
Word List 1


1 junior [ ˈ d ʒ u ː ni ə (r)]

n. 青少年;(中学、大学)三年级学生 adj. 青少年的;(中学、大学)三年级的

联想记忆 jun (看作 June ,六月) +ior →小孩子过六一儿童节→青少年

junior high school 初中

2 season [ ˈ si ː zn]

n. 季节

联想记忆 season (季节)变换,不需要 reason (理由)

seasonal adj. 季节的,季节性的)

3 dentist [ ˈ dent ɪ st]

n. 牙科医生

词根记忆 dent (齿) +ist (表人)→牙科医生

My tooth ached, so I had to see the dentist . 我牙疼,得去看牙医。

4 worth [w ɜːθ ]

adj. 相当于…价值的;值得…的 n. 价值

I think the book is worth reading. 我觉得这本书值得一读。

5 bleed [bli ː d]

v. [bled-bled] 出血,流血

The cut on my finger bled for a long time. 我手指上的伤口流了好长时间的血。

6 see [si ː ]

v. [saw-seen] 看见;观看;明白

联想记忆 come and see (过来看),一只 bee (蜜蜂),想要 flee (逃跑)

see to 处理,照料; see sb. off 给某人送行

I haven't seen Mary for a long time. 我好久没有见过玛丽了。

see sb. do sth. 是“看见某人做了某事”(事情已经做完了),如: I saw him steal things. 我看见他偷了东西。 see sb. doing sth. 是“看见某人正在做某事”,如: I saw him stealing things. 我看见他正在偷东西。

7 area [ ˈ e ə ri ə ]

n. 面积;地区,区域;领域,方面

Rainfall is plentiful in this area . 这个地区降水量充足。

8 lend [lend]

v. [lent-lent] 把…借给;(向…)贷(款)

Tom lent me some money to buy a new house. 汤姆借给我一些钱来买新房子。

9 tourist [ ˈ t ʊə r ɪ st]

n. 旅游者,游客

The tourist complained that the room was too dirty to live in. 那位游客抱怨房间太脏了,没法住。

10 scientist [ ˈ sa ɪə nt ɪ st]

n. 科学家

联想记忆 scient (看作 science ,科学) +ist (表人)→科学家

Einstein, a famous scientist , was born in March, 1879. 著名科学家爱因斯坦出生于 1879 3 月。

11 mile [ma ɪ l]

n. 英里

联想记忆 英里( mile )是活动的( mobile )距离

My home is three miles away from the school. 我家距学校三英里远。

12 example [ ɪɡˈ z ɑː mpl]

n. 例子;榜样

词根记忆 ex (出) +ampl (拿) +e →拿出(好的)来→榜样

for example 例如; give an example 举例; take...for example 以…为例; set an example 树立榜样

Li Ming has set a good example for all of us. 李明为我们树立了好榜样。

13 aim [e ɪ m]

n. 目的;目标 v. 瞄准;目的是;针对

联想记忆 我的目标( aim )是( am )做我自己

aim at 瞄准;针对

My aim is to find a good job. 我的目标是找到一份好工作。

14 blood [bl ʌ d]

n. 血液

联想记忆 bleed v. 出血,流血)一起记

Tom was afraid of seeing blood . 汤姆害怕见到血。

15 scare [ske ə (r)]

v. 惊吓,使害怕

联想记忆 s+care (在意)→太过在意,担惊受怕→使害怕

That loud noise scared me. 那声巨响吓到我了。

16 reply [r ɪˈ pla ɪ ]

n. 回答,答复 v. 回答,答复;作出反应

词根记忆 re (回) +ply (重叠)→把(问题)重叠回去→回答

reply to 回答;对…作出反应

I sent an e-mail to Sandy but there was no reply . 我给桑迪发了一封邮件,但是没有收到回复。

17 achieve [ əˈ t ʃ i ː v]

v. 实现,完成;获得,达到

联想记忆 相信( believe )自己能取得( achieve )成功

18 die [da ɪ ]

v. [dying] 死,死亡;消失;停止运转;熄灭

die out 灭绝;消失; die off 相继死去

My grandfather died when I was only eight years old. 我爷爷在我八岁的时候就去世了。

die 经常和 of from 连用,表示“死于”,考生要注意区别。 die of 后接的名词是死亡的内因,如: die of cancer 死于癌症,而 die from 后的名词是外因,如: die from fire 死于火灾。

19 fresh [fre ʃ ]

adj. 新鲜的;新的;新近的

联想记忆 那个新来的( fresh )人自由( free )散漫

You can enjoy fresh air when you go fishing in the countryside. 去乡间垂钓的时候你可以呼吸一下新鲜空气。

20 top [t ɒ p]

n. 顶,顶端;上面,表面;最高级别 adj. (位置、级别或程度)最高的;最优良的

联想记忆 top (上面)往下 mop (用拖把擦干净)

on top of 在…之上

All of us climbed to the very top of the mountain. 我们所有人都爬上了山顶。

21 nothing [ ˈ n ʌθɪŋ ]

pron. 没有东西,没有事情,一点儿都没有;无关紧要的人(或事)

联想记忆 no (不,无) +thing (东西)→没有东西

I have nothing to do at the moment. 我此刻无事可做。

22 boss [b ɒ s]

n. 老板,上司,头儿

Our boss is a young man. 我们老板是一个年轻人。

bossy adj. 专横的,爱发号施令的)

23 depend [d ɪˈ pend]

v. 依靠;信赖;取决于

词根记忆 de (下) +pend (悬挂)→悬挂在下面→依附于另一物体→依靠

depend on 依靠;取决于;信赖

Mark is the kind of person that we can depend on. 马克是个可以信赖的人。

dependable adj. 可信赖的); dependence n. 依赖); dependent adj. 依赖的;取决于…的)

24 silent [ ˈ sa ɪ l ə nt]

adj. 寂静的;沉默的;(电影)无声的

keep/stay/remain silent 保持沉默

Both of their parents nodded in silent agreement. 双方父母都点头表示默认。

silence n. 寂静;沉默)

25 honour [ ˈɒ n ə (r)]

AmE honor n. 尊敬;荣誉;光荣 v. 尊敬

I consider it a great honour to be invited to the party. 能够受邀参加此次聚会,我感到十分荣幸。

注意该词中的 h 不发音。

26 weight [we ɪ t]

n. 重量,体重;重压,负担

联想记忆 我( w )出生的时候体重八( eight )斤

lose weight 减肥; put on/gain weight 体重增加

Considering his health condition, he should lose weight . 考虑到他的健康状况,他应该减肥。

27 think [ θɪŋ k]

v. [thought-thought] 认为,以为;想,思考

联想记忆 仔细想想( think ),这事还是要感谢( thank )你

think of 想起;考虑; think about 考虑; think over/out 仔细考虑; think of...as... 把…看作…

I think my mother will come to see me. 我想妈妈会来看我。

28 activity [ æ k ˈ t ɪ v ə ti]

n. 活动;活跃

词根记忆 act (活动) +ivity (名词后缀)→活动

Tom had a rest after an activity . 汤姆活动后休息了一下。

activist n. 积极分子;活动家)

29 brave [bre ɪ v]

adj. 勇敢的

联想记忆 勇敢的( brave )人不畏生死,不惧坟墓( grave

The young soldier was very brave . 那名年轻的士兵非常勇敢。

30 still [st ɪ l]

adv. 还,仍然 adj. 静止的

联想记忆 Bill (比尔) still (仍然)喜欢爬 hill (小山)

Do you still live in the town? 你还在这个镇上住吗?

31 hang [h æŋ ]

v. [hung-hung] 悬挂,吊;徘徊 [hanged-hanged] 吊死,绞死

hang out/around 闲逛; hang on (打电话时)别挂断; hang up 挂断电话

考生要注意 hang 的过去式和过去分词形式,在表示“悬挂,吊;徘徊”时,其过去式和过去分词形式是 hung ;在表示“吊死,绞死”时,其过去式和过去分词形式是 hanged

32 happen [ ˈ h æ p ə n]

v. 发生;碰巧

词根记忆 happ =hap ,机会) +en (使…)→使成为机会→发生

An accident happened on the street last night. 昨晚街上发生了一起事故。

33 oven [ ˈʌ vn]

n. 烤箱,烤炉

联想记忆 这么好看的盘子放烤箱( oven )里就完了( over )!

microwave oven 微波炉

34 judge [d ʒʌ d ʒ ]

v. 判断;评价 n. 法官

We should never judge a person by his looks. 我们决不能以外貌来评价一个人。

35 empty [ ˈ empti]

adj. 空的;空闲的;空虚的 v. 倒空;腾空;变空

The bottle is empty . 瓶子空了。

36 neither [ ˈ na ɪðə (r) ; ˈ ni ːðə (r)]

adj. 两者都不的 pron. (两者中)无一个 adv. 也不

联想记忆 n (看作 no ,不) +either (任一个)→两者都不的

neither...nor... 既不…也不…

She seemed neither surprised nor worried. 她似乎既不惊讶也不担心。

37 sky [ska ɪ ]

n. 天(空)

发音记忆 “四盖”→天空( sky )像一个盖子,把我们四面都盖住

The sky grew dark, and a heavy rain began to fall. 天色转暗,一场大雨倾盆而下。

38 towards [t əˈ w ɔː dz]

AmE toward prep. 向,朝,面对;接近

He was standing with his back towards me. 他背对我站着。

39 a.m. [ ˌ e ɪˈ em]

abbr. 上午

40 newspaper [ ˈ nju ː zpe ɪ p ə (r)]

n. 报纸

合成词 news (新闻) +paper (纸)→印有新闻的纸→报纸

Did you read today's evening newspaper ? 你读了今天的晚报吗?

41 volleyball [ ˈ v ɒ lib ɔː l]

n. 排球

My brother was a volleyball player when he was in college. 我哥哥上大学的时候是排球运动员。

42 fantastic [f æ n ˈ t æ st ɪ k]

adj. 极好的;极大的

My family watched a fantastic play yesterday evening. 昨晚我们一家人看了一场非常精彩的演出。

43 treat [tri ː t]

v. 对待;治疗;款待 n. 款待

联想记忆 tr+eat (吃)→款待

No matter how old you are, your parents still treat you like a child. 不管你多大,父母都会拿你当孩子看。

44 us [ ə s; ʌ s]

pron. [we 的宾格 ] 我们

Please contact us if you have any problem. 如果您有任何问题请联系我们。

45 should [ ʃə d; ʃʊ d]

modal v. [ 表示义务、责任 ] 应该; [ 表示与预期相反 ] 本应; [ 表示假设 ] 万一; [ 表示推测 ] 可能

should+have done 表示应该做但没有做,含有责备的语气,如: I should have studied harder last term. 上学期我本该更努力学习的。

46 engineer [ ˌ end ʒɪˈ n ɪə (r)]

n. 工程师,机械师

联想记忆 engine (发动机) +er (表人)→修理发动机的人→工程师

Tom's father is a software engineer . 汤姆的父亲是一位软件工程师。

47 connect [k əˈ nekt]

v. 连接;与…有联系;接通电话

词根记忆 con (共同) +nect (连接)→连接

connect A to/with B A B 联系 / 连接起来

The two subjects are closely connected with each other. 这两门学科联系得非常紧密。

48 hobby [ ˈ h ɒ bi]

n. 业余爱好

联想记忆 我的 hobby (业余爱好)是照顾 baby (婴儿)

Playing badminton is one of my hobbies . 打羽毛球是我的爱好之一。

49 wear [we ə (r)]

v. [wore-worn] 穿,戴;留(须、发);磨损

联想记忆 穿得( wear )这么漂亮,准备去哪儿( where )啊?

wear down 磨损; wear out 用坏;使累坏

Mary is wearing a pair of black shoes. 玛丽穿着一双黑色的鞋子。

wearable adj. 可穿戴的)

wear 与疑问代词 where 的读音是一样的,注意在听力材料中区分这两个词。

50 click [kl ɪ k]

v. [ 计算机用语 ] 点击 n. 滴答声;点击

联想记忆 钟表( clock )发出滴答声( click

There are lots of ads that come out when you click on a link. 当你点击一个链接时,会出现很多广告。

51 scared * [ske ə d]

adj. 惊恐的,恐惧的

联想记忆 s+care (在意) +d →太过在意,担惊受怕→惊恐的

Mary is scared of going out alone. 玛丽害怕独自外出。

52 uncomfortable * [ ʌ n ˈ k ʌ mft ə bl; ʌ n ˈ k ʌ mf ə t ə bl]

adj. 使人不舒服的;感到难受的;不自在的

词根记忆 un (不) +comfort (舒服) +able (可…的)→使人不舒服的

I couldn't sleep well last night because the bed was so uncomfortable . 我昨天晚上没有睡好,因为床很不舒服。

53 chew * [t ʃ u ː ]

v. 咀嚼

发音记忆 “刍”→一些动物咀嚼后反刍→咀嚼

Lily's tooth ached so much that she felt it difficult to chew food. 莉莉牙疼得厉害,以至于咀嚼食物都觉得很困难。

chewing gum n. 口香糖)

54 rude * [ru ː d]

adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的

I can't understand why he is so rude to his friends. 我不能理解他为什么对自己的朋友这么粗鲁。

55 thief * [ θ i ː f]

n. 贼,小偷

The thief slid into the room and stole a lot of money. 小偷溜进房间偷了许多钱。

56 junk * [d ʒʌŋ k]

n. 废旧物品 v. 丢弃

I don't like junk food. 我不喜欢垃圾食品。

57 captain * [ ˈ k æ pt ɪ n]

n. 船长,机长;队长

词根记忆 capt (头) +ain →一群人的头儿→队长

The captain gave the order to turn left. 船长下令向左转。

58 pupil * [ ˈ pju ː pl]

n. (小)学生

联想记忆 一个 pupil (小学生),买只 turtle (乌龟),颜色 purple (紫色的)

The pupil divided the pens by color. 这名学生按颜色给笔分类。 ytAeBr/CX8HXPyR6uYEP+DGXCESiTuGJLwQaLa+JHbURXF8VlYjknk2s4/LTOwhC
