


Mr. Lee: Hello. I’d like to book a flight ticket to New York on July 20 th .

Ground Staff: OK. Here is an available flight leaving at 9:30 that day. Shall I book a seat for you?

Mr. Lee: Is this a direct flight?

Ground Staff: Yes, it is a direct flight.

Mr. Lee: Alright, what’s the fare then?

Ground Staff: It’s $200.

Mr. Lee: Well, I’ll take it. Can I get my seat assignment?

Ground Staff: Of course. Where do you like to seat?

Mr. Lee: I’d like a seat by the window.

Ground Staff: How do you wish to fly, sir, economy class or first class?

Mr. Lee: Economy class, please.

Ground Staff: OK, and may I have your name, please?

Mr. Lee: Mike Lee.

Ground Staff: OK, it’s done, Mr. Lee.

李先生: 你好。我想订一张7月20号去纽约的机票。

地勤人员: 好的。当天有一班9点30起飞的航班。要帮您预订吗?

李先生: 是直飞航班吗?

地勤人员: 是的,直飞航班。

李先生: 很好,票价是多少?

地勤人员: 200美元。

李先生: 好的,就订这个吧。可以选座位吗?

地勤人员: 当然可以。您想坐哪个座位?

李先生: 我要一个靠窗的座位。

地勤人员: 请问先生是要头等舱还是经济舱?

李先生: 经济舱。

地勤人员: 好的,请问您的姓名是?

李先生: 迈克·李。

地勤人员: 好的,李先生,安排好了。


Mr. Lee: Is this the right counter to check in for this flight?

Ground Staff: Yes, it is. Your passport and ticket, please.

Mr. Lee: Here you are.

Ground Staff: How many bags do you have to check in?

Mr. Lee: Two.

Ground Staff: Please put them on this scale.

Mr. Lee: All right.

Ground Staff: Any carry-ons?

Mr. Lee: Just one suitcase.

Ground Staff: Here is your ticket and boarding pass.

Mr. Lee: What time does boarding start?

Ground Staff: 30 minutes before departure.

Mr. Lee: Thank you very much.

李先生: 这趟航班是在这里办登机手续吗?

地勤人员: 是的。请出示您的护照和机票。

李先生: 给你。

地勤人员: 您有几件行李需要托运?

李先生: 两件。

地勤人员: 请把行李放在磅秤上。

李先生: 好的。

地勤人员: 还有其他随身行李吗?

李先生: 只有一个行李箱。

地勤人员: 给您机票和登机牌。

李先生: 什么时候开始登机?

地勤人员: 飞机起飞前30分钟。

李先生: 非常感谢。


Airport Security: Please go through the security check, please.

Mr. Lee: Okay. Should I take off my clothes?

Airport Security: We will ask you to do it if it’s necessary. Please put your baggage on the conveyer.

Mr. Lee: I have a laptop inside. Will it be harmed by the X-ray?

Airport Security: It will be better for you to take it out.

Mr. Lee: It’s on the bottom of my suitcase.

Airport Security: It’s Okay. Take your time.

机场安检人员: 请过安检。

李先生: 好的。我需要把衣服脱了吗?

机场安检人员: 如果有需要的话,我们会告诉您的。请把行李放到传送带上。

李先生: 里面有一台笔记本。X光不会对笔记本有什么损害吧?

机场安检人员: 您最好还是把电脑拿出来。

李先生: 在箱子最底下呢。

机场安检人员: 没事。您可以慢慢拿。 1UFiVGh9XnXTiyRg4noD+hf0dT25yIhjzcyrpPXhSJIxCMpE65ZEsUJJOPZgpbi6
