
chapter 2




When the sisters thus rose up, arm in arm, in the evening time, through the water, the little sister stood all alone looking after them; and she felt as if she must weep; but the sea-maid has no tears and for this reason she suffers far more acutely .

“O if I were only fifteen years old!” said she. “I know I shall love the world up there very much, and the people who live and dwell there.”

At last she was really fifteen years old.

“Now, you see, you are grown up,” said the grandmother, the old dowager . “Come, let me adorn you like your sisters.”

And she put a wreath of white lilies in the little maid's hair, but each flower was half a pearl; and the old lady let eight great oysters attach themselves to the Princess’ tail, in token of her high rank.




· acutely adv. 剧烈地,尖锐地
· dowager n. 贵妇
· adorn v. 装饰,装扮
· wreath n. 花环;花冠
· lily n. 百合
· token n. 象征,标志
· in token of 表示,作为……的标志

“But that hurts so!” said the little Sea-maid.

“Yes, pride must suffer pain,” replied the old lady.

O how glad she would have been to shake off all the tokens of rank and lay aside the heavy wreath! Her red flowers in the garden suited her better; but she could not help it. “Farewell!” she said, and then she rose, light and clear as a water-bubble, up through the sea.

The sun had just set when she lifted her head above the sea, but all the clouds still shone like roses and gold, and in the pale red sky the evening-stars gleamed bright and beautiful. The air was




· suit v. 合(某人)心意;适合
· pale adj. (颜色)浅的,淡的

mild and fresh, and the sea quite calm. There lay a great ship with three masts ; one single sail only was set, for not a breeze stirred , and around in the shrouds and on the yards sat the sailors. There was music and singing, and as the evening closed in, hundreds of colored lanterns were lighted up, and looked as if the f lags of every nation were waving in the air. The little Sea-maid swam straight to





· mild adj. 温和的
· mast n. 桅杆,柱
· breeze n. 微风,和风
· shrouds n. (船桅或中桅的)左右支索,侧支索
· flag n. 旗帜,国旗

the cabin window, and each time the sea lifted her up she could look through the panes , which were clear as crystal , and see many people standing within dressed in their best.


小美人鱼游到船舱的窗户旁,海浪一次次将她托举起来,每当这时,她就能透过窗户看到里面有许多身着华服之人。cabin在这里指“船舱”,即船中空间不大的小隔间,一般供水手居住。这个词本身指“小木屋,小屋子”。说到“小屋子”的表达,在英文原著中,基本可归为三类。第一种就是上文出现的cabin,这个词在表示“小屋子”时,经常指的是贫困之人的住所。第二种是hut,例如我们生活中常见的必胜客比萨的英文标识,就是Pizza Hut,即“比萨小屋”的意思。又例如《哈利·波特》中海格居住的小破房子,也用的是hut。总之,它强调的是简陋的、临时搭建的小房子。第三种是cottage,在《哈利·波特与混血王子》中,伏地魔的父亲骑在马上,与一位姑娘一同巡山。姑娘指着伏地魔母亲所在的茅草小屋,问伏地魔的父亲那间破房子是否是他家的,伏地魔的父亲没有承认。那间屋子就被称为cottage,它一般指乡间的茅草小屋、村舍等。

· pane n. (窗户或门上的)一块玻璃,窗格
· crystal n. 结晶;水晶

But the handsomest of all was the young Prince with the great black eyes: he was certainly not much more than sixteen years old; it was his birthday, and that was the cause of all this feasting. The sailors were dancing upon deck ; and when the young Prince came out, more than a hundred rockets rose into the air; they shone like day, so that the little Sea-maid was quite startled, and dived under the water; but soon she put out her head again, and then it seemed just as if all the stars of heaven were falling down upon her.




· deck n. 甲板,舱面

She had never seen such fire-works. Great suns spurted fire all around, glorious fiery fishes flew up into the blue air, and everything was mirrored in the clear blue sea. The ship itself was so brightly lit up that every separate rope could be seen, and the people therefore appeared the more plainly . O how handsome the young Prince was! And he pressed the people's hands and smiled, while the music rang out in the glorious night.


她从没见过这样神奇又美丽的烟火,火光反射在清明而平静的大海上。mirror在这里作动词,表示“反射,映照”,它常用作名词,意为“镜子”。整个船上灯火通明,所有的人,甚至一根根的绳子都在亮光下清清楚楚。plainly在这里是“清晰地”的意思,其原形是plain,有“朴素的,素净的”之意。在名著《双城记》中,开头就讲世界上有两对国王和王后,一对是英国的国王和王后,另一对是法国的国王和王后。两位国王都有着一副大大的下巴,两位王后的相貌上却不同。法国王后长得很漂亮,原文中说她有一张迷人的面孔(a queen with a fair face),英国王后就有些逊色了,她的相貌平平无奇(a queen with a plain face)。由此可以看出,plain形容相貌时是指相貌平平的意思。在烟火的辉映下,年轻的王子看上去更加英俊迷人了。音乐在夜空中回荡着,风度翩翩的王子与在场的每个人握手,微笑致意。

· spurt v. 喷射,喷出
· glorious adj. 绚丽的;极其愉快的
· fiery adj. 火红的;充满激情

It became late; but the little Sea-maid could not turn her eyes from the ship and from the beautiful Prince. The colored lanterns were extinguished, rockets ceased to fly into the air, and no more cannons were fired; but there was a murmuring and a buzzing deep down in the sea; and she sat on the water, swaying up and down, so that she could look into the cabin. But as the ship got more way, one sail after another was spread. And now the waves rose higher, great clouds came up, and in the distance there was lightning. O! it was going to be fearful weather, therefore the sailors furled the sails. The great ship flew in swift career over the wild sea: the waters rose up like great black mountains, which wanted to roll



· cannon n. 大炮;自动机关炮
· buzzing n. 嗡嗡声,嘈杂声
· furl v. 收拢,卷起
· career n. 迅速的前进;猛冲
· roll v. 翻滚;翻转

over the masts; but like a swan the ship dived into the valleys between these high waves , and then let itself be lifted on high again. To the little Sea-maid this seemed merry sport, but to the sailors it appeared very differently. The ship groaned and creaked; the thick planks were bent by the heavy blows; the sea broke into the ship; the mainmast snapped in two like a thin reed, and the ship lay over on her side, while the water rushed into the hold.


巨大的船只在海浪中就像一只天鹅,一会儿俯冲,一会儿高涨。小美人鱼觉得很有趣。merry在这里表示“有趣的,好玩的”。此外,这个词也可以表示“高兴的,愉快的”,与常用的happy不同,merry强调的是一种无拘无束的洒脱,它更多地表现在行为上,特别是在困境或令人不快的局面中仍保有一种乐观天性。happy则强调因感到满足而持续的一种内心状态。所以圣诞节时我们一般以Merry Christmas为问候语,祝愿彼此在这一天中能够忘却烦恼,享受当下。而新年到来之际,我们则用Happy New Year期盼大家在新的一年中幸福快乐。


· valley n. 山谷,流域
· wave n. 海浪
· groan v. 呻吟,叹息
· plank n. 木板,板条
· mainmast n. (船的)主桅
· snap v. (咔嚓一声)断裂,折断

Now the little Sea-maid saw that the people were in peril ; she herself was obliged to take care to avoid the beams and fragments of the ship which were floating about on the waters. One moment it was so pitch dark that not a single object could be described , but when it lightened it became so bright that she could distinguish every one on board. She looked particularly for the young Prince, and when the ship parted she saw him sink into the sea. Then she



· fragment n. 碎片,残存部分
· pitch n. 沥青
· pitch dark 非常黑,伸手不见五指的
· describe v. 描述,形容
· distinguish v. 看清,认出

was very glad, for now he would come down to her.But then she remembered that people could not live in the water, and that when he got down to her father's palace he would certainly be dead. No, he must not die: so she swam about among the beams and planks that strewed the surface, quite forgetting that one of them might have crushed her. Diving down deep under the water, she again rose high up among the waves, and in this way she at last came to the Prince, who could scarcely swim longer in that stormy sea. His arms and legs began to fail him, his beautiful eyes closed, and he would have died had the little Sea-maid not come. She held his



王子的四肢开始支撑不住,那双迷人的眼睛也闭上了。如果不是小美人鱼及时赶到,他一定没救了。fail是“衰弱,失灵,无法正常工作”的意思,his arms and legs began to fail him可以理解为“他的四肢渐渐衰弱无力,不听使唤了”。

· strew v. 散播,撒满

head up over the water, and then allowed the waves to carry her and him whither they listed.

When the morning came the storm had passed by. Of the ship not a fragment was to be seen. The sun came up red and shining out of the water; it was as if its beams brought back the hue of life to the cheeks of the Prince, but his eyes remained closed.




· whither adv. 到哪里,去哪儿
· remain v. 保持不变,一直是

双语名作一词通 在语境中记单词

plainly /ˈpleɪnli/ adv. 明白地,清晰地

1 The ship itself was so brightly lit up that every separate rope could be seen, and the people therefore appeared the more plainly .



2 She could see it quite plainly through the glass, and she tried her best to climb up one of the legs of the table, but it was too slippery.



3 Yet here it was, a letter, addressed so plainly there could be no mistake.



4 He threw Hermione many covert glances, plainly fearing an angry outburst, but for all the notice she took of him he might not have been there.



5 He was staring hard at Fudge, as though seeing him plainly for the first time.



merry /ˈmeri/ adj. 有趣的;高兴的

1 To the little Sea-maid this seemed merry sport, but to the sailors it appeared very differently.



2 Long life to him! A merry Christmas and a happy new year! He'll be very merry and very happy, I have no doubt!



3 Harry could still see the blond-haired youth's face; it was merry , wild; there was a Fred and George-ish air of triumphant trickery about him.



4 “Oh, that's all right,” he cried, with a merry laugh.



peril /ˈperəl/ n. 危难

1 Now the little Sea-maid saw that the people were in peril ; she herself was obliged to take care to avoid the beams and fragments of the ship which were floating about on the waters



2 “I . . . I think I do see something . . . something that concerns you. . . Why, I sense something . . . something dark . . . some grave peril . . .”



3 Whenever the perils of his mental roadway terrified him, he found comfort in the stars overhead.



4 The three of them thanked Monkey for delivering them from dire peril , then asked where the demons had gone.



5 It was a shock to me to hear that I had placed my friends in such horrible peril .



part /pɑːt/ v. 分开;分离;分别

1 She looked particularly for the young prince, and when the ship parted she saw him sink into the sea.



2 “I’d like a few words with you before we part . In private. Perhaps in here?”



3 Someone yelled, “The commander is here!” The crowd parted to form a path.



4 Why was he filled with gladness when he heard them give each other Merry Christmas, as they parted at cross-roads and bye-ways, for their several homes!


——《圣诞颂歌》 46SKOSmPPwuERnmTDeKkPaFc7YeQOtB/BwO9tInazEBlHZB2gwTe4Vap+U8M6bc0
