
Model Test Three


Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A)Because the woman gave an expensive gift to him.

B)Because he has just got his doctor’s degree.

C)Because he wants to consult her about continuing education.

D)Because he wants to borrow some tuition fee from her.

2. A)She has a bachelor’s degree in English literature.

B)Her master’s degree does little help to her career.

C)She achieves her master’s degree with a loan.

D)She is doing some post-graduate work right now.

3. A)Getting a doctor’s degree in ten years.

B)Finding some suitable student loans first.

C)Giving up the dream of having a PhD.

D)Keeping working when doing further study.

4. A)Build up credits before transferring to master’s education.

B)Pay the tuition fee of his master’s education with a credit card.

C)Stop dreaming of having a PhD at the end of his name.

D)Write letters to require and apply for the student loans.

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5. A)Finding a good dormitory.

B)Making new friends.

C)Doing well in the studies.

D)Joining in extracurricular activities.

6. A)To encourage him to try out for the college newsletter.

B)To find out if he could catch up with his studies.

C)To make sure that he has joined campus clubs.

D)To talk about his absence in recent days.

7. A)Because he does not want to write except in the classroom.

B)Because he thinks he has not finished the required subjects.

C)Because he is not sure he will be allowed to write for the newsletter.

D)Because he doesn’t think he has enough experience in writing.

8. A)He would rather write for a newspaper than the newsletter.

B)He would love to give it a try as a writer of the newsletter.

C)He is not sure whether he has time to write for the newsletter.

D)He is not confident enough to make the final decision.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

9. A)The class of social learning.

B)The class of acting.

C)The psychological class.

D)The class on human relationship.

10. A)Because students are forced to study online.

B)Because students work part-time jobs to support families.

C)Because students might suffer from mental problems.

D)Because teachers have a big influence on students.

11. A)Recording the change of life through pictures.

B)Building stronger relationship with other kids.

C)Helping parents take care of younger relatives.

D)Expressing their feelings through music composition.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

12. A)The increasing variation rate of coronavirus.

B)The quick growth of the active markets.

C)The low vaccination rates in their countries.

D)The severe economic crisis in the last five years.

13. A)Because they have a big percentage of young population.

B)Because they have the least strict virus-related restrictions.

C)Because they have abundant natural resources for exportation.

D)Because they have been reforming the economy.

14. A)The shortage of workers.

B)The shortage of fuel.

C)The shortage of funds.

D)The shortage of raw materials.

15. A)Some of its workers are from neighboring countries.

B)Much of its products are exported to Southeast Asian countries.

C)It is Asia’s fourth-largest processed food exporter.

D)Its workers are not allowed to return to work without vaccination.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.

16. A)They criticized the wealthy countries exploited their natural resources.

B)They would follow the suit of wealthy countries to reduce the need for coal.

C)They would continue to burn coal for electricity despite the proposal.

D)They argued that developed countries are the biggest users of coal.

17. A)Reduce its dependence on coal for fuel.

B)Increase the quantity of coal mining.

C)Find the alternative sources of energy.

D)Improve the efficiency of power supply.

18. A)Coal would be replaced by cheaper renewable energy soon.

B)Coal led to the abnormal climate changes in India.

C)India’s railways get its power primarily from burning coal.

D)India is not prepared to close its coal mines right now.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.

19. A)Eating favorite food is harmful to our health.

B)Refined grains are nothing but carbohydrates.

C)Low-fat diet is beneficial to our health.

D)Consuming less salt may lead to overweight.

20. A)Boiled vegetables with no olive oil.

B)Refined olive oil and seafood.

C)Sautéed vegetables with virgin olive oil.

D)Nuts with refined vegetable oil.

21. A)Because omega-3 fatty acid it contained is necessary for brain function.

B)Because brain can produce more omega-3 fatty acid by consuming fish.

C)Because omega-3 fatty acid in fish can reduce harm to the brain.

D)Because omega-3 fatty acid in fish can keep the brain clever and alert.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

22. A)Influences on city planning in the United States.

B)A history of city planning in European countries.

C)Influences of ancient city planning on American cities.

D)The socio-economic aspect of city planning.

23. A)It was done by individuals with the ability to plan cities.

B)It followed the ancient city planning of Europe closely.

C)It was based on the best European city planning.

D)Its primary aim was to facilitate commercial activities.

24. A)Because it couldn’t create places for people to enjoy the outdoors.

B)Because it caused more traffic blocks in New York City.

C)Because it worsened the sanitation problem of New York.

D)Because it couldn’t prevent the city from expanding.

25. A)Sanitation was his primary focus in planning.

B)His plan kept the city from traffic jam.

C)He included public parks in his plans.

D)The natural shape of an area was his main concern.

< 试题详解 >

Section A
Conversation One

M: Hey, Shirley! Want to join me for lunch… my treat!

W: Sure!

M: I must confess I have an ulterior motive for asking you to lunch.

W: Oh… that’s OK… as long as you’re buying!

M: (1) I really want to pick your brain about something I’ve been thinking a lot about. Well, as you know, I have a bachelor’s degree in English literature, but I’ve always wanted to do some post-graduate work… maybe even get a doctorate!

W: Oh, no! Just the idea of going back to school fills my head with pain.

M: (2) But you have a master’s degree… hasn’t it helped your career?

W: (2) Yeah, I’d have to say it has. But I’m still paying for it, you know.

M: I know the cost of education is high, but I’ve always wanted to have that PhD at the end of my name.

W: Well, getting a doctorate degree would mean a decade of school. Can you afford that?

M: I certainly can’t afford it, but I’m sure I could find some good student loans.

W: I think you need to separate the dream of having a PhD from the reality of years of more schooling. It’s not as romantic as you might think.

M: So you’re counseling me against this idea?

W: Not necessarily, (3) but I do recommend taking a slow approach. Can you take some night classes or find a way to keep working while you go back to school?

M: Might be difficult.

W: Maybe you could get an MBA or something more marketable.

M: That’s worth considering.

W: If you really have a dream, don’t let anything stop you from going for it. Take your time. You’re still young. Maybe there’s even a correspondence course you can take during your free time.

M: (4) Yeah. Then I could slowly build up credits and maybe later transfer into a university program.


1. A)Because the woman gave an expensive gift to him.

B)Because he has just got his doctor’s degree.

C)Because he wants to consult her about continuing education.

D)Because he wants to borrow some tuition fee from her.

Q: Why does the man treat the woman to lunch?





问题: 男士为什么要请女士吃饭?

解析 对话中,男士说自己请女士吃饭另有目的,他想向女士请教一些事情。男士现在是英语文学的学士,但是他想继续深造读研,甚至读到博士,由此可推测他想就继续深造一事咨询女士的建议,故选项C为答案。

2. A)She has a bachelor’s degree in English literature.

B)Her master’s degree does little help to her career.

C)She achieves her master's degree with a loan.

D)She is doing some post-graduate work right now.

Q: What can we infer about the woman’s degree?





问题: 关于女士的学位我们能推测出什么?

解析 对话中,男士问女士她的硕士学位对她的工作有没有帮助,女士回答说帮助是有的,但是现在她仍在支付读这个学位的学费,即她还在还当时借的贷款,由此可推测出女士读研时靠的是贷款,选项C为答案。

3. A)Getting a doctor’s degree in ten years.

B)Finding some suitable student loans first.

C)Giving up the dream of having a PhD.

D)Keeping working when doing further study.

Q: What is the approach that the woman recommend?





问题: 女士建议的方法是什么?

解析 对话中,女士说她并不是反对男士继续读书,而是建议用稍慢的方法,比如说参加夜校或者尝试边工作边学习,由此可知,她建议的方法是工作学习两不误,故选项D是答案。

4. A)Build up credits before transferring to master's education.

B)Pay the tuition fee of his master’s education with a credit card.

C)Stop dreaming of having a PhD at the end of his name.

D)Write letters to require and apply for the student loans.

Q: What would the man probably do next?





问题: 男士接下来可能会做什么?

解析 对话中,男士接受了女士提出的在业余时间上函授课程的建议,他说他可以先积累学分,之后再转去大学。由此可知,选项A表述的就是男士接下来可能做的事情,为答案。


ulterior adj. 隐秘的;暗藏的

doctorate n. 博士(学位)

student loan 助学贷款

marketable adj. 销路好的;可销售的

correspondence course 函授课程

Conversation Two

M: Hi, Mrs. Lyon. You asked me to come by?

W: Oh, yes, Paul. Thanks for coming in. How’s it going?

M: (5) Not too bad. I thought I’d have it tough after changing university, but I’ve been able to catch up with my academics, and I’ve been managed to make a couple of friends.

W: Well, it’s good to hear about your classes. Are you doing anything extracurricular? You know, campus clubs, sports…

M: (5) I haven’t really decided. I haven’t looked around to see what’s out there. I guess I’ve just been busy hitting books.

W: OK, actually, that’s why I called you here. (6) I was just chatting with your journalism professor and she told me that she was impressed with your writing skills and you should apply for the campus newsletter.

M: She said that? (7) Whoa, that’s a big step for me. I never even tried out for the newsletter in my former college… and I’m only a sophomore… with not that much experience in writing.

W: Yes, she knew all that… but your professor was boasting about the work you’ve done in your introductory to journalism class, and she happened to mention that she thought you should be on the staff of the newsletter. (6) When I heard that… I just had to talk to you.

M: But don’t they have enough writers at the newsletter? What would they do with a beginner like me?

W: I see you’re in need of a bit of confidence, young man. Listen, why don’t you just go over there and give it a try? What do you say?

M: (8) Yes, thanks. Do I have to make an appointment or should I just go to the campus newsletter office to apply for it?

W: Well, I think you’d check their website first.


5. A)Finding a good dormitory.

B)Making new friends.

C)Doing well in the studies.

D)Joining in extracurricular activities.

Q: What has been the man’s concern since his university transfer?





问题: 男士自转校后一直关心的是什么?

解析 对话中提到男士自从转校后很辛苦,但是现在他在学习上已经赶上来了,而且还交了新朋友。当女士问他有没有参加课外活动时,他回答还没有决定,他一直忙着看书学习。由此可知,男士最关心自己的学业,故选项C为答案。

6. A)To encourage him to try out for the college newsletter.

B)To find out if he could catch up with his studies.

C)To make sure that he has joined campus clubs.

D)To talk about his absence in recent days.

Q: Why does the woman intend to talk with the man?





问题: 为什么女士想要找男士谈话?

解析 对话中女士提到她从男士的新闻教授那里得知他有很好的写作功底,该教授认为他应该申请一下学校通讯社,所以她想告诉男士此事,并鼓励他接受这个建议,由此可知,选项A为答案。

7. A)Because he does not want to write except in the classroom.

B)Because he thinks he has not finished the required subjects.

C)Because he is not sure he will be allowed to write for the newsletter.

D)Because he doesn’t think he has enough experience in writing.

Q: Why does the man mention that he is only a sophomore?





问题: 为什么男士提到自己只是个大二学生?

解析 对话中,当女士要男士去参加学校通讯社时,男士回答说这对自己是一个大跨越,因为他在原来的大学从未试过,而且他只是个大二学生,没有很多的写作经验,由此可知,选项D为答案。

8. A)He would rather write for a newspaper than the newsletter.

B)He would love to give it a try as a writer of the newsletter.

C)He is not sure whether he has time to write for the newsletter.

D)He is not confident enough to make the final decision.

Q: What can be inferred about the man’s decision?





问题: 关于男士的决定能推论出什么?

解析 对话中,男士对女士表达了感谢,并问到需要预约申请还是直接去学校通讯社办公室申请,由此可知,他很愿意去尝试一下这份工作,故选项B是答案。


extracurricular adj. 课外的;工作之外的

newsletter n. 通讯;简报

boast about 夸耀;吹嘘

Section B
Passage One

American students have experienced a worldwide health crisis, nationwide protests and school closings and restrictions over the past two years. But art classes in schools have helped some students deal with their emotions and difficulties. (9) Art classes like painting and drawing, as well as music and acting classes, provide a way for students to express themselves. The art or music room can also provide students an escape from the tensions of the school day, educators say.

Some experts say art classes provide a way to teach social and emotional learning. Social and emotional learning deals with finding a way for students to control their emotions, have relationships with others and show empathy. (10) Many schools place a lot of attention on social and emotional learning. This could be because students’ mental health has become more of a concern following the coronavirus pandemic.

Art educators see kids for multiple years. They build strong relationships and connections with the kids, so they have a strong influence on their mental health. Sarah Potpinka teaches eight subjects as the only art teacher at Putnam High School in Connecticut. (11) When classes went online, she asked her photography students to take pictures of how their lives had changed. Her drawing and painting students also made pieces reacting to the pandemic. Potpinka said her art classes are often a “decompression time for students”. She said her school system is in a poor part of Connecticut. Many of her students care for younger relatives or work part-time jobs to provide their family with extra money.


9. A)The class of social learning.

B)The class of acting.

C)The psychological class.

D)The class on human relationship.

Q: Which class of the following can help students express themselves according to the educators?





问题: 教育者们认为下列哪种课程可以帮助学生表达自我?

解析 短文中提到美国的学生在过去的两年经历了全球健康危机、学校停课等问题,但学校的艺术类课程地却能帮助学生应对情绪问题和困难,之后提到教育者们发现诸如油画、素描、音乐、表演之类的课程让学生能表达自我,还能让他们逃离学习的紧张,由此可知,选项B为答案。

10. A)Because students are forced to study online.

B)Because students work part-time jobs to support families.

C)Because students might suffer from mental problems.

D)Because teachers have a big influence on students.

Q: Why do many schools attach more importance to social and emotional learning?





问题: 为什么很多学校更加重视社会和情绪学习?

解析 短文中提到学校重视社会和情绪学习,可能是因为在疫情发生后,学生的心理健康成了人们担心的问题,由此可知,选项C的表述符合短文内容,为答案。

11. A)Recording the change of life through pictures.

B)Building stronger relationship with other kids.

C)Helping parents take care of younger relatives.

D)Expressing their feelings through music composition.

Q: What assignment did Sarah Potpinka give to her students?





问题: 萨拉·波平卡给她的学生布置了什么作业?

解析 短文提到疫情后萨拉·波平卡这位艺术老师在线上课程中给学生布置了作业,包括让摄影课的孩子用相片记录生活的变化,以及让美术课的孩子用作品表达对疫情的反应。由此可见,选项A符合短文内容,为答案。


tension n. 紧张;焦虑

empathy n. 同情;共鸣

multiple adj. 多个的;多种的

decompression n. 解压;降压

Passage Two

New research shows that factory activity across Southeast Asia fell sharply in July because of increasing cases of the coronavirus’s variant. (12) The economic difficulties were also linked to slow progress in coronavirus vaccinations in many Southeast Asian nations. Economic experts say the big drop in factory production threatens growth in some of the world’s most active markets. (13) Southeast Asia has survived several major economic crises in the past, partly because its nations have enacted economic reforms. But the continuing coronavirus pandemic is creating new problems.

Economists believe that low vaccination rates in several countries are threatening these economies. They pointed to low vaccination rates in Vietnam, the Philippines and Thailand. “Populations in these countries could remain vulnerable not only to the current outbreak, but any future variants that may develop,” they said in a statement. (14) Virus-related restrictions are likely to continue, leaving many factories without workers.

Thailand is Asia’s fourth-largest auto exporter and a production base for major world car brands. But Toyota suspended production at three of its factories in the country because of parts shortages caused by the pandemic. (15) A Thai processed fruit exporter has only been able to fill 400 of 550 positions as workers return to their home countries and are not able to come back to work because of closed borders. The company’s president said: “There are 350 tonnes of fruit per day, but now we can take only 250 tonnes because of not enough workers to process.”


12. A)The increasing variation rate of coronavirus.

B)The quick growth of the active markets.

C)The low vaccination rates in their countries.

D)The severe economic crisis in the last five years.

Q: What is associated with the drop of factory activity in Southeast Asia?





问题: 东南亚工厂的生产活动下降与什么有关?

解析 短文开篇就提到由于新冠病毒变异株导致的病例增加,东南亚各国的工业生产急剧下降,另外,经济困难与这些国家的新冠疫苗接种率低也有关。由此可知,选项C符合短文内容,为答案。

13. A)Because they have a big percentage of young population.

B)Because they have the least strict virus-related restrictions.

C)Because they have abundant natural resources for exportation.

D)Because they have been reforming the economy.

Q: Why could Southeast Asia countries survive economic crises in the past?





问题: 为什么东南亚国家能在过去的经济危机中幸免?

解析 短文中提到东南亚国家在过去的几次经济危机中能幸免,部分原因是各国都进行了经济改革,由此可知,选项D为答案。

14. A)The shortage of workers.

B)The shortage of fuel.

C)The shortage of funds.

D)The shortage of raw materials.

Q: What troubles the factories in Southeast Asia according to the passage?





问题: 根据短文所述,目前困扰东南亚工厂的问题是什么?

解析 短文中提到疫情导致的限制措施很有可能继续,从而让诸多工厂缺工人,之后列举的丰田的汽车厂和泰国的水果出口商都是由于缺人手而减产或停产,由此可知,选项A为答案。

15. A)Some of its workers are from neighboring countries.

B)Much of its products are exported to Southeast Asian countries.

C)It is Asia’s fourth-largest processed food exporter.

D)Its workers are not allowed to return to work without vaccination.

Q: What can be learned about the Thai processed fruit exporter according to the passage?





问题: 根据短文所述,关于这家泰国的水果加工出口商能推论出什么?

解析 短文中提到这家出口商设立的550个工作岗位中仅有400个有人在职,因为其员工回到本国后由于边境封锁不能再返回岗位,由此可知,这家公司因为雇用邻国的员工才会产生上述问题,故选项A是可推论出的内容,为答案。


variant n. 变种;变体

enact v. 制定;颁布

suspend v. 暂停;悬浮

tonne n. 公吨(1 000公斤)

Section C
Recording One

At the United Nations climate change conference, leaders are talking about ways to end the world’s dependence on coal for fuel. Alok Sharma represents Great Britain. He said the world needs to leave coal “in the past where it belongs”.

Coal is the world’s biggest source of fuel for electricity. It is also the world’s biggest single source of greenhouse gases. Some wealthy nations may be able to put technology in place to reduce their need for coal. (16) But developing countries like India will not be able to make such a change so easily. Developing countries say they should be permitted to burn coal for power, just as the wealthy countries did in the past. They argue that the wealthy nations got rich by burning coal to make steel and send electricity to factories.

In India, many people live without electricity. However, that may change as more people will need air conditioning as temperatures rise. (17) Coal India wants to solve India’s energy problems by mining more coal. By 2024, it expects to mine over 900 million tonnes per year. D.D. Ramanandan represents the Center of Indian Trade Unions. He said talks about moving away from coal are only happening in places like Paris, Glasgow and New Dehli. In the industrial parts of India, people have used coal for 100 years, he said, and they will continue to do so.

Experts say this way of thinking in India will hurt the planet overall. It will also hurt Jharkhand, the part of India that produces the most coal. Sandeep Pai studies energy and climate change for the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC. He sees the problem. (18) Millions of people in India make a living from coal. Some are employed by coal mines. Others work for businesses that make steel and brick. Their power comes from burning coal. India’s railways are the largest employers in the country. Much of their money comes from moving coal. “Coal is an ecosystem,” Pai said. The economic slowdown that came from the COVID-19 health crisis hurt some people in India. (18) If the coal mines close, they will not be able to do anything else. As renewable energy becomes less costly, the demand for coal will go down and people who work in coal will not earn as much. (18) Pai said countries whose economies depend on coal will need to teach workers how to do other jobs.


16. A)They criticized the wealthy countries exploited their natural resources.

B)They would follow the suit of wealthy countries to reduce the need for coal.

C)They would continue to burn coal for electricity despite the proposal.

D)They argued that developed countries are the biggest users of coal.

Q: How do the developing countries react to the proposal of reducing the use of coal?





问题: 发展中国家对减少煤使用的提议有何反应?

解析 报道中提到联合国气候改变大会上,各国代表在讨论减少用煤作燃料的方法,接下来提到煤是温室气体的最大来源,富裕国家可能会减少对煤的需求,但像印度这样的发展中国家不大可能做出这样的改变,它们认为自己应被允许通过烧煤来获得电力。由此可知,选项C的表述符合原文,为答案。

17. A)Reduce its dependence on coal for fuel.

B)Increase the quantity of coal mining.

C)Find the alternative sources of energy.

D)Improve the efficiency of power supply.

Q: What is Coal India’s plan in solving the energy problem in India?





问题: 印度煤业计划如何解决印度的能源问题?

解析 报道中提到印度人对电力的需求可能会随着气温的升高而增加,因为人们需要空调降温,而印度煤业决定开采更多的煤来解决能源危机,故答案应为B。

18. A)Coal would be replaced by cheaper renewable energy soon.

B)Coal led to the abnormal climate changes in India.

C)India’s railways get its power primarily from burning coal.

D)India is not prepared to close its coal mines right now.

Q: What can be inferred according to Sandeep Pai’s study?





问题: 据桑迪普·帕伊的研究可推论出什么?

解析 报道中介绍了桑迪普·帕伊关于能源和环境变化的相关研究,他发现印度有数以百万的人靠煤为生,他们或直接受雇于煤矿,或从事与煤矿相关的工作,如炼钢、制砖。甚至印度铁路公司的大部分收入都是靠运煤获得,因此很多人会因关停煤矿而失业。对此,帕伊提议说这些对煤矿依赖程度很大的国家必须要先教会这些煤矿从业者如何从事其他职业,由此可推论出印度对煤矿十分依赖,且还未做好相应的准备,故选项D符合原文,为答案。


air conditioning 空调(系统)

brick n. 砖;砖块

Recording Two

(19) We don’t have to tell you what a disaster the low-fat craze was. We all stopped eating many of our favorite foods thinking they were bad for us and ended up overweight, overly full of refined carbohydrate, and sick. In the “2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans”, for the first time in 35 years, the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services removed the limit on total fat consumption in the American diet, though they still recommend getting less than 10% of daily calories from saturated fat. (19) In their words, evidence clearly shows that eating more foods rich in healthful fats like nuts, vegetable oils, and fish have protective effects, particularly for heart disease. They also help you absorb a host of vitamins, fill you up so you eat less, and taste good, too. Here are 2 healthy high fat foods to stock up on to celebrate.

Olive oil is the original healthy fat. A research finds that it helps lower your risk for heart disease, cancer and diabetes. (20) Most recently, Spanish researchers publishing in the journal Molecules reported that the various components of olive oil including oleic acid to protect your body to slow the aging process. To get the most health benefits, choose extra-virgin olive oil, as it is extracted using natural methods and doesn’t go through as much processing before it reaches your plate. Research shows that vegetables sautéed in olive oil are also richer in antioxidants than boiled ones and they taste better too. Don’t go crazy though. All fats are relatively high in calories and 1 tablespoon of olive oil has about 120 calories.

You may have heard your mother or grandmother describe fish as “brain food”. (21) That’s because these swimmers are brimming with omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for brain function. Your brain is made up of mostly fat, so you need to consume them in order to stay sharp and healthy. Besides, the body doesn’t produce many of its own omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce pain. The new Dietary Guidelines recommend eating 8 ounces per week to get healthy amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. It also warns that as some fish are contaminated with some chemicals, consuming high amounts of fish oil from dietary sources is possibly unsafe.


19. A)Eating favorite food is harmful to our health.

B)Refined grains are nothing but carbohydrates.

C)Low-fat diet is beneficial to our health.

D)Consuming less salt may lead to overweight.

Q: What dietary mistake is the talk trying to correct?





问题: 这篇讲座想纠正什么饮食错误?

解析 讲座开篇就提到低脂饮食风潮带来过灾难,因为它不仅让我们不能再吃自己喜欢的食物,还让我们吃了很多精制碳水化合物,导致体重上升并生病。后文中也提到研究显示多吃富含健康脂肪的食物是有保护作用的,尤其能预防心脏类的疾病。由此可知过去的错误认知是低脂饮食有益健康,故选项C为答案。

20. A)Boiled vegetables with no olive oil.

B)Refined olive oil and seafood.

C)Sautéed vegetables with virgin olive oil.

D)Nuts with refined vegetable oil.

Q: What kind of diet is recommended in the study published in Molecules ?





问题: 发表于《分子》期刊上的研究推荐哪种饮食?

解析 讲座中提到橄榄油有益于健康,西班牙的研究者发表在《分子》上的研究发现橄榄油的不同成分,如油酸能够在细胞水平上保护人体,以延缓其衰老过程。且他们推荐用初榨橄榄油可以获得最大化的健康益处,如用橄榄油炒的蔬菜比水煮蔬菜含有的抗氧化剂更多,而且口感也更好。由此可知,选项C的表述符合原文,为答案。

21. A)Because omega-3 fatty acid it contained is necessary for brain function.

B)Because brain can produce more omega-3 fatty acid by consuming fish.

C)Because omega-3 fatty acid in fish can reduce harm to the brain.

D)Because omega-3 fatty acid in fish can keep the brain clever and alert.

Q: Why is fish considered as “brain food”?





问题: 为什么鱼肉被认为是“大脑的食物”?

解析 讲座介绍说因为鱼肉中富含欧米伽3脂肪酸,这对大脑功能至关重要。由于人的大脑大部分是由脂肪组成的,所以需要摄入脂肪以确保大脑的聪颖和健康,故选项A符合原文描述,为答案。选项D的错误在于原文中未提到欧米伽3脂肪酸能让大脑保持警觉。


craze n. 一时的狂热

carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物

saturated fat 饱和脂肪

stock up on 储备;置办

oleic acid 油酸

extra-virgin adj. (橄榄油)特级初榨的

sautéed adj. 炒的;嫩煎的

antioxidant n. 抗氧化剂

fatty acid 脂肪酸

contaminate v. 污染

Recording Three

I’d like to talk about city planning in America. City planning is from ancient times. There is evidence of street systems and neatly laid-out water pipes in ancient cities. (22) Well, what we want to learn is what affected 20th century American city planning.

(23) When the colonizers arrived in the New World, their big concern was survival. Many of them had come from lands with severe economic problems, so the colonizers planned their cities primarily to support business. No one was assigned to do the planning. Sections of a town were designed by a family or even an individual. So, city planning at the time was not organized at all, with the Spanish, French, Dutch and English drawing up their own plans in whatever territory they had claimed. Obviously, these colonizers, the European immigrants from the cities of Europe had a bearing on early city planning in America. Basically, European cities were designed for security. You’ll find the same ideas in the cities of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Massachusetts. The colonizers used a gridiron plan. This is a type of plan where the streets run at right angles to each other, going north-south and east-west. Hence, grid.

But there came a point when change made it necessary for the colonizers to reorganize the space available to them. You know, rapid development always necessitates change. The Industrial Revolution, for example. Factories and plants attracted people living in rural areas, so when the population of the cities in the north increased, well, it became the city planners’ goal to keep the city from becoming overcrowded and dirty. (24) The gridiron layout may have served its purpose at the start when there were fewer people, but it caused problems in New York. It was a layout that ignored the natural shape of the area, and it resulted in more traffic jam. So city planners had to make reforms to prevent the landscape becoming worse. Sanitation became the primary focus. That made a new profession—sanitarian. Well, that was one change.

(25) Another change which was on the aesthetic side, cities had more parks and gardens. Frederick Law Olmsted, a landscape architect, made city plans that included a system of public parks. He designed parks for New York City, Buffalo, Boston and Chicago. His designs were a big influence on American cities, which all have parks or some places for people to enjoy the surroundings.


22. A)Influences on city planning in the United States.

B)A history of city planning in European countries.

C)Influences of ancient city planning on American cities.

D)The socio-economic aspect of city planning.

Q: What is the main topic of the talk?





问题: 这个讲座的主题是什么?

解析 虽然演讲人一开始就在讲座中谈到了古代城市的规划问题,但是他说接下来他要讨论的是20世纪影响了美国城市规划的因素。由此可知,选项A为答案。

23. A)It was done by individuals with the ability to plan cities.

B)It followed the ancient city planning of Europe closely.

C)It was based on the best European city planning.

D)Its primary aim was to facilitate commercial activities.

Q: What did the speaker say about the city planning in America during the colonial period?





问题: 对于殖民时期美国的城市规划,演讲人说了些什么?

解析 演讲人提到当殖民开拓者来到新大陆时,生存是他们最关切的问题。由于他们中的很多都来自有严重经济问题的地方,所以他们设计城市时首先考虑的就是助力于商业活动。由此可知,选项D的表述符合原文,为答案。虽然后文中提到由于移民多来自欧洲,所以他们借用了欧洲城市的布局,如网格状布局,但并不是完全按古代欧洲城市规划或以最好的欧洲城市规划为基础进行的,故B、C不可选。

24. A)Because it couldn’t create places for people to enjoy the outdoors.

B)Because it caused more traffic blocks in New York City.

C)Because it worsened the sanitation problem of New York.

D)Because it couldn’t prevent the city from expanding.

Q: Why the previous gridiron layout in New York was changed?





问题: 为什么纽约原有的网格化布局被改变了?

解析 讲座中以纽约市为例,提到网格化的城市布局起初在人口不多时还好用,但是后续就出现了问题,例如它忽略了城市原本的自然地貌,使城市拥堵加剧,所以新的规划就要改变这种问题,并阻止对城市景物的进一步破坏,由此可知,选项B为答案。虽然讲座中也提到新的规划中卫生是规划的首要考虑,但讲座中并未提到网格布局使城市卫生问题严重,故选项C不可选。

25. A)Sanitation was his primary focus in planning.

B)His plan kept the city from traffic jam.

C)He included public parks in his plans.

D)The natural shape of an area was his main concern.

Q: What is special about the city planning of Frederick Law Olmsted?





问题: 弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德的城市规划有何独特之处?

解析 讲座中提到了一种新的城市规划,即在设计中包含更多的公园和花园。景观设计师弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德就在他的城市规划中加入了一系列的公园,他的设计也对以后美国城市的设计有深远影响,由此可知,选项C为答案。


gridiron n. 格状物;烤架

necessitate v. 使……成为必需

sanitation n. 公共卫生;卫生环境

sanitarian n. 公共卫生学家 Z3Ez+ZDVSflADTqE34ySHfVUm2bhufQzSkILALSEBg5c1hTYNHQ5IK0QEYcZfuDI
