
Model Test Two


Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

1. A)They were trapped in a landfill.

B)They were hunted and killed by the villagers.

C)They had serious digestive infection.

D)They ate large amounts of plastic waste.

2. A)They are respected.

B)They are extinct.

C)They fall down easily.

D)They become cruel.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3. A)The youngest pilot flying alone.

B)The youngest woman flying on her own.

C)The youngest pilot flying around the world.

D)The youngest woman flying solo around the world.

4. A)Women have the abilities in aviation.

B)Women can be scientists and astronauts.

C)Women can be beautiful and sweet.

D)Women can achieve what they dream.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5. A)Villagers in the Alpine Mountains.

B)Alpine locals stuck by the cold.

C)Migrants who want to pass the border.

D)Alpine mountain workers.

6. A)In 2016.

B)In 2017.

C)In 2018.

D)In 2019.

7. A)They brought them free food.

B)They build houses for them to settle in.

C)They helped them to find police.

D)They offered them medical aids.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. A)He is going to have a rest.

B)He is going to knit socks.

C)He is going to do his schoolwork.

D)He is going to have a training run.

9. A)She is too busy to have any hobbies.

B)She can relax with her hobbies.

C)She wants to change her hobbies.

D)She learns a lot from her hobbies.

10. A)Switching channels all day.

B)Learning after school.

C)Joining educational programs.

D)Watching television shows.

11. A)Because he walked a long way from school.

B)Because he doesn’t want to waste time.

C)Because he doesn’t want to study after school.

D)Because he’s been running in school.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A)He works in the U.S. Congress.

B)He works in the cultural heritage organization.

C)He works in the federal travel agency.

D)He works in the National Park Service.

13. A)The one offering the best service.

B)The best one of all American parks.

C)The one in charge of all American parks.

D)The one representing all the parks.

14. A)To serve the directors.

B)To ensure the visitors' safety.

C)To entertain the visitors.

D)To teach the history of the park.

15. A)The natural beauty.

B)The garbage.

C)The natural plants.

D)The knowledge.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A)Gaining weight in the long run.

B)The significance in managing weight.

C)The enormous public health problem.

D)Challenges in changing the diet.

17. A)Cooking in the right way.

B)Eating less than average.

C)Counting the calories.

D)Consuming the right food.

18. A)Boiled potatoes.

B)Wholemeal bread.

C)White bread.

D)Drinks with sugar.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A)The wood shortage.

B)The worker shortage.

C)The high food costs.

D)The new coronavirus.

20. A)Because the estimated number was too small.

B)Because the inflation was worsening.

C)Because the restaurants put up the price.

D)Because the cost was increasing.

21. A)Because she is running out of firewood.

B)Because her restaurant is in the forest.

C)Because she can’t find enough workers.

D)Because the coronavirus infections increase.

22. A)The living cost increases too quickly.

B)The restaurants don’t want young workers.

C)Her salary has been cut by 60 percent.

D)It is hard to find someone to look after her child.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

23. A)The relationship between cheaters and their victims.

B)The relationship between cheating and creativity.

C)The relationship between cheating and economy.

D)The relationship between cheaters and their workplaces.

24. A)The ones with more extra dollars.

B)The ones who can make the rules.

C)The ones who take the low road.

D)The ones who can justify their behaviors.

25. A)A competitive workplace.

B)The global economy.

C)Cultivating creativity.

D)Fostering opportunities.

< 试题详解 >

Section A
News Report One

(1) Wildlife workers in Sri Lanka say two elephants were recently found dead after eating plastic waste in an open landfill.

The problem is not new in the country. Conservationists said about 20 elephants have died in the last eight years after eating plastic waste. The incidents happened at a landfill near a village in the Ampara District, about 210 kilometers east of the capital, Colombo.

The examinations of the dead animals showed they had swallowed large amounts of plastic that is not biodegradable. Biodegradable means a material can break down naturally in the environment. Different kinds of plastics were discovered inside the elephants along with other things the animals could not digest.

(2) Elephants are deeply respected in Sri Lanka. But they are also endangered. Their numbers have dropped from about 14,000 in the 19th century to 6,000 in 2011, the latest government data shows.


1. A)They were trapped in a landfill.

B)They were hunted and killed by the villagers.

C)They had serious digestive infection.

D)They ate large amounts of plastic waste.

Q: Why were two elephants dead according to the news?





问题: 根据这则新闻,两只大象为何而死?

解析 新闻开头就提到斯里兰卡最近有两只大象因为吃了垃圾填埋场的塑料垃圾后死亡,选项D的表述与原文一致,故为答案。虽然后面有提到塑料垃圾是不可生物降解的,且大象吃了很多动物无法消化的东西,但并没有说它们有消化道感染,所以排除选项C。

2. A)They are respected.

B)They are extinct.

C)They fall down easily.

D)They become cruel.

Q: Which of the following is true about the elephants in Sri Lanka?





问题: 以下哪个关于斯里兰卡大象的说法是正确的?

解析 新闻最后提到大象在斯里兰卡备受尊敬,但是有濒危风险,且数量大幅减少,由此可知,A选项表述正确,为答案。注意,大象在斯里兰卡是濒危,并没有灭绝,故排除选项B。


landfill n. 垃圾填埋场

conservationist n. 环保主义者;环保工作者

biodegradable adj. 能进行生物降解的

digest v. 消化;理解

endangered adj. 濒危的

News Report Two

(3) Nineteen-year-old Zara Rutherford set the world record Thursday as the youngest woman to fly alone around the world. Rutherford took the Guinness World Record that had been held by 30-year-old American flyer Shaesta Waiz since 2017.

The British-Belgian pilot started her trip around the world on August 18. It covered 51,000 kilometers over 52 countries and 5 continents. On Thursday, Rutherford landed her small airplane back in western Belgium.

She hopes her trip will get more women interested in science, technology, and aviation. She said “Boys learn through toys, street names, history classes and movies that they can be scientists, astronauts, CEOs or presidents.” She added, “Girls are often encouraged to be beautiful, kind, helpful and sweet. (4) With my flight, I want to show young women that they can be bold, ambitious and make their dreams come true.”


3. A)The youngest pilot flying alone.

B)The youngest woman flying on her own.

C)The youngest pilot flying around the world.

D) The youngest woman flying solo around the world.

Q: Which Guinness World Record did Zara break?





问题: 扎拉打破了哪项吉尼斯世界纪录?

解析 新闻第一句就提到19岁的扎拉打破了最年轻女性独自环球飞行的纪录,选项D的内容与其一致,故D为答案。

4. A)Women have the abilities in aviation.

B)Women can be scientists and astronauts.

C)Women can be beautiful and sweet.

D)Women can achieve what they dream.

Q: What does Zara want to show to women?





问题: 扎拉想向女性展示什么?

解析 新闻最后一句提到扎拉想通过自己的飞行告诉年轻的女性们,她们也可以勇敢、有雄心并实现自己的梦想。选项D的内容与原文一致,故D为答案。新闻中也提到扎拉希望自己的飞行能让更多的女性们对科学、技术和航空感兴趣,但没有提到女性从事航空业的才能,故排除选项A。


continent n. 洲;大陆

aviation n. 航空;航空工业

astronaut n. 航天员

ambitious adj. 有雄心的;有野心的

News Report Three

(5) Volunteers are working along the border of Italy and France to keep migrants from getting killed or injured by the cold and the mountains.

The Alpine Mountain helpers believe that their own humanity would be lessened if they left pregnant women, children, and men young and old to struggle in the weather on their own. It is based on local traditions of not leaving people to face the weather alone.

(6) It started in 2016 when mountain workers would not ignore the migrants. The aid grew to hundreds of volunteers. They run migrant shelters, give clothes to those in need for the dangerous crossing, and go out into the mountains. They clear paths in the snow during the day for migrants to follow, and wait for them at night to guide them past border police to safety. (7) They also treat them for health problems related to the cold and other medical needs.


5. A)Villagers in the Alpine Mountains.

B)Alpine locals stuck by the cold.

C)Migrants who want to pass the border.

D)Alpine mountain workers.

Q: Who are volunteers helping according to the news report?





问题: 据新闻所述,志愿者们在帮助谁?

解析 新闻开头提到意大利和法国交界地区有志愿者在帮助移民们,以免他们因寒冷或翻山而出现伤亡,选项C的内容和新闻一致,故C为答案。

6. A)In 2016.

B)In 2017.

C)In 2018.

D)In 2019.

Q: When did the volunteers start the aids?





问题: 志愿者们是何时开始援助的?

解析 新闻提到这件事开始于2016年,当山区的工人发现他们不能忽视这些移民,这里的“它”指的就是志愿者们做的事,所以答案是A。

7. A)They brought them free food.

B)They built houses for them to settle in.

C)They helped them to find police.

D)They offered them medical aids.

Q: What kind of help did the volunteers offer?





问题: 志愿者们提供哪种帮助?

解析 新闻后面具体介绍了志愿者提供的帮助,提到他们为危难中的移民提供避难所和衣物,但避难所并不是定居的房屋,排除选项A和B;后面又提到他们白天为移民清除道路上的雪,晚上指导他们躲避边境警察至安全地区,选项C与新闻内容刚好相反,排除;最后一句提到志愿者们还帮助解决移民的健康和医疗问题,选项D的内容与新闻内容相符,所以答案是D。


migrant n. 移民;候鸟

the Alpine Mountain 阿尔卑斯山

humanity n. 人性;人类;仁慈

pregnant adj. 怀孕的;孕育着……的

ignore v. 无视;忽视

Section B
Conversation One

M: (8) What’s on TV this evening, Mum? I feel like relaxing.

W: Why ask me that? You know I never watch it.

M: Too busy with the latest hobby, are you? What is it this time? Knitting socks for everyone in this family? I wish I had as much free time as you do.

W: As a matter of fact, you probably have more than I do. But you waste it all watching your all kinds of TV shows.

M: That’s not a waste of time. I’ve got to rest sometimes.

W: Sometimes, maybe, but not all the time. (9) And anyway, I relax with my hobbies. A change is as good as a rest.

M: (10) Well, watching TV is my hobby, and I learn a lot from it.

W: But it doesn’t teach you to do anything, does it? You just sit there and stare at it. That’s not learning.

M: But I do learn. There are lots of educational programs.

W: But you don’t watch them, do you? Whenever an educational program comes on, you either switch over to the other channels or go to sleep.

M: (11) When I come home from school, I need to put my feet up, at least for a while. Life’s not all study, you know.

W: Son, I like putting my feet up, too, at the end of the day, but I like doing things while I rest. Life’s too short for us to waste time.

M: I know, I know. You are the one who are never happy unless he’s running about doing things, and I am the one who are never happy unless he’s doing nothing.


8. A)He is going to have a rest.

B)He is going to knit socks.

C)He is going to do his schoolwork.

D)He is going to have a training run.

Q: What does the man want to do tonight?





问题: 男士今晚想做什么?

解析 对话第一句男士就问今晚有什么电视节目,他打算放松一下,故选项A为答案。织袜子是他妈妈的爱好,排除选项B。其他两项对话中未提及,均排除。

9. A)She is too busy to have any hobbies.

B)She can relax with her hobbies.

C)She wants to change her hobbies.

D)She learns a lot from her hobbies.

Q: What does the woman think of her hobbies?





问题: 女士怎么看待自己的业余爱好?

解析 对话中女士提到“我的爱好能让我放松,换换事情做和放松一样好”,选项B的表述与对话内容相符合,为答案。对话中并没有提到女士想要换一个爱好,她提到的“换换事情”是指从别的事情转到她的爱好上来,选项C所说的要换个爱好与原文不符,故排除选项C。其他两项对话中未提及。

10. A)Switching channels all day.

B)Learning after school.

C)Joining educational programs.

D)Watching television shows.

Q: What is the man’s hobby?





问题: 男士的业余爱好是什么?

解析 对话中,男士提到看电视就是他的爱好,并认为自己从电视节目中学到了很多。只有选项D的表述与对话内容相符合,为答案。

11. A)Because he walked a long way from school.

B)Because he doesn’t want to waste time.

C)Because he doesn’t want to study after school.

D)Because he’s been running in school.

Q: Why does the man need to put his feet up?





问题: 为什么男士想坐下休息?

解析 对话中,男士提到从学校回来,想要放松一下,因为生活不应该只有学习,由此可知,放学后他不想学习,所以答案是C。本题主要考查put one's feet up这一短语,意为“坐下休息”。


feel like doing sth. 想要做某事

knit v. 编织;编结

switch v. 转换;改变

channel n. 频道;渠道

put one's feet up 休息

Conversation Two

W: (12) Jonathan, why do you take the job as the park service director?

M: (12/13) For the last 100 years, the National Park Service has been charged by the U.S. government to manage the very best of America; the very best places that represent both our natural and cultural heritage. So, to be part of this organization and to be in the directorship is really a lifelong dream for me.

W: How long have you worked?

M: I have worked at the park service for 40 years, and been the director since 2009.

W: That’s a really long time. Can you explain your job to us?

M: It is an honor to serve as the director. It is a big job. (14) I like to say the National Park Service is the only federal agency with the responsibility to ensure that the public actually has fun! So we have a lot of places that are there for the enjoyment of the American people, and visitors from around the world.

W: It must be exciting to work within the magnificent natural wonders.

M: Yes, it sure is. But the national parks are not just about seeing their beauty. We want visitors to learn something, to take something away.

W: What do you mean in taking something away? You want visitors to take away the trash, don’t you?

M: No. (15) I mean we want our tourists to learn from visiting, whether it is to learn about nature or plants or climate change, even about history.


12. A)He works in the U.S. Congress.

B)He works in the cultural heritage organization.

C)He works in the federal travel agency.

D)He works in the National Park Service.

Q: Where does the man work?





问题: 男士在哪里工作?

解析 对话第一句女士询问了男士工作选择的原因,其后男士提到了他为什么选择在国家公园管理局工作,故选项D 为答案。

13. A)The one offering the best service.

B)The best one of all American parks.

C)The one in charge of all American parks.

D)The one representing all the parks.

Q: What does the man think about the National Park?





问题: 男士认为国家公园怎么样?

解析 对话中男士提到一百多年来,国家公园管理局管理着美国公园中的最佳代表,以及美国自然和文化遗产中的最佳代表,由此可知,男士认为其管理的国家公园就是美国最好的公园,选项B的表达与对话一致,故B为答案。

14. A)To serve the directors.

B)To ensure the visitors' safety.

C)To entertain the visitors.

D)To teach the history of the park.

Q: What does the National Park Service provide according to the man?





问题: 男士认为国家公园管理局提供了什么?

解析 对话中男士说国家公园管理局是唯一一个保证公众能确实得到快乐的联邦机构,选项C的表述与其一致,故C为答案。对话中提到男士希望游客可以通过游览公园学习到其历史,并不是他们亲自向游客宣传该公园的历史知识,故选项D排除;对话中没有提到选项A和B的内容,均排除。

15. A)The natural beauty.

B)The garbage.

C)The natural plants.

D)The knowledge.

Q: What does the man want visitors to take away?





问题: 男士希望游客们把什么带走?

解析 对话最后一句中男士说希望游客能从游玩中学到知识,不论是关于自然、植物、气候变化还是历史的知识,由此可知,选项D为答案。


National Park Service 国家公园管理局

heritage n. 遗产

federal agency 联邦机构

magnificent adj. 壮丽的;宏伟的

Section C
Passage One

It’s a common belief that eating in moderation, whatever you eat, is the key to successfully managing your weight. But that belief is being challenged by a new study of the diet and lifestyle habits. Researchers found that even small changes in diet had a significant impact on long-term weight gain.

U.S. adults gain on average a half-kilogram, or about one pound, each year, and the kinds of food they eat are important factors in that weight gain. (16) “It’s very hard for the average person to notice that, but over 20 years it’s 20 pounds and so that’s really an enormous public health problem,” said the lead researcher on the study by the Harvard School of Public Health. (18) He says the foods most closely associated with weight gain are potatoes—baked, boiled, mashed, or fried. Eaten daily in whatever form, they can add more than half a kilogram to an adult’s weight every four years.

(17) To control that weight over the long term, the researchers say it is more important to focus on eating right than on eating less, suggesting that the type of food matters more than a simple calorie-count. (18) Foods which were strongly associated with weight gain were meats, refined grains, and then sweets. Interestingly, refined grains like a bagel or white bread were similarly associated with weight gain as sweets. Sugar-sweetened beverages and even one hundred percent fruit juices were also associated with weight gain.


16. A)Gaining weight in the long run.

B)The significance in managing weight.

C)The enormous public health problem.

D)Challenges in changing the diet.

Q: What is hard for the average person to notice about the weight?





问题: 对于体重,普通人很难注意到什么?

解析 短文中提到一个美国成年人平均每年增重1磅左右,这对于普通人来说很难察觉,因为长此以往,20年就会增重20磅,可知长时间的体重累积增长不易被人们注意到,所以答案是A。其他三项都属于信息的错误搭配,均排除。

17. A)Cooking in the right way.

B)Eating less than average.

C)Counting the calories.

D)Consuming the right food.

Q: According to the researchers, what is the key factor in managing weight?





问题: 研究人员认为控制体重的关键因素是什么?

解析 短文中提到研究人员认为想长期控制好体重,吃的正确比吃的少更重要,所吃食物的类型比简单地计算卡路里更重要。选项D的内容与原文表达一致,故答案为D,并据此排除选项B和C。原文并未提到烹饪方法,排除选项A。

18. A)Boiled potatoes.

B)Wholemeal bread.

C)White bread.

D)Drinks with sugar.

Q: Which of the following food is NOT associated with weight gain?





问题: 以下哪种食物和体重增长没有关系?

解析 短文最后提到了与体重增长最紧密相关的食物是土豆,而且不论是烤、水煮、捣成泥还是油炸都会增重,由此排除选项A;另外,除了土豆,短文最后介绍了与体重增长有关的食物还有肉、精粮(如面包圈、白面包)和糖(如含糖饮料、果汁),所以选项C、D也被排除,只有选项B的全麦面包不属于上述范畴,故答案为B。


in moderation 有节制地

enormous adj. 巨大的

mashed adj. 捣成泥的;捣烂的

calorie n. 卡路里

refined adj. 精制的;精炼的

bagel n. 面包圈

beverage n. 饮料

Passage Two

Restaurant owners in the United States and Britain are worried about the future of their industry. (19) Their reasons for concern include labor shortage, high food costs and the Omicron version of the new coronavirus.

Last month, the U.S. Census Bureau said that sales at restaurants or bars reached an estimated $73.7 billion. That is an increase of 37 percent over the same month last year. (20) But, the increase was partly the result of higher prices as restaurants try to deal with the cost of inflation .

Many restaurant owners are concerned about the future of the industry in the coming months. (21) Caroline, the owner of the restaurant in Colorado, described her feelings as “extremely worried”. She added, “I’ve never felt like we were out of the woods as the coronavirus infections increase.”

For other businesses, the main concern is finding enough workers. In a recent study of 3,000 U.S. restaurant operators, 77 percent said they did not have enough workers. Many restaurant workers have started new careers or have gone back to school. A waitress said her pay increased from $10 an hour to $16 an hour this year as restaurants tried to employ more workers. (22) But she recently quit her serving job because she could not find child care that she was able to pay for.


19. A)The wood shortage.

B)The worker shortage.

C)The high food costs.

D)The new coronavirus.

Q: Which of the following is NOT the reason for restaurant owners’ concern?





问题: 以下哪项不是餐厅老板们担心的原因?

解析 短文中提到英美两国的餐厅老板都为行业的未来担忧,原因包括劳动力不足、食材价格高昂以及新型冠状病毒的奥密克戎毒株,选项A不符合上述原因,故为答案。

20. A)Because the estimated number was too small.

B)Because the inflation was worsening.

C)Because the restaurants put up the price.

D)Because the cost was increasing.

Q: Why did the sales of restaurant increased last month?





问题: 为什么上个月餐厅的销售额有所增长?

解析 短文中提到美国统计局表明餐厅或酒吧的销售额达到了737亿美元,与去年同期相比,增长了37%,但后面提到这个增长部分是因为餐厅为了应对通货膨胀的成本而提高了价格,由此可知涨价是直接原因,故答案为C。短文并未提到通胀形势是恶化的,所以B不可选。

21. A)Because she is running out of firewood.

B)Because her restaurant is in the forest.

C)Because she can't find enough workers.

D)Because the coronavirus infections increase.

Q: Why is Caroline extremely worried?





问题: 为什么卡罗琳特别忧虑?

解析 短文中引用卡罗琳的话,她说道,作为餐厅老板她很忧虑,感觉永远处于险境的原因是新冠感染人数还在增加,故答案是D。这里的out of the woods是指脱离困境,而不是木柴用完了,故选项A不可选。

22. A)The living cost increases too quickly.

B)The restaurants don’t want young workers.

C)Her salary has been cut by 60 percent.

D)It is hard to find someone to look after her child.

Q: Why did the waitress mentioned in the passage quit her job?





问题: 文中提到的女服务员为什么辞掉了她的工作?

解析 短文最后提到虽然女服务员的薪水上涨了,但是她找不到能支付得起的保姆去照看她的孩子,所以她不得不辞职,只有选项D与短文的内容一致,故答案为D。


shortage n. 不足;短缺

version n. 版本;型号

inflation n. 通货膨胀

infection n. 感染;传染病

quit v. 辞职;放弃

Passage Three

It seems for the past few years, the news has been filled with stories of people who cheat: bankers who cheated investors out of millions of dollars, politicians who cheat on their wives and voters.

The cheaters were always smart, creative people—who got caught. (23) This prompted several psychological researchers to examine the relationship between cheating and creativity. Francesca Gino uses ideas from psychology to study how people make economic choices. Gino finds the behavior of many interesting cheaters fascinating, and it got her wondering why so many creative people seem to take the low road.

Gino spent several years testing volunteers to see how creative they were. Then, she put them in situations where they could profit from cheating—where just bending the rules a little bit, put a few extra dollars in their pockets. (24) “What we find is that creativity leads people to be more morally flexible,” she says, “so they are much more able to come up with justification for the behavior that they’re about to engage in and as a result, they are more likely to cheat”.

But where cheating really matters is in the workplace. And in a competitive, global economy, innovation and creativity are particularly prized. (25) After studying people at work, Gino found that fostering creativity in workers also opens up opportunities for that moral flexibility where people are tempted to bend the rules in their favor.


23. A)The relationship between cheaters and their victims.

B)The relationship between cheating and creativity.

C)The relationship between cheating and economy.

D)The relationship between cheaters and their workplaces.

Q: What does Gino mainly study?





问题: 吉诺主要研究什么?

解析 短文中提到骗子多为聪明、有创意的人,这让很多心理学家开始研究欺骗和创造力之间的关系,如弗朗西丝卡·吉诺就研究人们如何做出经济上的选择,即是否会为了钱去欺骗,选项B与短文表达的内容一致,故选B。

24. A)The ones with more extra dollars.

B)The ones who can make the rules.

C)The ones who take the low road.

D)The ones who can justify their behaviors.

Q: Who is more likely to cheat according to Gino’s study?





问题: 根据吉诺的研究来看,谁更有可能去欺骗他人?

解析 短文中提到有创造性的人在道德上更有灵活性,他们也更有能力想办法为自己的逾矩行为辩解,选项D与短文表达的内容一致,故为答案。选项C中的take the low road意思是“不走正道”,与原文表述不符,故排除。

25. A)A competitive workplace.

B)The global economy.

C)Cultivating creativity.

D)Fostering opportunities.

Q: What would lead to people’s moral flexibility according to Gino?





问题: 吉诺认为什么会导致人们道德上的灵活性?

解析 短文最后提到吉诺通过研究发现在员工中培养创造力也有可能让他们在道德上变得更灵活,会为了自身利益去尝试逾越规矩,选项C与短文表达的内容一致,故选C。


politician n. 政客;政治家

psychological adj. 心理学的;心理的

fascinating adj. 有吸引力的;迷人的

flexible adj. 灵活的;有弹性的

bend the rules 变通;逾越规矩

justification n. 辩解;正当理由 LNoS/lwKFtfyAbkFnPhtHMMfxZNU/NiJr1geLpFa4Cqh69IU+zRDHJbVBeqSdslZ
