
Model Test Two


Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A)Tips to remember when taking pictures.

B)The reason for his absence from the class.

C)The field trip that the class will take.

D)The information that he missed in the class.

2. A)It has particularly beautiful scenery.

B)It is good for teaching the effects of light in pictures.

C)It has sentimental value for the students.

D)It is not too far away from the school.

3. A)How to take pictures in changing light.

B)The suitable lens for photographic effects.

C)The proper way to care for the camera.

D)The different effects of various types of film.

4. A)Purchase a better camera with proper lens.

B)Visit the area they will be going to.

C)Study the references available at the library.

D)Practice taking pictures at dawn.

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5. A)The smoking colleagues inside the office.

B)The smoking ban in the building.

C)The smoky air inside the office.

D)The smell of cigarettes.

6. A)Many people still smoke regardless of the dangers.

B)The smoking ban is limited within the buildings.

C)The smoking rates are increasing.

D)The man quit smoking about 10 years ago.

7. A)It has little effect in dropping the smoking rate.

B)It increases the taxes of New Zealand.

C)It pushes the prices of many other commodities.

D)It does push some smokers to give up smoking.

8. A)Continuing increasing the prices of the cigarettes.

B)Banning smoking in all the public places.

C)Changing young people’s attitude towards smoking.

D)Rewarding those who are willing to quit smoking.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

9. A)To improve the primary education across Malawi.

B)To push the sustainable economic development of Malawi.

C)To reduce the transmission of HIV through education.

D)To build the environmental-friendly health services.

10. A)Supporting the youth friendly health services.

B)Including sex education in the national curriculum.

C)Reducing the tuition fees of secondary schools.

D)Training teachers with basic medical skills.

11. A)The importance of the urban secondary school in education.

B)The significance of education to the national development.

C)The importance of girls’ education to the public health.

D)The value of sex education in the adolescent education.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

12. A)Fuel prices.

B)Heating cost.

C)Cost for industrial production.

D)Water bills.

13. A)It is difficult to process the crude into fuel.

B)The transportation of fuel can’t meet the demand.

C)The inadequacy of oil refining ability.

D)The processing of crude oil takes a long time.

14. A)It comes from the major oil exporters.

B)It comes from the oil importers.

C)It comes from the areas with little investment.

D)It comes from the countries rich in natural gas.

15. A)It will return to the pre-pandemic levels.

B)It will continue to drop during this summer.

C)It will be hard to recover unless the demand increases.

D)It will bring a lot of losses to the U.S.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.

16. A)The brown and unprocessed grains.

B)The organic and natural grains.

C)The grains with bran, germ and endosperm.

D)The grains with high fiber and low fat.

17. A)Whole grains are brown while refined grains are white.

B)Refined grains is more expensive than whole grains.

C)There is no endosperm in the refined grains products.

D)The whole grains products can provide more nutrients.

18. A)It can prevent against the colon cancer.

B)It can provide more protein to the body.

C)It can increase the blood sugar level.

D)It can strengthen the digestive ability.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.

19. A)The growing number of senior citizens in many countries.

B)The increasing number of young people in Africa.

C)The rapid aging increases in developing countries.

D)The decreasing life expectancy in African countries.

20. A)Strong political policy.

B)Income security.

C)Better education.

D)Keeping economic growth.

21. A)Their transportation needs.

B)The investment in health care.

C)Discrimination in employment.

D)The dropping productivity.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

22. A)Maintaining the biodiversity of the ecosystem.

B)How a plant becomes destructive to the ecosystem.

C)The harm that alien plants could cause.

D)Removing weeds from gardens and fields.

23. A)They increase the diversity of the ecosystem.

B)They crowd out native plants by taking resources.

C)They stimulate the growth of medicinal plants.

D)They change the boundaries of the ecosystem.

24. A)To show that non-native plants are not always destructive.

B)To provide background for a talk on plants in Colonial times.

C)To give an example of how non-native plants survive.

D)To explain that non-native plants came mostly from Europe.

25. A)Birds.




< 试题详解 >

Section A
Conversation One

M: Professor Wang, I’ve been sick. Um, I brought a medical certificate for the classes I missed.

W: Oh, Craig, I hope you’re feeling better.

M: (1) I am, professor, but I’m just a little worried. Isn’t the field trip this week?

W: That’s right. We’re leaving on Saturday about a half hour before sunrise. (2) We’ll be going to the outskirts of the city. There’s spot where the class can watch how the sun plays with the scenery, and the class will learn how to use natural light when taking photographs. But you’ve been absent for a while, I am afraid there’s a lot you’ve missed.

M: (1) Yeah, so I have a few questions, especially about the lens and type of film to use.

W: Yes, since we’ll start taking pictures at dawn, the lens and film type would be the same as when you’re in an existing light condition rather than in natural light. (3) Much of the stuff I lectured on has to do with the different effects of light as the light changes. This is particularly important when you have a subject and you need to watch how the light casts shadows. You look a bit overwhelmed, Craig.

M: To be honest, I’m not sure I’m ready. What can I do?

W: Well, you still have a couple of days. (4) Try going out very early in the morning… your neighborhood or even your backyard would be fine. Take some pictures as the light changes, and use the lens and film type I suggested. There’s a handout I gave on suggested exposures for existing light conditions. Here it is. Go over those notes and do those tryout shots.

M: OK. Thank you, professor.


1. A)Tips to remember when taking pictures.

B)The reason for his absence from the class.

C)The field trip that the class will take.

D)The information that he missed in the class.

Q: What does the man want to talk about with the woman?





问题: 男士想和女士谈的是什么?

解析 对话中男士提到因为自己因病缺了些课,有些担心即将要进行的户外教学,所以想向女士请教一下,由此可知,选项C符合对话内容,为答案。虽然户外教学与摄影有关,但是选项A的表述没有概括两人对话的主旨,故排除。

2. A)It has particularly beautiful scenery.

B)It is good for teaching the effects of light in pictures.

C)It has sentimental value for the students.

D)It is not too far away from the school.

Q: What is special about the outskirts of the city?





问题: 这个城市的郊区有何特殊性?

解析 对话中女士说这次外出学习的地点是在市郊,在那里学生们能观察到太阳光对景色的影响,并学会如何在拍照时利用自然光线,由此可知,选项B的表述与对话内容相符,为答案。

3. A)How to take pictures in changing light.

B)The suitable lens for photographic effects.

C)The proper way to care for the camera.

D)The different effects of various types of film.

Q: What learning content did the man missed in his absence from class?





问题: 男士因为缺课而错过了什么学习内容?

解析 对话中女士提到她讲课的内容大多数都与光线变化带来的不同相片效果有关,其中最重要的就是需要观察光线在拍摄对象上投射的阴影。但是讲到这里时她发现男士有些听不明白,由此可知,男士应该是错过了此课程的相关内容,所以不太理解,故选项A为答案。

4. A)Purchase a better camera with proper lens.

B)Visit the area they will be going to.

C)Study the references available at the library.

D)Practice taking pictures at dawn.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?





问题: 女士建议男士做什么?

解析 对话中女士提到男士仍有时间补课,她建议他早上早点起床,去附近或者他的后院练习,随着光线变化练习拍照并使用她所建议的镜头和胶卷,由此可知,选项D应是女士的建议。


field trip (学生)户外教学;野外考察

outskirt n. 市郊;郊区

lens n. (相机的)镜头;透镜

film n. 胶卷;胶片

cast v. 投射

handout n. 讲义

overwhelmed adj. 不知所措的;被压倒的

Conversation Two

W: I hate walking into our building in the morning! All the smokers stand around the building’s entrance puffing away… I can’t take it!

M: That’s okay. I understand. A lot of people really hate smoke.

W: (5) I’m glad they banned smoking inside the office, but I wish I didn’t have to smell it while walking on the street. It makes me feel nauseous. I simply can’t understand why a person would want to smoke.

M: Well… I used to smoke. I quit about 10 years ago.

W: (6) Yeah… I would assume at this point in history—especially given what we know about the dangers of smoking—most people would have quit already.

M: You know the saying, “Old habits die hard.”

W: So I guess I’m just have to learn to put up with it.

M: Things are changing, however. Smoking rates are dropping all around the world. Just the other day there was a newspaper report that said New Zealand is raising prices on a pack of cigarettes to $25!

W: $25! Wow! That’s really expensive. But is there any proof that high prices are a deterrent?

M: (7) There have been quite a few studies which show that every time a country raises cigarette taxes and prices, a certain percentage of smokers quit.

W: I see. The high prices act as “the straw that broke the camel’s back”. Smokers who want to quit will see the price increase, which gives them a little push.

M: Yeah. But on the other hand, prices are already quite high in many places. A pack of cigarettes in London costs about $10… in New York a pack costs roughly 8 dollars.

W: Yeah. The last time I was in New York there also seem to be plenty of smokers. I guess there are some people who are wealthy enough to afford whatever price.

M: (8) Definitely. I think the best way forward is to push education efforts for young people. If we can convince the next generation that smoking isn’t “cool”, eventually we might be able to eradicate smoking.

W: I suppose you’re right. You can pass all the laws you want but that doesn’t mean people will follow them. People’s attitudes need to change.


5. A)The smoking colleagues inside the office.

B)The smoking ban in the building.

C)The smoky air inside the office.

D)The smell of cigarettes.

Q: What makes the woman nauseous according to the conversation?





问题: 据对话描述,是什么让女士觉得恶心?

解析 对话一开始女士就说到她讨厌吸烟者站在办公楼入口处吸烟,接下来她提到虽然她很高兴看到办公室里禁止吸烟,但是她还是希望在大街上也闻不到烟味,因为街上的烟味让她作呕,由此可知,选项D为答案。

6. A)Many people still smoke regardless of the dangers.

B)The smoking ban is limited within the buildings.

C)The smoking rates are increasing.

D)The man quit smoking about 10 years ago.

Q: What does the woman find hard to understand?





问题: 女士发现什么事情难以理解?

解析 对话中女士用虚拟语气说,她本以为在当代,尤其在大家都知道吸烟的危害的情况下,很多人应该早就戒烟了,言外之意就是她没想到还有如此多的人仍在吸烟,由此可知,选项A为答案。

7. A)It has little effect in dropping the smoking rate.

B)It increases the taxes of New Zealand.

C)It pushes the prices of many other commodities.

D)It does push some smokers to give up smoking.

Q: What can be inferred about the effect of raising prices of cigarettes?





问题: 关于提高香烟价格的影响可以推断出什么?

解析 对话中男士提到有一些研究显示每当某个国家提高香烟的税收和价格时,确实有部分吸烟者会戒烟,由此可知,选项D为答案。

8. A)Continuing increasing the prices of the cigarettes.

B)Banning smoking in all the public places.

C)Changing young people’s attitude towards smoking.

D)Rewading those who are willing to quit smoking.

Q: What is the best method to eradicate smoking according to the man?





问题: 在男士看来,根除吸烟的最佳方法是什么?

解析 对话中男士说到他认为最好的方法是推动对年轻人的教育,如果能通过教育让下一代相信吸烟并不是很酷的事,最终就有可能全面根除吸烟。由此可知,在他看来改变年轻人的态度是最好的办法,故选项C为答案。


puff v. 吸,抽(香烟、雪茄等)

nauseous adj. 令人作呕的;恶心的

put up with 忍受;容忍

deterrent n. 威慑因素

eradicate v. 根除;消灭

Section B
Passage One

(9) As part of its efforts to combat HIV, the United States intends to provide up to $90 million to build secondary schools across Malawi and additional funding to provide youth friendly health services.

The U.S. signed a Memorandum of Understanding, or MOU, with Malawi in July to expand existing secondary schools and install new secondary schools throughout Malawi. (10) In the MOU, the government of Malawi committed to fund training and salaries for teachers to staff the new schools, and maintenance of the new structures; to support the provision of youth friendly health services near secondary schools; to incorporate comprehensive sex education in the national curriculum to keep young people HIV-free; and to enact a phased-in reduction of secondary school tuition fees.

Malawi’s Minister of Education, Science and Technology Bright Msaka said, “We are confident that this increased access to education will reduce the transmission of HIV to Malawi’s youth and help us break the back of the HIV epidemic.”(11) “Through this commitment, the United States and Malawi will ensure more adolescent girls attend secondary school, which will better keep them HIV-free”, said U.S. Ambassador to Malawi Virginia Palmer.

Studies have shown that for every year a girl attends secondary school, her risk of contracting HIV throughout her lifetime decreases. The first tender is out to increase the number of classrooms in urban secondary schools across Malawi. (11) Malawi’s program will demonstrate the critical link between girls’ education and public health for the rest of Africa and the world, and provide important benefits for Malawi’s development.


9. A)To improve the primary education across Malawi.

B)To push the sustainable economic development of Malawi.

C)To reduce the transmission of HIV through education.

D)To build the environmental-friendly health services.

Q: What is the main purpose of United States providing $90 million to Malawi?





问题: 美国向马拉维提供九千万美元的主要目的是什么?

解析 短文中提到美国想给马拉维提供九千万美元帮助其在全国建中学,还会增加援助来提供青年友好型医疗服务,这一切都是为了对抗艾滋病,由此可知,其最终目的是通过教育来对抗艾滋病的传播,故选项C为答案。

10. A)Supporting the youth friendly health services.

B)Including sex education in the national curriculum.

C)Reducing the tuition fees of secondary schools.

D)Training teachers with basic medical skills.

Q: Which of the following is NOT the commitment of Malawi government in the MOU?





问题: 以下哪项不属于马拉维政府在谅解备忘录中做出的承诺?

解析 短文中提到美国与马拉维签署的谅解备忘录,其中马拉维政府承诺为教师培训和薪水提供资金支持,为新学校提供师资,维护学校的新设施;在中学附近提供青年友好型医疗服务;将全面的性教育纳入全国的课程中;逐渐实施中学学费的减免。由此可知,选项A、B、C都是承诺中的内容,只有选项D的表述未被提及,故选D。

11. A)The importance of the urban secondary school in education.

B)The significance of education to the national development.

C)The importance of girls’ education to the public health.

D)The value of sex education in the adolescent education.

Q: What will the success of Malawi’s program prove according to the passage?





问题: 据短文所述,马拉维项目的成功将证明什么?

解析 短文最后提到马拉维的项目将会证明女性教育与公共医疗之间的重要联系。短文中也提到已有研究证明女孩进入中学受教育能减少其感染艾滋病的危险,最终这对于公共医疗以及国家的发展都是有利的。由此可见,选项C为答案。


Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 谅解备忘录

staff v. 为……配备职员

incorporate v. 包含;合并

phased-in adj. 逐渐的;逐步的

Passage Two

(12) Drivers around the world are feeling pain as fuel prices greatly increase. Costs for heating buildings, power generation, and industrial production are also rising sharply. Since the middle of March, fuel costs have greatly increased while crude prices are only moderately high.

(13) A big reason for the cost increase is the lack of refining ability to process crude into gasoline and other fuel to meet high worldwide demand. Crude oil is oil as it exists in the ground. It is not yet ready to be used as fuel. Refining oil involves removing unwanted substances so that oil can be used as fuel. Information from the International Energy Agency shows that the world can refine about 100 million barrels of oil a day. A barrel contains 159 liters of oil. But almost 20 percent of that is not usable. (14) Much of the unusable oil comes from places where there is a lack of investment.

The refining industry estimates that the world lost a total of 3.3 million barrels worth of daily refining ability since the start of 2020. About a third of these losses happened in the United States, the experts say. Fuel demand crashed early in the pandemic. (15) However, global refining ability is set to expand by 1 million barrels per day in 2022 and 1.6 million barrels per day in 2023. In April, 78 million barrels were processed each day. That is down from the pre-pandemic average of 82.1 million barrels per day. (15) The IEA expects refining to rise during the summer to 81.9 million barrels per day.


12. A)Fuel prices.

B)Heating cost.

C)Cost for industrial production.

D)Water bills.

Q: Which of the following fees is not going up according to the passage?





问题: 根据短文所述,以下哪种费用没有上涨?

解析 短文开篇就提到各种费用的上涨,其中包括燃料价格上涨,以及房屋供暖费用、发电以及工业生产的成本也在上涨。只有选项D所说的水费未被提及,所以答案为D。

13. A)It is difficult to process the crude into fuel.

B)The transportation of fuel can’t meet the demand.

C)The inadequacy of oil refining ability.

D)The processing of crude oil takes a long time.

Q: Why did the fuel prices increase according to the passage?





问题: 根据短文所述,为什么燃料价格上涨了?

解析 短文中提到从三月中旬开始在原油价格相对适度的情况下,燃料价格却大幅上涨,其原因是把原油提炼为汽油或其他燃料的炼油能力不足,故选项C符合短文描述,为答案。

14. A)It comes from the major oil exporters.

B)It comes from the oil importers.

C)It comes from the areas with little investment.

D)It comes from the countries rich in natural gas.

Q: Where does the most of unusable oil come from?





问题: 大多数无用的石油来自哪里?

解析 短文中提到国际能源署的数据显示全球每日所提炼的石油中有近20%是无用的,之后又提到这些无用油中的大多数是来自缺少投资的国家,由此可知,选项C符合短文表述,为答案。

15. A)It will return to the pre-pandemic levels.

B)It will continue to drop during this summer.

C)It will be hard to recover unless the demand increases.

D)It will bring a lot of losses to the U.S.

Q: What is the IEA’s expect of the oil refining ability?





问题: 国际能源署对石油提炼能力有何预测?

解析 短文提到全球的炼油能力在2022年、2023年预计会有提升,虽然四月的日产油量为7 800万桶,比疫情前的日均8 210万桶要少,但是国际能源署预测到夏天时炼油数量将会升至每天8 190万桶,由此可知,能源署认为产油数量将会恢复到疫情前的水平,故选项A为答案。


crude n. 原油 adj. 未经加工的

refine v. 精炼;提纯

substance n. 物质;材料

International Energy Agency (IEA) 国际能源署

be set to 被认为;被认定

Section C
Recording One

This presentation will discuss the importance of whole grains and how to add more whole grains to your diet. Let’s begin with a bit of fun. What are whole grains? Grains that are brown. Grains that are not processed. Grains that contain the bran, germ, and endosperm. And grains that are organic or natural. Or all of the above? (16) As you can see denoted by the star, the answer is grains that contain the bran, germ, and endosperm.

Let’s take a look at the structure of a grain. (16) To be a whole grain, it must contain three parts: the bran, the germ, and the endosperm. The bran is high in fiber plus some vitamins and minerals. The germ contains all sorts of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and some plant chemicals referred to collectively as phytochemicals. We’ll talk more about these later. Lastly, the biggest part is the endosperm, which is rich in carbohydrate, but also contains some protein and some vitamins.

(17) Refined grains only contain the endosperm. You will miss the most nutrient-rich by choosing refined grains. Let’s run through a quick comparison of whole and refined grains. White flour, white bread, pasta, white rice, and some cereals are refined grain products. (17) Choosing whole grain products such as those listed here on the left provides more nutrients. Next time you have the choice, choose whole grains like whole wheat flour, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, whole wheat cereals, whole rye, and wild rice. These contain all three components of the grain as we discussed earlier.

Now that you know the three components of whole grains, what are the health benefits of whole grain foods? The answer here is all of the above. (18) Whole grains provide many distinct benefits including contribution to a healthy digestive system, weight management, reduced risk of heart disease, lowering blood sugar, and reducing the risk of some cancers. With whole grains, you receive all the nutrients of grain such as carbohydrate and protein but also much more. The first component we will touch upon is fiber. Fiber reduces cholesterol thereby reducing the risk of developing heart disease. Fiber has also been shown to reduce weight gain because it provides bulk to the diet and makes you feel full longer. (18) Importantly for our purposes, fiber also appears to protect against certain types of cancer. The best studied is colon cancer.


16. A)The brown and unprocessed grains.

B)The organic and natural grains.

C)The grains with bran, germ and endosperm.

D)The grains with high fiber and low fat.

Q: What are the whole grains according to the presentation?





问题: 根据报告所述,什么是全麦谷物?

解析 报告一开始就给谷物下定义,虽然对于什么是谷物,给出了诸如棕色的、未经加工的、有机的、天然的等描述,但是最后报告还是指出含有麸皮、胚芽和胚乳的谷物才能被称为全麦谷物,故答案应为C。

17. A)Whole grains are brown while refined grains are white.

B)Refined grains is more expensive than whole grains.

C)There is no endosperm in the refined grains products.

D)The whole grains products can provide more nutrients.

Q: What is the difference between whole grains and refined grains?





问题: 全麦谷物和精制谷物之间有何区别?

解析 报告介绍了全麦谷物和精制谷物的区别,提到精制谷物只有胚乳部分,因此如果选择精制谷物制品就无法摄取到多种营养,之后又提到选择全麦谷物就能获得更多营养。由此可知,选项D为答案。

18. A)It can prevent against the colon cancer.

B)It can provide more protein to the body.

C)It can increase the blood sugar level.

D)It can strengthen the digestive ability.

Q: What is the health benefit of whole grain diet?





问题: 全麦谷物饮食对健康有什么好处?

解析 报告介绍了全麦谷物对健康的多种益处,其中包括有利于消化系统的健康、控制体重、降低患心脏病的风险、降低血糖、降低患某些癌症的风险。最后特别提到全麦食品中的高纤维能预防结肠癌,由此可知,选项A为答案。其他选项的表述与原文内容有出入,故不可选。


bran n. 麸皮;米糠

germ n. 胚芽;细菌

endosperm n. 胚乳

phytochemical n. 植物素;植物化学物质

rye n. 黑麦

bulk n. 大块;大部分

colon n. 结肠

Recording Two

The number of young people in Africa is growing. So is the number of older people in Asia. In fact, the United Nations says that, very soon, every fifth person in the world will be over the age of sixty. (19) How should countries prepare for the world’s aging population? A United Nations report is urging countries to answer that question.

Japan has the world’s oldest population. Thirty percent of Japanese are older adults. The UN report says by the middle of this century, sixty-four countries will have that level of the population over age sixty. Jose Miguel Guzman is head of the UN’s Population and Development Branch. He says people are living longer for many reasons. They include improved nutrition, medical developments, better health care, education and economic well-being. But he says the fact that more people are living longer can create problems. (20) Steep population aging also means an increased demand for income security, health and long-term care, which creates huge socio-economic and cultural challenges that will need to be addressed with a strong political and appropriate social policy.

The UN report says populations are aging in all parts of the world. The most-rapid age increases are in developing countries. In those countries, people live—on average—sixty-eight years. By 2050, the average person will live seventy-four years. Life expectancy is seventy-eight in developed countries. (21) But in many countries, older people are not seen as helping the economy. Sixty-seven percent of the older people who answered questions for the report said their biggest problem was employment discrimination. But some countries are beginning to see the advantages, or gains, of having older adults. For example, grandparents in rural China increasingly care for grandchildren as their parents move to cities to find jobs. A community in Australia talked with its retirees about their transportation needs, and there was a suggestion to run the street lights with longer green light time. The report says the most cost-effective and humane thing a society can do for its older citizens is to invest in their health so they can remain active.

Researchers are warning that aging populations present challenges for governments when economic productivity is falling. The Asian Development Bank says education will help to solve the problem of an aging workforce. Better-educated and better-trained work forces can increase productivity, which leads to stronger economic growth.


19. A)The growing number of senior citizens in many countries.

B)The increasing number of young people in Africa.

C)The rapid aging increases in developing countries.

D)The decreasing life expectancy in African countries.

Q: What is the problem that the UN report urges countries to solve?





问题: 联合国报告中敦促各国解决的问题是什么?

解析 报告虽然提到非洲的年轻人数量不断增加,但是亚洲各国的老年人数量也在增长,很快全世界六十岁以上人口将占五分之一,因此报告敦促各国要应对人口老龄化问题,由此可知,选项A为答案。

20. A)Strong political policy.

B)Income security.

C)Better education.

D)Keeping economic growth.

Q: What demand will the rapid population aging create?





问题: 人口迅速老龄化会带来什么需求?

解析 报告中提到了老龄化问题的原因及其带来的问题,其中讲到人口迅速老龄化意味着对收入安全、医疗和长期护理的需求都会增长,从而给社会、经济、文化等各方面都带来挑战,必须用强有力的政治政策和恰当的社会政策去解决。由此可知,选项B为答案。选项A表达的内容是解决方法,而不是需求,故不可选。

21. A)Their transportation needs.

B)The investment in health care.

C)Discrimination in employment.

D)The dropping productivity.

Q: What is the biggest problem the older respondents face according to the report?





问题: 据报道所述,老年受访者面临的最大问题是什么?

解析 报告中提到在很多国家,老年人被视为对经济发展无用的人,报告中67%的受访老人说他们认为最大的问题是在就业中遭遇的歧视。由此可知,选项C为答案。


economic well-being 经济福祉

life expectancy 预期寿命

retiree n. 退休人士

discrimination n. 歧视;区别对待

cost-effective adj. 划算的

humane adj. 人道的;仁慈的

Recording Three

The last time we met, we talked about biodiversity and its importance in keeping ecosystems healthy and functioning. And we also discussed the greatest destroyer of biodiversity, habitat destruction. We know that human activity is largely responsible for this destruction. (22) Well, today, let’s look at a second destroyer of biodiversity. It’s not as devastating as the first, but it’s pretty bad in its own right. It’s non-native plant invasion. A plant that isn’t native to an ecosystem multiplies very quickly and destroys or threatens other plants, thus endangering the existence of organisms that subsist on these native plants. Now you might see this as a contradiction. Didn’t we just learn that the more diverse the life forms are, the healthier an ecosystem is? Well, some plants just aren’t meant to grow in certain regions.

When we say native plant, we’re referring to those plants that grow within their natural range. What’s an example? Peppergrass, and herb with a spicy taste, is native only to California, Nevada and Utah. (23) A non-native plant, on the other hand, grows outside of its natural range and then begins to spread rapidly, and if the plant increases quickly to the point where it displaces native plants or endangers the normal functioning of the ecosystem, then the plant is invasive and destructive to the ecosystem’s biodiversity. What about weeds? You know, those plants you keep pulling out of the garden on weekends? Essentially, weeds are wild and undesirable plants, but not all weeds are destructive to a region even if they’re non-native. (24) Dandelions are abundant and native to areas with a mild climate in Europe, Asia and Africa. They were introduced to the Americans during the Colonial Times, and they became a pretty common plant in the temperate zone. Dandelions can be pretty useful. They are edible, and the leaves and roots can be used in making herbal medicine. So dandelions do increase, but they’re not invasive and destructive.

Now, let me point out that plant introduction and migrations can be natural to an environment. (25) Wind and birds and channels of water have been transferring seeds to ranges outside of what is natural for these plants. This has been going on for the past thousands and thousands of years.


22. A)Maintaining the biodiversity of the ecosystem.

B)How a plant becomes destructive to the ecosystem.

C)The harm that alien plants could cause.

D)Removing weeds from gardens and fields.

Q: What will the lecturer mainly talk about in this lecture?





问题: 演讲人在这次讲座中主要会讲什么?

解析 讲座开始演讲人提到上次讲到了栖息地的破坏是对生态多样性最大的破坏,之后提到今天的课就要来讲排名第二的破坏生态多样性的因素,即外来植物的入侵,由此可知,后面的内容都会围绕外来植物及其破坏性展开,故选项C为答案。

23. A)They increase the diversity of the ecosystem.

B)They crowd out native plants by taking resources.

C)They stimulate the growth of medicinal plants.

D)They change the boundaries of the ecosystem.

Q: How do non-native plants affect the ecosystem?





问题: 外来植物是如何影响生态系统的?

解析 演讲人解释了外来植物一旦进入某一自然区域就会很快繁殖蔓延,当其繁衍速度过快时,它就会取代本土植物或威胁到当地生态系统的正常功能,由此可知,选项B为答案。

24. A)To show that non-native plants are not always destructive.

B)To provide background for a talk on plants in Colonial Times.

C)To give an example of how non-native plants survive.

D)To explain that non-native plants came mostly from Europe.

Q: Why does the lecturer mention dandelions?





问题: 演讲人为什么提到蒲公英?

解析 讲座中提到蒲公英本是生长在欧洲、亚洲和非洲的植物,它是在北美殖民时期被引入美洲并成为那里的温带气候下常见的植物。虽然是外来植物,但是蒲公英能食用,其叶子和根还能用于制作草药,因此虽然它们在美洲繁殖,但是并没有入侵性和破坏性。由此可知,演讲人以蒲公英为例是为了说明并非所有外来植物都有破坏性,故答案为A。

25. A)Birds.




Q: Which of the following is not the carrier of seeds in natural plant migration?





问题: 在非人为的植物迁移中,以下哪种不是种子的载体?

解析 讲座最后提到了非人为的植物迁移,即风、鸟、水渠都可以把种子带到其自然生长环境以外的区域,根据常识也可知,只有阳光不能携带种子进行迁移,故选项D为答案。


habitat n. 栖息地;(动植物的)生活环境

multiply v. 繁殖;大量增长

subsist on 靠……生存

peppergrass n. 胡椒草

displace v. 取代;使(人或动植物)离开生长环境

dandelion n. 蒲公英

edible adj. 可食用的 Km4AkwdpPy/nKyJCtY0B+PnKmLzQPKIsuRSaX4ogsJ3E2SWPizafGpvMmjhn/N+I
