed by the reports of her disappearance. 她失踪的报道让我大吃一惊。

alert [əˈlɜːt]

adj. 机敏的 vigilant〉

Although he was almost ninety years old, he was still active and alert . 虽然快九十岁了,但他依然非常活跃和机敏。

vt. 向…发出警报;使认识到 warn, alarm〉

Direct mail advertising serves to acquaint customers with products and alert them to new opportunities. 直接邮寄广告可以让消费者熟悉产品,并提醒消费者有新的购买机会。

alliance [əˈlaɪəns]

n. 联盟,同盟 union〉

We are going to form a broad alliance among all groups and individuals sincerely interested in building a better city. 我们将为那些对建设更好的城市真心感兴趣的组织和个人建立广泛的联盟。

alloy [ˈælɔɪ; əˈlɔɪ]

n. 合金 metal〉

The factory used a special metal alloy for building light car parts. 这家工厂使用一种特殊的金属合金制作轻型汽车零部件。

v. 使成合金 mix〉

Copper is commonly alloyed with zinc to make brass. 铜通常与锌组成合金,形成黄铜。

ally [ˈælaɪ; əˈlaɪ]

n. 联盟;同盟者 confederate; partner〉

The two allies teamed up together to fight their enemies. 这两个同盟国联合起来对抗敌人。

v. 与…结盟 combine〉

I refuse to ally myself to that mob. 我拒绝与那个暴徒结成同盟。

alongside [əˌlɒŋˈsaɪd]

adv. 在…的旁边 next to〉

The new pill will be used alongside existing medicines. 那种新药将与现有的药物一起使用。

alter [ˈɔːltə(r)]

v. 改变;修改 modify〉

The company has to alter its business strategy to become more competitive next year. 公司必须改变其经营策略,才能在明年变得更具竞争力。

alteration n. 变更;改造

alternative [ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv]

adj. (两种或两种以上的东西中) 另一可选用的;供选择的 optional〉

There is an alternative solution to this problem. 对于这个问题,有一个替代解决方案。

n. 可选事物;取舍,抉择 choice〉

I have no alternative but to ask you to leave. 我别无选择,只能让你离开。

alter (改变) +native→可改变的→供选择的

amateur [ˈæmətə(r)]

adj. 业余的 non-professional〉

Only amateur athletes are eligible to participate in this game. 只有业余运动员才有资格参加这项比赛。

n. 业余爱好者 layman〉

He is an amateur at golf but he loves the game. 他在高尔夫球方面确实是个外行,但他很热爱这项运动。

amat (爱) +eur (人)→业余爱好者

自我检测 从第四部分中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

24. In his time of trouble he had numerous ______.

25. He ______ the basketball at the net and shot the ball.

26. Another boat pulled ______ ours.

27. The energy crisis in 1974 forced homeowners to look for ______ methods of heating and cooling.

28. The two parties were still too much apart to form an ______.

29. The guard stayed ______ to watch for anything unexpected.


Exercise 1 从第二栏中选出第一栏各词的反义词。

Exercise 2 找出与句子中画线单词意义最相近的词。

40. When her husband was given a job overseas, she had to decide whether to accompany him or not.

(A) go with (B) argue with (C) avoid

41. In the middle of the night the sleeping campers were alarmed by a loud crash.

(A) excited (B) signaled (C) frightened

42. One of California’s greatest problems is providing adequate water to meet the needs of its expanding population.

(A) sufficient (B) palatable (C) suitable

43. Although South Carolina’s mineral resources are abundant , not all of them can be mined lucratively.

(A) molten (B) plentiful (C) diverse

44. While they were away on vacation, they allowed their mail to accumulate at the post office.

(A) pile up (B) get lost (C) be returned

45. Lorraine Hansberry acquired a deep affection for Africa and its people from her uncle William, a professor of African history at Howard University.

(A) respect (B) longing (C) fondness

46. The accommodations of this hotel are limited to 600 persons.

(A) epochs (B) lodgings (C) fiascoes

47. Can you account for how the money got into your bag?

(A) explain (B) tally (C) survey

48. When transferred from one container to another of a different design, a liquid will maintain its volume but alter its shape.

(A) modify (B) stretch (C) confine

49. The road west gave access to the lake.

(A) ascendancy (B) approach (C) exit

Exercise 3 从第二栏中选出第一栏各词的同义词。

Exercise 4 从下列单词中选出最恰当的词填入空格内。

adapt adequate adopt academic abroad alert abundant accomplish acquisition acquaintance

60. It’s too early to do anything about it now. It’s all ______.

61. We ______ two children whose parents were killed in an accident.

62. I was not able to ______ all that I set out to do.

63. The ______ of the knowledge of medicine takes years of study.

64. The ______ crops would feed the village through the winter.

65. One should quickly ______ oneself to a new environment.

66. A businessman generally has a wide circle of ______.

67. A bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom were ______ for his living needs.

68. Mary was awake but not very ______ when the alarm rang.

69. The news of the President’s illness spread ______.

1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. access 7. absorb 8. abandoned 9. abstract 10. abundant 11. accelerated 12. account 13. achieved 14. accumulates 15. accused 16. accompanied 17. acknowledge 18. acquisitions 19. administration 20. adequate 21. afford 22. acquaintance 23. aggressive 24. allies 25. aimed 26. alongside 27. alternative 28. alliance 29. alert 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. G 34. E 35. H 36. C 37. J 38. F 39. I 40. A 41. C 42. A 43. B 44. A 45. C 46. B 47. A 48. A 49. B 50. F 51. D 52. H 53. J 54. A 55. E 56. B 57. I 58. G 59. C 60. academic 61. adopted 62. accomplish 63. acquisition 64. abundant 65. adapt 66. acquaintances 67. adequate 68. alert 69. abroad HDU3Qcdbh+APtFRtEkewM7y7ffu52xwwG4uXpWa1+rMpzfkX+KdLtMhRU1zjHACw
