
Model Test Four


Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1. A)To get pointers on improving her math grades.

B)To seek help for her natural science classes.

C)To clarify a point made in a Basic Design class.

D)To ask for suggestions on switching her major.

2. A)She does not want to follow in her father’s footsteps.

B)She wants to switch major as she hates the science classes.

C)She is better as an artist than as an architect.

D)She wants to go into the commercial art.

3. A)To persuade the woman that she has the talent.

B)To indicate that she has no talent for art.

C)To assure there are other fields which suit her.

D)To encourage her to go into the art education.

4. A)Switch to art.

B)Drop her science classes.

C)Get herself a private tutor.

D)Stick to architecture.

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5. A)Enjoying his new position.

B)Having a decreased workload.

C)A salary increase.

D)A job promotion.

6. A)Because she hasn’t made any plan for it yet.

B)Because she is a less productive worker in the company.

C)Because she doesn’t have the courage to ask for it.

D)Because she doesn’t think it is necessary for her.

7. A)Having a powerful argument with her boss.

B)Basing the salary request on her needs.

C)Threatening to resign her position.

D)Emphasizing her value to the company.

8. A)Present the working data to show her value.

B)Figure out the typical salary for her position.

C)Quit her job and search for a better one.

D)Find an available position online.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

9. A)There is a shortage of food supply in the Arctic.

B)Polar bears are searching for food at waste sites.

C)Humans are hunting more seals than polar bears.

D)The amount of sea ice is increasing in the Arctic.

10. A)Because they are often choked by the bones in it.

B)Because they can’t digest the food packaging.

C)Because they can’t digest human food.

D)Because people would shoot them at waste sites.

11. A)It is difficult to manage waste in frozen lands.

B)It is costly to bury waste into the frozen ground.

C)It is impossible to send the waste out on trucks.

D)More humans are in need to manage the waste.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

12. A)Because they can’t get assistance from the government.

B)Because the pandemic depresses the whole economy.

C)Because they can’t afford the health insurance.

D)Because they can’t seek and hire enough workers.

13. A)Too many potential employees were infected with COVID-19.

B)Possible candidates are too concerned about COVID-19 to seek jobs.

C)Many parents have to stay at home to take care of their own children.

D)Some unemployed can scrape by with the unemployment benefits.

14. A)The unemployment insurance benefits.

B)The federal unemployment assistance.

C)The federal coronavirus aid payments.

D)The congressional unemployment benefits.

15. A)They believe unemployment benefits are too high for them to offer.

B)They think high unemployment benefits discourage people from seeking jobs.

C)They think they can offer the same unemployment benefits as large companies.

D)They want to hire more workers by increasing unemployment benefits.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.

16. A)The shop that sells second-handed stuff.

B)The shop that sells old-fashioned clothes.

C)The shop that sells discounted clothes.

D)The shop that sells old and used clothing.

17. A)People there find the vintage clothing stylish and unique.

B)Coastal people prefer hard-wearing quality of vintage clothes.

C)The peninsula inhabitants save resources by reusing the unsold clothes.

D)The coastal community knows how to make sustainable materials.

18. A)The sportswear from famous basketball teams.

B)The used T-shirts from some famous sports stars.

C)The second-handed T-shirts with no brand logos.

D)The T-shirts from the 1990s and early 2000s.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.

19. A)It was shut down by FBI.

B)It was attacked by terrorists.

C)Its fuel transportation was suspended due to a cyberattack.

D)Its 45 percent of fuel was lost in transportation.

20. A)Attackers will damage the important U.S. infrastructure.

B)Attackers will hijack information in exchange for money.

C)Attackers will prevent people from exchanging information online.

D)Attackers will hack the computer system to steal money.

21. A)The restriction on fuel transporters was removed.

B)The national fuel network was restarted.

C)Companies would rebuild their infrastructure.

D)Trains were taken over for fuel transportation.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

22. A)Ways to offset the effects of a loud noise.

B)The common sources of noise pollution and their effects.

C)The differences between land, air, water and noise pollution.

D)How industrialization has resulted in a greater level of noise.

23. A)They cannot always be measured accurately.

B)They demonstrate what sounds can damage the ears.

C)They record sounds that cannot be heard by humans.

D)They indicate the softness and loudness of sounds.

24. A)They influence ears, mind and body as well.

B)They are more dangerous for the elders.

C)They are usually not difficult to reverse.

D)They are not as harmful as once believed.

25. A)To give an example of common causes of hearing loss.

B)To discuss the hearing problem associated with health.

C)To provide background for a discussion on causes of hearing loss.

D)To emphasize noise is a bigger factor for the hearing problem.

< 试题详解 >

Section A
Conversation One

W: Hi, Professor Lyon.

M: Oh, hello, Patricia. How’s it going?

W: OK, I guess. (1) Actually, there’s something I want to discuss with you. It’s about my major…

M: Your major?

W: (1) Um, yeah. I think I shouldn’t have majored in architecture, so I’ve been thinking of switching to a different major. Like, um, art.

M: Uh… why do you want to change over from architecture to art, Patricia?

W: (2) Actually I really wanted to major in art, but my parents said there was no money in art, and they wanted me to follow in my dad’s footsteps. I think architecture is interesting, but I really dislike the natural science and math requirements.

M: You just completed your freshman year, right?

W: Right.

M: And I know I can recall, you did pretty well in your math classes.

W: I did just OK. Math doesn’t come naturally to me. It’s not a subject I enjoy.

M: (3) Well, Patricia, you are definitely a gifted student. I’ve seen that in the Basic Design classes you took in your first and second semesters. I think I’d be inclined to agree with your parents. It’s true it’s a lot harder to make money as an artist than as an architect, unless, of course, you intend to go into commercial art, but there’s a more important reason.

W: Yes?

M: Well, people in the same field have talents in different areas. My point is I do believe you have what it takes to be a really good architect. (4) Why not give it a little more time before you consider switching, and I’ll make sure you get all the help you need in your classes of natural science.

W: (4) Well, can you really help me with the science?

M: Definitely.


1. A)To get pointers on improving her math grades.

B)To seek help for her natural science classes.

C)To clarify a point made in a Basic Design class.

D)To ask for suggestions on switching her major.

Q: Why does the woman go to see the man?





问题: 女士为什么要去见男士?

解析 对话中女士提到她想和教授谈谈自己的专业,她认为自己不应该学建筑专业,一直在考虑换到其他专业,如艺术,由此可知,选项D符合对话内容,为答案。

2. A)She does not want to follow in her father’s footsteps.

B)She wants to switch major as she hates the science classes.

C)She is better as an artist than as an architect.

D)She wants to go into the commercial art.

Q: What can be inferred about the woman?





问题: 关于女士我们能推论出什么?

解析 对话中女士提到了自己没有选择艺术,而选择建筑专业的原因,一方面是其父母认为这个专业比艺术更赚钱,父母也想让她继承父亲的事业,另一方面是她本人也觉得建筑很有趣,但是她非常讨厌这个专业要学习的自然科学和数学课,由此可知,选项B的表述与对话相符合,为答案。

3. A)To persuade the woman that she has the talent.

B)To indicate that she has no talent for art.

C)To assure there are other fields which suit her.

D)To encourage her to go into the art education.

Q: Why does the man mention the course of Basic Design?





问题: 为什么男士要提到基础设计这门课程?

解析 对话中男士提到他看到过女士在前两个学期的基础设计课程上显示的天赋。由此可知,男士提及这门课程是为了让女士相信自己的天赋,故选项A是最适合的答案。

4. A)Switch to art.

B)Drop her science classes.

C)Get herself a private tutor.

D)Stick to architecture.

Q: What will the woman probably do next?





问题: 接下来,女士可能会做什么?

解析 对话中女士听到男士说会为她的自然科学课学习提供必要的帮助时,向教授进行了确认,由此可以推断,她应该会在老师的帮助下继续学习建筑专业,因此答案是选项D。


architecture n. 建筑学

commercial art 商业艺术

architect n. 建筑师

Conversation Two

M: Hey, Anita! How have you been?

W: Pretty good. The boys are doing well in school and John is enjoying his new job. You?

M: Pretty much the same. (5) Still working killer hours and still angling for that promotion. I’m sure I’m going to move up to vice president this year.

W: That’s great!

M: How’s your career going? Last time we had a talk, you said you were trying to get a raise.

W: Yep. That’s the plan. I’m definitely one of the most productive members of the company and I feel I contribute a lot.

M: So? What’s the problem? Why haven’t you gone in there and demanded a raise?

W: (6) I just can’t work up the courage to do it. I know I need to, and I know I need it, but it’s tough.

M: OK, we are going to figure this out together. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s asking for what I need.

W: I don’t even know where to begin. My son needs braces and his school tuition has just gone up. We really need to get a new car…

M: OK, stop right there. You can’t base your salary request on your needs. The company isn’t a charity and if you go in and say, “I need”, it’s not going to work.

W: I could probably make more money if I changed companies.

M: (7) There you go… that’s a powerful argument. But leave any threats till the last minute. What you need to do is stress your value.

W: I can present quite a bit of hard data to demonstrate my usefulness to the company.

M: That’s great! Then you have to figure out what a fair salary is for your position and your responsibilities. How long have you worked there?

W: This would be the third year.

M: Three years? Then your boss should be expecting you to ask for a raise. (8) You can check online and find out what typical salaries for your position are.

W: Great, I’ll do the research right away.


5. A)Enjoying his new position.

B)Having a decreased workload.

C)A salary increase.

D)A job promotion.

Q: What is the man expecting from his job this year?





问题: 今年男士对自己的工作有何期待?

解析 对话中男士提到他现在没日没夜地工作,就为了争取晋升,他还说他确信自己今年能升为公司副总裁。由此可知,选项D为答案。

6. A)Because she hasn’t made any plan for it yet.

B)Because she is a less productive worker in the company.

C)Because she doesn’t have the courage to ask for it.

D)Because she doesn’t think it is necessary for her.

Q: Why does the woman not get a raise?





问题: 为什么女士没有获得加薪?

解析 对话中女士提到她知道自己需要加薪,也应该去提出这个要求,但是总是没有勇气去提出来,她认为开口很难,由此可知,选项C的表述符合对话内容,为答案。

7. A)Having a powerful argument with her boss.

B)Basing the salary request on her needs.

C)Threatening to resign her position.

D)Emphasizing her value to the company.

Q: What is the best way for the woman to demand a raise according to the man?





问题: 在男士看来,女士要求加薪的最好方法是什么?

解析 对话中男士提到威胁要换工作是个很有力的争论方式,但是他认为那要留到最后一刻才能用,更好的方法是强调自己的价值,由此可知,选项D符合对话内容,为答案,而选项C并不是最好的方法,需排除。

8. A)Present the working data and show her value.

B)Figure out the typical salary for her position.

C)Quit her job and search for a better one.

D)Find an available position online.

Q: What would the woman probably do next?





问题: 女士接下来可能会做什么?

解析 对话中男士建议女士上网查一下,了解自己这种职位一般的薪金水平,然后再和老板谈,女士回答说她马上就去研究,由此可知,女士接下来应该是查薪金水平,选项B为答案。


angle for 谋取

brace n. 牙齿矫正器,牙箍

argument n. 理由;论据

hard data 确切的数据;硬数据

Section B
Passage One

Scientists from the U.S. and Canada say Arctic warming is reducing the food supply for polar bears. (9) The animals are forced to look for food at waste sites. That is causing problems for both the bears and humans.

Polar bears normally hunt seals. But a warming climate is reducing the amount of sea ice. The bears need sea ice in order to move around and find seals. With the usual food running low, the bears are coming off the ice and onto land. They get closer to areas where humans place waste, including bones from whale hunts and used food packages. (10) The bears often end up eating the food packaging when trying to get to the food inside. Since their bodies cannot break down the material, the bears can develop blockages that can result in sickness and even death. In addition, people living close to the area where waste is collected sometimes shoot the bears because they fear the animals might hurt people.

Andrew Derocher, a biologist at the University of Alberta in Canada, said, “Bears and garbage are a bad association.” Derocher added that scientists have already seen black bears and brown bears eat food waste in other parts of the world. “Now,” he said, “it’s an issue developing with polar bears.”

(11) As more humans move in, the waste becomes more of a problem because it is hard to manage in frozen lands. The ground is frozen, which means the garbage cannot be buried. It is costly to send the waste out on trucks. The scientists say more government money is needed to help fix the problem.


9. A)There is a shortage of food supply in the Arctic.

B)Polar bears are searching for food at waste sites.

C)Humans are hunting more seals than polar bears.

D)The amount of sea ice is increasing in the Arctic.

Q: What is causing problems for both humans and polar bears?





问题: 对人类和北极熊都造成麻烦的是什么?

解析 短文开头就提到北极气候变暖导致北极熊的食物减少,它们被迫去垃圾场中觅食,这给人类和北极熊都带来了麻烦,由此可知,选项B的表述正确,为答案。选项A的表述错在食物供应短缺对北极熊造成了麻烦,但短文并未提及这给人类造成麻烦。

10. A)Because they are often choked by the bones in it.

B)Because they can't digest the food packaging.

C)Because they can’t digest human food.

D)Because people would shoot them at waste sites.

Q: Why do polar bears often suffer disease and even death when eating garbage?





问题: 为什么吃垃圾的北极熊常会患病甚至死亡?

解析 短文提到北极熊在垃圾场觅食时常会吃进食品包装,而它们的身体无法消化这些材料,在身体里形成堵塞,导致疾病甚至死亡,由此可知,选项B符合短文表述,为答案。

11. A)It is difficult to manage waste in frozen lands.

B)It is costly to bury waste into the frozen ground.

C)It is impossible to send the waste out on trucks.

D)More humans are in need to manage the waste.

Q: Which of the following is true about the waste in the Arctic?





问题: 关于北极地区的垃圾,以下哪个说法是正确的?

解析 短文后面提到北极的冻土地区处理垃圾十分困难,冻土地带不能填埋垃圾,用卡车把垃圾运送出去花费昂贵,科学家认为政府应该提供更多的资金来帮助解决这个问题。由此可知,只有选项A符合短文表述,为答案。


Arctic n. / adj. 北极(的);北极地区

polar bear 北极熊

blockage n. 阻塞物;阻塞

association n. 关联

Passage Two

Small businesses across America are putting up “Help Wanted” signs and other advertisements seeking workers. But in many cases, the jobs go unfilled even as the economy improves. (12) The lack of workers is hurting small businesses’ ability to keep up with the demand for their products and services.

(13) Owners say that some possible job candidates are not seeking employment because they worry about getting COVID-19. Others choose to continue with the increased unemployment benefits linked to the health crisis. Still others face childcare needs. Many parents are unable to work if they also must care for a child at home.

Congressional Research Services, a research group for the U.S. Congress, notes that there are many state and federal rules that govern unemployment assistance. “This results in 53 different programs” in the United States, says a 2019 report. It adds that most states provide up to a maximum of 26 weeks of unemployment benefits. (14) In South Carolina, the maximum, or highest permitted, weekly unemployment benefit is $626, including $300 in federal coronavirus aid payments. But in other states, maximum unemployment is more than $700 a week.

Businesses of all sizes are struggling with hiring even with almost 10 million Americans unemployed. But smaller companies have a harder time. They cannot offer the same pay and benefits that larger companies do. (15) The National Federation of Independent Business found recently that 42 percent of its members had job openings they could not fill. Owners believe this issue could be a result of higher unemployment benefits.


12. A)Because they can’t get assistance from the government.

B)Because the pandemic depresses the whole economy.

C)Because they can’t afford the health insurance.

D)Because they can't seek and hire enough workers.

Q: Why do small American businesses find it hard to meet the demand of customers?





问题: 为什么美国的小企业觉得很难满足客户的需求?

解析 短文中提到由于员工短缺,美国小企业难以维持客户对它们的产品及服务提出的需求,由此可知,选项D为答案。

13. A)Too many potential employees were infected with COVID-19.

B)Possible candidates are too concerned about COVID-19 to seek jobs.

C)Many parents have to stay at home to take care of their own children.

D)Some unemployed can scrape by with the unemployment benefits.

Q: Which of the following is not the reason for the lack of staff?





问题: 以下哪项不是造成员工短缺的原因?

解析 短文介绍了造成员工短缺的多种原因,如人们由于担心感染新冠病毒而不敢出门找工作,有人选择继续靠失业津贴生活而不想找工作,还有人因为要照顾家中的孩子而无法外出工作,这些在选项B、C、D中都提到了,只有选项A的内容没有提及,故答案为A。

14. A)The unemployment insurance benefits.

B)The federal unemployment assistance.

C)The federal coronavirus aid payments.

D)The congressional unemployment benefits.

Q: What is included in the unemployment benefit of South Carolina?





问题: 南卡罗来纳州的失业津贴中包括以下哪项?

解析 短文中提到南卡罗来纳州最高的失业津贴为每周626美金,其中包括300美金的联邦新冠病毒救助金,由此可知,选项C为答案。

15. A)They believe unemployment benefits are too high for them to offer.

B)They think high unemployment benefits discourage people from seeking jobs.

C)They think they can offer the same unemployment benefits as large companies.

D)They want to hire more workers by increasing unemployment benefits.

Q: What do the owners of small businesses think of the unemployment benefits?





问题: 小企业的老板是如何看待失业津贴的?

解析 短文最后提到独立企业联盟的调查发现其成员中有42%有空缺职位却雇不到员工,这些企业的老板认为失业津贴太高是造成这一问题的原因;结合前文对失业津贴具体数额的介绍可知老板们认为是津贴让人们不着急出门找工作,由此可知,选项B为答案。


candidate n. 求职申请人;候选人

maximum adj. / n. 最大的(量)

unemployment benefit 失业津贴;失业救济金

job opening 职位空缺

Section C
Recording One

Americans in greater numbers are buying used clothing. Fans call it vintage clothing. (16) They believe buying old, used clothes can save money. They also consider it good for the environment and stylish. Vintage stores sell clothes from previous time periods. The stores often carry famous brands and sell them at low prices.

Vintage clothing has been on the rise for about 10 years. It is driven largely by a new generation of people who are concerned about sustainable ways of living. In 2018, the United Nations said that the fashion industry causes “around 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.” The UN said the industry uses more energy than the airplane and shipping industries combined.

Jen Mason is the owner of Underground Vintage in Lewes, Delaware, a town on the Atlantic coast. She said that clothes in the store that do not get sold are provided to local people. They use the material for different purposes such as making blankets. (17) Unsold clothes never go to waste, Mason said. “We’re a coastal community. So we’re always thinking about how to be sustainable. And we also live on a peninsula, so, you know, it takes a lot of resources to get stuff out and back to here. So we’re very much thinking about how to give something a new life.”

The Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action is an agreement under the UN to reduce greenhouse gasses. Organizations that sign the agreement promise to create fewer gasses linked to climate change. But many people buying clothing are hoping to help the environment by looking to the past.

(18) Delorean 88 is a vintage store in Washington, DC. Much of the store’s clothing comes from the 1990s and early 2000s. The store carries mostly T-shirts, many with band logos and sports teams. One T-shirt features the faces of all the members of the 1996 Chicago Bulls, including Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen, the team’s stars. Michael Diaz works at the shop. He said customers have come in and noticed shirts their parents might have had. Mason from Underground Vintage thinks part of the popularity in vintage shopping for younger people has to do with the time before the wide use of computers. Young people can disconnect from the Internet and visit a physical store to try on clothes from a different time period. And the shop does not separate clothes for men and women.


16. A)The shop that sells second-handed stuff.

B)The shop that sells old-fashioned clothes.

C)The shop that sells discounted clothes.

D)The shop that sells old and used clothing.

Q: What is the vintage clothing shop according to the report?





问题: 根据报道内容,什么是古着店?

解析 报道开始介绍越来越多的美国人开始买二手衣服,这种商店就被叫作古着店,售卖过去的衣物,且店里的顾客认为买这些老式的二手衣服能省钱,还能保护环境,也很有格调,由此可知,选项D的表述最符合古着店的定义,故为答案。

17. A)People there find the vintage clothing stylish and unique.

B)Coastal people prefer hard-wearing quality of vintage clothes.

C)The peninsula inhabitants save resources by reusing the unsold clothes.

D)The coastal community knows how to make sustainable materials.

Q: How does Jen Mason explain the vintage fashion in her community?





问题: 珍·梅森是如何解释她的社区崇尚复古风尚的?

解析 报道介绍了珍·梅森的古着店,她解释未售出的衣服不会被浪费,会提供给当地居民用于其他用途,因为这里是一个近海社区,所以人们总是考虑如何可持续性生活,而且他们在半岛的地理位置让人们知道运输的不便会消耗更多资源,因此人们更愿意再利用物品,由此可知,选项C的表述符合报道内容,为答案。

18. A)The sportswear from famous basketball teams.

B)The used T-shirts from some famous sports stars.

C)The second-handed T-shirts with no brand logos.

D)The T-shirts from the 1990s and early 2000s.

Q: What kind of clothes does the Delorean 88 mostly sell?





问题: Delorean 88这家店主要卖什么类型的衣服?

解析 报道提到Delorean 88是位于华盛顿的一家古着店,它家的衣服大多是20世纪90年代到21世纪初的,且大多数是印有乐队、球队标志的T恤衫,由此可知,选项D为答案。后文例子中虽然提到了芝加哥公牛队和球星乔丹,但只是说衣服上印有他们的肖像,故A、B都不可选。


vintage adj. 古旧而优质的;老式的;(葡萄酒)优质的

coastal adj. 近海的;沿海的

peninsula n. 半岛

Recording Two

(19) A major U.S. fuel pipeline remains largely shut down Monday after a cyberattack caused service to be suspended. The incident led to the shutdown of a main fuel line operated by Colonial Pipeline. The company says it supplies about 45 percent of all the fuel used on the U.S. East Coast.

Some are considering the cyberattack the most damaging so far against important U.S. infrastructure. Colonial said Monday it hopes to have most of its fuel transportation system running again by the end of the week. The company says it was hit by a ransomware attack. (20) In such attacks, online attackers infect the computer systems of organizations and hijack information in a way that leaves it unreadable. The attacker then demands payment in exchange for returning the information to a readable state.

Law enforcement agencies are investigating the incident. The Federal Bureau of Investigation said Monday the attack was carried out by a criminal group known as DarkSide. Cybersecurity experts who have studied DarkSide say the group appears to be made up of experienced cybercriminals who aim to get as much money as they can from their targets. “They’re very new but they’re very organized,” said Lior Div, chief of Cybereason, a security company based in Boston. DarkSide claims it does not attack hospitals, nursing homes or educational or government targets. It says it donates part of the money it receives to charity.

The administration of President Joe Biden said it has made restarting the fuel network a top goal. The administration said it is working with several agencies on plans to avoid severe fuel disruptions. If a shutdown continues, fuel suppliers would need to use trucks and trains to transport fuel. (21) The Department of Transportation announced emergency measures Sunday to keep deliveries moving. The agency lifted driver restrictions on fuel transporters in 17 states affected by the shutdown. Experts said the incident should raise awareness of the serious threats companies can face.

David Kennedy established TrustedSec, a company that helps organizations prepare for and fight cyberattacks. He said that once a ransomware attack is discovered, companies have few choices. They can either completely rebuild their infrastructure or pay the amount of money being demanded. “Ransomware is absolutely out of control and one of the biggest threats we face as a nation,” Kennedy said. “The problem we face is that most companies are grossly underprepared to face these threats.”


19. A)It was shut down by FBI.

B)It was attacked by terrorists.

C)Its fuel transportation was suspended due to a cyberattack.

D)Its 45 percent of fuel was lost in transportation.

Q: What happened to the U.S. fuel company according to the report?





问题: 根据报道所述,这家美国燃料公司发生了什么?

解析 报道提到在遭遇网络攻击之后美国一家燃料公司将其主输送管道暂时关停。由此可知,选项C的表述正确,为答案。

20. A)Attackers will damage the important U.S. infrastructure.

B)Attackers will hijack information in exchange for money.

C)Attackers will prevent people from exchanging information online.

D)Attackers will hack the computer system to steal money.

Q: What do we know about the ransomware attack?





问题: 关于勒索病毒攻击我们能知道些什么?

解析 报道中解释了何为勒索病毒攻击。网络攻击者会感染某一机构的电脑系统,将电脑中的信息变成无法读取的形式来劫持这些信息,再以恢复数据为条件索要钱财,由此可知,选项B符合报道表述,为答案。原文虽然提到网络攻击是目前为止对美国重要基础设施破坏力最大的攻击,但并没有说勒索病毒会破坏重要基础设施,故A不可选。

21. A)The restriction on fuel transporters was removed.

B)The national fuel network was restarted.

C)Companies would rebuild their infrastructure.

D)Trains were taken over for fuel transportation.

Q: What was the emergency measure to keep fuel transportation moving?





问题: 为了保证燃料运输不中断采取了何种应急措施?

解析 报道提到如果输送管道继续关停,就需要用卡车和火车来进行燃料运输,因此交通部宣布了一项应急措施来保证运输的不中断,即把17个受影响州的禁止燃料运输车辆的法令解除,由此可知,选项A符合报道内容,为答案。


pipeline n. 输送管道

infrastructure n. 基础设施

ransomware n. 勒索软件;勒索病毒

hijack v. 劫持;强行控制

lift v. 解除(法令等)

Recording Three

OK. (22) On the subject of pollution, today we’ll be discussing a type of pollution that affects the quality of the environment much like air, land and water pollution. You hear it being used a lot—noise pollution—but most people don’t seem to realize that noise really is a type of pollution that can be harmful in its own way.

So let’s start with a definition. Um, (23) the loudness of a sound is measured by decibels. A decibel unit expresses the differences in the power or intensity of an acoustic or electric signal. If you have a sound that is of zero decibel, it is the least perceptible sound. A sound that is 130 decibels causes pain. The heavy traffic sounds you hear on a busy city street have a decibel reading of about 85. Your alarm clock is about 80 decibels. While these sounds are not really dangerous to your hearing, they can be unhealthy and intrusive. I mean, you obviously would not want these sounds to be in the background especially when you’re concentrating on something or when you need to sleep.

When does noise become truly damaging? Well, workers who are exposed to the 88-decibel sound of industrial machinery or drills for road repairs are in danger of suffering from real hearing damage. Many scientists say the limit is 85. But sometimes the decibel reading doesn’t have to be 85 to hurt your ears… the length of time counts as well. (24) Anyone exposed to decibel levels of above 80 for a stretch of several hours will experience tension, fatigue, shortness of breath, impaired blood circulation and, of course, hearing loss. So as you go up the decibel ladder, you experience greater physical damage, pain and increasing deafness. (25) As a matter of fact, aging is less a cause of hearing loss than is noise. It’s high decibel noise that damages the cochlear structure in the inner ear, and unfortunately, the damage is irreparable. The damage to your body is real and could include high blood pressure. There’s increased incidence of coronary heart disease in persons living in very noisy areas.

Now in the United States, noise is definitely increasing. It has to do with population increase and density and the rapid growth of transportation systems, construction and industries. Well, I guess you can probably name the primary source of noise pollution.


22. A)Ways to offset the effects of a loud noise.

B)The common sources of noise pollution and their effects.

C)The differences between land, air, water and noise pollution.

D)How industrialization has resulted in a greater level of noise.

Q: What is the topic of the lecture?





问题: 这个讲座的主题是什么?

解析 讲座开头就提到今天的主题是污染,并把噪声污染当成了和空气污染、水污染等一样有害的污染,且后文都是围绕噪声污染的原因和影响展开,由此可知,选项B的表述能概括讲座主旨,为答案。

23. A)They cannot always be measured accurately.

B)They demonstrate what sounds can damage the ears.

C)They record sounds that cannot be heard by humans.

D)They indicate the softness and loudness of sounds.

Q: What does the speaker say about decibel readings?





问题: 关于分贝读数,演讲人是怎么说的?

解析 讲座中演讲人解释说分贝是用来测量声音强度的,分贝这个单位就是用以表示声音或电子信号在力度或响度上的差异。后文分别列举了0、130和85分贝读数的例子,由此可知,分贝是表示声音大小的单位,故答案为D。

24. A)They influence ears, mind and body as well.

B)They are more dangerous for the elders.

C)They are usually not difficult to reverse.

D)They are not as harmful as once believed.

Q: What can be inferred about the effects of loud noise?





问题: 关于很大的噪声的影响能推论出什么?

解析 讲座中提到任何人暴露在高于80分贝的环境几小时后都会感到紧张、疲惫、呼吸短促、血液循环受影响以及听力丧失,由此可知,很大的噪声不仅影响耳朵,还会对身心造成伤害,故答案应为A。

25. A)To give an example of common causes of hearing loss.

B)To discuss the hearing problem associated with health.

C)To provide background for a discussion on causes of hearing loss.

D)To emphasize noise is a bigger factor for the hearing problem.

Q: Why does the speaker mention aging?





问题: 为什么演讲人会提到衰老?

解析 讲座中演讲人提到实际上衰老造成的听力丧失远不如噪声造成的危害大,正是高分贝噪声在损害内耳的耳蜗结构,并且这种损伤是无法恢复的,由此可知,选项D为答案。


decibel n. 分贝

acoustic adj. 声音的;听觉的

perceptible adj. 可感知的

intrusive adj. 侵入的;打扰的

drill n. 钻(孔);钻机

cochlear adj. 耳蜗的

irreparable adj. 不可恢复的;不能挽回的

coronary heart disease 冠心病 Ex7c7O1ysMTXD4e7wj3R/VOWbekgpFwdKPyVPpHYWJGGoJSG251kmMSuYncg1ry2

