
Model Test Four


Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

1. A)Men’s team promised to win the World Cup 2018.

B)Women’s team is more successful than men’s.

C)Women’s team was qualified for the World Cup 2018.

D)Men’s and women’s team receive the equal payment.

2. A)It will help women to recognize the value of themselves.

B)It will help women to fight for their value.

C)It will help women’s team to win the World Cup.

D)It will earn soccer players a better payment.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3. A)To ban logging in its tropical rainforest.

B)To ban all its logging companies.

C)To take action to protect its forest.

D)To decrease its log exports.

4. A)It can relieve the pressure from the partners.

B)It can double the rate of deforestation.

C)It can help restore the rainforest.

D)It can gain more financial benefits.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5. A)They will enroll more students.

B)They will increase tuition and fees.

C)They will increase cost slowly.

D)They will pay more for its staff.

6. A)Tuition.




7. A)Study its policy and leadership.

B)Reduce the class size.

C)Repair old school buildings.

D)Reduce the running costs.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. A)She failed her history exam.

B)She is quite tired.

C)She is too busy.

D)She has a bad headache.

9. A)The taste of regular and decaffeinated coffee is the same.

B)Decaffeinated coffee may help prevent heart disease.

C)Coffee does not necessarily cause heart disease.

D)Regular coffee has less caffeine than soda.

10. A)It helps people exercise efficiently.

B)It is more refreshing than soda.

C)It should be drunk in moderation.

D)It has less flavor than tea.

11. A)Problems with the student cafeteria.

B)Some causes of headaches.

C)The effects of caffeine.

D)How to do well on exams.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A)He bicycled with friends in mountains.

B)He bought a nice sweater for himself.

C)He traveled with a couple of friends.

D)He planned for his coming vacation.

13. A)It might start on the 20th of the next month.

B)He can take two months off.

C)He needs at least five weeks to relax.

D)It will be no longer than five weeks.

14. A)It means the time to make compensation.

B)It means extra vacation hours for overtime.

C)It means extra payment for overtime.

D)It means adding up all vacation time.

15. A)The boss expects him to bring back souvenirs.

B)The boss is very jealous of him.

C)The boss worries that he will get bored.

D)The boss can't allow him a long vacation.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A)Farmers could live on the frontier.

B)Farmers could produce anything.

C)Farmers could depend on themselves.

D)Farmers could trade land with neighbors.

17. A)Crop production became increasingly specialized.

B)New banking laws made it easy to buy a farmland.

C)More crop products were shipped overseas.

D)The United States increased its agricultural imports.

18. A)Farmers relied less on foreign markets.

B)The government set up programs to assist farmers.

C)Farmers were more dependent on banks.

D)The price for agricultural products rose.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A)The threat and insult online.

B)Cyberbullying to teens.

C)Child version of social media.

D)High risks of social media.

20. A)Kids from poor families.

B)Teenage girls.

C)Young boys.

D)Depressed adults.

21. A)Entertainment media.

B)School media.

C)Longer school days.


Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. A)To advertise items vocally.

B)To sell products door to door.

C)To display items on the walls.

D)To hand out samples in towns.

23. A)Greece.




24. A)The invention of paper.

B)The development of papermaking.

C)The invention of television.

D)The development of printing.

25. A)By putting advertisements on the Internet.

B)By adding visual elements into advertisements.

C)By sending e-mail advertisements.

D)By searching information on the Internet.

< 试题详解 >

Section A
News Report One

The organization that runs soccer in the United States says its men’s and women’s national soccer teams will receive equal pay. The U.S. is the first country in the world to make such a promise. (1) The American women’s soccer team is one of the best in the world. The men’s soccer team has seen less success; it did not qualify for the World Cup in 2018. Players on the men’s team, however, have always received much more money than players on the women’s team.

(2) Margaret Purce is a player for the women’s team. She said the agreement would help women and girls “recognize their value rather than having to fight for it.” The final part of the agreement that needed to be worked out was how the players would be paid for competing in the World Cup. The women’s team won the last two games but still earned far less than the men’s team.


1. A)Men’s team promised to win the World Cup 2018.

B)Women’s team is more successful than men’s.

C)Women’s team was qualified for the World Cup 2018.

D)Men’s and women’s team receive the equal payment.

Q: What can be inferred about the national soccer teams in the U.S.?





问题: 关于美国国家足球队能推论出什么?

解析 新闻中提到美国国家队女队是世界最好的几支球队之一,而男队鲜有成功,甚至都没有资格参加2018世界杯,由此可见女队比男队要成功得多,选项B的表述符合新闻描述,故答案为B。选项D的内容与新闻描述相反,排除;选项A和选项C的内容新闻中并未提及,没有依据,故不可选。

2. A)It will help women to recognize the value of themselves.

B)It will help women to fight for their value.

C)It will help women’s team to win the World Cup.

D)It will earn soccer players a better payment.

Q: What does Margaret Purce think of the agree-ment?





问题: 玛格丽特·珀塞尔对该协议有何看法?

解析 新闻中提到玛格丽特认为该协议会help women and girls “recognize their value rather than having to fight for it”,即有助于女性认识到自己的价值,而无须为此去斗争,因此选项A与新闻一致,故答案为A,同时排除选项B;该协议主要解决的是男女球员收入不平等的问题,而不是全部球员收入高低的问题,故排除选项D。


qualify v. 达到标准;使……具有资格

work out 想出,得到(解决方法);计算出

News Report Two

The Democratic Republic of Congo’s environment minister said on Thursday the country plans to ban all log exports temporarily. (3) The country also plans to take measures to lessen threats to its tropical rainforest. The forest takes in carbon dioxide and produces oxygen. It is a major move to fight climate change.

Congo is home to the majority of the world’s second-largest rainforest. The country is under pressure to improve how it administers the forest. It is also under pressure to slow down the high rate at which the forest is being destroyed or deforested. Information from the U.N. shows the deforestation rate has doubled in the last ten years.

The environment minister announced the suspension of log exports to reporters in the capital Kinshasa. She did not say when it would come into effect. (4) “It allows us not only to enable natural restoration but also a reforestation program that we have with all of our technical, financial, and development partners,” she said.


3. A)To ban logging in its tropical rainforest.

B)To ban all its logging companies.

C)To take action to protect its forest.

D)To decrease its log exports.

Q:What is Congo’s major move to fight climate change?





问题: 刚果对抗气候变化的重要行动是什么?

解析 新闻开头就提到刚果周四宣布要暂停所有的原木出口,后面又提到要采取措施减少对热带雨林的威胁,而做这两件事情的目的是保护森林,因为森林吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气,这是其应对气候改变的重要举措,由此可知,选项C的内容与新闻一致,故为正确答案。选项D与新闻表述不符,原文是说该国计划暂停而不是减少原木出口,故排除。

4. A)It can relieve the pressure from the partners.

B)It can double the rate of deforestation.

C)It can help restore the rainforest.

D)It can gain more financial benefits.

Q: What does the environment minister expect from the measure?





问题: 环境部长对这一措施有何期望?

解析 新闻最后提到该部长希望这个禁令不仅能使自然得以恢复,而且希望这是一个能和所有技术、资金及发展伙伴们共享的重新造林的项目。由此可知,选项C为答案。选项B描述错误,选项A和D新闻中未提及,均排除。


log n. 原木

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

oxygen n. 氧气

deforest v. 砍伐森林;毁林

suspension n. 暂停;悬浮

restoration n. 恢复;复原

News Report Three

In all parts of American life, people are paying more for workers, food and energy. (5) As a result, colleges will also charge students more in the 2022 - 2023 school year. For several years, college costs have increased somewhat slowly. But now, there’s absolutely going to be a sharp increase in tuition and fees.

The University of Virginia has already said it will raise its price for the next school year by almost 5 percent. (6) Another school in Virginia, Virginia Tech, already raised prices for meals by 9 percent to help pay the people who work at campus canteens.

Those who run schools are worried that students who are in the middle of their studies may be surprised by higher costs. Robert Ketchen studies education policy and leadership at the University of Tennessee. (7) He said universities might need to delay repairing school buildings, reduce some services and increase class sizes to deal with their own rising expenses. Increasing tuition prices will not be enough.


5. A)They will enroll more students.

B)They will increase tuition and fees.

C)They will increase cost slowly.

D)They will pay more for its staff.

Q: What will happen in American colleges in the 2022-2023 school year?





问题: 在2022至2023学年,美国大学会发生什么?

解析 新闻中提到2022至2023学年美国大学会向学生收取更多费用。其后又进一步解释过去几年大学费用涨幅很小,但是现在一定会有一次大的学杂费增长。选项B的内容和新闻一致,为答案。选项C所说的慢慢提高费用是过去几年的情况,答非所问,故排除。

6. A)Tuition.




Q: Which price will be higher in Virginia Tech according to the news?





问题: 根据该新闻,弗吉尼亚技术学院会在哪方面涨价?

解析 新闻中明确提到弗吉尼亚技术学院会将伙食费用提高9%以用于支付学校食堂员工的工资,所以答案是C。

7. A)Study its policy and leadership.

B)Reduce the class size.

C)Repair old school buildings.

D)Reduce the running costs.

Q: What does Robert Kelchen suggest to univer-sities?





问题: 罗伯特·凯琴给大学提了什么建议?

解析 新闻最后提到罗伯特·凯琴认为只涨学费是不够的,学校要把修缮教学楼计划延期、减少服务项目、加大班级规模来应对不断上涨的开支,由此可知他认为学校既要开源,还要节流,选项D的内容与新闻相同,所以答案是D。


tuition n. 学费

delay v. 推迟;延期

expense n. 花销;代价

Section B
Conversation One

M: Oh, Ann, another cup of coffee? That’s your third since lunch.

W: (8) Yeah. Well, I stayed up all night cramming for my history exam. I couldn’t keep my eyes open in my last class. I’m having this coffee so I can stay awake this afternoon.

M: (10) Don’t you know that drinking too much coffee is bad to your health?

W: What do you mean “bad”?

M: Well, for one thing, it may cause heart disease.

W: (9) No. Most of the research about the link between coffee and heart disease is inconclusive.

M: (10) But coffee has caffeine, which is addictive.

W: You can’t become addicted to caffeine like other drugs.

M: Yes, you can. Don’t you know that people who are deprived of caffeine suffer withdrawal symptoms, especially headache?

W: One cure for headache, interestingly enough, is caffeine. Haven’t you ever noticed that many headache remedies use caffeine as one of their ingredients? Besides, coffee helps me work faster.

M: (10) Studies have shown that coffee makes you work faster but not necessarily better. You may finish your exam in a shorter period, but you will not have fewer errors.

W: You know that soda you are drinking has caffeine in it too.

M: But 12 ounces of soda has only half the caffeine in a 5-ounce cup of coffee. And a cup of tea has less than that.

W: But I like the taste of coffee.

M: You could drink decaf.

W: Decaffeinated coffee doesn’t have as much flavor as regular coffee. Besides, I want something that will keep me alert in class.


8. A)She failed her history exam.

B)She is quite tired.

C)She is too busy.

D)She has a bad headache.

Q: What is the woman’s problem?





问题: 女士遇到了什么问题?

解析 对话中女士提到她为了备考历史通宵死记硬背地复习,上课睁不开眼,必须靠咖啡才能保持清醒。因此选项B是最符合对话内容的,为答案。

9. A)The taste of regular and decaffeinated coffee is the same.

B)Decaffeinated coffee may help prevent heart disease.

C)Coffee does not necessarily cause heart disease.

D)Regular coffee has less caffeine than soda.

Q: As for the research about coffee, what does the woman say?





问题: 关于对咖啡的研究,女士说了什么?

解析 针对男士提到的喝过多咖啡可能会引起心脏病,女士提到大部分研究中关于咖啡和心脏病之间的联系是没有说服力的,由此可知,她认为咖啡不一定会导致心脏病,故答案为C。其他三项原文未提及或表述错误,均排除。

10. A)It helps people exercise efficiently.

B)It is more refreshing than soda.

C)It should be drunk in moderation.

D)It has less flavor than tea.

Q: What does the man think about the coffee?





问题: 男士是如何看待咖啡的?

解析 从对话中可知男士认为喝过多的咖啡对健康有害,因为咖啡中有让人上瘾的咖啡因,且咖啡能提高工作效率但不能提高工作质量,综合以上可知男士认为喝咖啡弊大于利且不能喝多,故选项C为答案;选项A与原文不符,男士只说咖啡让工作更高效,没有提到锻炼,故排除。

11. A)Problems with the student cafeteria.

B)Some causes of headaches.

C)The effects of caffeine.

D)How to do well on exams.

Q: What is the conversation mainly about?





问题: 这段对话的主题是什么?

解析 整篇对话因女士喝了很多咖啡开始,其后两人围绕咖啡展开,分别谈到了喝咖啡的影响,尤其是其中的咖啡因成分的利与弊,两人各持己见,男士认为多喝咖啡有坏处,而女士认为咖啡有一定的积极作用,由此可知,答案应是C。


cram v. 临时死记硬背;把……塞进去

inconclusive adj. 不能让人信服的;不确定的

addictive adj. 使人上瘾的

deprive v. 夺走;使丧失

remedy n. 治疗法

caffeine n. 咖啡因

ounce n. 盎司(重量单位)

decaf n. 脱咖啡因咖啡

Conversation Two

M: Hey, Paula. Did you have a good weekend?

W: I went mountain biking with a couple of friends. We worked up a good sweat and had a good time. How about you, Jerry?

M: (12) Actually, I spent most of the weekend looking at travel brochures.

W: Really? Are you going somewhere?

M: (12/13) Well, starting on the 20th of this month, I’m taking a five-week vacation.

W: Five weeks. Cool!

M: Actually, the company owes me about four months’ worth of vacation time. I’ve been working here since 2002 and haven’t taken a vacation yet. I’ve got comp time as well.

W: Sorry, what’s comp time?

M: (14) The “comp” is short for compensation. Basically it means overtime pay. But some companies—like ours—don’t really pay overtime. They give you extra vacation hours instead. If you add up all the vacation time and comp hours I have, you have a lot of time. I have to say I’m looking forward to my long vacation. I think you need at least three or four weeks of doing nothing before you can truly relax.

W: I thought you said you had months and months of vacation time available. Why are you only taking five weeks off?

M: (13/15) Five weeks was the best I could negotiate with my boss. She says she knows I’ve earned the time, but she begged me not to take more than five weeks.

W: Five weeks should be long enough. Who knows? Maybe you’ll get bored and come back early.

M: I doubt it.

W: I’m so jealous of you. Don’t forget to bring us back some souvenirs.


12. A)He bicycled with friends in mountains.

B)He bought a nice sweater for himself.

C)He traveled with a couple of friends.

D)He planned for his coming vacation.

Q: What did the man do on the weekend?





问题: 男士周末做了什么?

解析 对话中,女士询问男士周末过得如何,男士提到自己周末大部分时间都在看旅行宣传小册子,从后文中也可得知他即将有五周的长时间休假,由此可知,周末他在为休假做准备,选项D与原文相符合,为答案。选项A是女士在周末做的事情,其他两项对话中未提及,均排除。

13. A)It might start on the 20th of the next month.

B)He can take two months off.

C)He needs at least five weeks to relax.

D)It will be no longer than five weeks.

Q: What can be known about the man’s vacation?





问题: 关于男士的假期我们能知道什么?

解析 对话中男士提到从本月20号开始,他就要开始休长达五周的假期,且后文中也提到虽然公司欠他的休假时间是大约四个月,但他和老板商议的结果是休假不要超过五周,所以选项D为答案。

14. A)It means the time to make compensation.

B)It means extra vacation hours for overtime.

C)It means extra payment for overtime.

D)It means adding up all vacation time.

Q: What does the “comp time” mean in the man’s company?





问题: 在男士的公司,comp time是什么意思?

解析 对话中男士提到,一般来说comp 意味着加班工资,但是在男士的公司并没有加班工资,而是用额外的休假时间作为加班补偿,本题问的是在男士的公司comp time的意思,由此可知,答案是选项B。

15. A)The boss expects him to bring back souvenirs.

B)The boss is very jealous of him.

C)The boss worries that he will get bored.

D)The boss can’t allow him a long vacation.

Q: What does the man’s boss think about his trip?





问题: 男士的老板对他的出行有何想法?

解析 对话中男士提到他虽然有好几月的假期,但休五个星期是他和老板协商出的最好结果了,老板最多只能让他休五周,由此可知,选项D符合短文表述,故答案为D。其他三个选项都是对话中女士的想法,并非男士老板的看法,需排除。


work up 逐步发展

brochure n. 小册子;资料手册

compensation n. 补偿;赔偿

extra adj. 额外的

souvenir n. 纪念品;纪念物

Section C
Passage One

One of the most popular myths about the United States in the 19th century was that of the free and simple life of the farmer. It was said that farmers worked hard on their own land to produce whatever their families needed. (16) They might sometimes trade with neighbors; but in general they could get along just fine by relying on themselves. This is how Thomas Jefferson idealized the farmer at the beginning of the 19th century, and, at that time, this may have been close to the truth—especially on the frontier.

(17) But by mid-century, big changes in agriculture were well under way as farmers began to specialize in the raising of crops such as cotton or corn or wheat. By late in the century, revolutionary advances in farm machinery had vastly increased production of specialized crops. And the extensive network of railroads had linked farmers throughout the country to markets in the East and even overseas. By raising and selling specialized crops, farmers could afford more and finer goods and achieve a much higher standard of living—but at a price.

Now, farmers were no longer dependent just on the weather and their own efforts. (18) Their lives were increasingly controlled by banks, which had power to grant or deny loans for new machinery, and by the railroads, which set the rates for shipping their crops to market.


16. A)Farmers could live on the frontier.

B)Farmers could produce anything.

C)Farmers could depend on themselves.

D)Farmers could trade land with neighbors.

Q: What was the idealized life of a farmer in the 19th century America?





问题: 在19世纪的美国,理想化的农民生活是什么样子的?

解析 短文开头介绍了19世纪美国农民简单又自由的生活,后面虽然也提到了他们有时会与邻居做点交易,但是总的来说他们可以依靠自己而生活得很好,由此可知,选项C和短文相符,故答案是C。文中提到农民靠自己在土地上的辛勤劳作就能生产出自己所需要的东西,但选项B表述的是可以生产任何东西,显然扩大了范围,故排除。

17. A)Crop production became increasingly specialized.

B)New banking laws made it easy to buy a farmland.

C)More crop products were shipped overseas.

D)The United States increased its agricultural imports.

Q: What was the major change in agriculture during the 19th century?





问题: 在19世纪,农业发生的主要变化是什么?

解析 短文提到在19世纪中期,农业发生了巨大的变化,农民开始专门种植某类作物,如棉花、玉米或小麦等。到19世纪末,农业器械的发展大大提高了专用作物的产量。选项A的内容与原文一致,为答案。其他三项原文未提及,均排除。

18. A)Farmers relied less on foreign markets.

B)The government set up programs to assist farmers.

C)Farmers were more dependent on banks.

D)The price for agricultural products rose.

Q: What was the result of the increased use of machinery on farms?





问题: 农场增加对机械的使用带来了什么结果?

解析 短文提到农业器械的发展大大提高了农作物的产量,提高了农民的生活水平,但这是有代价的。农民现在不再仅仅依靠天气和自己的努力,他们的生活越来越被银行所控制,因为银行对他们购买新器械的贷款申请有同意或拒绝的权力,由此可知,选项C为答案。


idealize v. (使)理想化

frontier n. 边疆;边界

be under way 在进行中

specialize v. 专门从事;专攻

machinery n. 机器

grant v. 批准;准予

loan n. 贷款

Passage Two

Cyberbullying is the use of electronic communication to threaten or insult someone. (19) Concern over cyberbullying to teenagers has been at the center of recent criticism directed at social media companies.

Last month, Facebook delayed the development of its child version of Instagram after opposition from American lawmakers. More than 40 state lawyers wrote a letter to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg urging him to stop the release of the project. Social media can be dangerous to the health and well-being of children, and kids’ Instagram could make cyberbullying worse, the letter said.

(20) Facebook’s own data showed that Instagram could be harmful to teens’ mental health, especially girls. While 20.4 percent of students bullied online were girls, 10.9 percent were boys.

A study in 2019 found that teenagers use an average of 7 hours, 22 minutes of entertainment media a day. And that does not include time using media for school. With more time online comes a higher risk of exposure to cyberbullying. (21) Cyberbullying can make feelings of depression worse and negatively affect mental health. The study found that 38 percent of teens and young adults were depressed in 2020, up from 25 percent two years before. Higher levels of depression also were connected to higher levels of social media use. Almost all young people use some form of social media but may not know the risks they face online.


19. A)The threat and insult online.

B)Cyberbullying to teens.

C)Child version of social media.

D)High risks of social media.

Q: What is the recent criticism towards social media companies mainly about?





问题: 最近对社交媒体公司的批评主要是什么?

解析 短文提到对青少年网络霸凌的担忧是最近针对社交媒体公司的批评的核心,由此可知,选项B与短文表达的内容一致,故选B。选项A的内容是网络霸凌的主要形式;选项C的儿童版是针对脸书这一家公司的,而不是针对所有社交媒体公司;选项D的内容原文未提及,故三项均排除。

20. A)Kids from poor families.

B)Teenage girls.

C)Young boys.

D)Depressed adults.

Q: Which are the most possible victims of cyberbullying according to Facebook’s data?





问题: 根据脸书的数据,哪些人最有可能成为网络霸凌的受害者?

解析 短文提到了脸书的数据,数据显示Instagram这样的社交软件对青少年的心理健康有害,尤其是对女孩而言。后面进一步提到遭遇网络霸凌的女孩比男孩多近一倍,由此可知,四个选项中最有可能成为受害者的应是选项B所说的十几岁的女孩,故正确答案为B。

21. A)Entertainment media.

B)School media.

C)Longer school days.


Q: What would have negative impact on mental health according to the passage?





问题: 根据短文所述,什么会对心理健康产生负面影响?

解析 短文主题是网络霸凌,且原文中明确提到网络霸凌会让抑郁情绪加重,还会给心理健康带来负面影响,因此选项D为答案。其他选项不符合题目要求,均排除。


insult n. / v. 侮辱;冒犯

cyberbullying n. 网络霸凌

release n. / v. 发布;释放;公布

exposure n. 面临,遭受;暴露

Passage Three

(22) The oldest form of advertising is still being used today. For example, in ancient times, people told others about the value of a certain product. We do that today, too. Back in 4,000 BC people painted the walls of their structures and the face of a cliff or large rock. (23) The displays and signs were being used back in 79 AD because these were discovered in the ruins of Pompeii when archaeologists dug up the site. And in Greece and Egypt at about the same time, people were using paper to put up notices. (24) It was only when printing developed in the 15th and 16th century Germany that advertisements on handbills were distributed. By the 17th century, newspapers, which came out on a weekly basis, carried ads about medicine and books.

Then companies started making catalogs so they could put all their products and services in a single short of book that people could read through. The invention of the radio and television in the early to mid-1900s brought the audio-visual element into ads. By the 1990s, Internet advertising has grown into an enormous industry with millions of people around the world relying on the Internet to get product and service information. (25) With Internet advertising came e-mail advertisements, a form of advertising that companies are now utilizing to reach specific segments of a market.


22. A)To advertise items vocally.

B)To sell products door to door.

C)To display items on the walls.

D)To hand out samples in towns.

Q: What is the oldest form of advertising?





问题: 最古老的广告形式是什么?

解析 短文开头说到最古老的广告形式至今仍被使用,比如在古代,人们就会通过口口相传来告知他人关于某种产品的价值。由此可知,最古老的广告形式就是口头宣传,故答案为A。

23. A)Greece.




Q: Where did people paint signs on walls to advertise?





问题: 哪里的人们曾把招牌画在墙上以做广告宣传?

解析 根据短文可知,公元前4000年古代人就在房子和崖壁上画图以做宣传,这些图案多年后在庞贝城遗址中被考古学家发掘出来,由此可知,庞贝人这样做过,所以选项C为答案。

24. A)The invention of paper.

B)The development of papermaking.

C)The invention of television.

D)The development of printing.

Q: What makes the distribution of handbills possible?





问题: 什么使分发传单变得可行?

解析 短文中明确提到在15世纪和16世纪德国的印刷术有所发展时,人们才开始发传单来做广告。选项D的表述与短文一致,为答案。

25. A)Putting advertisements on the Internet.

B)Adding visual elements into advertisements.

C)Sending e-mail advertisements.

D)Searching information on the Internet.

Q: How can companies reach specific parts of the market?





问题: 公司如何才能触及市场的特定部分?

解析 短文最后提到,继互联网广告后又出现了电子邮件广告,公司现在利用这种广告形式去触及市场的特定部分,由此可知,选项C与原文的内容一致,为答案。选项A描述的范围不够具体,故排除。


cliff n. 悬崖;峭壁

archaeologist n. 考古学家

put up 张贴

handbill n. 传单;广告单

catalog n. 商品目录

utilize v. 利用;使用 hn7Kr+NU7+oclPxTvs64xg/aKUACsJAHzbxsVKwIVSml/AOhdbHYQJkh3FaQzIKq
