
Word List 07








bureaucracy n. 官僚机构



cascade vi. 倾泻



calculate vt. 计算;推测



category n. 种类



capacity n. 能力



cautious adj. 小心的


cardinal adj. 主要的



census n. 人口普查


carnivore n. 食肉动物


centennial n. 百年纪念

bundle [ˈbʌndl]

n. 捆,束 (package, bale) ;包袱 vt. 收集,归拢;把…塞入


Mary gave a bundle of clothes to charity. 玛丽捐给了慈善组织一包衣服。// The farmers bundled the husks of corn together for fuel. 农民们把玉米皮绑起来用作燃料。

buoyant [ˈbɔɪənt]

adj. 有浮力的,漂浮的;心情愉快的;繁荣的

来自buoy( n. 浮标)

Ships should be made of buoyant material, or it can't float on the water. 船应该用有浮力的材料来制造,否则不能漂浮在水面上。

bureau [ˈbjʊrəʊ]

n. 局,署;办公室;机构


employment bureau 职业介绍所

bureaucracy [bjʊˈrɑːkrəsi]

n. 官僚主义,官僚作风;政府机构,官僚机构


When our focus is on action instead of bureaucracy , things will get done quickly and easily. 当我们将注意力集中于行动而不是官僚作风时,事情就能很快且很容易地办妥。

burgeon [ˈbɜːrdʒən]

vi. 迅速成长,发展 (bloom, flourish)

词根记忆:burg(=bud 花蕾)+eon→像花蕾一样成长→迅速成长

As the number of wage earners in manufacturing rose, the number of huge plants in Philadelphia burgeoned . 随着制造业雇佣劳动者数量的增加,费城的大型工厂的数量也在迅速增长。

burrow [ˈbɜːrəʊ]

v. 挖掘,挖地洞 (dig, tunnel) ;寻找 n. 洞穴;地洞


The aardvark is a mammal that burrows into the ground to catch ants and termites. 土豚是一种哺乳动物,它们挖地洞捕食蚂蚁和白蚁。

bush [bʊʃ]

n. 灌木(丛) (shrub) ;荒野

beat about the bush 旁敲侧击

There is an abundance of wildlife in the bushes , such as snakes and mushrooms. 灌木丛中有很多野生动植物,例如蛇和蘑菇。

bustle [ˈbʌsl]

n. 忙乱嘈杂,喧嚣 vi. 奔忙,匆匆忙忙


Many people are tired of the hustle and bustle of city life. 很多人厌倦都市生活的喧嚣。

hustle( n. 忙碌)

butter [ˈbʌtər]

n. 黄油 vt. 涂黄油于

butter sb. up 奉承,以甜言蜜语巴结某人

by-product [ˈbaɪˌprɑːdʌkt]

n. 副产品;副作用,意外结果

A by-product can be useful and marketable, or it can be considered waste. 有些副产品有用并可出售,有些则是废品。

cabin [ˈkæbɪn]

n. 小屋 (hut, cottage) ;机舱,船舱

Nineteenth-century cabins used as dwellings were occasionally plastered on the interior. 19世纪用于居住的小木屋,有时候会在内部被涂上灰泥。

cabinet [ˈkæbɪnət]

n. 内阁;储藏柜,陈列柜

cabinet meeting 内阁会议

The china was displayed in a glass cabinet. 瓷器陈列在玻璃柜里。

cable [ˈkeɪbl]

n. 缆绳,钢索;电缆 (wire) ;电报 (telegraph) v. 给…发电报

wire cable 多股缆;钢丝绳

In electrical engineering cables are used to carry electric currents. 在电机工程中,电缆用于传输电流。

cactus [ˈkæktəs]

n. [pl. cacti] 仙人掌

Cacti are unusual plants, which are adapted to extremely arid and hot environments. 仙人掌是极不寻常的植物,能适应极其干旱炎热的环境。

cafeteria [ˌkæfəˈtɪriə]

n. 自助餐厅,自助食堂


At one time, upscale cafeteria -style restaurants dominated the culture of the Southern United States. 高消费阶层的自助餐厅式餐馆曾盛行于美国南部。

calamitous [kəˈlæmɪtəs]

adj. 灾难性的 (disastrous)

来自calamity( n. 灾难)

The underground space collapsed in the explosion, with calamitous results. 在爆炸中,地下空间坍塌了,造成了灾难性的后果。

calculable [ˈkælkjələbl]

adj. 可计算的;能预测的;可信的


The loss caused by the serious earthquake is not calculable each year. 每年,大地震造成的损失难以计算。

calculate [ˈkælkjuleɪt]

vt. 计算,核算 (count, figure) ;推测 (speculate) ;打算 (*determine)


They calculated the length of triangle sides. 他们计算了三角形各边的长度。

calculation( n. 计算);calculator( n. 计算器);miscalculate( v. 误算)

calculus [ˈkælkjələs]

n. 微积分;结石


Calculus is also used to gain a more precise understanding of the nature of space, time, and motion. 人们也通过微积分来更精确地理解空间、时间和运动的本质。

calendar [ˈkælɪndər]

n. 日历,挂历,月历;日程表


calendar year 日历年

It's an exhibition of wildlife art calendar from about a hundred years ago. 这是一个关于大约100年前的野生动物艺术日历的展览。

calm [kɑːm]

adj. (天气、海洋等)平静的 (tranquil) ;镇静的,沉着的 (cool, composed) vt. 使平静,使镇定,平息 (tranquilize, soothe)


A majority of people take investment in stock market seriously because the financial markets are still not calm at the moment. 鉴于目前金融市场仍不稳定,多数人在投资股市上都很谨慎。

camouflage [ˈkæməflɑːʒ]

n. / vt. 掩饰,伪装 (hide, disguise)

Mammals rarely use this type of camouflage , but many fish and invertebrates do. 哺乳动物很少使用这种伪装,但是很多鱼和无脊椎动物会用。

campaign [kæmˈpeɪn]

vi. 竞选;参加运动 n. (政治或商业性)活动;战役


Mary shouldn't have campaigned against Steve. 玛丽本不该开展反对史蒂夫的运动。

campus [ˈkæmpəs]

n. (大学)校园


live on campus 住校

The campus was so great and I loved it. 校园真大,我很喜欢。

canal [kəˈnæl]

n. 运河,沟渠 vt. 开运河


Canal building was revived in this age because of commercial expansion. 在这一时期,因为商业扩张,运河开凿又得以复兴。

cancel [ˈkænsl]

v. 取消,废除 (abolish) ;删去,删除 (revoke, call off) ;抵消


cancel out 抵偿,抵消

I had to cancel my appointment with my dentist. I couldn't fit it in. 我得取消与牙医的预约,安排不过来了。

cancellation( n. 取消;废除)

candid [ˈkændɪd]

adj. 坦白的,直率的,直言不讳的


I must be candid with you that this plan will not work out. 我必须坦白告诉你,这个计划无法实施。

candidate [ˈkændɪdət]

n. 候选人 (nominee) ;投考者


The crowd was overwhelmed by the candidate 's speech. 人群被候选人的演说震撼了。

cannibalism [ˈkænɪbəlɪzəm]

n. 嗜食同类

来自cannibal( n. 食人者,食同类的动物)

Cannibalism was widespread in the past among humans throughout the world, continuing into the 19th century in some isolated South Pacific cultures. 在过去,人类嗜食同类现象在全球都很常见,直到19世纪,南太平洋一些与世隔绝的文化里仍存在这一现象。

canoe [kəˈnuː]

vi. 乘独木舟,划独木舟 n. 独木舟

We will go canoeing this Sunday. 我们这个周日要去划独木舟。

canopy [ˈkænəpi]

n. 天篷;罩盖,遮篷 (awning, covering) ;天蓬似的树阴


The trees formed a canopy over the yard. 树木覆盖着庭院。

canvas [ˈkænvəs]

n. 画布;油画;帆布

under canvas 在帐篷里

There will be a sale of the artist's early canvases this Sunday. 本周日将举办那位画家早期油画的拍卖会。

canvass [ˈkænvəs]

v. 游说,拉选票;细查


The candidate has to go on the street and canvass for votes in every campaign season. 每个竞选季,候选人都要去街上为自己拉选票。

canyon [ˈkænjən]

n. 峡谷

The Grand Canyon was considered a barrier to travelers. 人们认为大峡谷是旅行者的一个障碍。

crayon( n. 蜡笔)

capability [ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti]

n. 能力 (ability, potentiality) ;性能;容量;潜质

词根记忆:cap(拿住)+abil(=able 能…的)+ity(表名词)→有能力拿住→能力

The limited mining capability made iron very expensive. 有限的矿产容量致使铁非常昂贵。

capacity [kəˈpæsəti]

n. 能力 (ability) ;容量;职责,职位 (role) ;生产力


Does human mental capacity have limitations? 人类的脑容量有限度吗?

cape [keɪp]

n. 海角,岬;斗篷,披肩

The need for ships to round the Cape Horn was greatly reduced by the opening of the Panama Canal in 1914. 自1914年巴拿马运河开通以来,船只绕经合恩角的需求大大降低了。

capillary [ˈkæpəleri]

n. 毛细血管 adj. 毛状的;毛细血管的


Capillaries also supply blood to the organs. 毛细血管也会向器官输送血液。

caption [ˈkæpʃn]

n. (图片等的)说明文字;标题;(电影)字幕 vt. 给(图片等)加说明文字


If you don't understand the picture, take a look at its caption below. 如果你看不懂这幅画,就看看下面的文字说明。

captive [ˈkæptɪv]

adj. 被监禁的,被困住的;受控制的 n. 俘虏,战俘 (prisoner)


They were the size of a grain of rice at birth and were the first babies to be produced under the captive breeding program. 它们刚出生时只有谷粒大小,是人工捕获饲养计划培育出来的第一批幼体。

captivity( n. 监禁,关押)

captivity [kæpˈtɪvəti]

n. 囚禁,拘留 (confinement)


The bird had escaped from captivity . 那只鸟已逃离樊笼。

carbohydrate [ˌkɑːrbəʊˈhaɪdreɪt]

n. 碳水化合物


carbon [ˈkɑːrbən]


carbon dioxide 二氧化碳;carbon monoxide 一氧化碳

All forms of carbon are highly stable, requiring high temperature to react even with oxygen. 所有的碳都很稳定,就算与氧产生反应也需要高温。

carbonate( n. 碳酸盐)

cardiac [ˈkɑːrdiæk]

adj. 心脏的;心脏病的


cardiac muscle 心肌

Cardiac arrest is an abrupt cessation of pump function in the heart. 心脏停搏是指心脏忽然停止输送血液。

cardinal [ˈkɑːrdɪnl]

adj. 主要的,最重要的 (main, essential) n. 红衣凤头鸟


Respect for freedom is a cardinal principle of the country's law. 尊重自由是该国法律最重要的原则。

care [ker]

n. 小心,谨慎 (caution) ;照料 v. 关心,关怀;担忧

care for 喜欢;照顾

Many experts think that the government should take measures to improve medical care . 很多专家认为政府应该采取措施改善医疗状况。

fare( n. 费用);mare( n. 母马)

career [kəˈrɪr]

n. 生涯,经历;职业 (profession)

联想记忆:和同音词Korea( n. 韩国)一起记

The career advisory service here on campus can help you prepare your cover letters. 校园里的职业咨询服务能帮助你准备求职信。

cancer( n. 癌症)

careless [ˈkerləs]

adj. 粗心的,疏忽的 (negligent) ;无忧无虑的;不关心的,冷漠的

The police claimed that the serious traffic accident resulted from a careless driver. 警方声称一名粗心的司机导致了这起严重的交通事故。

carelessly( adv. 不注意地,粗心地;不关心地)

cargo [ˈkɑːrɡəʊ]

n. (船或飞机装载的)货物 (freight)


The tanker began to spill its cargo of oil. 油轮开始漏油。

caribou [ˈkærɪbuː]

n. 北美驯鹿

Although caribou look like deer, they are different from other members of their family in many ways. 虽然北美驯鹿看上去像鹿,但它们与家族里的其他成员之间存在诸多不同之处。

carnivore [ˈkɑːrnɪvɔːr]

n. 食肉动物

词根记忆:carni(=carn 肉)+vor(吃)+e→食肉动物

Wolves are classified as carnivores . 狼被列为食肉动物。

carnivorous( adj. 食肉的)

cart [kɑːrt]

n. 运货马车 (wagon) ;手推车 vt. 用车装运

The rubbish is then carted away for recycling. 垃圾接着被运去进行回收处理。

cartilage [ˈkɑːrtɪlɪdʒ]

n. 软骨(组织)

The cartilage in John's nose was broken when it was hit. 约翰鼻子里面的软骨在受到撞击后断了。

carve [kɑːrv]

v. 雕刻 (*incise) ;切 (cut, slice)

be carved in stone(决定、计划等)不可更改

The flutes are carved from a length of soft, straight-grained wood. 笛子是由一根直纹软木刻制而成的。

carving( n. 雕刻;雕刻品);carver( n. 雕刻匠)

cascade [kæˈskeɪd]

vi. 倾泻,流注 n. 小瀑布;倾泻


Water cascaded down the mountainside. 水从山腰倾泻而下。

cascara [kæsˈkɑːrə]

n. 缓泻剂

Cascara is added to many popular natural weight-loss supplements. 缓泻剂被添加于许多广受欢迎的自然减肥药中。

cashier [kæˈʃɪr]

n. 收银员,出纳员

A petrol station cashier was threatened by the armed robbers at mid-night. 加油站的一名收银员在午夜时分受到了持械抢劫犯的威胁。

cassette [kəˈset]

n. 盒式录音(或录像)带

cassette player 盒式磁带放音机

cast [kæst]

vt. 浇铸 (mold) ;投掷 (throw) ;投射(光、视线等);蜕(皮) n. 铸件;全体演员;投,抛

They had invented bronze, an alloy that could be cast in molds, out of which they made tools and weapons. 他们已经发明了青铜,这种合金可以在模子里浇铸,做成工具和武器。

casual [ˈkæʒuəl]

adj. 非正式的,随便的;漫不经心的 (informal, purposeless) ;偶然的,碰巧的;临时的


casual clothes 便装;casual remark 漫不经心的话语

Nowadays, more and more young students prefer casual clothes to school uniforms. 如今越来越多的青年学生喜欢便装而非校服。

causal( adj. 原因的)

casualty [ˈkæʒuəlti]

n. 伤亡事故;伤亡(人员)


casualty insurance 意外保险

There has been no report of casualty or damage. 还没有人员伤亡或事物损毁的报道。

catalog [ˈkætəlɔːɡ]

n. (=catalogue) 目录 (list)


Some libraries have eliminated their card catalog in favour of the OPAC for the purpose of saving space for other use. 一些图书馆为节省空间以作他用,不再使用卡片目录,而采用联机公共目录查询系统。

catalyst [ˈkætəlɪst]

n. 催化剂,诱因


He is dedicated to being a catalyst for innovation. 他致力于促进改革。

analyst( n. 分析家)

catastrophe [kəˈtæstrəfi]

n. 灾难,灾祸 (disaster, tragedy) ;困难


A senior UN official says there is still time to avert a catastrophe in the Horn of Africa where eight million drought victims are threatened with famine. 联合国一位高级官员表明仍有时间阻止发生于“非洲之角”的一场灾难。在那里,800万干旱受害者面临着饥荒的威胁。

catastrophic( adj. 灾难性的)

categorize [ˈkætəɡəraɪz]

vt. 将…分类,把…加以分类

来自category( n. 种类)

The music albums are categorized into Chinese, English and Japanese. 音乐专辑被分成中文、英文和日文三类。

category [ˈkætəɡɔːri]

n. 种类 (kind) ;范畴


The common broad leaf trees we have on campus fall into this category . 我们校园里常见的宽叶树均属于这个类别。

categorize( vt. 分类)

cater [ˈkeɪtər]

v. 迎合;提供饮食


cater for 迎合;cater to 供应伙食

Some websites are popular among some young people, because they cater to their taste. 有些网站因为迎合了一些年轻人的趣味而大受欢迎。

caterpillar [ˈkætərpɪlər]

n. 毛毛虫

Caterpillars are voracious feeders and many of them are considered pests in agriculture. 毛毛虫很贪婪,在农业上许多毛毛虫都被视为害虫。

catholic [ˈkæθlɪk]

adj. 广泛的,包罗万象的;[C-] 天主教的 n. [C-] 天主教

Catholic church 天主教教堂

causal [ˈkɔːzl]

adj. 原因的,因果关系的

来自cause( n. 原因)

A causal ceremony will be held to mark this occasion. 为了纪念这个日子,我们将举行一个典礼。

cautious [ˈkɔːʃəs]

adj. 小心的,谨慎的 (discreet)


Even the most cautious merchants became willing to risk shipping their goods over long distances. 甚至最谨慎的商人也愿意冒险长途运送他们的货物。

precaution( n. 预防措施;警惕)

cavern [ˈkævərn]

n. 大洞穴,大山洞


The underground cavern is found by accident where boxes of treasure are hidden. 人们无意间发现了这个地下洞穴,里面藏有成箱的财宝。

cavity [ˈkævəti]

n. 腔;洞,穴;空隙,窟窿 (pit, crater) ;龋洞

来自cave( n. 洞穴)

cranial cavity 颅腔;abdominal cavity 腹腔

There is a cavity in her tooth. 她牙上有个洞。

cease [siːs]

v./n. 结束,终止,停止 (*stop, end)


It ceased snowing. 雪停了。

ceaseless( adj. 不停的,无休止的)

celebrate [ˈselɪbreɪt]

v. 赞美 (proclaim) ;庆祝 (commemorate, observe)

He decided to celebrate his birthday some other time. 他决定在其他时间庆祝生日。

celestial [səˈlestʃl]

adj. 天空的,天上的 (*astronomical, heavenly)


Stars may be spheres, but not every celestial object is spherical. 星星可能是球体,但并非每个天体都是球形的。

cell [sel]

n. 细胞;基层组织;单人房间;电池

blood cells 血细胞

The cell is the functional basic unit of life. 细胞是生命的基本功能单位。

cellist [ˈtʃelɪst]

n. 大提琴演奏家

He is considered the greatest cellist of his time. 他被认为是他所处时代最伟大的大提琴演奏家。

fiddler( n. 拉小提琴的人,小提琴家)

cement [sɪˈment]

n. 水泥;胶合剂 vt. 巩固;使团结


The modern building is made of cement and steel rather than wood. 现代大楼是用水泥和钢铁建造的,而不是木材。

censor [ˈsensər]

n. 审查员 vt. 审查,检查(书报)


Some of the scenes were cut by the censor . 有几个镜头被审查员剪掉了。

censorship( n. 审查制度)

census [ˈsensəs]

n. 人口普查,人口统计


census bureau 人口普查局

The census provides a useful way of obtaining statistical information about a population. 人口普查是获得有关人口的统计学信息的有用途径。

centennial [senˈteniəl]

n. 百年纪念


The country was celebrating the centennial of Lincoln's birth. 这个国家正在庆祝林肯100周年诞辰。

centigrade [ˈsentɪɡreɪd]

adj. 百分度的;摄氏温度的


This substance has relatively high ignition temperature of 180 degrees centigrade . 这种物质的燃点相对较高,能达到180摄氏度。

centric [ˈsentrɪk]

adj. 以…为中心的

Anyone who wants to make friends with others should not be ego centric . 任何想和他人交朋友的人都不应该以自我为中心。

ethnocentric( adj. 种族中心主义的)

ceramic [səˈræmɪk]

n. [常pl.] 陶瓷器,陶瓷制品 adj. 陶器的,瓷器的


Rockingham ware was one of the most important American ceramics of the nineteenth century. 罗金厄姆陶器是美国19世纪最重要的陶瓷制品之一。

metalwork( n. 金属制品);textile( n. 纺织品);handcraft( n. 手工)

cereal [ˈsɪriəl]

n. 谷物 (grain) ;谷类食物


The most healthful cereals are made with whole grains and not much else. 最健康的谷类食物完全由谷物制作而成,而且不含什么其他物质。

cerebral [səˈriːbrəl]

adj. 大脑的;理智的 (intellectual)


The old man died from the cerebral haemorrhage. 那位老人死于脑溢血。

ceremonial [ˌserɪˈməʊniəl]

adj. 仪式的,礼节的 (formal) n. 礼仪,礼节 (ritual, ceremony)

The visit was conducted with ceremonial pride. 这次访问极为隆重。

ceremony [ˈserəməʊni]

n. 典礼,仪式;礼节


graduation ceremony 毕业典礼;without ceremony 不拘礼节;粗鲁无礼;stand on ceremony 讲究客套,拘于礼节

The opening ceremony will last approximately two and a half hours. 开幕仪式将持续约两个半小时。

ceremonial( adj. 礼节的,礼仪的 n. 礼节,礼仪) hsnvOJmkotu6kzjJfNRrd+/zw7lM4oCErnabru41tbGX64WCCcpThcpdreTQ8J6g
