
Model Test Three


Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

1. A)They are more attractive in appearance.

B)They can hold more passengers.

C)They need shorter runways.

D)They can land at steep field.

2. A)It is harder to maintain aeroplanes.

B)A380 will never fly again.

C)A380 will become smaller in size.

D)Airbus will produce less A380.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3. A)To order people to stay at home.

B)To close six power plants temporarily.

C)To ban construction until the weekend.

D)To ban trucks from entering the city.

4. A)Because power plants burn more fuel in winter.

B)Because average household burns coal in winter.

C)Because the soft wind can’t blow away pollutants.

D)Because the emergency action can’t clean the air.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5. A)Plastic trees are forbidden in this country.

B)Severe weather prevents the trees from being shipped.

C)Factories overseas increase the price of artificial trees.

D)The supply has decreased because of extreme weather.

6. A)Floods.




7. A)The shortage of wood-cutters.

B)The shortage of truck drivers.

C)The shortage of trucks.

D)The shortage of tree farms.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. A)A class that the woman is taking.

B)A chemistry assignment.

C)A job possibility.

D)A study of a chemistry professor.

9. A)Employ them as lab assistants.

B)Teach at their high schools.

C)Pay them for participating in the study.

D)Help them with their studies.

10. A)She wants to quit her job in the chemistry lab.

B)She wants to get practical experience.

C)She is interested in being a psychology major.

D)She is in bad need of some extra money.

11. A)Write their lab reports.

B)Find out Prof. Bradley’s schedule.

C)Finish their chemistry experiment.

D)Interview some high school students.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A)He is quite confident in his mission.

B)He worries about his presentation.

C)He plans to visit some relatives there.

D)He will not go there by train.

13. A)Chicago.

B)Los Angeles.


D)New York City.

14. A)The Europe super-fast trains.

B)Japanese bullet trains.

C)American high-speed trains.

D)Amtrak Acela Express.

15. A)By air.

B)By car.

C)By bus.

D)By train.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A)A couple planted a large potato.

B)A couple owned a large potato farm.

C)A couple bred a new kind of potato.

D)A couple digged out a large potato.

17. A)They walk these potatoes in a cart.

B)They fertilize the soil with waste from cows.

C)They grow potatoes with cucumbers.

D)They don’t grow potatoes at all.

18. A)To put it in the freezer.

B)To sell it to the market.

C)To make alcohol out of it.

D)To bury it into the ground again.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A)Whether it is safe to travel during the holiday season.

B)Whether it is safe to delay the vaccination.

C)Whether it is safe to travel during the pandemic.

D)Whether it is safe to attend indoor holiday events.

20. A)Those who are not vaccinated yet.

B)Those who are not fully vaccinated.

C)Those who may attend indoor activities.

D)Those who don’t have any face coverings.

21. A)More than half of Americans are fully vaccinated.

B)Children aged 5 to 11 can get an earlier vaccination.

C)Travelers must be fully vaccinated before the trip.

D)Children under 10 are not eligible to vaccination.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. A)He learned it in college.

B)He learned it from his father.

C)He learned it as a journalist.

D)He learned it from his war experience.

23. A)He had adventures with his father.

B)He became a doctor in the Red Cross.

C)He drove the ambulance in Italy.

D)He wrote war fiction in Paris.

24. A)They were for the most part cynical about life.

B)They contain many of his real-life experiences.

C)They focused on the adventures he had with his father.

D)They mostly took place in WWII.

25. A)There are no long or difficult words.

B)The characters are presented in detail.

C)There are no details about the setting.

D)The sentences are long and poetic.

< 试题详解 >

Section A
News Report One

All aircraft have lost value because of COVID-19. However, the fall has been unusually steep for A380s. (1) The model’s main attraction for airlines was its large passenger capacity. So it can relieve busy runways at global hub airports. Now these are empty. Fewer than one in ten A380s are flying in the skies, according to Flight radar 24, which tracks air traffic. The A380 was in trouble before the pandemic, and it has to compete with smaller, more efficient jets.

The aviation industry may not recover until 2024, according to the International Air Transport Association, a trade group. That is a harsh time to maintain aeroplanes, so some airlines have thrown in the towel. Air France has announced its nine A380s will never fly again. Germany’s Lufthansa has cut its 14 big A380 planes by six. Singapore Airlines, the second-biggest operator with 19 planes, plans to cancel its orders. (2) Therefore Airbus has to announce it is winding down production of the A380.


1. A)They are more attractive in appearance.

B)They can hold more passengers.

C)They need shorter runways.

D)They can land at steep field.

Q: What is the advantage of A380 planes?





问题: A380飞机的优势是什么?

解析 新闻中提到A380机型的魅力在于其载客量大,可以缓解国际航空枢纽繁重的起降压力,由此可知,这种飞机能装载更多乘客,从而加快客流速度。选项B的表述符合新闻的原意,故答案为B。其他三项新闻未提及,均排除。

2. A)It is harder to maintain aeroplanes.

B)A380 will never fly again.

C)A380 will become smaller in size.

D)Airbus will produce less A380.

Q: What is the effect of some airlines’ throwing in the towel?





问题: 一些航空公司认输的影响是什么?

解析 新闻最后提到新冠疫情导致诸多航空公司难以维护飞机,导致其认输。新闻列举了法航、德国汉莎航空和新加坡航空公司都减少了A380飞机的数量或订单量,因此空客公司只能宣布要减少A380的产量。选项D与新闻内容一致,故答案为D。选项A不是航空公司放弃的结果,而是原因,故排除。


steep adj. 急剧的;陡峭的

relieve v. 缓解;减轻

hub airport 枢纽机场

throw in the towel 认输;放弃

wind down 逐渐减少;放松一下

News Report Two

The Indian capital of New Delhi is covered with dangerous smog. Officials have ordered schools and colleges to close in an effort to control the pollution. Six power plants in the city were also forced to close temporarily. The federal government has also banned construction until the end of the week. It has also barred trucks from entering the city, except those carrying important items. (3) The situation has forced officials to consider declaring a lockdown—a stay-at-home order.

Environmental experts said that the emergency action is not a magic bullet that will address the pollution crisis. The steps “will not worsen the pollution but it will not clean the air,” experts added. New Delhi is the world’s most polluted capital city. (4) The air pollution crisis troubles New Delhi every winter. The pollutants hang over the city because of low wind speeds in winter.


3. A)To order people to stay at home.

B)To close six power plants temporarily.

C)To ban construction until the weekend.

D)To ban trucks from entering the city.

Q: What is Indian government planning to do to control air pollution?





问题: 印度政府为了控制空气污染打算做什么?

解析 新闻提到的印度政府为控制空气污染所采取的措施中包括严重的污染迫使政府考虑发布封控(居家)令,与选项A的内容一致,故A为答案。选项B、C、D是政府已经采取的措施,而不是计划要做的事情,均排除。

4. A)Because power plants burn more fuel in winter.

B)Because average household burns coal in winter.

C)Because the soft wind can’t blow away pollutants.

D)Because the emergency action can’t clean the air.

Q: Why is New Delhi troubled by air pollution in winter?





问题: 为什么新德里常常在冬季遭遇空气污染?

解析 新闻最后提到新德里冬季常有空气污染是因为冬季风速慢,无法吹散污染物,所以污染物就会聚集在城市上空,由此可知,选项C为答案。


smog n. 烟雾

power plant 发电厂

temporarily adv. 临时地;暂时地

bar v. 阻拦;禁止

lockdown n. 封锁;活动限制

pollutant n. 污染物

News Report Three

Across the United States, people looking to buy real trees as decoration are either finding reduced choices, higher prices, or both.

The worldwide supply problem has also affected the number of artificial trees, like those made from plastic. (5) A combination of severe weather and difficulties getting trees from factories overseas caused what one industry expert called “a double hit”. This means that the situation is bad in two different ways.

Jami Warner is an executive director of a tree association. She said, “Growers have been hard hit by floods, fires, smoke, drought, extreme weather conditions.”(6) Heat and fires in the northwest U.S. in June hurt tree farms in Oregon and Washington. Those are the states where most of the trees come from. It takes 10 years for most trees to grow. So, losing trees to fires and bad weather creates problems that may last for many years.

(7) Even for the trees that do get cut down for sale, there are not enough truck drivers to bring them into city markets.


5. A)Plastic trees are forbidden in this country.

B)Severe weather prevents the trees from being shipped.

C)Factories overseas increase the price of artificial trees.

D)The supply has decreased because of extreme weather.

Q: Why is it hard to buy real trees as decoration in the U.S.?





问题: 在美国难买真树做装饰的原因是什么?

解析 新闻开篇就提到今年人们购买真树做装饰的选择变少了,或者价格变高了,其后又提到极端天气使供应减少,加之从海外工厂进货困难重重,使得行业受到双重打击,选项D的内容和新闻描述一致,故D为答案。从后文可知,极端天气主要是使林场受灾,所以供应减少,并不是选项B所说的影响了树的运输,故排除选项B。

6. A)Floods.




Q: What destroyed the tree farms in Oregon and Washington in June?





问题: 什么在六月份摧毁了俄勒冈州和华盛顿州的林场?

解析 新闻中明确提到六月美国西北部的炎热和火灾毁了俄勒冈州和华盛顿州的林场,所以答案是D。虽然之前也提到种植农户们还遭遇了洪水、烟、干旱等极端天气,但是题目考查的是特定的林场,故排除其他三项。

7. A)The shortage of wood-cutters.

B)The shortage of truck drivers.

C)The shortage of trucks.

D)The shortage of tree farms.

Q: What makes it hard for trees to get into the city market?





问题: 什么让树木被送至城市的市场变得困难重重?

解析 新闻最后提到即使有树能被砍下来出售,也没有足够的卡车司机把这些树运至市场。选项B的内容与新闻描述一致,所以答案是B。


artificial adj. 人造的;假的

combination n. 组合;结合(体)

double hit 双重打击

association n. 协会;联盟

drought n. 干旱

Section B
Conversation One

M: Hi, Jane. Do you want to start writing the lab report after we finish this chemistry experiment?

W: I can’t. (8) In fact, I need to finish early because I’m going over to the Psychology Department to talk to Professor Bradley about the job opening.

M: You mean a job on campus?

W: Yes. It involves helping with her study on learning styles. You know about how some people learn best by sight, while others learn best by hearing or touch.

M: Yes, I know that’s her area of expertise.

W: Right. Anyway, for her study, she’s taking some high school students who’re doing very well in the classes and testing them to find out what their learning styles are. (9) Then tutors, people like me, will work with them, presenting materials to them in their particular learning styles.

M: Hay, that’s interesting. Now, will you mostly do the testing or the tutoring?

W: Both I hope. I want to be involved from start to finish.

M: Are you going to be paid for this?

W: I’m sure we’ll get something though probably not much. (10) Anyway, it doesn’t matter to me. I just want to have some hands on experience. You know you could do it too. You don’t have to be in her class to work or to study .

M: Really? You have any idea what the schedules is like?

W: Late afternoon and evening for tutoring, I think. After all, the kids are in regular classes until 3:30.

M: Actually that’s perfect for me. (11) But we’d better make sure we do a good job on our experiment first.


8. A)A class that the woman is taking.

B)A chemistry assignment.

C)A job possibility.

D)A study of a chemistry professor.

Q: What are the speakers mainly discussing?





问题: 对话人主要在讨论什么?

解析 对话开始,男士问女士是否实验结束后才开始写论文,女士谈到她要提前完成,因为她要去找一位老师谈一份工作机会。接下来的对话也是围绕这份校内兼职(a job on campus)展开的,因此选项C为答案。

9. A)Employ them as lab assistants.

B)Teach at their high schools.

C)Pay them for participating in the study.

D)Help them with their studies.

Q: What will the college students do for the high school students?





问题: 这些大学生要为高中生们做些什么?

解析 对话中女士提到教授要对高中生的学习方式开展研究,而她作为学生助教,就是给用不同学习方式的学生提供学习材料,由此可知,大学生助理的主要工作是协助高中生学习,故答案为D。

10. A)She wants to quit her job in the chemistry lab.

B)She wants to get practical experience.

C)She is interested in being a psychology major.

D)She is in bad need of some extra money.

Q: Why is the woman interested in working with Prof. Bradley?





问题: 为什么女士对与布兰得利教授一起工作感兴趣?

解析 对话中男士询问女士是否有报酬,女士说报酬对她来说无所谓,她更想得到一些实践经验(have some hands on experience),选项B的说法与对话相符,故正确答案是B。

11. A)Write their lab reports.

B)Find out Prof. Bradley’s schedule.

C)Finish their chemistry experiment.

D)Interview some high school students.

Q: What will the speakers probably do next?





问题: 谈话的两人接下来可能会做什么?

解析 对话中两人都表示出了对兼职的兴趣,但是最后一句提到还是要先确保他们手头的实验能做好,所以他们接下来要先完成实验,故答案是C。


psychology n. 心理学

expertise n. 专长;专业技能

tutor n. 私人教师;大学助教

schedule n. 计划;进度

Conversation Two

W: Hi, Lewis. Are you ready for your big trip to Chicago?

M: (12) Oh, yeah! I’m going to nail the presentation.

W: I’m sure you will. Hey, I thought I remembered that you have relatives in the states, right? Any chance you’ll get to see them?

M: I’d like to, but they’re not in Chicago. (13) My uncle moved to LA five years ago. I was thinking about going over to visit him but I don’t have a lot of time. Maybe I could just hop on a bullet train from Chicago.

W: That’s not going to be possible.

M: Why not? It’s probably only a few hours ride.

W: America doesn’t have any bullet trains.

M: Really? You’re kidding me!

W: No, actually I’m quite serious. The fastest train we have is called the Amtrak Acela Express. It goes from Boston to Washington DC, via New York City. But it generally runs at not much more than 130 kilometers an hour.

M: 130 kilometers an hour? It’s not a high-speed train.

W: (14) Sometimes the Amtrak train can push speeds up to over 240 kilometers per hour, but most of the time it cruises at only around 130.

M: Well, I thought America was more advanced than that. (14) Japanese bullet trains run at about 260 and the Europe super-fast trains travel at almost 300 kilometers an hour!

W: Yeah I know. (15) But America is a very large country, and for the last several decades, flying has been the most popular choice.


12. A)He is quite confident in his mission.

B)He worries about his presentation.

C)He plans to visit some relatives there.

D)He will not go there by train.

Q: What does the man think of his trip to Chicago?





问题: 男士对自己的芝加哥之行怎么看?

解析 对话开头,对于女士的询问,男士提到自己一定会出色完成发布会,nail sth.为口语表达,指“出色完成某事”,选项A与对话相符,故A为答案。

13. A)Chicago.

B)Los Angeles.


D)New York City.

Q: Where does the man’s uncle live now?





问题: 男士的叔叔现在住在哪里?

解析 对话中男士提到自己的亲戚已不住在芝加哥了,他的叔叔五年前搬去了洛杉矶,所以选项B为正确答案。

14. A)The Europe super-fast trains.

B)Japanese bullet trains.

C)American high-speed trains.

D)Amtrak Acela Express.

Q: Which of the trains runs faster?





问题: 以下哪种列车跑得更快?

解析 对话中女士提到在美国最快的列车是Amtrak Acela Express,即美铁阿西乐特快,尽管它的时速可达到240公里,但通常情况下它以时速130公里运行,还算不上高速列车,而日本的子弹列车时速是260公里,欧洲超高速列车时速可达300公里,由此可知,最快的是欧洲超高速列车,故选项A为答案。

15. A)By air.

B)By car.

C)By bus.

D)By train.

Q: What is the best way to travel for Americans recently?





问题: 最近,对美国人而言最好的出行方式是什么?

解析 从对话中可知美国的铁路并不快,且最后女士提到因为美国是一个领土面积比较大的国家,最近几十年乘飞机才是美国人最流行的出行选择,选项A符合对话表述,故答案为A。


presentation n. 展示会;发布会;颁奖仪式;演讲

hop v. 登上;跳

cruise v. (车辆、船只、飞机等)漫游;巡游

advanced adj. 先进的;高级的

Section C
Passage One

Colin and Donna Brown were working in their New Zealand garden. They were removing unwanted plants when they found something strange.

(16) After a little digging, Colin discovered there was a very large potato growing in his garden. And they did not even plant potatoes! The couple worked the potato out of the soil and brought it to a scale. It weighed almost 8 kilograms. That’s about the same as a small dog. The potato may be the largest ever recorded. Guinness keeps a list of world records. In 2011, a large potato from Great Britain weighed just under 5 kilograms. The New Zealand potato, now named Doug, could break the record.

The potato has become famous in the town of Hamilton. Colin built a small cart to take Doug on walks around the neighborhood. (17) Colin said he does not have any special gardening methods to pass on. Normally, he and his wife fertilize their garden with waste from cows and dried grasses. They were growing cucumbers in that part of the garden, so they were surprised to find a potato. It may have been growing for two years or more.

The potato is getting a little old now, two months after it was taken from the ground. It smells bad. Right now, it is in the freezer. (18) Colin said Doug’s future may be as the main ingredient in alcohol.


16. A)A couple planted a large potato.

B)A couple owned a large potato farm.

C)A couple bred a new kind of potato.

D)A couple digged out a large potato.

Q: What is the passage mainly about?





问题: 这篇短文主要讲了什么?

解析 短文主要描述了一对新西兰夫妇在自己的菜园清除杂草时,无意间发现了一个巨型土豆,之后又描述了发现这个土豆后,这对夫妇对它的处理过程,故选项D为答案。虽然他们发现了这个土豆,但是这个土豆并非他们种植的,故排除选项A;选项B和选项C原文未提及,均排除。

17. A)They walk these potatoes in a cart.

B)They fertilize the soil with waste from cows.

C)They grow potatoes with cucumbers.

D)They don’t grow potatoes at all.

Q: What is the couple’s special method in planting potatoes?





问题: 这对夫妇种土豆的秘诀是什么?

解析 短文中提到he does not have any special gardening methods to pass on,即他们没有什么特别的种植方法,他们平时用牛粪和干草施肥,但是他们在园子里种的是黄瓜,发现这个土豆是个意外,由此可知,这对夫妇根本就没有种过土豆,选项D的内容与短文一致,故答案为D。

18. A)To put it in the freezer.

B)To sell it to the market.

C)To make alcohol out of it.

D)To bury it into the ground again.

Q: What are the couple likely to do with the potato?





问题: 这对夫妇可能会用这个土豆做什么?

解析 短文最后讲到土豆挖出两个月后已经不新鲜了,且有异味,所以目前被放进了冷冻室。但是may be as the main ingredient in alcohol,即它最终可能会成为酒的主要原料,由此可知,选项C符合短文描述,故答案为C。


remove v. 移开;除去

scale n. 磅秤

cart n. 手推车

fertilize v. 施肥

ingredient n. 成分;原料

Passage Two

(19) As people prepare to visit family and friends during the holiday season, some might be wondering whether it is safe to travel during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Experts and public health officials say it is currently safe for many people to travel. But they continue to urge everyone to carefully follow proven safety measures to avoid infection. (20) In its latest safety guidelines, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)urges people who are not fully vaccinated to delay travel during the holiday season. Unvaccinated people who do not travel should wear well-fitting face masks while attending holiday events taking place in indoor settings, the CDC says. It also says that even fully vaccinated individuals should wear face coverings in indoor settings in communities known to have high infection rates. Unvaccinated people who decide to travel should get a COVID-19 test one to three days before travel and three to five days after returning.

(21) The White House says about 59 percent of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Children aged 5 to 11 were approved for the vaccine earlier. 2.6 million children had gotten their first of two shots. That is about 10 percent of children eligible to get vaccinated. An infectious disease expert said that all travelers should avoid indoor events with unmasked crowds.


19. A)Whether it is safe to travel during the holiday season.

B)Whether it is safe to delay the vaccination.

C)Whether it is safe to travel during the pandemic.

D)Whether it is safe to attend indoor holiday events.

Q: What do people preparing a trip worry about?





问题: 准备出行的人会担心什么?

解析 短文开篇提到假期人们会计划拜访亲友,人们想知道在新冠疫情期间出行是否会有危险。选项C与短文表达的内容一致,故选C。

20. A)Those who are not vaccinated yet.

B)Those who are not fully vaccinated.

C)Those who may attend indoor activities.

D)Those who don’t have any face coverings.

Q: Who is advised by U.S. CDC to delay travel during the holiday season?





问题: 美国疾控中心建议什么人在假期推迟出行?

解析 短文中提到在其最新版的安全指南中,美国疾控中心奉劝还未完成全程疫苗接种的人推迟他们的假期出行。选项B与短文内容一致,故答案为B。

21. A)More than half of Americans are fully vaccinated.

B)Children aged 5 to 11 can get an earlier vaccination.

C)Travelers must be fully vaccinated before the trip.

D)Children under 10 are not eligible to vaccination.

Q: Which of the following is true about the vaccination in the U.S.?





问题: 关于美国疫苗接种的说法哪项是正确的?

解析 短文中提到白宫说美国已有59%的人口完成了全程新冠疫苗接种,可知选项A与原文表达的内容一致,故选A。短文描述早些时候已批准5岁至11岁的儿童可接种疫苗,但不是选项B所说的儿童可以提前打到疫苗,故排除选项B。


guideline n. 指导方针,准则;参考

vaccinate v. 给……接种疫苗

well-fitting adj. 尺寸合适的;合身的

eligible adj. 符合条件的;合格的

Passage Three

(22) Ernest Hemingway learned writing when he started as a junior reporter for The Kansas City Star . He was just 17, having decided to skip college entirely. His experience at the paper lasted only six months, but what he learned there stayed with him throughout his lifetime.

He was a lot like his adventurous father, and he tried to join the army against his father’s will. (23) During WWI, Hemingway went to the Red Cross and became an ambulance man. Being an ambulance driver in Italy exposed him to the worst of war and to love. (24) His experiences in Italy, and later in Paris provided the material and brought out the emotions that would later become part of his short stories and novels.

Hemingway produced 11 novels and novellas, 9 non-fiction works and 8 short story collections. And in all of these, he used a very distinctive style. (25) Hemingway did not write any long paragraphs describing the surroundings in which the stories develop. He did not lean toward psychological analyses of his character. He rarely wrote sentences that referred to any human emotion. If he described something, it was short and exact. He rarely used adverbs and adjectives.

A lot of critics believed his work lacked substance because he avoided emotion, but he was honored with both the Pulitzer Prize for The Old Man and the Sea and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.


22. A)He learned it in college.

B)He learned it from his father.

C)He learned it as a journalist.

D)He learned it from his war experience.

Q: How did Hemingway learn his writing?





问题: 海明威是怎样学会的写作?

解析 短文开篇就提到海明威是在The Kansas City Star当初级记者时学会的写作。选项C与短文表述一致,故答案为C。

23. A)He had adventures with his father.

B)He became a doctor in the Red Cross.

C)He drove the ambulance in Italy.

D)He wrote war fiction in Paris.

Q: What did Hemingway do during WWI?





问题: 海明威在“一战”期间做了什么?

解析 短文中提到在“一战”期间,海明威去了红十字会,成为了一名救护员,在意大利作救护车司机,由此可知,选项C为答案。救护车司机并非医生,排除选项B。

24. A)They were for the most part cynical about life.

B)They contained many of his real-life experiences.

C)They focused on the adventures he had with his father.

D)They mostly took place in WWII.

Q: What can be inferred about Hemingway’s stories and novels?





问题: 关于海明威的小说和故事我们能推论出什么?

解析 短文提到“一战”期间,海明威在意大利作救护车司机,这让他经历了最残酷的战争和爱情,而接下来提到海明威在意大利和巴黎的经历为接下来的小说故事提供了素材和感情基础,由此可知,选项B与短文描述一致,故答案是B。

25. A)There are no long or difficult words.

B)The characters are presented in detail.

C)There are no details about the setting.

D)The sentences are long and poetic.

Q: What is the characteristic of Hemingway’s works?





问题: 海明威的作品有何特点?

解析 短文对海明威的行文特点进行了分析,提到他不会长篇大论地描述故事发生的环境,由此可知,选项C与短文的内容一致,故答案为C。同时,原文也提到海明威很少写角色的情感,也不对角色进行心理分析,由此可排除选项B;海明威的描写简短、精确,他很少用形容词和副词,但没有提到他不用长的或难的词,排除选项A和选项D。


skip v. 跳过;略过

adventurous adj. 有冒险精神的;惊险的

the Red Cross 红十字会

ambulance n. 救护车

novella n. 中篇小说;短篇小说

surroundings n. 环境;周围的事物 5B8TyUZJ1k0RIhic5c0WLjoBYEwIm7vsPBQ06LwnWr44A/Pvwc/57asiuQfd+uS/
