
Word List 11








contender n. 竞争者


core n. 核心



contiguous adj. 接壤的



correspond vi. 相一致


contradict v. 反驳



corrupt adj. 腐化的


converse adj. 相反的



counterfeit vt. 伪造



cooperation n. 合作,协作



credence n. 可信性

contender [kənˈtendər]

n. 竞争者,争夺者,对手 (competitor, opponent, rival)


Peter is a strong contender for the gold medal of the 100-metre race. 彼得是100米赛跑金牌的有力竞争者。

contest [kənˈtest] & [ˈkɑːntest]

vt. 争取赢得;争辩,就…提出异议 n. 竞赛 (game) ;争夺


Four candidates contested the leadership. 有四位候选人角逐领导权。

contestant( n. 比赛者,竞争者);uncontested( adj. 无竞争的;无异议的)

context [ˈkɑːntekst]

n. 上下文;背景 (setting) ;环境 (environment)


Beads are often valuable in their original cultural context as well as in today's market. 珠子项链无论是在最初的文化背景下还是在当今的市场上通常都很值钱。

contiguous [kənˈtɪɡjuəs]

adj. 接壤的,毗邻的 (neighboring) ;不间断的


The two countries are contiguous with each other, but the tradition and religion are quite different. 这两个国家彼此接壤,但是风俗和宗教却相去甚远。

continent [ˈkɑːntɪnənt]

n. 大陆,陆地 (mainland) ;洲

We are going to spend a weekend on the African continent . 我们要去非洲大陆度周末。

continental( adj. 大陆性的)

continuation [kənˌtɪnjuˈeɪʃn]

n. 延长,持续 (prolongation) ;扩建物;延续部分


Which topic will most probably be included in the continuation of today's lecture? 今天这堂课接下来的部分最有可能包含哪个话题?

continuity [ˌkɑːntəˈnjuːəti]

n. 连贯性,连续性 (consistency, succession)

Some experts argue that school vacations interrupt the continuity of the school year. 一些专家辩称学校的假期打断了学年的连续性。

discontinuity( n. 不连续,中断)

continuum [kənˈtɪnjuəm]

n. 统一体 (a coherent whole)

The development of jazz can be seen as part of the larger continuum of American popular music, especially dance music. 爵士乐的发展可被视为美国流行音乐,尤其是舞蹈音乐这一大的连续统一体中的一部分。

contour [ˈkɑːntʊr]

n. 等高线;轮廓 (outline)


Ground plans and contour maps of the Earth can be drawn from aerial photographs. 可以用空中拍摄的照片来绘制地球的平面图和等高线地形图。

contract [ˈkɑːntrækt] & [kənˈtrækt]

n. 合同,契约 (agreement, pact) v. 签订合同;(使)收缩 (shrink) ;感染(疾病)

In general, those contracts are often no more than verbal agreements. 一般而言,那些合同往往不过是口头协议。

contraction( n. 收缩;压缩)

contradict [ˌkɑːntrəˈdɪkt]

v. 反驳 (refute) ;同…矛盾,相抵触


Newton's idea of gravity contradicted the idea of a universe that was static, unchanging. 牛顿的引力观与宇宙是静止不变的观点相抵触。

contradictory( adj. 反驳的,反对的 n. 对立物)

contradictory [ˌkɑːntrəˈdɪktəri]

adj. 对立的,相互矛盾的 n. 对立物;矛盾因素


The opinions the manager received from his employees were contradictory . 经理从员工那得到的意见是互相矛盾的。

contrary [ˈkɑːntreri]

adj. 相反的,逆的 (in conflict with, opposite) n. 相反,反面


If there is no evidence to the contrary , we ought to believe the witness. 如果没有反面证据,我们就应该相信这个证人。

contrast [ˈkɑːntræst] & [kənˈtræst]

n. 对比,对照 v. 对比,对照 (compare, balance)

by contrast 对比之下;(与…)相对照

Because of these contrasts , “popular” may be viewed as clearly different from “folk”. 由于这些对比,“流行”可能会被看成是与“民俗”明显不同的词。

contribute [kənˈtrɪbjuːt]

v. 贡献,捐赠 (donate) ;有助于 (*promote) ;投稿 (submit articles to)


I believe the social elements contributed to the development of bebop music. 我认为社会因素促进了比博普爵士音乐的发展。// She often contributes to the fashionable journal. 她经常给时尚杂志投稿。

contribution( n. 贡献;捐献物;稿件);contributor( n. 捐助者;促成因素);contributory( adj. 贡献的;捐助的;促进的)

attribute( n. 属性);distribute( vt. 分发)

contributor [kənˈtrɪbjətər]

n. 投稿者;贡献者,捐助者;促成物

Sulfur dioxide is a pollutant and a major contributor to acid rain. 二氧化硫是一种污染物,是酸雨形成的主要因素。

contributory [kənˈtrɪbjətɔːri]

adj. 贡献的;捐助的;促进的


Many factors were contributory to the failure of this project. 造成这个项目失败的因素很多。

controversial [ˌkɑːntrəˈvɜːrʃl]

adj. 引起争论的,有争议的


Organ transplant is still a controversial issue in many countries. 在很多国家,器官移植仍是一个有争议的话题。

controversy [ˈkɑːntrəvɜːrsi]

n. 争议,争论,辩论 (dispute, argument)


arouse/cause controversy 引起争论

There was a bitter controversy over his latest novel. 关于他最新的小说,存在着激烈的争论。

controversial( adj. 有争议的;好争论的)

convection [kənˈvekʃn]

n. 对流;传送 (conveying, transmission)


A heater is using convection when it warms the air in a room. 加热器给屋子里的空气加热时利用的是对流原理。

convene [kənˈviːn]

v. 召集,召开(正式会议);聚集,集合


The chairman convened all the members to the meeting room. 主席召集所有会员到会议室。

convenience [kənˈviːniəns]

n. 便利 (fitness or suitability) ;便利设施


For me the convenience of having a laundromat so close to where I live is worth the extra dollar. 对我而言,住处附近的自助洗衣店所带来的便利抵得上多花了的钱。

inconvenience( n. 麻烦,不方便之处)

convention [kənˈvenʃn]

n. (正式)会议;习俗,惯例 (custom) ;公约 (agreement)


In last week's films, we saw how Graffith ignored both these limiting conventions . 在上周的电影里,我们看到了格拉菲斯是如何忽视这些限制性惯例的。

conventional( adj. 传统的;惯例的;常见的)

intervention( n. 干预;介入)

converge [kənˈvɜːrdʒ]

vi. 聚集,聚合 (assemble, aggregate) ;相交,会合;趋于一致


Small pieces of floating ice converge and form icebergs. 小块的浮冰聚集在一起形成冰山。

convergence( n. 汇聚,聚合)

conversation [ˌkɑːnvərˈseɪʃn]

n. 交谈,会话

来自converse( vi. 交谈,会话)

I will have a long conversation with my mother tomorrow. 明天我将和母亲进行一次长谈。

conversational( adj. 非正式的,用于交谈的,口语的;交谈的)

converse [kənˈvɜːrs]

vi. 交谈 (talk, discuss) adj. 相反的 n. 相反的事物;反面


Pairs of deaf people are able to converse freely over television. 成对的听障人士能通过电视自由交谈。

conversion [kənˈvɜːrʒn]

n. 转变,变换;改变信仰,皈依


The conversion of steam-powered engines into battery-powered ones can improve energy efficiency. 把蒸汽引擎换成电池驱动的引擎能提高能源的利用率。

convert [kənˈvɜːrt]

v. (使)改变(信仰、观点等);(使)转变,转化 (*change, transform)


He was soon converted to the socialist cause. 他不久便转而献身于社会主义事业了。

converter( n. 转化器;变流器);convertible( adj. 可改变的,可转换的)

convex [ˈkɑːnveks]

adj. 凸出的 (bulgy)

convex lens 凸透镜

Convex mirrors reflect light outwards, therefore they are not used to focus light. 凸镜向外反射光线,因此它们不用来聚光。

convey [kənˈveɪ]

vt. 运送,运输 (carry, transfer, transport) ;传达,表达 (communicate, transfer)


I would convey the sense of adventure that cavers share. 我将传达一下洞穴探索者所共有的冒险意识。

convict [kənˈvɪkt]

vt. 定罪,宣告…有罪 (criminate) n. 服刑囚犯


The jury convicted the man, and he was sentenced to twenty years in prison. 陪审团宣告此人有罪,他被判入狱20年。

conviction( n. 确信)

evict( vt. 驱逐);victorious( adj. 胜利的)

convince [kənˈvɪns]

vt. 使确信,说服 (persuade, assure)


She convinced the man to apply to graduate school. 她说服了这名男子向研究生院提出申请。

convincing( adj. 令人信服的);unconvincing( adj. 不令人信服的)

cookout [ˈkʊkaʊt]

n. 野外烧烤宴会

Tom will bring food for the Friday night cookout for everyone. 汤姆将给每个人带周五晚上的野外烧烤宴会的食物。

cooperation [kəʊˌɑːpəˈreɪʃn]

n. 合作,协作


in cooperation with 与…合作

There is an urgent need to strengthen international cooperation during the financial crisis. 在经济危机期间迫切需要加强国际合作。

cooperative [kəʊˈɑːpərətɪv]

adj. 合作的,协作的;配合的 n. 合作企业

He is not cooperative . 他不是太合作。

coordinate [kəʊˈɔːrdɪneɪt] & [kəʊˈɔːrdɪnət]

v. 协调,相配合 (harmonize, cooperate) n. 同等物;坐标


Political parties in the United States help to coordinate the campaigns of their members that mark election years. 美国的政党帮助协调其候选人在选举年的竞选。

copilot [ˈkəʊˌpaɪlət]

n. (飞机的)副驾驶员


copious [ˈkəʊpiəs]

adj. 大量的,丰富的,富饶的


Scientists support the theory of relativity with copious evidence. 科学家们用大量证据支持相对论。

copper [ˈkɑːpər]

n. 铜;铜币


Like silver and gold, copper is easily worked, being both ductile and malleable. 与金、银一样,铜易延展,可塑性强,锻造起来很容易。

coral [ˈkɔːrəl]

n. 珊瑚(虫) adj. 珊瑚色的,红色的


coral reefs 珊瑚礁

cordial [ˈkɔːrdʒəl]

adj. 亲切的,热诚的 (heartfelt)


Everybody likes Honey, because she keeps a cordial smile on her face all the time. 每个人都喜欢哈尼,因为她总是面带热情的笑容。

core [kɔːr]

n. 地核;果心;核心,要点,精髓 vt. 去掉…的中心部分


to the core 十足,透顶

Concern for the disadvantaged groups is at the core of the argument. 对弱势群体的关注是争论的核心。

cornerstone [ˈkɔːrnərstəʊn]

n. 墙角石,奠基石;基础


Homer was the poet that laid down the cornerstone of Western literature. 诗人荷马奠定了西方文学的基础。

corollary [ˈkɔːrəleri]

n. 必然的结果;推断

Good health is a corollary of having healthy diet and regular exercises. 良好的身体状况是健康的饮食和定期做运动的必然结果。

corona [kəˈrəʊnə]

n. 日冕,日华 (sunglow) ;光环 (aura)


The corona is not always evenly distributed across the surface of the Sun. 日冕并不总是平均分布于太阳表面。

corporate [ˈkɔːrpərət]

adj. 法人的,公司的 (incorporated) ;共同的,全体的


Sarah used to teach psychology, but now she is a corporate statistician. 萨拉过去教心理学,不过她现在是一个公司的统计员。

corporeal [kɔːrˈpɔːriəl]

adj. 肉体的,身体的;物质的;实体的


Many states have outlawed corporeal punishment in schools. 许多州宣布在学校里进行体罚是非法的。

corps [kɔːr]

n. 军团;特种部队;(从事某工作或活动的)一群人,一组人


A corps of trained and experienced doctors had been sent into the flood-stricken area. 一队训练有素且经验丰富的医生被派往了受洪水袭击的地区。

corpus [ˈkɔːrpəs]

n. 文集,文献,汇编;语料库


The use of corpus can supplement the deficiencies of conventional teaching. 语料库的使用可以弥补传统教学的不足。

correspond [ˌkɔːrəˈspɑːnd]

vi. 相一致,符合 (accord) ;相当于 (match) ;通信


The majority of films made after 1927 corresponded to specific musical compositions. 1927年以后摄制的大部分影片都配有特定的音乐作品。

correspondent( n. 报道者,记者;通信者);correspondence( n. 通信;相关;往来信件);corresponding( adj. 符合的;相应的,相当的)

correspondent [ˌkɔːrəˈspɑːndənt]

n. 报道者,记者;通信者

war correspondent 战地记者

For example, a correspondent is expected to provide considerable context to the events being chronicled. 例如,记者应该对所记录的事件进行大量的背景介绍。

corrosion [kəˈrəʊʒn]

n. 腐蚀(状态),侵蚀

来自corrode( v. 腐蚀,侵蚀);cor(表加强)+rod(咬)+e→用力咬掉→腐蚀,侵蚀

If the beads are buried for long, the effects of corrosion can further change their outer appearance. 珠子埋藏时间长了,腐蚀作用会进一步改变其外观。

corrosive〔 adj. 腐蚀(性)的〕

corrosive [kəˈrəʊsɪv]

adj. 腐蚀(性)的

Chlorine is a corrosive gas that has a sharp odor. 氯气是一种带有刺激气味的腐蚀性气体。

corrupt [kəˈrʌpt]

adj. 堕落的,腐化的;腐败的 vt. 使腐化,腐蚀;破坏,损坏


From ancient times to present day, corrupt officials still exist. 从古到今,腐败的官员一直存在。

cortex [ˈkɔːrteks]

n. 皮层,皮质


cerebral cortex 大脑皮层

cosmic [ˈkɑːzmɪk]

adj. 宇宙的;无限的


cosmic dust 宇宙尘埃;cosmic ray 宇宙光

The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic . 恐龙灭绝是由某个气候或宇宙的物理事件造成的。

cosmos [ˈkɑːzməʊs]

n. 宇宙 (universe)


costume [ˈkɑːstjuːm]

n. 服饰 (dress) ;服装,装束;戏装

The actors were still in costume and make-up. 这些演员仍是戏装打扮。

council [ˈkaʊnsl]

n. 委员会;地方议会

词根记忆:coun(=con 共同)+cil(召集)→召集大家(开会)→地方议会

Security Council 联合国安理会

She's on the local council . 她是地方议会的议员。

counseling [ˈkaʊnsəlɪŋ]

n. 咨询;辅导

Vocational education and counseling extended the influence of public schools. 职业教育和咨询扩大了公立学校的影响。

counselor [ˈkaʊnsələr]

n. (尤指针对私人问题的)顾问 (advisor) ;律师

She worked as a marriage guidance counselor . 她是一名婚姻指导顾问。

count [kaʊnt]

v. 数,计算 (calculate) ;看作,认为;重要 n. 总数;(被指控的)罪状

count on 依靠,指望;lose count(of)数不清,不知道

A: I got an invitation to a financial planning seminar. And I don't want to go alone.

B: Count me in. I need all the help to manage my money.

A: 我收到邀请去参加一个财务规划研讨会。我不想自己一个人去。

B: 把我算上。我需要理财方面的各种帮助。

mount( n. v. 攀登;上马)

counter [ˈkaʊntər]

adv. 相反地 adj. 相反的 n. 柜台;计数器 v. 反对;抵制

来自count( v. 计算)

baggage counter 行李存放柜台

It may seem to run counter to common sense to say that introducing water into an area can cause it to become more like a desert. 往一个地区引水会导致该地更像沙漠,这话好像有违常理。

encounter( n. / v. 相遇)

counteract [ˌkaʊntərˈækt]

vt. 消除 (clear up) ;抵消 (neutralize)


Antacid will counteract the excess acid in your stomach. 解酸剂会消除胃里过多的酸。

counterfeit [ˈkaʊntərfɪt]

adj. 伪造的,假冒的 n. 赝品 vt. 伪造,仿造


Producing the counterfeit currency is illegal. 制造假币是违法的。

counterpart [ˈkaʊntərpɑːrt]

n. 对应的人(或物);职位相当的人;副本 (duplicate)


These female writers, like most of their male counterparts , were amateur historians. 这些女性作家和大多数男性作家一样,都是业余历史学家。

couple [ˈkʌpl]

n. (一)对;夫妇,情侣;几个人,几件事 vt. 连接,结合

a couple of 两个;几个

I have already had a couple of ideas about how to do this experiment. 我对怎么做这个实验已经有了一些想法。

coupon [ˈkuːpɑːn]

n. 礼券,优惠券 (gift certificate) ;票证


I've got a coupon for a half-off dinner at that new restaurant down the street. 我拿到了街头那家新餐厅的半价优惠券。

courageous [kəˈreɪdʒəs]

adj. 勇敢的,有胆量的 (brave)

来自courage( n. 勇气)

We hope people will be courageous enough to speak out against this injustice. 我们希望人们能大胆说出来,反对这种不公。

righteous( adj. 正直的)

courier [ˈkʊriər]

n. 送急件的人,信使 (messenger) ;旅游服务员


A courier can deliver the parcels and letters to our office. 信使可以将包裹和信件递送到我们办公室。

course [kɔːrs]

n. 课程;进程 (process) ;路线 (route) ;一道菜 (dish)

required course 必修课;in the course of 在…期间,在…的过程中;in the course of time 最后,终于

The college runs specialist language courses . 这所学院开设有专门语言课程。

court [kɔːrt]

n. 法院,法庭;宫廷;球场 (playground, field) vt. 讨好;招致;求爱

the Supreme Court 最高法院

There wasn't enough evidence to bring the case to the court . 没有足够的证据可以把此案提交法庭。

courtship( n. 求爱;求爱期)

courteous [ˈkɜːrtiəs]

adj. 谦恭的,有礼貌的


Please keep this in mind: introduce yourself in a courteous manner. 请记住一点:介绍自己时要有礼貌。

cousin [ˈkʌzn]

n. 堂(或表)兄弟,堂(或表)姐妹

My cousin , who is a geography teacher, helped us plan our trip. 我的堂兄是地理老师,他帮助我们筹划了旅行。

coverage [ˈkʌvərɪdʒ]

n. 新闻报道;覆盖范围


Channel 5 will provide live coverage of tonight's hockey game. 第五频道将现场直播今晚的曲棍球赛。

cowhand [ˈkaʊhænd]

n. 牛仔,牧牛工

He rides a horse like a cowhand . 他像个牛仔那样骑着马。

crack [kræk]

v. (使)破裂 (break) ;(使)发出爆裂声;重击;崩溃 n. 裂缝,裂纹 (split)

crack down(on...)镇压,严厉打击

The otter uses a stone to crack mussel shells. 海獭用石头敲碎贝壳。

crush( vt. 碾碎);crash( n. 碰撞;撞击声);craft( n. 工艺)

cradle [ˈkreɪdl]

n. 摇篮;发源地


from the cradle to the grave 一生,从生到死

The mother puts her baby in a cradle and rocks it to and from. 母亲把婴儿放在摇篮里,然后来回摇晃。

craft [kræft]

n. 手艺,工艺 (art) vt. 手工制作

It is wonderful to see this disappearing craft return to popularity. 很高兴看到这种消失的工艺重新流行起来。// The windows would probably have been crafted in the latter part of the Middle Ages. 这些窗户可能是中世纪后期精制而成。

craftsman [ˈkræftsmən]

n. 能工巧匠,手艺人,工艺师

In the 15th century, Paris, as the capital of arts, attracted a vast number of craftsmen , architects and musicians. 在15世纪,巴黎作为艺术之都吸引了大量的工匠、建筑师和音乐家。

cram [kræm]

v. 填塞,塞满 (pack) ;匆忙准备,(为考试)临时死记硬背

The children all managed to cram into my car. 那些小孩都挤进了我的车。

cramp [kræmp]

n. 痉挛,抽筋; [常pl.] (腹部)绞痛 vt. 阻碍,阻止 (restrict)


I was seized with the cramp in the cold water when I was swimming. 我游泳的时候,忽然在冷水中抽筋了。

cramped [kræmpt]

adj. (空间)狭小的,狭窄的 (limited) ;受限制的;(字迹)密小难认的


This place is nice, but it seems pretty cramped . 这个地方不错,但似乎有点挤。

cranial [ˈkreɪniəl]

adj. 头盖骨的,颅骨的

These are usually benign tumors that often form near the cerebellum and in the cranial nerve. 这些通常是良性肿瘤,形成于小脑附近或颅神经内。

crater [ˈkreɪtər]

n. 火山口;坑

After the volcano erupted, lava domes formed inside the new crater . 火山爆发后,新生成的火山口的内部会形成熔岩穹丘。

curator( n. 馆长,监护人)

crawl [krɔːl]

vi. 缓慢行进;爬行 (creep) n. 缓慢的速度


I'm so out of shape. I might have to crawl the rest of the way. 我不行了,剩下的路可能要爬着回去了。// This ordinary backyard dirt is crawling with microbes. 这种寻常的后院泥土中爬满了微生物。

crazy [ˈkreɪzi]

adj. 疯狂的,不理智的 (insane, deranged) ;狂热的;精神失常的

I know it sounds crazy but it just might work. 我知道这听起来有点疯狂,但或许有效。

craze( n. 狂热;风行一时的东西)

creative [kriˈeɪtɪv]

adj. 有创造力的,创造性的

He's very creative —he writes poetry and paints. 他极富创造力,既赋诗又作画。

creativity( n. 创造力,创造性)

creativity [ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti]

n. 创造力,创造性

Some jazz bands started relying on the creativity of the instrumentalists to attract audiences. 一些爵士乐队开始依靠乐器演奏家的创意来吸引听众。

credence [ˈkriːdns]

n. 可信性,真实性;信任;信念


They gave no credence to the findings of the survey. 他们不相信这次调查的结果。

credential [krəˈdenʃl]

n. 证书 (certificate) ;文凭 (diploma) ;资格 (qualification)


None of the people who applied for the job has the required credentials . 申请这份工作的人都不具备所需的证书。

credentialism [krəˈdenʃəlɪzəm]

n. 文凭主义

来自credential( n. 资格证书)

This survey is to find out students' views on the aim of education, credentialism and the effects of credentialism on students' motivation of learning. 这个调查旨在了解学生对教育的目的、文凭主义以及文凭主义对学生学习动机影响的看法。

credit [ˈkredɪt]

vt. 把…归于 n. 荣誉;学分;信用;贷款

Watt should be credited with inventing the steam engine. 蒸汽机的发明应归功于瓦特。

accredit( vt. 授权);credence( n. 相信,信任);credibility( n. 可信性,可靠性)

creep [kriːp]

vi. 缓慢行进;爬行 (crawl) ;悄悄地移动


creep along 沿着…爬;creep into/over 爬进/过

I crept up the stairs in case I woke up my roommates. 我蹑手蹑脚地爬上楼梯,生怕吵醒我的室友。

creeper( n. 蔓生植物);creeping( adj. 逐渐发生的;缓慢行进的);creepy( adj. 爬行的;令人毛骨悚然的)

crescent [ˈkresnt]

adj. 新月形的;逐渐增强的 n. 新月;新月形,月牙形


A crescent moon hangs in the east, and then swims into the dim clouds. 一轮新月挂在东方,然后隐没在朦胧的云彩里了。

crest [krest]

n. 顶峰,顶点 (peak) ;浪尖;羽冠 v. 达到顶点


The level of debt crested at a massive $300 billion in 2000. 2000年的债务高达3,000亿美元。 P6P7H03P4L14XoacRUKw4NtMQmc24/ZRPhlMtJ6ijk65HS9dNjn6O/jm+ErXZ7x3
