
Word List 4


1 admire [ ə d ˈ ma ɪə (r)]

v. 钦佩;羡慕;欣赏

词根记忆 ad (表加强) +mir (惊奇) +e →让人很惊奇→钦佩

I have always admired students who hand in their homework on time. 我一直很钦佩那些按时交作业的学生。

admiration n. 敬佩;爱慕)

2 mum [m ʌ m]

AmE mom n. 妈妈

3 standard [ ˈ st æ nd ə d]

n. 标准 adj. 标准的

联想记忆 stand (站) +ard →站有站相→标准

There is no absolute standard for the definition of beauty. 对美的定义没有绝对的标准。

4 wise [wa ɪ z]

adj. 有智慧的;明智的

联想记忆 策略 wise (明智),业绩 rise (提升)

It is wise to learn English from an early age. 从小学英语是明智的。

5 spread [spred]

v. [spread-spread] 传播;展开;蔓延;撒 n. 传播;蔓延

联想记忆 sp+read (阅读)→通过阅读来扩展我们的视野→展开

spread out 展开

The infectious disease is spread by mosquitoes. 这种传染病是由蚊子传播的。

6 strawberry [ ˈ str ɔː b ə ri]

n. 草莓

7 ache [e ɪ k]

v./n. 疼痛

There are some aches in my arms. 我的胳膊疼。

headache n. 头痛); toothache n. 牙痛)

8 queen [kwi ː n]

n. 女王,王后

联想记忆 即使是 queen (女王)也要 queue (排队)

I don't like the evil queens in the fairy tales. 我不喜欢童话故事里那些邪恶的王后。

9 skirt [sk ɜː t]

n. 裙子

It is very popular to wear skirts these days. 最近穿裙子很流行。

10 fear [f ɪə (r)]

n./v. 害怕;担心

联想记忆 f+ear (耳朵)→危言耸听→害怕

for fear of doing sth. 唯恐(做)某事,忧虑(做)某事

Marie has a great fear of fire, because her house had caught fire when she was very young. 玛丽对火有着巨大的恐惧,因为小时候她家的房子着过一场大火。

11 warn [w ɔː n]

v. 警告,提醒;告诫

联想记忆 不要发动 war (战争),只需发出 warn (警告)

The doctor warned the patient to stop smoking. 医生告诫病人要戒烟。

12 hurry [ ˈ h ʌ ri]

v. (使)加快 n. 匆忙

hurry up 快点; in a hurry 匆忙; in no hurry 不用着急

Hurry up! We'll be late for school. 快点!我们上课要迟到了。

13 business [ ˈ b ɪ zn ə s]

n. [U] 商业; [U] 生意; [C] 企业; [U] 工作; [U] 职责

have business with 与…有关; on business 出差; get down to business 言归正传

I'll fly to Xi'an on business next Friday. 下周五我要飞往西安出差。

14 soldier [ ˈ s əʊ ld ʒə (r)]

n. 士兵,军人

The boy said he wanted to be a soldier . 男孩说他想成为一名军人。

15 way [we ɪ ]

n. 方法;路线;方面;方向

联想记忆 可以( may )问下路( way )吗?

no way 不可能,没门; by the way 顺便说一下; on the way 在途中; in a way 在某种程度上; all the way 一直

People have different ways to solve this problem. 人们解决这一问题有不同的方法。

on the way to... 意为“在去…的路上”,如: on my way to school 在我去学校的路上。注意 on my way home (在我回家的路上)没有介词 to ,因为 home 在这里是副词。

16 industry [ ˈɪ nd ə stri]

n. 工业,产业;勤劳

Li Lei got a job in light industry . 李磊在轻工业领域找到了一份工作。

17 bottom [ ˈ b ɒ t ə m]

n. 底;底部;最低位置(或名次) adj. 最低的,最下的

There is a book at the bottom of the box. 箱底有一本书。

18 alone [ əˈ l əʊ n]

adj. 独自的;孤独的 adv. 独自地

词根记忆 a (表加强) +lone (独自的)→孤独的

let alone 更不用说

I went to the cinema alone yesterday. 我昨天一个人去看的电影。

19 whale [we ɪ l]


20 cow [ka ʊ ]

n. 母牛,奶牛

It is very interesting to milk a cow . 给奶牛挤奶非常有意思。

21 ask [ ɑː sk]

v. 询问;要求

ask for 要求,请求; ask sb. about sth. (向某人)打听某事; ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事

22 sudden [ ˈ s ʌ dn]

adj. 突然的 n. 突然发生的事

all of a sudden 突然

suddenly adv. 突然地)

23 mark [m ɑː k]

n. 痕迹;记号;分数 v. 做记号;弄污;给(试卷等)打分

联想记忆 在树皮( bark )上做记号( mark

We marked on the map which road we should take. 我们在地图上标记出该走哪条路。

24 since [s ɪ ns]

conj. 自…以来;因为 prep. 自…以来

since then 从那以后

since 引导的短语或从句表示事情从过去某个时间开始一直持续到现在,如: I've never seen him since I left the city. 自从我离开那个城市,就再也没有见过他。

25 belong [b ɪˈ l ɒŋ ]

v. 属于

词根记忆 be (使…) +long (长)→使长久(拥有)→属于

belong to 属于

The notebook belongs to Jane, because her name is on it. 这个笔记本是简的,因为上面有她的名字。

belong 是不及物动词,不能直接接宾语,常与介词 to 连用。此外,这个词不能用于进行时中。

26 shark [ ʃɑː k]

n. 鲨鱼

There are no white sharks in the National Marine Animal Museum. 国家海洋动物博物馆没有大白鲨。

27 everyday [ ˈ evride ɪ ]

adj. 每天的;日常的

合成词 every (每个) +day (一天)→每天的

The Internet has become part of everyday life. 互联网已成为日常生活的一部分。

28 above [ əˈ b ʌ v]

prep. 在…上方;超过 adv. 在(向)上面

above all 最重要的是

The plane is flying above the clouds. 飞机正在云层上方飞行。

29 every [ ˈ evri]

adj. 每一,每个

I enjoyed every minute of the party. 我很享受这次聚会的每一分钟。

30 face [fe ɪ s]

n. 脸;面部表情;面,表面 v. 面向;面对

face to face 面对面

31 soup [su ː p]


联想记忆 汤( soup )里可不能加肥皂( soap

32 double [ ˈ d ʌ bl]

adj. 双重的;两倍的 n. 两倍;双份 v. 使加倍

发音记忆 “大不”→大不?两倍的当然大!

He got a double salary because of his hard work. 由于工作努力,他得到了双倍薪水。

33 east [i ː st]

n. 东方;东部; [the E-] 东方国家 adj. 东方的;东部的 adv. 向东

联想记忆 东( east )西( west )南北中

The sun rises from the east every morning. 太阳每天早晨从东方升起。

34 proud [pra ʊ d]

adj. 骄傲的;自豪的

联想记忆 骄傲的( proud )孔雀态度非常傲慢( pride

be/feel proud of 为…感到骄傲

Frank won first prize in the school chess competition, and we're all proud of him. 弗兰克在学校的象棋比赛中获得了一等奖,我们都为他感到骄傲。

35 shy [ ʃ a ɪ ]

adj. 害羞的;胆怯的

联想记忆 sky (天空)很 shy (害羞的)

The young man was too shy to talk to anyone at the party. 这个年轻人太害羞了,在派对上不敢跟任何人说话。

36 ever [ ˈ ev ə (r)]

adv. 曾经;在任何时候

Have you ever been to Malaysia before? 你以前去过马来西亚吗?

ever 常用在现在完成时的疑问句中,如: Have you ever been to London? 你去过伦敦吗?另外,在作“曾经”讲的时候, ever 一般不用于肯定句中,如:

(〇) I once lived in Beijing. 我曾经在北京生活过。

(×) I ever lived in Beijing. 我曾经在北京生活过。

但在修饰比较级、最高级或强调“总是,经常”时, ever 可以用于肯定句中,如: It is the most interesting book I have ever read. 这是我看过的最有意思的书了。

37 small [sm ɔː l]

adj. 小的;少的;不重要的

联想记忆 all (所有的)房子都很 small (小的)

38 west [west]

n. 西方;西部; [the W-] 西方国家; [the W-] 美国西部 adj. 西方的;西部的 adv. 向西

Regions in west China have developed well in recent years. 近些年中国西部地区发展得很不错。

39 space [spe ɪ s]

n. 空地;空间;太空

outer space 外太空

The bed takes up too much space . 这张床占的空间太大了。

40 key [ki ː ]

n. 钥匙;答案;关键;键 adj. 关键的

the key to... …的答案,…的关键

Can you find the key to the question? 你能找到问题的答案吗?

keyboard n. 键盘)

41 old [ əʊ ld]

adj. 老的;旧的;…岁的

The boy doesn't want to wear the old clothes. 男孩不想穿旧衣服。

old 的比较级是 older elder ,最高级是 oldest eldest older oldest 泛指普通的新旧关系,而 elder eldest 专门用来表示兄弟姐妹之间的长幼关系,如: elder sister 姐姐; my eldest brother 我大哥。

42 game [ ɡ e ɪ m]

n. 游戏;比赛(项目)

联想记忆 从小到大都做 same (一样的) game (游戏)

Do you want to join in the game ? 你想参加比赛吗?

43 harm [h ɑː m]

n./v. [U] 伤害,损害

do harm to 给…带来伤害

harmful adj. 有害的)

44 one [w ʌ n]

num. pron. 一个(人或事物);任何人 adj. [ 用于一般地谈论过去或将来的某个时间 ]

one at a time 一次一个; one by one 一个接一个; one more... 再来一个…; one day 总有一天; one another 互相

45 enjoy [ ɪ n ˈ d ʒɔɪ ]

v. 享受;喜爱;享有

词根记忆 en (使…进入状态) +joy (欢乐,喜悦)→进入欢乐状态→享受

enjoy oneself 玩得高兴; enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事

Today, many winter Olympic sports are enjoyed even by children. 如今,许多冬奥会项目甚至连孩子们都喜欢。

enjoy 后常接动名词作宾语,大家一定要牢记。

46 ours [ ˈ a ʊə z]

pron. [we 的名词性物主代词 ] 我们的

This classroom isn't ours. 这间教室不是我们的。

47 ugly [ ˈʌɡ li]

adj. 难看的,丑陋的

There is an ugly scar on his face. 他的脸上有一道丑陋的伤疤。

48 sheep [ ʃ i ː p]

n. [ pl. sheep] (绵)羊

联想记忆 一只 sheep (绵羊),坐着 jeep (吉普车),正在 sleep (睡觉)

I can't distinguish goats from sheep . 我分不清山羊和绵羊。

sheep 的单复数同形,如: Sheep were grazing in the fields. 羊群在田野上吃草。此时,句中的谓语动词用复数。类似的单复数同形的常见名词还有 deer (鹿)、 means (方法)、 series (系列)等。

49 people [ ˈ pi ː pl]

n. [ pl. ] 人们; [C] 人民,民众; [C] 国民; [C] 民族

联想记忆 那些 people (人们)都穿着 purple (紫色的)衣服

People all over the world are watching the performance. 世界各地的人都在观看这场演出。

people 作“人们”讲时是集合名词,谓语动词用复数形式,如: So many people are watching the Olympic Games. 如此多的人正在看奥运会。而作“民族”讲时是可数名词,如: There are 56 peoples in our country. 我们国家有 56 个民族。

50 bird [b ɜː d]

n. 鸟;禽

联想记忆 这只 bird (鸟),总是 third (第三)

51 eagle [ ˈ i ːɡ l]


52 instance * [ ˈɪ nst ə ns]

n. 例子,实例

词根记忆 in (使…) +st (站,立) +ance (表性质)→使站在旁边当例子→例子

for instance 例如

The teacher gave the students some instances of water pollution. 老师给学生们举出了一些水污染的实例。

53 girlfriend * [ ˈɡɜː lfrend]

n. 女朋友;女性朋友

合成词 girl (女孩) +friend (朋友)→女朋友

54 march * [m ɑː t ʃ ]

v. 行军;前进;游行示威 n. 行军;进展;游行示威; [M-] 三月

The soldiers marched 20 miles to reach the capital. 士兵们行进 20 英里到达首都。

55 conference * [ ˈ k ɒ nf ə r ə ns]

n. (正式)会议;讨论会

词根记忆 con (共同) +fer (带来) +ence →带来问题共同讨论→讨论会

Mark is in conference and he cannot come to the telephone. 马克正在开会,没办法接电话。

56 represent * [ ˌ repr ɪˈ zent]

v. 作为…的代表(或代理);象征,表现

词根记忆 re (一再) +present (出现)→一再出现→作为…的代表

The olive branch represents peace. 橄榄枝象征着和平。

representation n. 代表;表现); representative n. 代表 adj. 有代表性的)

57 impolite * [ ˌɪ mp əˈ la ɪ t]

adj. 不礼貌的

词根记忆 im (不) +polite (有礼貌的)→不礼貌的

It is impolite to ask others personal questions such as their age. 问一些诸如年龄之类的私人问题是不礼貌的。

58 schoolwork * [ ˈ sku ː lw ɜː k]

n. 学校作业;家庭作业

合成词 school (学校) +work (工作)→学校作业

Simon is new here and he is struggling to keep up with his schoolwork . 西蒙是新同学,他正在努力赶上功课。

59 labour * [ ˈ le ɪ b ə (r)]

AmE labor n. [U] 劳动; [U] 劳工

词根记忆 本身为词根,表示“劳动,工作”

Wealth comes from human labour . 财富源自人类的劳动。

60 upstairs * [ ˌʌ p ˈ ste ə z]

adv. 在楼上;往楼上 adj. 楼上的 n. 楼上

合成词 up (上面) +stairs (楼梯)→在楼上

The girl who is living upstairs is so pretty. 住在楼上的女孩十分漂亮。 X3slgRsNar0xRjfDc0IFrwdnWafqnX8AyKfDYmxLMmKC6Ah1yBjp+/baRszgVRxV
