
Word List 5


1 universe [ ˈ ju ː n ɪ v ɜː s]

n. 宇宙

词根记忆 uni (一个) +vers (转) +e →一个旋转着的空间→宇宙

The universe is all yours to explore. 整个宇宙都由你去探索。

2 AI [ ˌ e ɪˈ a ɪ ]

=artificial intelligence abbr. 人工智能

3 trouble [ ˈ tr ʌ bl]

n. 问题,麻烦;疼痛 v. 使烦恼;麻烦;折磨

get into trouble 陷入困境;( be in trouble 处于困境中; have trouble with 在…方面有麻烦(或困难);有…病痛

I had a lot of trouble with the new computer system. 新的电脑系统给我带来了很多麻烦。

4 fight [fa ɪ t]

v. [fought-fought] 打架;打仗 n. 打架;斗争;战斗;争吵

联想记忆 随便打架( fight )是不对的( right

fight against 与…战斗,与…对抗; fight with 和…作战; fight for 为…而战

They gave up without a fight . 他们不战而降。

5 duck [d ʌ k]

n. 鸭;鸭肉

联想记忆 唐老鸭( duck )运气( luck )总是不好

Beijing roast duck is famous around the world. 北京烤鸭世界闻名。

6 fast [f ɑː st]

adv. 快地;迅速地 adj. 快的;迅速的;敏捷的

联想记忆 飞快地( fast )往东边( east )跑

I couldn't believe that the boy ran faster than me. 我不敢相信这个男孩比我跑得还快。

7 theirs [ ð e ə z]

pron. [they 的名词性物主代词 ] 他(她、它)们的

It is my fault, not theirs . 这是我的错,不是他们的。

8 pronounce [pr əˈ na ʊ ns]

v. 发音

联想记忆 pron (代词) + n oun (名词) +ce →又是代词又是名词,怎么发音?

It is difficult to pronounce the word pronunciation . pronunciation 这个词的发音很难。

9 foot [f ʊ t]

n. [ pl. feet] 脚,足;英尺;最下部

联想记忆 吃完美味的食物( food ),双脚( foot )更有力气了

I usually go to school on foot . 我经常步行去上学。

10 international [ ˌɪ nt əˈ n æʃ n ə l]

adj. 国际的,世界(性)的

词根记忆 inter (相互,之间) +nation (国家) +al (形容词后缀)→国家之间的→国际的

There is going to be an international airport in this city. 这座城市将要建造一座国际机场。

11 open [ ˈəʊ p ə n]

v. 开,打开 adj. 开着的;敞开的;公开的;开始营业(或工作)的

联想记忆 o (看作锁孔) +pen (笔)→ open (把笔插入锁孔竟然打开了门)

open up 展开;开张; in the open air 在户外

Don't leave the door open when you leave. 你离开时,不要把门敞开着。

open-air adj. 露天的)

12 second [ ˈ sek ə nd]

adj. 第二的;另外的 adv. 第二;其次 n. 秒;片刻

I will never make the same mistake a second time. 我再也不会犯同样的错误。

13 birthday [ ˈ b ɜːθ de ɪ ]

n. 生日

合成词 birth (出生) +day (天)→出生那天→生日

I invited many friends to my birthday party. 我邀请了许多朋友参加我的生日聚会。

14 million [ ˈ m ɪ lj ə n]

num. 一百万

发音记忆 “米粒儿”→上百万颗米粒儿→一百万

millions of 大量,数百万

15 everybody [ ˈ evrib ɒ di]

pron. 每人,人人

合成词 every (每个) +body (身体)→每个身体→每个人

Everybody should respect other people. 每个人都应该尊重他人。

16 station [ ˈ ste ɪʃ n]

n. 火车站;站,台,局

词根记忆 stat (站) +ion (表状态)→火车站

I don't know the way to the railway station . 我不知道去火车站的路。

17 nice [na ɪ s]

adj. 好的;令人愉快的;友好的

It was a nice day after the snowy day. 雪天过后是个大晴天。

18 tree [tri ː ]


联想记忆 门前有 three (三)棵 tree (树)

19 breath [bre θ ]

n. 气息;呼吸

take a breath 吸口气; hold one's breath 屏住呼吸; out of breath 喘不上气

The old man stopped to take a breath . 老人停下来喘了口气。

20 capital [ ˈ k æ p ɪ tl]

n. 资金;首都,省会;大写字母 adj. 大写的

词根记忆 capit (头) +al (…的)→大写字母在词“头”→大写字母

Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。

21 make [me ɪ k]

v. [made-made] 做,制造;制定;使;成为

联想记忆 生米做( make )熟饭,鸡蛋做蛋糕( cake

make money 挣钱; make bed 整理床铺; make a living 谋生; make use of 利用; make up of 由…构成; make up one's mind 下定决心; make sure 保证,确保; make a difference 有影响

Believe in yourself and in the end you'll make progress. 相信你自己,你最后会取得进步的。

22 packet [ ˈ p æ k ɪ t]

n. 小包,小盒

red packet 红包

23 elephant [ ˈ el ɪ f ə nt]


24 or [ ɔː (r)]

conj. 或者;否则

either...or... 或者…或者…; or so 大约,左右

What kind of music do you like, pop or classical? 你喜欢哪种音乐,流行乐还是古典乐?

在否定句中表示并列时,不能用 and ,而要用 or ,如: I don't like bread, rice or porridge. 我不喜欢面包、米饭和粥。

25 block [bl ɒ k]

v. 阻碍;堵塞 n. 大块;街区

词根记忆 b+lock (锁)→封锁→阻碍

a block of 一块; block sth. up )阻碍;堵塞

26 let [let]

v. [let-let] 允许,让;排放

联想记忆 let (让) pet (宠物)去 toilet (厕所)

let out 放走;泄漏; let off 排放; let in 让…进来

let, make 等使役动词的后面常接不带 to 的动词不定式,如: Let's go to school. 我们去上学吧。

27 pound [pa ʊ nd]

n. (重量单位)磅;(英国货币单位)英镑 v. 强烈打击;心怦怦跳

发音记忆 “砰”→心怦怦跳

28 maybe [ ˈ me ɪ bi]

adv. 大概,也许

合成词 may (可能) +be (是)→也许

The coat will cost one, maybe two hundred yuan. 这件外套要一两百元。

29 lose [lu ː z]

v. [lost-lost] 丢失;失去;输掉

联想记忆 钱包 lose (丢失),买不起 rose (玫瑰)

Tom lost his job two months ago. 汤姆两个月前丢掉了工作。

30 cup [k ʌ p]

n. 杯子;(一)杯;奖杯

联想记忆 卖掉 cap (帽子),买了 cup (杯子)

It is a waste to use paper cups . 使用纸杯是一种浪费。

31 on [ ɒ n]

prep. 在…上;关于;通过;在(某日) adv. 穿着;向前,(继续)下去;开着的

on time 按时; on the contrary 正相反; on duty 值班; on foot 步行

Have you seen the book that was on the desk? 你看见放在桌上的那本书了吗?

on, in at 都可以表示时间,但用法不同,大家要注意区分:

32 rich [r ɪ t ʃ ]

adj. 富有的;富饶的;丰富多彩的

Australia is rich in coal and wool. 澳大利亚盛产煤和羊毛。

33 woman [ ˈ w ʊ m ə n]

n. [ pl. women] 成年女子,妇女

Many women face more social challenges than their male peers. 许多女性比她们的同龄男性面临更多的社会挑战。

woman 的复数形式的是 women ,读音也发生了变化,读作 [ ˈ w ɪ m ɪ n] ,大家要注意。

34 line [la ɪ n]

n. 排,行;线;路线 v. 排列

联想记忆 人物鲜明,线条( line )优美( fine

line up 排成一行;排队(等候)

I was asked to hang the clothes on the line . 我被要求把衣服挂在绳子上。

35 exercise [ ˈ eks ə sa ɪ z]

n. [U] 锻炼; [C] 练习; [C] 习题 v. 锻炼;练习

do/take some exercise 锻炼

We should take more exercise to keep fit. 我们应该多锻炼身体以保持健康。

36 improve [ ɪ m ˈ pru ː v]

v. 改进,改善

I can improve my oral English by talking to foreigners. 我可以通过跟外国人交谈来提高英语口语水平。

37 absent [ ˈæ bs ə nt ; æ b ˈ sent]

adj. 缺席的;不存在的 v. 缺席;不参加

联想记忆 送( sent )人玫瑰,人却不在场( absent

be absent from 缺席…

The manager was absent from the meeting. 经理缺席了会议。

absent-minded adj. 心不在焉的)

38 own [ əʊ n]

adj. 自己的 v. 拥有

联想记忆 从现在( now )开始,做自己的( own )主人

on one's own 单独地,独自地; of one's own 某人自己的

Can you do the work on your own ? 你能自己做这项工作吗?

39 p.m. [ ˌ pi ːˈ em]

abbr. 下午

40 spend [spend]

v. [spent-spent] 花费(时间、金钱等);度过

联想记忆 有钱 spend (花),没钱 lend (借出)

spend...on... 花(时间或金钱)在…上; spend... in doing sth. 花费(时间或金钱)做某事

You'd better not spend too much time watching TV. 你最好不要花太多时间看电视。

41 actor [ ˈæ kt ə (r)]

n. 演员

42 actress [ ˈæ ktr ə s]

n. 女演员

43 sense [sens]

n. 感官;感觉;判断力 v. 觉得,意识到

make sense 有意义;讲得通

It's important to have a sense of humour when talking to people. 和人交谈时,幽默感很重要。

44 so [s əʊ ]

adv. 非常;如此,这样;那么 conj. 因此;那么

so as to 为了; or so 大约; so far 到目前为止; so that 目的是; so...that... 如此…以至于…

45 loss [l ɒ s]

n. 丧失;损耗

发音记忆 “劳死”→精力损耗,劳累而死→丧失;损耗

hearing loss 听觉损失

46 lost [l ɒ st]

adj. 丢失的;失去的;迷路的

The lost schoolbag was a present from my dad. 丢失的书包是我爸爸买给我的礼物。

47 according to [ əˈ k ɔː d ɪŋ t ə ; əˈ k ɔː d ɪŋ tu ː ]

prep. 根据,依照

They both played the game according to the rules. 他们两个都按照规则进行了这场游戏。

48 suppose [s əˈ p əʊ z]

v. 猜想,假定;料想

词根记忆 sup (下) +pose (放)→放在(心)下→猜想;料想

be supposed to 应当,应该

We were supposed to have a chemistry class, but the teacher was out of town for a meeting. 我们本应该上化学课,但老师出城开会去了。

49 where [we ə (r)]

adv. [ 疑问副词 ] 在(从)哪里; [ 连接副词 ] 在(从)…的地方; [ 关系副词 ] 在(从)那里

That is the small town where I used to work for years. 那是我曾经工作过多年的小镇。 // There were dirty marks on her trousers where she had wiped her hands. 她的裤子上有几块擦手时留下的脏印子。

50 oneself * [w ʌ n ˈ self]

pron. 自己;亲自

help oneself to 自便; by oneself 独立地;独自地

To do something by oneself is not easy. 自己去做一件事并不容易。

51 slice * [sla ɪ s]

v. 切成薄片 n. 薄片,片;一份,部分

Joan only has a slice of bread every morning to lose weight. 为了减肥,琼每天早上只吃一片面包。

52 amount * [ əˈ ma ʊ nt]

n. 总额 v. 合计

联想记忆 a+mount (看作 mountain ,山)→一块合计,堆积如山→合计

a large amount of 大量的; a small amount of 少量的

Martin and Henry spend the same amount of time reading every day. 马丁和亨利每天花一样多的时间看书。

短语 a large/small amount of 后要接不可数且无生命的名词。

53 sail * [se ɪ l]

v. 航行;驾驶(船只) n. 帆;航行

联想记忆 水手远航( sail ),邮件( mail )报平安

Magellan was the first person to sail around the world. 麦哲伦是第一个乘船环游世界的人。

54 guidebook * [ ˈɡ a ɪ db ʊ k]

n. 指南,手册

合成词 guide (指导) +book (书)→指南,手册

55 owner * [ ˈəʊ n ə (r)]

n. 物主,所有人

词根记忆 own (拥有) +er (表人)→物主

Can you help me to find the owner of the dog? 你能帮我找到这条狗的主人吗?

56 specially * [ ˈ spe ʃə li]

adv. 专门地;特别地

词根记忆 spec (种类) +ial (…的) +ly (…地)→(属于)某种类地→特别地

The chairs are specially made for the disabled. 这些椅子是特别为残障人士制作的。

57 queue * [kju ː ]

n. (人或车辆的)行列 v. 排队等候

联想记忆 q 走在前面,后面跟着 ue ue →真是一支长队→(人或车辆的)行列

join the queue 排队; jump the queue 插队; be/stand/wait in a queue 排队等候

58 equipment * [ ɪˈ kw ɪ pm ə nt]

n. 装备,设备

词根记忆 equip (配备) +ment (表物)→配备的东西→装备

Our factory has to purchase a lot of new equipment this year. 今年我们厂需要购置很多新设备。

考生要注意 equipment 是不可数名词,不能和冠词 an 连用。 0lSMBJSmmLyv1ZHrJ7oBmuTiFDrr3evy3okyVinaMuvmHW64ENKJJQZefZuzhTlA
