
Word List 08








certitude n. 确定



circumstance n. 环境



charisma n. 超凡魅力



clamor n. 吵闹



chromosome n. 染色体



clarify vt. 澄清,阐明



chronicle n. 编年史



cognitive adj. 认知的



circulate v.(使)循环



coherent adj. 连贯的

certificate [sərˈtɪfɪkət]

n. 证书,证明书;文凭,结业证书


The Birth Certificate is issued by the provincial or territorial government and is required as identification to apply for other important personal documents. 出生证明由省或地区政府开具,在申请其他重要的个人文件时必须出具出生证明。

certitude [ˈsɜːrtɪtuːd]

n. 确定,确信;必然性 (certainty)


moral certitudes 道德信念

The old man told me with absolute certitude there was a shoeshop on the corner. 那个老人十分确定地告诉我街角就有一家鞋店。

chafe [tʃeɪf]

v. 擦破,擦痛 (abrade, rub) ;(因受限制而)恼怒,焦躁

She soon chafed at the restrictions of her situation. 她很快因处处受到限制而感到恼火。

chagrin [ʃəˈɡrɪn]

n. 懊恼,失望 (embarrassment, disappointment)


The man feels chagrin at being fired. 那个男人因被解雇而感到懊恼。

chain [tʃeɪn]

n. 链(条); [常pl.] 镣铐;一系列 (serial) ;连锁店 vt. 用链条拴住

chain reaction 连锁反应

Algae are the base of the aquatic food chain , which means the other organisms depend on them for food. 水藻是水生食物链的基础,也就是说其他生物依靠它们获得食物。// If that toad became extinct, we'd lose an important link in the chain of revolution. 如果那种蟾蜍灭绝了,我们将失去进化链上重要的一环。

challenge [ˈtʃælɪndʒ]

n. 挑战(书);艰巨任务;质疑 vt. 向…发出挑战;质疑

accept/take up challenge 接受挑战

The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career. 扮演这个角色将是他演艺生涯中最大的挑战。

unchallenged( adj. 未起争议的;未受过挑战的);challenging( adj. 具有挑战性的)

chamber [ˈtʃeɪmbər]

n. 会议厅;议院;洞穴 (cavity); (人体、植物或机器内的)腔,室;(作特定用途的)房间 (room, compartment)

The archaeologists found themselves in a vast underground chamber . 考古学者发现他们置身于一个地下大洞穴。

champion [ˈtʃæmpiən]

n. 冠军 (winner, victor) ;拥护者 (defender, protector) vt. 声援


One popular candidate champions tax reform. 一位受欢迎的候选人支持税收改革。

championship [ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp]

n. [常pl.] 锦标赛;冠军地位

The soccer championship is run right now on Channel 8. 足球锦标赛正在第八频道播出。

chance [tʃæns]

n. 机会 (opportunity) ;可能性 v. 碰巧,偶然发生 adj. 偶然的

by any chance 可能,或许;by chance 偶然

There is no chance that he will change his mind. 他不大可能改变主意。

channel [ˈtʃænl]

n. 频道;途径;通道 (path, way) ;海峡;水道,航道

Complaints must be made through the proper channels . 投诉必须经过正当途径进行。

chant [tʃænt]

n. 圣歌;单调的吟唱;反复呼喊的话语 v. 唱圣歌;反复呼喊


We've been studying Zulu chants of South Africa. 我们一直在研究南非祖鲁人的圣歌。

chaos [ˈkeɪɑːs]

n. 混乱 (muddle, disorder)

Unprecedented change in the nation's economy would bring social chaos . 这个国家前所未有的经济变化将导致社会动乱。

chaotic( adj. 混乱的,无秩序的);chaotically( adv. 混乱地)

chaotic [keɪˈɑːtɪk]

adj. 混乱的,无秩序的


The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour. 在高峰时间,城市的交通混乱不堪。

chapel [ˈtʃæpl]

n. (小)教堂;祈祷室


We always go to chapel on Sundays. 我们总在星期天去教堂(做礼拜)。

cathedral( n. 大教堂)

characteristic [ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk]

n. 特性,特征 (property) adj. 特有的;典型的 (typical)


Different types of matter have different characteristics . 不同类型的物质有着不同的特性。

characteristically( adv. 独特地)

characterize [ˈkærəktəraɪz]

vt. 以…为特征;刻画(…的性格) (*distinguish, feature) ;描述

The design elements have come to characterize the age of the skyscraper. 这些设计元素已成为摩天大楼时代的特征。

charcoal [ˈtʃɑːrkəʊl]

n. 木炭


We use charcoal to grill the steaks. 我们用木炭烤牛排。

charisma [kəˈrɪzmə]

n. 超凡魅力;感召力;号召力


I don't have the charisma to attract so many people. 我没有这么大的魅力,能吸引这么多人。

charismatic( adj. 有超凡魅力的)

charismatic [ˌkærɪzˈmætɪk]

adj. 有超凡魅力的;蒙受神恩的

来自charisma( n. 超凡魅力)

His charismatic personality made him have a lot of friends. 他超凡的个人魅力使他拥有很多朋友。

chart [tʃɑːrt]

vt. 绘制;记录,跟踪(进展等);制订(计划) n. 图表 (map,graph) ;航海图

flow chart 流程图

We can chart the history of innovation in musical notation. 我们可以用图来说明乐谱的改革史。

uncharted( adj. 地图上未标明的;不明的)

charter [ˈtʃɑːrtər]

vt. 特许设立,给予特权 (certify) ;包租(车、船等) n. 纲领;宪章 (constitution) ;特许状

联想记忆:和chart( n. 航图;图表)一起记

The states chartered manufacturing, baking, mining and transportation firms. 各州予以生产、烘烤、采矿和运输公司特许权。

chaste [tʃeɪst]

adj. 纯洁的;贞洁的;简朴的,朴实的


They lived a chaste life. 他们过着简朴的生活。

check [tʃek]

n. (=cheque) 支票;账单;检查 v. 检查;制止

check in 登记,报到;check out 付账后离开;check up on 核实,查证

checked [tʃekt]

adj. 格子花纹的;棋盘状的

A checked shirt won't look good on the man. 这个人穿格子衬衫不好看。

cherish [ˈtʃerɪʃ]

vt. 爱护,珍爱;抱有(希望等)


I will cherish each study opportunity I can get in this company. 我会珍惜在公司得到的每一个学习机会。

chew [tʃuː]

v. 咀嚼;思量,熟思

chew over 深思熟虑;详细讨论

I'll chew your proposal over for a few days and then let you know my answer. 对你的建议我会仔细考虑几天再给你答复。

chief [tʃiːf]

adj. 主要的 (*primary) ;总的 (total) ;首席的 n. 首领 (leader, head) ;酋长,族长

The chief reason why he couldn't come is that he is ill. 他不能来的主要原因是他病了。

chill [tʃɪl]

n. 寒冷,寒意 (coldness) adj. 寒冷的 v. (使)变冷,冷却


A small fire was burning to take the chill off the room. 房间里生着小火炉,用来驱寒。

chilly [ˈtʃɪli]

adj. 寒冷的;冷淡的,不友好的

来自chill( n. 寒意)

I feel chilly ; I may be catching a cold. 我感觉有点冷,可能感冒了。

chimpanzee [ˌtʃɪmpænˈziː]

n. 黑猩猩

In some chimpanzee communities, the young females may inherit high status from a high-ranking mother. 在一些黑猩猩群落里,年轻的雌性黑猩猩能从它地位尊贵的母亲那里继承高贵的身份。

chip [tʃɪp]

v. 削(或凿)下 (break off) n. 碎片 (piece, bit) ;芯片 (integrated circuit)

silicon chip 硅片

Early settlers used to chip out blocks of ice to melt for drinking water. 早期移民常常凿下冰块,把它们融化成饮用水。

chivalrous [ˈʃɪvlrəs]

adj. 有骑士精神的;(尤指对女人)彬彬有礼的,殷勤的 (gallant)

词根记忆:chival(=caval 马)+r+ous(…的)→骑马的→骑士的→有骑士精神的

Mr. Black is famous for his chivalrous manner to women. 布莱克先生以对女士彬彬有礼而闻名。

chlorine [ˈklɔːriːn]


chlorinate( vt. 加氯消毒)

chloride( n. 氯化物)

choir [ˈkwaɪər]

n. 唱诗班,合唱队 v. 合唱


He sings in the school choir . 他是校合唱队的成员。

choral( adj. 合唱队的)

cholesterol [kəˈlestərɔːl]

n. 胆固醇


Avoiding animal products may decrease the cholesterol levels in the body. 避免吃动物产品能降低体内的胆固醇水平。

choppy [ˈtʃɑːpi]

adj. (海面等)波浪起伏的,不平静的;不连贯的,支离破碎的

The peaceful sea became choppy soon when the windstorm was coming. 当暴风来临时,平静的海面立刻变得波涛汹涌。

choreograph [ˈkɔːriəɡræf]

v. 设计舞蹈动作,编舞


She went back to her dance company to choreograph more dances. 她回到自己的舞蹈公司以编出更多的舞。

choreographic( adj. 舞蹈术的,舞台舞蹈的);choreography( n. 舞蹈编排)

chorus [ˈkɔːrəs]

n. 合唱曲;合唱队;副歌;异口同声 vt. 齐声说;异口同声地说

chorus master 合唱队指挥;in chorus 一起,同时

Her proposal received a chorus of praise. 她的提议获得一片好评。

chromosome [ˈkrəʊməsəʊm]

n. 染色体


Chromosomes also determine the sex of animals. 染色体也决定着动物的性别。

chronical [ˈkrɑːnɪkl]

adj. 慢性的,延续很长的 (inveterate)


Asthma is chronical and very common. 哮喘是慢性病,而且非常常见。

chronology( n. 年代学);synchronous( adj. 同步的,同时的);chronicle( n. 编年史)

chronicle [ˈkrɑːnɪkl]

vt. 把…载入编年史 n. 编年史,年代记


His achievements are chronicled in a new biography out this week. 他的成就已载入本周将出版的一本新传记。

chronological [ˌkrɑːnəˈlɑːdʒɪkl]

adj. 按年代顺序排列的;年代学的


Please arrange these books on the shelf in chronological order. 请按照年代顺序将书架上的书整理好。

chubby [ˈtʃʌbi]

adj. 丰满的,圆胖的 (plump, fat)

He has a chubby baby face, which makes him appear younger than his age. 他长了一张圆胖的娃娃脸,这让他看起来比实际年龄小。

skinny( adj. 极瘦的);slim( adj. 苗条的)

chunk [tʃʌŋk]

n. 厚片,大块 (lump) ;相当大的部分(或数量);矮胖的人(或物)


a chunk of 一大块

The impact caused the cores of the two planets to melt together and chunks of Earth's crust to be thrown out into space. 这一碰撞使两颗行星的核融化在一起,大量的地球碎片飞入太空。

cider [ˈsaɪdər]

n. 苹果酒;苹果汁

I'd like a glass of cider . 我想要一杯苹果汁。

cipher [ˈsaɪfər]

n. 密码,暗号 (code)

The army uses a special cipher so that military messages are kept secret. 军队使用一种特殊密码,军事电讯因此得以保密。

circuit [ˈsɜːrkɪt]

n. 电路;线路 (circular line) ;巡回;环行;环行路线


short circuit 短路;closed circuit 闭合电路

The Earth takes a year to make a circuit of the Sun. 地球绕太阳运行一周需要一年的时间。

circular [ˈsɜːrkjələr]

adj. 圆形的,环形的 (round) ;循环的;绕行的


He took a circular route to his office to avoid the traffic jam. 为了避开交通堵塞,他绕道去上班。

circulate [ˈsɜːrkjəleɪt]

v. (使)循环;(使)流通;(使)传播,(使)流传


You should keep your feet above your heart a few minutes each day to make blood circulate better. 每天应该坚持让脚高于心脏几分钟,这样能促进血液循环。

circumference [sərˈkʌmfərəns]

n. 周围,周边 (periphery) ;圆周;周长


They have calculated the approximate circumference of the Earth. 他们已经计算出了地球圆周的大概长度。

circumstance [ˈsɜːrkəmstæns]

n. 环境,条件 (environment) ;境况,(尤指)经济状况 (condition, situation)


I know I can trust him in any circumstance . 我知道我在任何情况下都能相信他。

citadel [ˈsɪtədəl]

n. 堡垒,要塞 (fort, fortress)

The place was once a citadel in the First World War. 此地曾是第一次世界大战中的一个要塞。

cite [saɪt]

vt. 引用,引证 (quote) ;传唤,传讯;表彰,嘉奖

Where in the passage does the author cite the goal of the Academy Institute? 作者在这篇文章的什么地方引用了研究院的目标?

civil [ˈsɪvl]

adj. 平民的 (civic) ;民事的;国家的,政府的;有礼貌的


civil rights 公民权利;civil war 内战;civil defense 民防组织

There were concerns that the economic reforms might lead to civil unrest. 有人担心经济改革可能会导致内乱。

civilian( n. 平民 adj. 平民的);civility( n. 礼貌,客气)

claim [kleɪm]

v./n. 声称,断言 (assert) ;要求 (request) ;索赔


The farmers claimed that the iron poisoned the soil and made the weeds grow wildly. 农民们声称铁污染了土壤,而且使得野草疯长。

clam [klæm]

n. 蛤,蛤蜊;〈口〉守口如瓶的人,寡言的人

联想记忆:和claim( v./n. 声称;要求)一起记

The little boy was as happy as a clam in high water. 那个小男孩非常高兴。

oyster( n. 牡蛎);crab( n. 螃蟹);abalone( n. 鲍鱼);sponge( n. 海绵);coral( n. 珊瑚)

clamor [ˈklæmər]

n. 吵闹,喧哗 (noise)


The clamor from the backyard drew us out of the house. 后院的喧哗把我们引出了房子。

claim( n. 要求);proclamation( n. 宣言);reclamation( n. 回收;开垦)

clan [klæn]

n. 家族,宗族,氏族;帮派


In history, clan warfare was always followed by great loss in both population and money. 历史上,宗族冲突总是伴随着人力和财力的双重损失。

clarify [ˈklærəfaɪ]

vt. 澄清,阐明 (identify, explain)


He tries to clarify his position. 他试图澄清自己的立场。

clasp [klæsp]

n. 搭扣,扣环;紧抱;紧握 vt. 握紧;抱紧;扣牢


Mary's necklace fell off because the clasp was loose. 玛丽的项链掉了下来,因为扣环松了。

classic [ˈklæsɪk]

adj. 经典的;典型的 (typical) n. 经典作品; [常pl.] 古典文学

The girl displayed the classic symptoms of depression. 那个女孩表现出了忧郁症的典型症状。

classical〔 adj. 经典的;古典(文学)的〕

classical [ˈklæsɪkl]

adj. 经典的;古典(文学)的

来自classic( n. 经典作品)

Professor Lee will give a speech on classical literature in the hall this Friday. 李教授将于本周五在礼堂做关于古典文学的讲座。

classify [ˈklæsɪfaɪ]

vt. 分类 (categorize, sort) ;分等 (arrange in classes)


We have difficulty in classifying all of the varieties of owls. 我们很难给所有猫头鹰分类。

classification( n. 分类;级别)

clay [kleɪ]

n. 泥土,黏土 (earth, mud)


Because of these properties, clay is used for making pottery items. 正因为这些特性,黏土被用于制作陶瓷器。

clench [klentʃ]

vt. / n. 握紧,抓牢;咬紧(牙关等)

The strong man was clenching his fists and trembling with rage. 那个强壮的男人紧握着拳头,气得直哆嗦。

client [ˈklaɪənt]

n. 委托人,当事人;顾客 (customer)

Social workers must always consider the best interests of their clients . 社会工作者必须时刻考虑其当事人的最佳利益。

cliff [klɪf]

n. 悬崖,峭壁 (precipice)

The castle perched high on the cliffs above the river. 那个城堡高高耸立在临河的峭壁上。

climate [ˈklaɪmət]

n. 气候;气候区;风气,倾向

Economic globalization has become a trend in the current economic climate . 经济全球化已成为当前经济气候的一个趋势。

cling [klɪŋ]

vi. 附着,黏住 (adhere, stick) ;紧紧抓住

cling to 坚持,不放弃

The baby clung to its mother. 那个婴儿紧紧贴在母亲身上。

clinic [ˈklɪnɪk]

n. 门诊部,诊所 (dispensary)

Patients have to make an appointment with doctors in the clinic first. 病人看病时需要先和诊所的医生预约。

clip [klɪp]

v. 夹住,扣住;修剪;(从报纸上)剪下 n. 夹子,回形针,别针;弹夹,弹仓;电影片段,剪报

clip off 缩短,削减;clip sb.'s wings 限制某人的自由(或权力)

My mother clipped out all the reports about my performances. 我妈妈剪下所有有关我演出的报道。

clipper [ˈklɪpər]

n. 快速帆船;剪刀

I am looking for a pair of hair clippers . 我想要一把理发剪刀。

clog [klɑːɡ]

v. (使)堵塞,阻塞 (congest, jam) n. 障碍


The narrow streets were clogged with traffic. 狭窄的街道上交通堵塞。

clone [kləʊn]

n. 克隆动物(或植物),无性繁殖动物(或植物);复制品,翻版 vt. 克隆,以无性繁殖技术复制


A team from the UK were the first to successfully clone an animal. 英国的一个小组率先成功克隆了一只动物。

closet [ˈklɑːzət]

vt. 把…关在房间里(尤指为了进行密谈) n. 橱,壁橱 (cabinet) adj. 隐蔽的 (closely private) ;私下的,秘密的 (confidential)

He had closeted himself away in the room after failing the exam. 考试失利后,他把自己关在房间里不见任何人。

clue [kluː]

n. 线索 (*information) ;提示 (cue, hint)

Diet may hold the clue to the cause of migraines. 饮食习惯有可能揭示偏头痛的起因。

clump [klʌmp]

n. 丛,簇,束;群,组 v. 聚集,成群 (cluster) ;以沉重的脚步行走

He got a clump of soil from the edge of a cow pasture. 他从奶牛牧场的边缘处取了一块土。

clumsy [ˈklʌmzi]

adj. 笨拙的 (awkward) ;冒犯人的;复杂难懂的,难处理的

Her clumsy fingers couldn't untie the knot. 她笨手笨脚的,解不开这个结。

cluster [ˈklʌstər]

n. 簇,团,丛;群 (*group) v. 成群;群集 (*concentrate, assemble)

词根记忆:clust(=clot 凝块)+er(表物)→凝结成块→簇,团

The plant bears its flowers in clusters . 这种植物开花成簇。

clutch [klʌtʃ]

n. 一次所孵的卵(或蛋);(汽车、机器等的)离合器;抓紧 v. 企图抓住,抓紧 (take, clench)


This species lays one and only one- clutch of forty eggs in a lifetime. 这个物种一生只孵一次蛋,共有40个蛋。

coalition [ˌkəʊəˈlɪʃn]

n. 联盟,同盟;结合,联合 (combination)


in coalition with 与…联合

The environmental groups advocate healthy life in coalition with consumer groups. 环保组织与消费者组织联合倡导健康的生活方式。

coarse [kɔːrs]

adj. 粗糙的 (*rough) ;粗俗的 (vulgar)


His coarse manners angered the teacher. 他粗鲁的举止让老师很生气。

code [kəʊd]

vt. 编纂(法典等);把…编码 n. 法典,法规 (law, rule) ;代码

code of laws 法典;bar code 条形码;instruction code 指令(代)码

They are specially coded . 它们是经过特别编码的。

codify( vt. 编成法典;整理,系统化)

codify [ˈkəʊdɪfaɪ]

vt. 把…编成法典,使法律成文化;整理,系统化 (systematize)

来自code( n. 法典,法规)

The country is trying to codify the rules on outsourcing. 这个国家正在努力把外部采办规则编成法典。

coefficient [ˌkəʊɪˈfɪʃnt]

n. 系数


This kind of liquid is considered having a variable coefficient of expansion. 人们认为这种液体的膨胀系数是可变的。

coexist [ˌkəʊɪɡˈzɪst]

vi. 共存

coexist with 与…共存

Different traditions coexist successfully side by side. 不同的传统和谐共存着。

coexistence( n. 共处,共存)

cognition [kɑːɡˈnɪʃn]

n. 感知,认知,认识 (perception)


Tool use may indicate that animals have some cognition . 对工具的使用或许表明动物具有一定的认知能力。

cognitive( adj. 认知的,感知的)

cognitive [ˈkɑːɡnətɪv]

adj. 认识的;认知的,有感知的


The study showed that cognitive behavioral therapy has clinical value. 研究表明,认知行为疗法具有临床价值。

cohabitation [ˌkəʊˌhæbɪˈteɪʃn]

n. 同居,同住

来自cohabit( vi. 同居,同住)

The survey asked a variety of questions about marriage and divorce, including attitudes toward cohabitation and raising children. 这项研究调查了许多有关婚姻和离婚的问题,其中包括对于同居生活和抚育孩子的态度。

cohere [kəʊˈhɪr]

vi. 连贯,一致;黏合 (stick) ;齐心协力,团结一致


Tina's ideal opinion does not cohere with her companions' beliefs. 蒂娜理想的想法与她同事的信念不一致。

coherent [kəʊˈhɪrənt]

adj. 条理清楚的,连贯的 (consistent) ;有表达能力的


coherent narrative 条理清楚的叙述

Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the values of life in a coherent , systematic, and scientific manner. 伦理学是哲学的一个分支,以连贯、系统和科学的方式研究人生的价值。

coherence( n. 连贯性,条理性);incoherence( n. 不连贯) f7+CM7iNiGbQP66Eb5rtsb1JWbl0ngdvo6ytvsHpO1nYnuMS0lBVvtCSFh4+vtBt

