
chapter 1




Far out in the sea the water is as blue as the petals of the most beautiful corn-flower , and as clear as the purest glass. But it is very deep, deeper than any cable will sound; many steeples must be placed one above the other to reach from the ground to the surface of the water. And down there live the sea-people.

Now, you must not believe there is nothing down there but the naked sand; no,—the strangest trees and plants grow there, so pliable in their stalks and leaves that at the least motion of the water they move just as if they had life. All fishes, great and small,


《海的女儿》是安徒生创作的一篇经典童话故事,英文名是The Little Sea-Maid或The Little Mermaid。sea-maid或mermaid都是“美人鱼”的意思,所以一些版本也会将其译为《小美人鱼》或《人鱼公主》。


· petal n. 花瓣
· corn-flower n. 矢车菊
· cable n. 锚索;锚链
· steeple n. 尖塔,尖顶
· pliable adj. 柔韧的,柔软的

glide among the twigs , just as here the birds do in the trees. In the deepest spot of all lies the Sea-king's castle : the walls are of coral , and the tall, Gothic windows of the clearest amber ; shells form the roof, and they open and shut according as the water flows. It looks lovely, for in each shell lie gleaming pearls, a single one of which would have great value in a queen's diadem .




· twig n. 小枝,嫩枝
· spot n. 地点,场所
· castle n. 城堡
· coral n. 珊瑚
· amber n. 琥珀
· shell n.
· diadem n. 王冠

The Sea-king below there had been a widower for many years, while his old mother kept house for him. She was a clever woman, but proud of her rank, so she wore twelve oysters on her tail, while the other great people were only allowed to wear six. Beyond this she was deserving of great praise , especially because she was very fond of her grand-daughters, the little Sea-princesses. These were six pretty children; but the youngest was the most beautiful of all.Her skin was as clear and as fine as a rose leaf; her eyes were as blue as the deepest sea; but, like all the rest, she had no feet, for her body ended in a fish-tail.




· widower n. 鳏夫
· praise n. 表扬,赞美
· fond adj. 喜爱的,慈爱的
· be fond of 喜爱

All day long they could play in the castle, down in the halls, where living flowers grew out of the walls. The great amber windows were opened, and then the fishes swam in to them, just as the swallows fly in to us when we open our windows; but the fishes swam straight up to the Princesses, ate out of their hands, and let themselves be stroked .

Outside the castle was a great garden with bright red and dark blue flowers; the fruit glowed like gold, and the flowers like flames of fire; and they continually kept moving their stalks and leaves.




· swallow n. 燕子

The earth itself was the finest sand, but blue as the flame of brimstone . A peculiar blue radiance lay upon everything down there: one would have thought oneself high in the air, with the canopy of heaven above and around, rather than at the bottom of the deep sea. During a calm the sun could be seen; it appeared like a purple flower, from which all light streamed out.

Each of the little Princesses had her own little place in the garden, where she might dig and plant at her good pleasure. One gave her flower-bed the form of a whale; another thought it better to make hers like a little sea-woman: but the youngest made hers quite round, like the sun and had flowers which gleamed red as the




· brimstone n. 硫黄
· radiance n. 光辉
· canopy n. 顶罩,华盖

sun itself. She was a strange child, quiet and thoughtful , and when the other sisters made a display of the beautiful things they had received out of wrecked ships, she would have nothing beyond the red flowers which resembled the sun, except a pretty marble statue . This was a figure of a charming boy, hewn out of white clear stone, which had sunk down to the bottom of the sea from a wreck .





· resemble v. 像,与……相似
· marble n. 大理石
· statue n. 雕像
· hew v. 砍成,劈出(某种形状、某物)
· wreck n. 沉船,遇难船

She planted a pink weeping willow beside this statue; the tree grew famously , and hung its fresh branches over the statue towards the blue sandy ground, where the shadow showed violet, and moved like the branches themselves; it seemed as if the ends of the branches and the roots were playing together and wished to kiss each other.

There was no greater pleasure for her than to hear of the world of men above them. The old grandmother had to tell all she knew of ships and towns, of men and animals. It seemed particularly




· weeping adj. (有些树木)有下垂枝条的
· famously adv. 极好地;著名地
· branch n. 树枝,分枝
· sandy adj. 沙地的,多沙的
· root n. (植物的)根,根茎

beautiful to her that up on the earth the flowers shed fragrance , for they had none down at the bottom of the sea, and that the trees were green, and that the f ishes which one saw there among the trees could sing so loud and clear that it was a pleasure to hear them. What the grandmother called fishes were the little birds; the Princess could not understand them in any other way, for she had never seen a bird.

“When you have reached your fifteenth year,” said the grandmother, “you shall have leave to rise up out of the sea, to sit on the rocks in the moonlight, and to see the great ships as they sail by. Then you will see forests and towns!”




· shed v. 散发出光;流,洒
· fragrance n. 芳香,香气

In the next year one of the sisters was fifteen years of age, but each of the others was one year younger than the next; so that the youngest had full five years to wait before she could come up from the bottom of the sea, and find how our world looked. But one promised to tell the others what she had seen and what she had thought the most beautiful on the first day of her visit; for their grandmother could not tell them enough—there was so much about which they wanted information.

No one was more anxious about these things than the youngest—just that one who had the longest time to wait, and who was always quiet and thoughtful. Many a night she stood by the open window, and looked up through the dark blue water at the fishes splashing with their fins and tails. Moon and stars she could




· splash v. 泼溅着水行进,拍打着水游
· fin n. (鱼的)鳍

see; they certainly shone quite faintly, but through the water they looked much larger than they appear in our eyes. When something like a black cloud passed among them, she knew that it was either a whale swimming over her head, or a ship with many people: they certainly did not think that a pretty little sea-maid was standing down below stretching up her white hands towards the keel of their ship.

Now the eldest Princess was fifteen years old, and might mount up to the surface of the sea.




· sea-maid n. (传说中的)美人鱼
· keel n. (船的)龙骨
· eldest adj. 年龄最大的

When she came back, she had a hundred things to tell,—but the finest thing, she said, was to lie in the moonshine on a sand-bank in the quiet sea, and to look at the neighboring coast, with the large town, where the lights twinkled like a hundred stars, and to hear the music and the noise and clamor of carriages and men, to see the many church steeples, and to hear the sound of the bells. Just because she could not get up to these, she longed for them more than for anything.




· clamor n. 喧闹,吵闹声
· carriage n. 马车
· church n. 教堂

O how the youngest sister listened! and afterwards when she stood at the open window and looked up through the dark-blue water, she thought of the great city with all its bustle and noise; and then she thought she could hear the church bells ringing, even down to the depth where she was.

In the following year, the second sister received permission to mount upward through the water and to swim whither she pleased. She rose up just as the sun was setting, and this spectacle , she said, was the most beautiful.The whole sky looked gold, and as to the clouds, she could not properly describe their beauty. They sailed away over her head, purple and violet -colored, but far quicker than




· bustle n. 喧闹,繁忙
· spectacle n. 壮观的场面,景象

the clouds there flew a flight of wild swans , like a long white veil, over the water towards where the sun stood. She swam towards them; but the sun sank, and the roseate hue faded on the sea and in the clouds.

In the following year the next sister went up. She was the boldest of them all, and therefore she swam up a broad stream that poured its waters into the sea. She saw glorious green hills clothed with vines ; palaces and castles shone forth from amid splendid woods; she heard how all the birds sang; and the sun shone so




· flight n. (一起飞行的)鸟群
· swan n. 天鹅
· hue n. 颜色,色调
· fade v. 逐渐消失
· vine n. 藤,藤蔓
· forth adv. 向前

warm that she was often obliged to dive under the water to cool her glowing face. In a little bay she found a whole swarm of little mortals. They were quite naked , and splashed about in the water; she wanted to play with them, but they fled in affright and a little black animal came,—it was a dog, but she had never seen a dog,—and it barked at her so terribly that she became frightened, and tried to gain the open sea. But she could never forget the glorious woods, the green hills, and the pretty children, who could swim in the water, though they had not fish-tails.




· dive v. 潜水
· swarm n. 大群;人群
· a swarm of 一大群
· naked adj. 裸露的
· affright n. 惊吓,惊骇

The fourth sister was not so bold: she remained out in the midst of the wild sea, and declared that just there it was most beautiful. One could see for many miles around, and the sky above looked like a bell of glass. She had seen ships, but only in the far distance—they looked like sea-gulls ; and the funny dolphins had thrown somersaults , and the great whales spouted out water from their nostrils , so that it looked like hundreds of fountains all around.




· declare v. 断言,宣称
· sea-gull n. 海鸥
· dolphin n. 海豚
· spout v. (鲸鱼)从呼吸孔中喷出水柱
· nostril n. 鼻孔
· fountain n. 喷泉

Now came the turn of the fifth sister. Her birthday came in the winter, and so she saw what the others had not seen the first time. The sea looked quite green, and great icebergs were floating about; each one separated like a pearl , she said, and yet was much taller than the church steeples built by men. They showed themselves in the strangest forms, and shone like diamonds . She had seated herself upon one of the greatest of all, and let the wind play with her long hair; and all the sailing ships tacked about in a very rapid way beyond where she sat. But toward evening the sky became





· iceberg n. 冰山
· float v. (使)漂浮,(使)浮动
· pearl n. 珍珠
· diamond n. 钻石
· tack v. 戗风行驶,蜿蜒航行

covered with clouds, it thundered and lightened, and the black waves lifted the great ice-blocks high up, and let them glow in the red glare. On all the ships the sails were reefed , and there was fear and anguish . But she sat quietly upon her floating iceberg, and saw the forked blue flashes dart into the sea.

Each of the sisters, as she came up for the first time to the surface of the water, was delighted with the new and beautiful sights she saw; but as they now had permission, as grown-up girls, to go whenever they liked, it became indifferent to them. They





· thunder v. 打雷,发出雷鸣般的响声
· reef v. 收帆,卷起缩帆部
· anguish n. 剧痛,极度痛苦
· forked adj. 分岔的,分成两部分
· flash n. 闪光

wished themselves back again, and after a month had elapsed they said it was best of all down below, for there one felt so comfortably at home.

Many an evening hour the five sisters took one another by the arm and rose up in a row over the water. They had splendid voices, more charming than any mortal could have; and when a storm was approaching, so that they could apprehend that ships would go down, they swam on before the ships and sang lovely songs, which told how beautiful it was at the bottom of the sea, and exhorted the sailors not to be afraid to come down. But these could not




· elapse v. 消逝
· storm n. 暴风雨
· exhort v. 忠告,劝诫

understand the words, and thought it was the storm sighing; and they did not see the splendors below, for if the ships sank they were drowned , and came as corpses to the Sea-king's palace.




· drown v. (使)淹死
· corpse n. 尸体

双语名作一词通 在语境中记单词

glide /ɡlaɪd/ v. 滑行;滑动

1 All fishes, great and small, glide among the twigs, just as here the birds do in the trees.



2 The Phantom glided on into a street.



3 The gleaming pink boiled-sweet boat glided up to the riverbank.



4 But the dementor didn't move, so Lupin muttered something, and a silvery thing shot out of his wand at it, and it turned around and sort of glided away.



gleaming /ˈɡliːmɪŋ/ adj. 闪闪发光的

1 It looks lovely, for in each shell lie gleaming pearls, a single one of which would have great value in a queen's diadem.



2 The peacock-blue ceiling was inlaid with gleaming golden symbols that were continually moving and changing like some enormous heavenly notice board.



3 Harry took out the rolled-up socks at the bottom of his trunk and extracted the tiny, gleamin g bottle.



4 The snowflakes in her hair quickly melted into gleaming droplets as she unwrapped her scarf and put her hands to her mouth to blow on them.



glow /ɡləʊ/ v. 发出微弱而稳定的光

1 Outside the castle was a great garden with bright red and dark blue flowers; the fruit glowed like gold, and the flowers like flames of fire.



2 When I saw the coloured clouds glowing in the sky a little while back I, your mother and everyone else in the inner palace burned incense and worshipped.



3 It was spinning very fast in the palm of Ron's hand and glowing brilliantly.



4 Even as Harry watched, the chains on the arms of the chair glowed suddenly gold and snaked their way up Karkaroff's arms, binding him there.



5 The night sky became especially clear, and the stars glowed like a field of silver bonfires.


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