
Word List 06








bias n. 偏见,偏心



binary adj. 二进制的;二元的


bilateral adj. 双边的


biography n. 传记



bilingualism n. 双语现象



bisect vt. 把…二等分

bias [ˈbaɪəs]

n. 偏见,偏心 (*prejudice) vt. 使有偏见,使偏心


Throughout the 19th century and into the 20th, citizens of the United States maintained a bias against big cities. 整个19世纪,甚至到20世纪,美国公民对大城市一直持有偏见。

bicameral [ˌbaɪˈkæmərəl]

adj. 两院制的,有两个议院的

bicameral legislature 两院立法

bilateral [ˌbaɪˈlætərəl]

adj. 有两边的;双边的


These two countries are planning to sign the bilateral agreement. 两国计划签署双边协议。

bilingualism [ˌbaɪˈlɪŋɡwəlɪzəm]

n. 双语现象


However, in some communities bilingualism may be viewed negatively. 然而一些社会可能视双语现象为负面现象。

bill [bɪl]

n. 账单;法案;海报;鸟嘴,喙 vt. 用招贴(或广告、报纸等)宣布;给…开账单

She always pays her bills on time. 她总是按时支付账单。

binary [ˈbaɪnəri]

adj. 二进制的;二元的;由两部分组成的


binary arithmetic 二进制算术

As I know, most of the computers make use of the binary system. 据我所知,大多数电脑都使用二进制系统。

biochemical [ˌbaɪəʊˈkemɪkl]

adj. 生物化学的,生化的

Enzymes are what make many of the body's biochemical reactions possible. 酶使身体内很多生化反应成为可能。

biography [baɪˈɑːɡrəfi]

n. 传记


Biography began to flower thanks to new publishing technologies and an expanding reading public. 得益于新的出版技术和越来越多的公众开始阅读,传记文学开始逐步发展与成熟。

biographical( adj. 传记的);biographer( n. 传记作者)

biologist [baɪˈɑːlədʒɪst]

n. 生物学家

Cantor, at the age of 50, had a world-wide reputation as a cell biologist . 康托尔在50岁时成为举世闻名的细胞生物学家。

anthropologist( n. 人类学家);archaeologist( n. 考古学家);sociologist( n. 社会学家)

bisect [baɪˈsekt]

vt. 把…二等分,对半分


Jim bisected a big red apple and gave them to two children. 吉姆把一个大红苹果切成两个等份,分给两个小孩。

bison [ˈbaɪsn]

n. 美洲(或欧洲)野牛


a herd of bison 一群野牛

Due to commercial hunting and slaughter in the 19th century, the bison nearly went extinct. 19世纪,北美野牛因商业捕猎和屠宰几近灭绝。

bizarre [bɪˈzɑːr]

adj. 奇形怪状的,古怪可笑的,怪诞的 (weird)


Weather conditions that drive this bizarre temperature surge have visited the Arctic before. 导致这种奇怪的气温飙升的天气条件以前也曾出现在北极地区。

blade [bleɪd]

n. 刀刃;叶片;草叶;桨叶

The blades of the electric fan are covered with dust. 电扇的叶片上全是灰。

blame [bleɪm]

vt. 责怪,指责 (condemn, rebuke) n. 责备 (condemnation, reprehension)

be to blame(for sth.)(对某事)负有责任;take the blame for sth. 对某事承担责任

The report blames leaders' neglect of duty for milk powder with poor quality. 报道谴责领导人在劣质奶粉问题上玩忽职守。

bland [blænd]

adj. 平淡的,乏味的;清淡的;沉稳的

发音记忆:“布蓝的”→布是清淡的蓝色→清淡的;注意不要和blend( n./v. 混合)相混

This pizza tastes bland . There is not enough sauce. 这个比萨饼吃起来没味道,调味汁不够。

blanket [ˈblæŋkɪt]

n. 毯子;覆盖物


The trial was conducted under a blanket of secrecy. 审讯在高度保密状态下进行。

blast [blæst]

v. 爆炸 (burst) ;猛烈抨击 n. 一阵(大风、气流等);爆炸;冲击波


blast furnace 鼓风炉;at full blast 最大马力地;最大音量地

He blasted his stereo all night. 他整夜都高放着立体声音响。

blaze [bleɪz]

n. 火焰;(感情的)迸发 vi. 燃烧;发亮光;怒视


blaze a trail 开拓道路,领先

Luckily, the firefighters were able to control the blaze within a short period of time. 幸运的是,消防员在短时间内就控制了火势。

blazing( adj. 酷热的;炽热的)

bleach [bliːtʃ]

n. 漂白剂 v. (使)变白,漂白

His hair was bleached by the sun. 他的头发被太阳晒得发白。

beach( n. 海滩);breach( n. 违背)

bleak [bliːk]

adj. 阴冷的 (dismal, gloomy) ;无望的;荒凉的


As bleak as this situation is, we still have reasons to be hopeful. 虽然情况如此令人沮丧,我们仍有理由抱有希望。

blend [blend]

v. (使)混合,(使)混杂,(使)交融 n. 混合 (mix, combine) ;混合物


Many birds have feathers whose colors blend with their surroundings. 很多鸟羽毛的颜色与周围环境相混杂。

blended( adj. 混合的)

blink [blɪŋk]

v. 眨眼睛;闪亮,闪烁 n. 眨眼睛


in the blink of an eye 一瞬间,很快

When I told her the news she didn't even blink . 我把那个消息告诉她时,她连眼都没眨一下。

blizzard [ˈblɪzərd]

n. 暴风雪,大风雪

Because of the raging blizzard all flights have been cancelled. 由于猛烈的暴风雪,所有的航班都被取消了。

bazaar( n. 集市);bizarre( adj. 古怪的)

block [blɑːk]

vt. 阻塞 (back up) ;阻碍,妨碍 n. 大块;街区;障碍物

block up 塞住

He should stop blocking the doorway. 他不应该堵着门口。

bloom [bluːm]

n. 花;开花(期);青春焕发(的时期) v. (使)开花 (blossom)


The sun is shining, and the flowers are blooming . 阳光灿烂,花儿绽放。

blossom [ˈblɑːsəm]

n. vi. 开花 (bloom) ;长成


The trees are in blossom . 树上繁花似锦。

blues [bluːz]

n. 布鲁斯音乐,蓝调

The history of Chicago blues since the 1960s has been a contradictory one, combining periods of recession and renewal. 自20世纪60年代起,芝加哥的蓝调音乐史开始互相矛盾,有衰退期,也有复兴期。

bluff [blʌf]

n. 悬崖,峭壁;虚张声势,唬人 v. 虚张声势,吓唬 adj. 坦率的


bluff sb. into doing sth. 哄某人做某事

It was just a game of bluff . 那只不过是唬人的把戏。

blunt [blʌnt]

adj. 钝的;不敏感的;直率的 vt. 使迟钝;使减弱


Don't drink too much alcohol. It will make all your senses blunt . 不要喝太多的酒,酒精会使你感觉迟钝。

blur [blɜːr]

v. (使)变模糊,难以区分 (make indistinct) ;玷污 (smear) n. 模糊形状;污点

The differences between art and life seem to have blurred . 艺术和生活之间的差别似乎已变得模糊不清。

blurt [blɜːrt]

vt. 脱口而出


You must repeat to yourself many times before blurting out the sentences. 一个句子必须重复很多遍,你才可能脱口而出。

blush [blʌʃ]

vi. 脸红;羞愧 (flush) n. (因羞愧等)脸上泛起的红晕


She blushed furiously at the memory of the conversation. 她一想起那次谈话就气得满脸通红。

bluster [ˈblʌstər]

v. 威吓(但效果不大);(风)猛刮


When quarreling, Mike tends to bluster at first, but he soon will drop. 每当争吵时,迈克起初总爱吵闹一阵,但一会儿就不作声了。

board [bɔːrd]

n. 膳食费用;委员会,董事会;板,木板 v. 登机,上船;寄宿

bulletin board 公告牌;across the board 整体,全面

He has a seat on the Board of Education. 他是教育委员会成员。

boarder( n. 寄宿生;寄膳宿者)

boast [bəʊst]

v./n. 自我夸耀 (brag)


Anne made many boasts about her business. 安妮大肆夸耀自己的生意。

bode [bəʊd]

v. 预示

bode well/ill(for sb./sth. )(对某人/某事)是吉兆/凶兆

The figures nonetheless bode well for the future. 这些数字对将来并不意味着吉兆。

bold [bəʊld]

adj. 大胆的 (*daring) ;冒失的;粗(字)体的;醒目的


The employee paid for his bold remark by getting extra work. 这位员工为他的口无遮拦付出了加班的代价。

bolster [ˈbəʊlstər]

vt. 支持 (support) ;改善 (improve) n. 垫子,枕垫

bolster up 改善;激活

The miners bolstered their morale by shouting slogans. 矿工们通过喊口号来提高士气。

bolt [bəʊlt]

v. 逃跑;闩上 n. 插销,门闩;闪电


a bolt from/out of the blue 晴天霹雳,意外事件

The accident on her birthday is like a bolt from the blue to her parents. 她生日那天发生的事故对她父母来说简直就是晴天霹雳。

bonanza [bəˈnænzə]

n. 富矿带;带来好运的事;兴盛,繁荣

The movie proved to be a bonanza for its lucky backers. 事实证明,这部电影为它幸运的赞助者带来了好运。

bond [bɑːnd]

n. 联结;债券;契约;【化学】键 v. (使)黏合,(使)结合


bond trader 证券交易员

For any adhesive to make a really strong bond , the surfaces to be glued must be absolutely clean and free from moisture or grease. 要想让黏合剂真正牢靠,需涂胶的表面必须非常干净,不能有任何湿气或油脂。

bony [ˈbəʊni]

adj. 瘦骨嶙峋的;似骨的;多骨的


The three-toed sloth has hook-like claws at the ends of its long bony arms. 三趾树懒瘦长的手臂末端长有钩状的爪子。

bookstore [ˈbʊkstɔːr]

n. 书店 (bookshop)

I have to get a check cashed to pay my bookstore bill. 我要兑现一张支票来支付书店的账单。

boom [buːm]

vi. 迅速发展,激增;发出低沉有力的声音 n. 激增,繁荣 (*expansion) ;繁荣昌盛期

baby boom 生育高峰

Agriculture boomed , with machinery doing the job of farm workers drawn into the army. 机器替代被应召入伍的农民工作,农业迅速发展了起来。

booming( adj. 急速发展的)

boon [buːn]

n. 恩惠,恩赐 (blessing, benefit) ;益处


The invention will prove a boon to the public. 这项新发明将对公众大有益处。

boost [buːst]

vt. 提高,推进 (*raise, push) ;宣扬 n. 增加,帮助


These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent. 这些生产创新将产量和生活水平提高到了前所未有的程度。

boast( n./v. 自夸)

bosom [ˈbʊzəm]

n. 胸部,乳房;胸怀,内心

The mother pressed her baby to her bosom . 妈妈把婴儿紧紧抱在怀里。

botany [ˈbɑːtəni]

n. 植物学;植物


The practice and use of botany for medical purposes is still common to this day in some areas. 现在,在一些地区,将植物用于医疗的做法仍很普遍。

botanical( adj. 植物学的);botanist( n. 植物学家)

boulder [ˈbəʊldər]

n. 巨石,巨砾


A boulder is too large for a person to move. 巨石太大了,个人的力量无法移动。

bounce [baʊns]

v. (使)弹起,(使)反弹 n. 弹跳;反弹力


The basketball bounced off the backboard and missed the basket. 篮球从篮板上弹了回来,没进篮筐。

bound [baʊnd]

adj. 被束缚的;有义务的 (*obligated) n. [常pl.] 界限 (*limit, boundary); 跳跃 vi. 跳跃 vt. 形成…的界线

Music was closely bound up with religious beliefs. 音乐与宗教信仰紧密相连。// Education knows no bounds . 教育无止境。

unbound( adj. 未装订的;被释放的)

boundary [ˈbaʊndri]

n. 分界线;边界 (bound, border)


The neighbors had a long-standing disagreement over the boundary . 邻居们就分界线存在着长期的分歧。

bountiful [ˈbaʊntɪfl]

adj. 慷慨的 (generous) ;大量的,充足的

来自bounty( n. 慷慨之举)

We found a bountiful supply of sea food on the island. 我们发现岛上的海鲜产品供应充足。

bouquet [buˈkeɪ]

n. 花束 (bunch) ;香味,芬芳

bouquet garni 香料包

The students put a large bouquet of roses and lilies in front of the monument. 学生们在纪念碑前献了一大束玫瑰和百合花。

banquet( n. 宴会,盛宴)

boycott [ˈbɔɪkɑːt]

vt. 联合抵制,拒绝购买(或使用、参加)


The patriot called for all citizens to boycott foreign goods and support domestic ones. 这名爱国人士号召全体公民抵制洋货,支持国货。

brace [breɪs]

vt. 绷紧肌肉;使防备;加强,加固 n. 支架


You're a grown-up, and you must brace yourself and take the responsibility. 你已经是大人了,一定要鼓起勇气承担责任。

brag [bræɡ]

v. 吹嘘,自夸,自吹自擂


The captain said after winning the match: “I don't want to brag about myself, and this victory belongs to everyone.”在赢得比赛后,队长说:“我不想自夸,球队的胜利属于每个人。”

braid [breɪd]

n. 穗带;发辫 vt. 编织 (weave) ;编成辫子

The general's uniform was trimmed with gold braid . 将军的制服饰有金色穗带。

brand [brænd]

vt. 打烙印于;丑化,败坏名声 n. 品牌;类型;烙印

name brand 名牌;brand image 品牌形象

The newspaper branded the President a dictator. 报纸指责该总统是独裁者。

brass [bræs]

n. 铜管乐器;黄铜(器)


Brass has a muted yellow color, which is somewhat similar to gold. 黄铜呈柔和的黄色,与金子的颜色略为相似。

breach [briːtʃ]

n. 违背;破裂;缺口 vt. 打破;违反


It is said that he has breached the American Privacy Laws. 据说他违犯了美国的隐私法。

break [breɪk]

v. (使)破,裂,碎;使中止,打断;弄坏;违犯;打破(记录);(天)破晓 n. 打断,中止;休息时间;破裂

break away 突然挣脱;脱离,背叛;break...out into... 把…弄散组成…

He was breaking the speed limit. 他违章超速驾驶。

breakthrough [ˈbreɪkθruː]

n. 突破,重大进展 (improving)

来自词组break through(突破)

In fact important breakthroughs in the field of astronomy can come from students' work. 事实上,天文学领域的很多重要突破都可能来自学生们的工作。

breathing [ˈbriːðɪŋ]

n. 呼吸 (respiration)

When you feel nervous, the best way to relax is deep breathing exercises. 当你感觉紧张时,最好的放松方式是练习深呼吸。

breed [briːd]

n. 品种 v. 饲养 (raise) ;繁殖 (reproduce) ;孕育;导致


Our dog is a rare breed . 我们的狗是稀有品种。// The songbirds have finished breeding . 鸣禽完成了繁殖。

inbreeding( n. 同系繁殖,近亲交配)

breeze [briːz]

n. 微风,和风 vi. 飘然移动


breeze through 轻易通过,轻松完成

The flowers were gently swaying in the breeze . 花儿在微风中轻轻舞动。

brew [bruː]

v. 酿造;冲泡;酝酿,行将发生 n. 冲泡(或酿造)的饮料;(尤指某地酿造的)啤酒


This store provides good service including brewing tea for the waiting customers. 这家商店为顾客提供优质的服务,包括为等待的顾客沏茶。

brief [briːf]

adj. 简短的,短暂的 (fleeting, short) ;简洁的 vt. 向…介绍基本情况 n. 指示;摘要

They are having a brief staff meeting. 他们正在开一个简短的员工会议。

briefing( n. 情况介绍会;详细指示);briefly( adv. 简要地,简短地)

brighten [ˈbraɪtn]

v. (使)更明亮;(使)快活起来;(使)有希望

The flowers in the window really brighten my spirits. 橱窗里的花确实让我精神振奋。

brilliant [ˈbrɪliənt]

adj. 给人印象深刻的;闪耀的 (bright) ;杰出的,卓越的 (outstanding)

Scientists predicted the comet would be a brilliant spectacle. 科学家预言彗星将成为奇观。

brilliance( n. 闪耀;杰出)

brisk [brɪsk]

adj. (天气)清新的;敏捷的,活泼的


It's lucky that the weather is good with light brisk winds. 真幸运我们碰上了好天气,清风徐徐。

brittle [ˈbrɪtl]

adj. 易碎的 (*easily broken, fragile) ;脆弱的;(声音)尖利的

A lot of pages are turning brown and becoming brittle . 很多书页都发黄、变脆了。

broadcast [ˈbrɔːdkæst]

v. 广播,播放 n. 广播,广播节目

The school radio station broadcast free public service announcements. 学校电台免费播放公共服务通知。

brochure [brəʊˈʃʊr]

n. 小册子,说明书 (pamphlet, booklet)


This brochure provides you with accurate information about the new services. 这本小册子提供有关新服务的精确信息。

bronze [brɑːnz]

n. 青铜;青铜色;青铜制品;铜牌 adj. 青铜色的

Bronze Age 青铜器时代

She won a bronze in skiing. 她在滑雪中获得了一块铜牌。

browse [braʊz]

v. 吃嫩叶或草;浏览 n. 嫩叶;浏览


Customers are welcomed to browse our website and come to our store. 欢迎顾客登录我们的网站浏览信息,也欢迎顾客惠顾我们的商店。

bruise [bruːz]

v. (使)出现伤痕;挫伤 n. 伤痕,擦痕,青肿

It looks like you've just bruised the bone on your foot. 你好像伤到脚骨头了。

brush [brʌʃ]

v. 刷,拂 (wipe) ;轻碰 n. 画笔;刷子;轻碰;小冲突

brush up on sth. 快速提高;重温(生疏了的技术等)

I really need to brush up on my math. 我确实需要复习数学。

bubble [ˈbʌbl]

n. (气、水)泡;泡沫 vi. 冒泡,起泡;洋溢着


When the bubble finally burst, thousands of people lost their jobs and became homeless. 当泡沫最终破灭时,成千上万人丢了饭碗,无家可归。

buck [bʌk]

v. 猛然弓背跃起;猛然震荡;抵制,反抗 n. 美元;雄鹿

He admired her willingness to buck the system. 他赞赏她反抗现存体制的主动性。

buckle [ˈbʌkl]

n. 皮带扣环 v. 扣紧 (fasten) ;(使)变形,弯曲


Two plates continued to float and therefore buckled to form a mountain chain. 两个板块继续漂移,碰撞后形成了山脉。

bud [bʌd]

n. 芽;蓓蕾 vi. 发芽,萌芽


The tree is in bud already. 这棵树已经发芽了。

buddy [ˈbʌdi]

n. 密友;搭档,伙伴 (companion)

buddy movie 伙伴电影

We'll use a buddy system throughout the ride. 我们将在整个驾车过程中实行一项结伴制。

budget [ˈbʌdʒɪt]

n. 预算 v. 做预算 adj. 价格低廉的

budget deficit 预算赤字;education budget 教育预算

They should ask for an increase in the budget . 他们应该要求增加预算。

buffalo [ˈbʌfələʊ]

n. 水牛;(北美)野牛

The Native Americans followed the wounded buffalo until it fell dead. 这些印第安人紧追着这头受伤的水牛不放,直到它倒地死去。

bulb [bʌlb]

n. 电灯泡;(植物的)鳞茎;鳞茎状物

The bulb has burned out. 灯泡烧坏了。

bulk [bʌlk]

n. 容积,体积;主体,大部分 (majority)

Most of their bulk is hidden below the water. 它们的主体都藏在水中。

bulletin [ˈbʊlətɪn]

n. 新闻简报;公告,布告;(机构或组织的)简报


bulletin board 公告牌;news bulletin 新闻

bump [bʌmp]

n. 肿块;撞击;碰撞声 v. 碰撞 (hit)


Starfish's skin is covered with thorny bumps . 海星的皮肤上布满了带刺的疙瘩。// I bumped into her at the market just last week. 我上周刚在市场遇到她。

dump( v. 倾倒);damp( adj. 潮湿的)

bunch [bʌntʃ]

n. 簇,束,捆;帮,伙 (gang) v. 捆成一束;聚集 (pack; crowd)


A bunch of us are going out for pizza. 我们一帮人要出去吃比萨饼。

bundle( n. 捆,束) UH1oDSqTV7trrujTNuOcyYl4wjVPEOBgpzh1bGk+oETvpAaFxDBVycfL7Wtg+4zU
