
Model Test One


Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

1. A)To open more childcare centers.

B)To establish more fertility centers.

C)To show joys of social media.

D)To offer free childcare services.

2. A)Mexico.




Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3. A)Provide us with healthier food.

B)Make food ordering quick and easy.

C)Save the lives of those stuck at home.

D)Teach those who lack cooking skills.

4. A)Restaurants offering takeaways will increase in the future.

B)Delivery apps will offer more ready-made food during the pandemic.

C)People will cook their own meals during the pandemic.

D)There will be more takeaway orders in the future.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5. A)There used to be many people lived here.

B)It was an important antiquities trade center.

C)It was a trading place for different civilizations.

D)There have been important discoveries in the area.

6. A)About 20.

B)About 80.

C)About 50.

D)About 15.

7. A)Because they lie east to west.

B)Because they face north to south.

C)Because they are in senior rank.

D)Because they are built later.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. A)He is barely thirty.

B)He is just twenty-five.

C)He is in his forties.

D)He'd rather not to say.

9. A)She thinks thirties is quite different from her twenties.

B)She finds the face creams are becoming more expensive.

C)She thinks the face creams will not work.

D)She worries her facial skin might get older.

10. A)Because you become more mature in this age.

B)Because you don't think about what you want.

C)Because you know how to get what you want.

D)Because you are much younger than your thirties.

11. A)She enjoys herself a lot in that age.

B)She has a miserable experience then.

C)She thinks it is the age of exams.

D)She wants to relive that age.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A)He's just got a new job.

B)He's been in his internship.

C)He works in an Internet company.

D)His workload is quite heavy.

13. A)He has a drink in the cafe downstairs.

B)He has some food at his desk.

C)He has his lunch in the canteen outside.

D)He is being occupied with his work.

14. A)The interns.

B)Senior editors.

C)Senior journalists.

D)Younger staff.

15. A)Striped shirts.

B)Dark suits.

C)Casual jeans.

D)Casual clothes.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A)80 years old.

B)89 years old.

C)90 years old.

D)99 years old.

17. A)Because she always wants to become a midwife.

B)Because her children give her financial support.

C)Because she enjoys the school activities.

D)Because the government pays for the cost of primary school.

18. A)She shares Priscilla's story with the young students.

B)She has learned a lot from Priscilla's rich experience.

C)She uses Priscilla's experience to keep class in order.

D)She helps Priscilla to take control of the class.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A)Agriculture investment.

B)Vertical farming.

C)International agriculture.

D)Agriculture consulting.

20. A)Walmart will buy high-quality food from Plenty.

B)Walmart will help Plenty in vertical farming.

C)A Walmart representative will join Plenty's board.

D)Plenty will increase its dependability of supply.

21. A)It can grow more food with less water.

B)It permits produce to be grown all year.

C)It does not need insect control.

D)It can increase the dependability of supply.

22. A)Tower designers.

B)Special light.



Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

23. A)The worsening COVID-19 pandemic.

B)The shortage of nurses.

C)The increasing infections.

D)The shortage of medical supplies.

24. A)By improving the nurses' working conditions.

B)By searching for more educated nurses.

C)By offering more money to nurses at home.

D)By hiring nurses from the poor countries.

25. A)A 10-year-plan should be conducted.

B)A greater pandemic will be ahead.

C)More surgeries will be held off.

D)The nursing shortage will continue.

< 试题详解 >

Section A
News Report One

Thailand is encouraging its people to have more babies to stop a decrease in the national birth rate. (1) The Southeast Asian country plans to open more fertility centers and offer childcare services to parents. It also plans to use social media influencers to spread the message about the joys of family life. The number of births in Thailand has dropped nearly one third since 2013. Last year there were 544,000 births. That represents the lowest birth rate in at least 60 years. Coronavirus-related deaths added to the total of 563,000 deaths. (2) Thailand’s decreasing population is similar to other Asian countries like Japan or Singapore. But the nation is still developing. That means the effects of a falling birth rate are an even bigger problem.


1. A)To open more childcare centers.

B)To establish more fertility centers.

C)To show joys of social media.

D)To offer free childcare services.

Q: How does Thailand plan to increase the national birth rate?





问题: 泰国计划如何提高全国的出生率?

解析 新闻开头就提到泰国鼓励其国民多生育来阻止出生率的下降,接下来提到了泰国为此计划做的事情:开办更多生育中心、向父母提供托儿服务,以及请社交达人宣传家庭生活的快乐,选项B的表述与原文一致,为答案。原文中虽然提到了提供托儿服务,但没有提到是开办更多的托儿中心或者该服务是否免费,故排除选项A和D;选项C与听力原文描述不符。

2. A)Mexico.




Q: Which country has the same problem of decreasing population with Thailand according to the news?





问题: 据新闻描述,下列哪个国家和泰国一样面临人口负增长问题?

解析 新闻后面提到泰国的人口减少问题与亚洲其他一些国家如日本、新加坡类似,由此可知,选项C为答案。


fertility n. 生育;富饶;丰产

influencer n. 有影响力的人

drop v. 减少;掉落;累倒

coronavirus n. 冠状病毒

News Report Two

What’s the easiest way to satisfy your hunger? Many of us will reach for a takeaway menu and order some delicious—but possibly unhealthy—food. And our increasingly busy lives add to our need to buy ready-made food on the go or delivered to home. (3) Takeaway delivery apps make ordering food quick and convenient, and during the recent coronavirus crisis, it provided a lifeline to those stuck at home with nothing to cook or who lacked the skills to prepare a meal for themselves. It’s estimated that in the UK alone, people eat three million takeaway meals a day, and the three biggest delivery apps together offer a choice of 100 cuisines from 60,000 restaurants. (4) A recent research suggests that the frequency of takeaways ordered is expected to increase in the future.


3. A)Provide us with healthier food.

B)Make food ordering quick and easy.

C)Save the lives of those stuck at home.

D)Teach those who lack cooking skills.

Q: What can takeaway delivery apps do for us?





问题: 美食外卖软件能为我们做什么?

解析 新闻中明确提到外卖软件让订餐快速又方便,与选项B的内容一致,故为答案。新闻中提到大多数人选择外卖时,能吃到好吃但也许不那么健康的食物,选项A的说法与此相反,故排除;另外,新闻中提到外卖软件对那些因疫情被困在家没有食物或者自己不会做饭的人而言非常重要,这里主要指给这些人提供了食物,故排除选项C和D。

4. A)Restaurants offering takeaways will increase in the future.

B)Delivery apps will offer more ready-made food during the pandemic.

C)People will cook their own meals during the pandemic.

D)There will be more takeaway orders in the future.

Q: What does the recent research show?





问题: 最近的研究表明了什么?

解析 新闻最后提到最近的研究表明,未来人们点外卖的频率预计还会增加,与选项D的内容一致,故D为答案。


delivery n. 递送(商品);交付;分娩

stuck adj. 被困住的;动不了的;陷入的

frequency n. 频率;次数

News Report Three

A 2,000-year-old Roman cemetery has been found in the northern Gaza Strip, with the antiquities ministry calling it the most important local discovery of the past ten years. (5) Gaza is rich with ancient objects. The area has been an important trading spot for many civilizations, from ancient Egyptians through the Roman Empire.

Ruins discovered there include the remains of an attack by Alexander the Great as well as other invasions. (6) Twenty Roman graves have been located so far and the research team expects to find about 80 in total within the 50-square-meter cemetery. Only two graves have been opened; one contained skeletal remains and some clay jars.

Jamal Abu Rida is director-general of Gaza’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. Abu Rida suggested that researchers believe the graves likely belonged to “senior ranking people” in the Roman Empire during the first century. (7) Unlike the graves from later periods that face north to south, the Roman graves lie east to west, Abu Rida explained.


5. A)There used to be many people lived here.

B)It was an important antiquities trade center.

C)It was a trading place for different civilizations.

D)There have been important discoveries in the area.

Q: Why is Gaza rich with ancient objects?





问题: 为什么加沙文物丰富?

解析 新闻中提到加沙有丰富的文物,因为这里曾是多个古文明的重要贸易地,如古埃及、古罗马帝国,选项C的内容和原文一致,故为答案;选项A和B属于信息错误搭配,选项D原文未提及,故均排除。

6. A)About 20.

B)About 80.

C)About 50.

D)About 15.

Q: How many graves are expected to be found by the research team?





问题: 研究团队预计能发掘出多少个坟墓?

解析 新闻中提到目前已找到20座古罗马时期的坟墓,研究团队预计在这个50平方米的公墓中能找到约80个坟墓。所以正确答案是B。

7. A)Because they lie east to west.

B)Because they face north to south.

C)Because they are in senior rank.

D)Because they are built later.

Q: Why do researchers believe the graves are Roman ones?





问题: 为什么研究者认为这些是罗马时期的坟墓?

解析 新闻最后两句提到研究者们认为这些坟墓属于一世纪时罗马帝国的上等阶层,因为和后期坟墓的南北布局不同,罗马时期的坟墓往往是东西走向的。选项A的内容与原文相同,所以答案是A。


cemetery n. 墓地;公墓

strip n. (狭长)地带;条;带

antiquity n. 文物;古迹;古代

invasion n. 侵略,入侵

skeletal adj. 骨骼的;骨瘦如柴的

clay n. 黏土;陶土

Section B
Conversation One

W: Do you mind if I ask you how old you are?

M: (8) Actually, I would rather not to say. But let me put it this way, I’m on the wrong side of 40.

W: Is that a good age to be?

M: Um, well, yes. Pretty good. But it’s a lot older than 30, which is how old I feel. What’s your life like? I know you’re in your thirties now.

W: (9) Well, not very different from my twenties except that I am seriously thinking of buying more expensive face creams, and wondering if they really work.

M: What do you think is the best age to be?

W: (10) I think between 25 and 30 is good age, because you’ve kind of sorted out what you want and you know how to get it, and you’ve got some experience of trying to get it. At that age you don’t think about the consequence of what you do whereas when you are a bit older you do tend to worry about the consequences.

M: So do you wish you were still 25?

W: (11) No, I am quite happy at the age I am now. I mean, I had a good time in my twenties, but I wouldn’t necessarily want to relive them.

M: Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I have a little brother now in his early twenties. He is sharing an untidy room with his roommate and has tons of books to read at the end of each semester. Thank goodness, I’ve passed the age of exams.


8. A)He is barely thirty.

B)He is just twenty-five.

C)He is in his forties.

D)He’d rather not to say.

Q: How old is the man?





问题: 男士今年多少岁?

解析 对话中男士虽然不愿意说出自己的准确年龄,但是提到自己是on the wrong side of 40,意思是他已过40岁,故选项C为答案。

9. A)She thinks thirties is quite different from her twenties.

B)She finds the face creams are becoming more expensive.

C)She thinks the face creams will not work.

D)She worries her facial skin might get older.

Q: What does the woman think about the life in her thirties?





问题: 女士怎么看待自己30多岁的生活?

解析 对话中女士说她觉得20岁和30岁差别不大,但是她开始购买一些昂贵的面霜,并担心面霜的效果,由此可知,她害怕自己的皮肤衰老,选项D的表述与原文相符合,故选项D为答案。虽然对话中女士提到了对面霜效果的疑问,但没有肯定面霜不好用,故排除C。

10. A)Because you become more mature in this age.

B)Because you don’t think about what you want.

C)Because you know how to get what you want.

D)Because you are much younger than your thirties.

Q: To the woman, why is age between 25 and 30 a good one?





问题: 为什么女士认为25岁到30岁是好的年龄?

解析 对话中女士说她觉得25到30岁很好是因为:在这个年纪知道自己要什么且知道如何去获得想要的,在尝试获得的过程中积累了经验,还不用考虑后果,选项C的表述与原文相符合,故C为答案。

11. A)She enjoys herself a lot in that age.

B)She has a miserable experience then.

C)She thinks it is the age of exams.

D)She wants to relive that age.

Q: What does the woman think about the age of 25?





问题: 女士如何看待25岁的年纪?

解析 对话中男士问女士是否想一直停留在25岁时,女士回答说她自己现在这个年纪也很开心,20多岁时也过得很好,但她不想再重新体验那个年纪,选项A的表述与原文相符合,为答案,同时排除选项B和D;对话的最后男士提到自己的弟弟20岁刚出头,有很多考试要忙,并庆幸自己已过了考试年龄,由此可知,选项C是男士的想法,需排除。


put it this way 这样说吧

sort out 整理;解决

consequence n. 结果;成果

relive v. 重温;回味

Conversation Two

W: John, you look exhausted. What’s the matter?

M: (12) Well, I’m tired. It is my internship, you know.

W: Is it a busy one?

M: Yes, it’s a really busy office and we have to work long hours. Everybody works different hours because people are coming in and out all the time.

W: Do you have any breaks?

M: We can have a drink at our desks, but we’re not allowed to bring food into the office. (13) We’re supposed to have a break every two hours, but when you are working to a deadline, you can’t afford to take time for a break. Sometimes I work right through my lunch hour. It’s mad, really.

W: It sounds like you have to work overtime frequently?

M: Luckily, I am just an intern and my workload is not that heavy. (14) But some senior journalists do work late. We’re not supposed to smoke in the office, but you know they’ve been working late and smoking because the place smells horrible in the morning.

W: Is there anything you enjoy in this internship?

M: That might be the dressing code, I suppose. The editors and senior staff dress smartly. I think our senior editor has two suits and about twenty identical striped shirts because I’ve never seen him wearing anything else. (15) But the younger men are a bit more fashion-conscious and they don’t have to wear suits. The women can wear trousers or skirts, but we can’t wear jeans. In short, smart and casual clothes are OK for interns.


12. A)He’s just got a new job.

B)He’s been in his internship.

C)He works in an Internet company.

D)His workload is quite heavy.

Q: Why does the man look tired?





问题: 为什么男士看起来很疲惫?

解析 对话中男士提到自己很累是因为自己的实习工作,故选项B为答案。后面男士又提到自己只是实习生,所以工作量不算大,选项D内容与原文不符,故排除。其他两项信息未提及,均排除。

13. A)He has a drink in the cafe downstairs.

B)He has some food at his desk.

C)He has his lunch in the canteen outside.

D)He is being occupied with his work.

Q: What does the man usually do in his break hours?





问题: 男士在工作休息时间通常做什么?

解析 对话中男士说虽然每两小时可以休息一下,但是为了在工作的最后期限完成,他通常不会休息,有时哪怕午餐时间也都在工作,只有选项D的表述与原文相符合,为答案,同时排除选项A和C;对话中男士也提到,办公室可以喝各种饮品,但不允许将食物带入办公室,故排除选项B。

14. A)The interns.

B)Senior editors.

C)Senior journalists.

D)Younger staff.

Q: Who smokes secretly during the overtime?





问题: 谁在加班时偷偷吸烟?

解析 对话中提到资深记者们通常要加班,虽然办公室不允许抽烟,但是早晨办公室里气味难闻,由此推测这些记者们加班时偷偷抽了烟,选项C的表述与原文相符合,故C为答案。

15. A)Striped shirts.

B)Dark suits.

C)Casual jeans.

D)Casual clothes.

Q: What might the man wear in the office?





问题: 男士在办公室里可能会穿什么?

解析 对话最后提到办公室的穿衣规则,高级员工穿得比较正式,如约翰的上司穿条纹衬衫和套装,最后两句提到年轻职员可以穿得更时尚,且可以不穿西装,但是不能穿牛仔服。男士是实习生,也是年轻人,则可以穿得时尚又休闲,选项D符合原文表述,故答案为D。


exhausted adj. 精疲力竭的;耗尽的

internship n. 实习工作;实习期

overtime n. 加班

dressing code 着装要求

identical adj. 完全相同的

casual adj. 休闲的,便装的

Section C
Passage One

In a classroom in rural Kenya’s Rift Valley, a student takes notes alongside her fellow classmates. She wears the same school uniform—a grey skirt and a green sweater. However, there is one difference. Priscilla is more than 80 years older than them.

(16) Priscilla turned 99-years-old on February 11 this year. She said she went back to class to set a good example for her great grandchildren. She also wants a new career. “I would like to become a doctor because I used to be a midwife,” she told Reuters. She added that her children were supportive of her decision.

(17) Back in 2013, the government of the East African country began helping to pay for the cost of primary schooling. This has allowed some older members of society, who had missed out on education in their younger days, to go back to school.

Priscilla is in her sixth year of primary school. She said she enjoys the school activities, including physical education classes. “It keeps me fit,” she said. “I get to jump around, even though not as much as they do, but I at least move my body. That is my joy.”

Priscilla shares her wide experience and knowledge with the children. (18) Her teachers also use her experience to keep the peace during lessons. Her class teacher, Leonida Talaam, said she uses Priscilla to help control the class. And it works!


16. A)80 years old.

B)89 years old.

C)90 years old.

D)99 years old.

Q: How old is Priscilla this year?





问题: 普里西拉今年多大年纪?

解析 短文中明确提到,普里西拉今年2月就99岁了,故选D。

17. A)Because she always wants to become a midwife.

B)Because her children give her financial support.

C)Because she enjoys the school activities.

D)Because the government pays for the cost of primary school.

Q: Why can Priscilla go back to school?





问题: 为什么普里西拉能重回学校?

解析 短文中提到2013年时肯尼亚政府开始帮助支付小学的教育费用,所以能让一些过去辍学的成年人重新回到学校,选项D的内容与原文描述一致,故答案为D。普里西拉之前就曾经是助产士,所以排除A项;短文中虽然提到她的孩子们也支持她重回学校,但是没有提到孩子们给予她经济上的支持,所以排除B项;普里西拉喜欢学校的活动并不是她重回学校的理由,而是她重回学校后的感受,故排除选项C。

18. A)She shares Priscilla’s story with the young students.

B)She has learned a lot from Priscilla’s rich experience.

C)She uses Priscilla’s experience to keep class in order.

D)She helps Priscilla to take control of the class.

Q: What does Priscilla’s teachers think of this old student?





问题: 普里西拉的老师怎样看待她这个年长的学生?

解析 短文中提到普里西拉的老师用她的经历来维持课堂秩序(control the class),这与选项C中的keep class in order的表达是一致的,故答案为C。会与学生们分享经历的是普里西拉本人,而不是她的老师,排除选项A,其他两项内容短文中未提及。


school uniform 校服

primary schooling 小学教育

midwife n. 助产士;接生婆

keep fit 保持健康

Passage Two

Walmart, America’s largest goods store, recently announced that it bought a share of the agriculture company, Plenty.

(19) Plenty specializes in vertical farming. In a statement, Walmart official Charles Redfield said the partnership will help the company offer the “highest-quality foods at the best prices”. Plenty is based in San Francisco, California. Walmart is an international company based in Bentonville, Arkansas. Walmart did not comment on the size of its investment or the financial terms of the deal. (20) The company said a Walmart representative will join Plenty’s board of directors when the deal is completed.

Plenty was founded in 2014. It has a vertical farm in South San Francisco. Vertical farmers praise their methods. (21) They say vertical farming grows more food while using less water and land. The method also does not use chemical insect control. It also permits produce to be grown all year near transportation centers, which increases the dependability of supply.

It also operates an indoor science research center in Laramie, Wyoming. Plenty is now building a center in Compton, California. It said the project will be the world’s most productive vertical indoor farm. It is expected to open in the second half of this year.

Plenty said its vertical farming towers are designed to grow several crops on one floor in a building the size of a large store. (22) Its systems include vertical plant towers, special lighting, and robots to plant, feed, and harvest the crops.


19. A)Agriculture investment.

B)Vertical farming.

C)International agriculture.

D)Agriculture consulting.

Q: What does Plenty specialize?





问题: Plenty专营什么业务?

解析 短文中明确提及Plenty公司专营垂直耕种,故选B。其他三项原文中没有提及,均排除。

20. A)Walmart will buy high-quality food from Plenty.

B)Walmart will help Plenty in vertical farming.

C)A Walmart representative will join Plenty's board.

D)Plenty will increase its dependability of supply.

Q: What will happen if Walmart and Plenty close the deal?





问题: Walmart和Plenty达成交易后会发生什么?

解析 短文提到Walmart说交易完成后,Walmart将派一位代表加入Plenty的董事会,选项C符合原文表述,为答案。另外,短文中说Walmart与Plenty的合作能让Walmart提供品质最佳、价格最合理的食品,但并不是Walmart直接从Plenty公司购买,故排除选项A。

21. A)It can grow more food with less water.

B)It permits produce to be grown all year.

C)It does not need insect control.

D)It can increase the dependability of supply.

Q: Which of the following is NOT the merit of vertical farming?





问题: 以下哪项不是垂直种植的优点?

解析 短文中提到垂直种植的好处在于可以用更少的水和土地收获更多食物,作物可在交通要道附近种植,可整年生长,从而可保证供应的可靠性,故选项A、B和D都符合原文描述,排除。原文中提到的是垂直种植不使用化学药剂控制虫害,但是选项C说的是不需要控制虫害,不符合原文描述,故答案为C。

22. A)Tower designers.

B)Special light.



Q: What can harvest the crops in Plenty’s farming systems?





问题: Plenty的种植系统中用什么来收割作物?

解析 短文最后提到Plenty的系统包括垂直种植塔、特殊的灯光,以及可用于种植、施肥和收割作物的机器人,故答案为D。


vertical adj. 垂直的;直立的

transportation n. 运输;交通

dependability n. 可靠性

productive adj. 多产的;富饶的

Passage Three

(23) An international organization of healthcare workers is worried that a shortage of nurses and the COVID-19 pandemic will worsen healthcare problems for poor countries.

The International Council of Nurses (ICN)represents 27 million nurses worldwide. The ICN said, even before the pandemic, there was already a shortage of 6 million nurses, with 90 percent of the shortages in poorer countries. The increased infections caused by the Omicron variant made the nursing shortage even worse.

(24) Now, rich countries including the United States, Germany, Canada, and Britain are offering nurses from poor countries more money to come. The nurses come from places like sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean. Besides money and better working conditions, some nations also make it easier for nurses to permanently move to new countries. The ICN said that rich countries are taking advantage of poor countries which educated the nurses but now cannot use their skills at home.

Healthcare organizations around the world need to start thinking about a 10-year-plan to add more nurses. As the immediate problem of the COVID-19 pandemic is one thing, but a greater problem is ahead. People have held off on surgeries and other important procedures during the pandemic. (25) Once the virus is under control and more people come back into hospitals, the nursing shortage will continue.

“We need a global effort,” the ICN said. “Not just warm words and cliché.”


23. A)The worsening COVID-19 pandemic.

B)The shortage of nurses.

C)The increasing infections.

D)The shortage of medical supplies.

Q: What is the healthcare problem the poor countries now facing?





问题: 贫困国家正面临什么医疗问题?

解析 短文开篇就提到一个国际医疗员工组织担心护士短缺问题,且新冠疫情使这种情况在不发达国家更为严重,在下文中,短文也一直在描述护士人才短缺的相关问题,故选项B与原文表达的内容一致,为答案。

24. A)By improving the nurses' working conditions.

B)By searching for more educated nurses.

C)By offering more money to nurses at home.

D)By hiring nurses from the poor countries.

Q: How do rich countries solve the problem of nurse shortage?





问题: 富裕国家如何解决护士短缺问题?

解析 短文提到诸如美国、德国这样的富裕国家用更多的钱吸引来自不发达国家的护士前来工作。选项D与原文表达的内容一致,为答案。文章提到富裕国家用来吸引不发达国家护士的条件是金钱、更好的工作条件和永久居住权,这些只是吸引人才的条件,并不是解决问题的方法,故排除选项A和C,选项B原文未提及。

25. A)A 10-year-plan should be conducted.

B)A greater pandemic will be ahead.

C)More surgeries will be held off.

D)The nursing shortage will continue.

Q: What will happen after the COVID-19 pandemic according to the passage?





问题: 根据短文,新冠疫情结束后会发生什么?

解析 短文后面提到,新冠疫情得到控制后,会有更多的人回到医院看病,所以护士人手短缺的问题还将继续,选项D与原文表达的内容一致,故选D。原文中提到人们是因为疫情的缘故才被迫推迟手术和治疗,疫情之后这个问题应得到一定解决,C的表述与原文不符,排除。选项A只是医疗组织应该考虑的事情,和新冠疫情无直接关联,选项B原文没有提及,均排除。


infection n. 传染;感染

Omicron variant 奥密克戎变异株

take advantage of 利用

permanently adv. 永久地;长期地

hold off 拖延;抵抗

surgery n. 外科手术

procedure n. 手术;程序;步骤

cliché n. 老生常谈;陈词滥调 ydIF+jHIx5WD/9rKWWWNCYN9ZL59zJTIG5++2YZP9oryqC6icE+N6eAf3mMeXDSU
