
chapter 1




There was a rock that since the creation of the world had been worked upon by the pure essences of Heaven and the f ine savours of Earth, the vigour of sunshine and the grace of moonlight, till at last it became magically pregnant and one day split open, giving birth to a stone egg, about as big as a playing ball. Fructif ied by the wind it developed into a stone monkey, complete with every organ and limb.


《西游记》是中国古代第一部浪漫主义章回体长篇神魔小说,与《三国演义》《水浒传》《红楼梦》并称为中国古典四大名著。近代大量中国文学作品被译为其他语言,《西游记》也因此传入欧美。本书所讲解的版本为英国著名翻译家亚瑟·戴维·威利(Arthur David Waley)所译。

故事始于孙悟空的出世。在一个叫傲来国的国度里,有座山名为花果山,那里有块浸染着天地之灵气、日月之精华的神奇巨石。有天,这块巨石开裂,蹦出了一个石卵。这里巨石“分裂,开裂”,使用split来表达,这个词本身是指“撕裂,撕开”,尤其强调沿着一条线将东西撕开。文中巨石一下从中裂成两半,其中又蹦出个石卵,这种情形下译者使用split就很贴切了。《西游记》后来还被一位名叫詹纳尔的英国作家翻译为英文,同样是在这里,译者选用了turn into这个动词词组,意思是“变成……”,这个词细品起来明显就没有亚瑟的版本生动传神了。接着就讲到,这石头蛋遇风就化成了一只石猴,即文中的a stone monkey,也就是后来鼎鼎有名的孙悟空。

· essence n. 本质,要素
· vigour n. 活力,精力
· grace n. 优美,优雅
· pregnant adj. 怀孕的,妊娠的
· fructify v. 使结果实
· organ n. (人体或动植物的)器官

At once this monkey learned to climb and run; but its f irst act was to make a bow towards each of the four quarters. As it did so, a steely light darted from this monkey's eyes and f lashed as far as the Palace of the Pole Star .


这猴子出来后,五官和四肢都完整健全,瞬间便会爬会跑。不仅这样,他还着实是个“讲究猴”,出来后还不忘冲四方都拜了几拜,这里的bow指的是“鞠躬”,这动作说明他为猴很虔诚,深知得益于天地精华,日月灵气,自己才方可出世。通过这一点,可以看出《西游记》原著中的孙悟空形象,与很多影视剧中塑造的孙悟空“天不怕地不怕”的形象有些许偏差。石猴拜过四方,两只眼睛随即放出两道金色光柱,这光柱直冲天庭。此处的“金色光柱”在《西游记》某些英文版本中被直接译为golden(金色的)。此处则用steely light表示,steel意为“钢铁”,-y字母后缀将其变为形容词,意为“钢铁似的”。由此,不难理解原文中steely light表达的意思是石猴双眼中射出的光犹如钢铁表面反射的寒光般锃亮。通过steely这个词能看出,字母后缀-y能将一个名词变为一个形容词,这在英文原著小说中是经常出现的。比如《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》小说中主人公哈利第一次接触黄油啤酒,是在“三把扫帚酒吧”,他进去后发现酒吧里非常noisy(吵闹的),到处smoky(烟雾缭绕的),后发现酒吧女老板正在给一群rowdy(吵闹的)男巫师倒酒,短短一段情景描写,出现了好几个由名词变为形容词的例子。

· pole n. 地极,截然相反的两极之一
· Pole Star 北极星

This shaft of light astonished the Jade Emperor as he sat in the Cloud Palace of the Golden Gates, in the Treasure Hall of the Holy Mists, surrounded by his fairy Ministers. Seeing this strange light f lashing, he ordered Thousand-league Eye and Down-the-wind Ears to open the gate of the Southern Heaven and look out.

At his bidding these two captains went out to the gate and looked so sharply and listened so well that presently they were able to report, “This steely light comes from the borders of the small country of Ao-lai, that lies to the east of the Holy Continent , from the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit. On this mountain is a magic rock,



· shaft n. (光、闪电等的)一道,一束
· jade n. 玉,翡翠
· Jade Emperor 玉皇大帝
· border n. 国境,边界
· continent n. 洲,大陆

which gave birth to an egg. This egg changed into a stone monkey, and when he made his bow to the four quarters a steely light f lashed from his eyes with a beam that reached the Palace of the Pole Star. But now he is taking a drink, and the light is growing dim .”

The Jade Emperor condescended to take an indulgent view.

“These creatures in the world below,” he said, “were compounded of the essence of heaven and earth, and nothing that goes on there should surprise us.”



· dim adj. 暗淡的,昏暗的
· condescend v. 屈尊,俯就
· indulgent adj. 纵容的,放纵的
· compound v. 合成,混合

That monkey walked, ran, leapt and bounded over the hills, feeding on grasses and shrubs, drinking from streams and springs, gathering the mountain f lowers, looking for fruits. Wolf, panther and tiger were his companions, the deer and civet were his friends, gibbons and baboons his kindred . At night he lodged under cliffs of rock, by day he wandered among the peaks and caves .

One very hot morning, after playing in the shade of some pine-trees, he and the other monkeys went to bathe in a mountain stream.




· leap v. 猛冲,突然而迅速地移动
· bound v. 跳跃,蹦跳着走
· kindred n. 家族,亲属关系
· lodge v. 借住,寄住
· cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁
· cave n. 洞穴,山洞
· bathe v. 洗澡;游泳,嬉水

See how those waters bounce and tumble like rolling melons!

There is an old saying, “Birds have their bird language, beasts have their beast talk.”

The monkeys said, “We none of us know where this stream comes from. As we have nothing to do this morning, wouldn't it be fun to follow it up to its source ?”

With a whoop of joy, dragging their sons and carrying their daughters, calling out to younger brother and to elder brother, the whole troupe rushed along the streamside and scrambled up the steep places, till they reached the source of the stream. They found themselves standing before the curtain of a great waterfall.




· bounce v. 弹起;跳动
· tumble v. 翻滚,(水)滚滚而流
· source n. 河流源头,发源地
· whoop n. 大叫;呐喊
· troupe n. 巡回演出团,团体
· scramble v. (迅速而吃力地)爬,攀登

All the monkeys clapped their hands and cried aloud, “Lovely water, lovely water! To think that it starts far off in some cavern below the base of the mountain, and f lows all the way to the Great Sea! If any of us were bold enough to pierce that curtain, get to where the water comes from and return unharmed, we would make him our king!” Three times the call went out, when suddenly one of them leapt from among the throng and answered the challenge in a loud voice.




· cavern n. 洞穴;凹处

It was the Stone Monkey.

“I will go,” he cried, “I will go!”

Look at him! He screws up his eyes and crouches ; then at one bound he jumps straight through the waterfall. When he opened his eyes and looked about him, he found that where he had landed there was no water. A great bridge stretched in front of him, shining and glinting . When he looked closely at it, he saw that it was made all of burnished iron. The water under it f lowed through a hole in the rock, f illing in all the space under the arch.

Monkey climbed up on to the bridge and, spying as he went, saw something that looked just like a house. There were stone seats and stone couches , and tables with stone bowls and cups.




· screw v. 眯起(眼睛)
· crouch v. 蹲下,蹲伏
· glint v. 闪烁,(光线)反射
· burnished adj. 铮亮的;光洁的
· spy v. 突然看见,认出
· couch n. 长沙发,长榻

He skipped back to the hump of the bridge and saw that on the cliff there was an inscription in large square writing which said, “This cave of the Water Curtain in the blessed land of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit leads to Heaven.” Monkey was beside himself with delight. He rushed back and again crouched, shut his eyes and jumped through the curtain of water. “A great stroke of luck,” he cried, “A great stroke of luck!”



石猴高兴极了,急忙冲回巨瀑外面,大声喊着:“A great stroke of luck!”。这句中stroke的原意是“轻抚,抚摸”,按照字面理解,就是“摸了一下好运”,似乎有些解释不通。实际上,stroke在这里指的是“成功的举动和行为”,所以这句话可以理解为“太幸运了”。stroke这个词还有“轻触”之意,在《三体》英文版中,史强询问科学家汪淼纳米技术相关的知识,好奇是否犯罪分子偷偷用这种技术去造一把刀,对着汽车一砍,一刀就能把汽车砍成两截。这里的“一砍”就被翻译成了a stroke,说明了纳米技术的厉害,有种刀身轻轻一碰车身,车就能轻易被截断的科技感。另外,stroke作名词还有“中风”的意思,是个医学名词。这个词的词义丰富,而且意思互不关联,需要读者分别记忆。

· hump n. 隆起,驼峰
· inscription n. 题词;铭文

“What is it like on the other side?” asked the monkeys, crowding round him.

“Is the water very deep?”

“There is no water,” said the Stone Monkey. “There is an iron bridge, and at the side of it a heaven-sent place to live in.”

“What made you think it would do to live in?” asked the monkeys.

“The water,” said the Stone Monkey, “f lows out of a hole in the rock, f illing in the space under the bridge. At the side of the bridge are f lowers and trees, and there is a chamber of stone. Inside are stone tables, stone cups, stone dishes, stone couches, stone seats. We could



· heaven-sent adj. 天赐的,最合时宜的

really be very comfortable there. There is plenty of room for hundreds and thousands of us, young and old. Let us all go and live there; we shall be splendidly sheltered in every weather.”

“You go f irst and show us how!” cried the monkeys, in great delight.

Once more he closed his eyes and was through at one bound.

“Come along, all of you!” he cried.

The bolder of them jumped at once; the more timid stretched out their heads and then drew them back, scratched their ears, rubbed their cheeks, and then with a great shout the whole mob leapt forward.


此外,石洞还有足够的空间,可以容纳非常多的猴子居住。这里出现的hundreds and thousands of一般用来表示“一个不确定但非常大的数字”。接着石猴还特地提到了young and old(无论老少),大家都住进去,从此再也不怕任何天气了。这群猴子一听,心动了,花果山猴子多,平时在山中游荡,日晒雨淋的,年轻猴子还好,老猴子和小猴子可就遭罪了,所以没有什么比这么一座超豪华大石洞更有吸引力的了。从这里也能看出石猴的聪明之处,非常善于拿捏人心。


· timid adj. 羞怯的;胆小的
· rub v. 擦,摩擦
· mob n. 一群,一帮(有共同点的人)

Soon they were all seizing dishes and snatching cups, scrambling to the hearth or f ighting for the beds, dragging things along or shifting them about, behaving indeed as monkeys with their mischievous nature might be expected to do, never quiet for an instant, till at last they were thoroughly worn out .

The Stone Monkey took his seat at the head of them and said, “Gentlemen! ‘With one whose word cannot be trusted there is nothing to be done!’ You promised that any of us who managed to get through the waterfall and back again should be your king. I have not


但不一会儿,猴子们互相带动着,都跳到了巨瀑内部,纷纷争抢起盘子、杯子、壁炉和床的所属权,把东西搬来搬去,好不热闹。猴子天性淘气的特点展现得淋漓尽致,一刻也不得安静,直到最后他们都筋疲力尽了才停下。此处的worn out原意指的是“(衣物或鞋子)磨损严重;破烂不堪的”,后来引申为“疲乏、筋疲力尽的”,也就是本文中的用法。

这时石猴提起了群猴先前所言的“先行者为王”之约,他提到了一句话:“With one whose word cannot be trusted there is nothing to be done!”这句话对应吴承恩《西游记》原著中的“人而无信,不知其可”。这句话出自《论语》,意思是“一个人如果不讲信用,真不知道他是否可以(做成事)”。由此可见,亚瑟翻译版本的《西游记》在很大程度上比较忠实于原著。

· hearth n. 灶台,炉边
· shift v. (使)移动,(使)转移

only come and gone and come again, but also found you a comfortable place to sleep, put you in the enviable position of being householders. Why do you not bow down to me as your king?”

Thus reminded, the monkeys all pressed together the palms of their hands and prostrated themselves, drawn up in a line according to age and standing, and bowing humbly they cried, “Great king, a thousand years!”

After this the Stone Monkey discarded his old name and became king, with the title “Handsome Monkey King”.



· enviable adj. 值得羡慕的
· prostrate v. 使……屈服,将……弄倒,使……俯伏
· discard v. 扔掉,弃置

He appointed various monkeys, gibbons and baboons to be his ministers and off icers. By day they wandered about the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit; at night they slept in the Cave of the Water Curtain. They lived in perfect sympathy and accord, not mingling with bird or beast, in perfect independence and entire happiness.


美猴王新官上任,第一件事就是建立花果山的秩序,任命猴子、长臂猿和狒狒为他的大臣和官员。猴子们日游花果山,夜宿水帘洞,活得逍遥自在,从此不再与鸟兽为伍。mingle with指的是“与……混合;参加,加入(某团体)”的意思。



· appoint v. 任命,指派
· various adj. 各种各样的
· gibbon n. 长臂猿
· sympathy n. 意气相投;志同道合

双语名作一词通 在语境中记单词

split /splɪt/ v. 裂开

1 There was a rock that since the creation of the world had been worked upon by the pure essences of Heaven and the f ine savour of Earth, the vigour of sunshine and the grace of moonlight, till at last it became magically pregnant and one day split open, giving birth to a stone egg, about as big as a playing ball.



2 On the contrary, his face split into a wide smile and he said in a squeaky voice that made passersby stare, “Don't be sorry, my dear sir, for nothing could upset me today! Rejoice, for You-Know-Who has gone at last! Even Muggles like yourself should be celebrating, this happy, happy day!”



3 The photographs are then split up into millions of tiny little pieces which are so small that you can't see them, and these little pieces are shot out into the sky by electricity.



4 The top one was split into two parts, which together formed the character 杨—yang, meaning “poplar.” This was the last shape the ant remembered, and the only one it retained from its entire journey.



astonish /əˈstɒnɪʃ/ v. 使惊讶

1 This shaft of light astonished the Jade Emperor as he sat in the Cloud Palace of the Golden Gates, in the Treasure Hall of the Holy Mists, surrounded by his fairy Ministers. Seeing this strange light f lashing, he ordered Thousand-league Eye and Down-the-wind Ears to open the gate of the Southern Heaven and look out.



2 “You mean he's really all right?” asked Charlie, astonished . “Even after going up that awful pipe?”



3 Harry moved off along the teachers’ table. Hagrid was seated right at the end. He did not wink at Harry, or wave, or give any of his usual signs of greeting. He looked completely astonished and stared at Harry as he passed like everyone else.



4 Luo Ji was astonished to see that paper documents were still being used. Just like Jonathan's clothes, this seemed to be an expression of solemnity.



bold /bəʊld/ adj. 大胆的

1 “If any of us were bold enough to pierce that curtain, get to where the water comes from and return unharmed, we would make him our king!”



2 “Harry Potter is valiant and bold ! He has braved so many dangers already! But Dobby has come to protect Harry Potter, to warn him, even if he does have to shut his ears in the oven door later... Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts.”



3 INTERROGATOR: We thought so at f irst, too. But things were not at all as we had imagined—not even in our boldest , most fantastic imaginations.



4 Bold Gryff indor, from wild moor, Fair Ravenclaw, from glen, Sweet Huff lepuff, from valley broad, Shrewd Slytherin, from fen.



stroke /strəʊk/ n. 轻抚;一击;成功的举动 v. 抚摸

1 “A great stroke of luck,” he cried, “A great stroke of luck!”



2 He put the receiver back down and stroked his mustache, thinking... no, he was being stupid. Potter wasn't such an unusual name. He was sure there were lots of people called Potter who had a son called Harry.



3 “Heh. I heard that a strand of that stuff could be used to lift up a truck. If criminals steal some and make it into a knife, can't they slice a car in half with one stroke ?”



4 The snowy owl clicked her beak and nibbled his ear affectionately as Harry stroked her feathers.


——《哈利·波特与凤凰社》 7yLdFS1EIU7vhlEBkmpBZUi+6HpaAZ0882jyCtJfWGG68Nbb2i22EZQc1UEh3ksT
