
2.1 Common Topics and Essay Types

In this section of the book, you'll find

Key information and answers to typical questions

Key vocabulary and phrases to include in your answer

High score model answers

Essay correction exercises

Practice essay titles







IELTS Writing Task 1.

Writing Task 1 - Question types 雅思小作文 - 题型

Changes over time. For example, a line graph showing changes in the number of students in a certain country over the past 100 years

Past, present, future. For example, a bar chart showing changes in population between past and present in a certain country, and projections for the future.

No changes over time. For example, the numbers of students studying in a certain country during the single year.

Single diagram type. For example, a bar chart, line graph, table or pie chart

Double diagram type. A combination of bar charts, line graphs, tables or pie charts

●随时间而发生的变化。例如,一个折线图显示了过去 100 年某个国家学生人数的变化。





IELTS Writing Task 1. Percentage of question topics

As you can see from the pie chart above, line graphs, bar charts and tables are the most common type of question. They currently make up more than 80% of the questions in IELTS tests. However, there is a sharp difference between questions that require you to describe changes over time [e.g. increases and decreases] and those that do not. Process diagrams and maps are much less common.

从上面的饼图可以看出,折线图、柱状图和表格是最常见的问题类型。目前,他们占雅思考试题目的 80% 以上。然而,需要描述变化的问题与不需要描述变化的问题有着巨大的不同。而流程图及地图题相对来说,并不常见。

Maps, pla ns. In general, these show changes in a place, such as a park or a school, or
a building .

Diagrams. These always show a process whereby a task is achieved. This could be a
manufacturing, agricultural, or document-related process such as obtaining a passport.

Tables. These sometimes gives a snapshot of something that happens in a particular
year, such as consumer spending, or describe changes over time.

Charts. Bar charts and pie charts are frequently used in IELTS tests, and describe
changes in figures over time or the situation at one particular time.

Line graphs. These show changes in figures over a period, with rises, falls, increases
and decreases.

Tables, charts and line graphs are often combined, and there are examples of this,
and the other question types, later in this book.







IELTS Writing Task 2

This is the only part of the test where topic knowledge is essential. It is vital that you know something about these topic areas, otherwise you won't be able to answer the questions. I have included notes and explanations which you can use to increase your knowledge of these five topic areas, and 19 sub-topics.

The graphs and charts below shows that Task 2 questions can be about a very wide variety of topics. However, even though the topic areas are very broad, there are only five of them.

这是考试中唯一一个主题知识很重要的部分。了解这些话题范围是非常重要的,否则你将无法回答这些问题。本书已经包括了注释(词汇)和它的解释,你可以使用这些词汇及解释来增加你对这 5 个话题范围和 19 个副主题的知识。

下面的图表显示,大作文的问题可以涉及各种各样的主题。然而,即使主题非常广泛,也可以归为 5 大类。

Writing Task 2 - Question types 雅思大作文 - 题型

Opinion: Discuss both views and choose the one you think is better.

Example. Economic growth is one of the key factors for ending world poverty. However, some people say this is causing damage to the environment, and should be stopped. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion.

Nuanced opinion: to what extent do you agree or disagree?

Example. In today's world, it is more important for school children to learn about world history than local history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Problem and consequences.

Example. In many countries shops remain open for long hours every day of the week. Discuss the positive and negative effects on shoppers and local communities.

Cause and solution.

Example. In many countries, students leave school with insufficient knowledge about managing their personal finances. What are the reasons for this? In what ways can the students be helped to have more knowledge about managing their own money?

Cause and opinion

Example. More and more people are spending a large amount of money on making themselves look younger. Why do people want to look younger? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Cause and result /consequences

Example. In many countries, female students tend to choose to study arts subjects, while males prefer science subjects. What are the reasons for this trend? What are the results for society?

观点: 讨论两种观点,并选择你认为更好的一种。


微妙的意见: 你在多大程度上同意或不同意?


问题及后果 例如:在许多国家,商店每天营业很长时间。讨论对购物者和当地社区的正面和负面影响。

原因及解决办法 例如,在许多国家,学生离开学校时对管理个人财务的知识还不够。原因是什么?怎样才能帮助学生掌握更多的理财知识?

原因与意见 例如:越来越多的人花大量的钱让自己看起来更年轻。为什么人们想看起来更年轻?你认为这是积极的还是消极的发展?

原因和结果 / 后果 例如:在许多国家,女生倾向于选择文科,而男生更喜欢理科。这种趋势的原因是什么?对社会的后果是什么?

IELTS Writing Task 2. Percentage of question topics.

"Social issues" is the most common of all the question topics. However, it's a very broad category, and covers any information related to the relationships between groups and individuals in society. Questions in this category often ask for recommendations and suggestions.


IELTS Writing Task 2. Number of essay questions asked about "Social Issues" since January 2017
雅思大作文。 2017 1 月以来,关于社会问题的问答题数量。

Key questions on this topic include.... 关于这个话题的关键问题包括……


Key questions. Good health is important not only for individuals, but for families and society. How can people lead healthier lives? What are the benefits of healthy communities?

Helping others

Key questions. How much should we help others in our own society and in poor countries? How should individuals, NGOs and charities care for others?


Key questions. Society, and the world as a whole, consists of very wealthy privileged people, and many people who suffer from extreme poverty. Is this fair? What should be done about it, if anything? What rights should people have? Should men and women always be equal?


Key questions: Family relationships are changing all the time, and interaction between children and parents is changing too. Are these changes beneficial? What should be done to help families which face difficulties?


Key questions: Crime is something that frightens people and causes a great deal of suffering to its victims. How can crime be reduced? What is responsible for rising crime?











IELTS Writing Task 2. Number of essay questions asked about "Education" since January 2017.
雅思大作文。 2017 1 月以来,关于教育的问答题数量。

Key questions on this topic include.... 关于这个话题的关键问题包括……

Individual benefits

Key questions: Education is provided by governments to individuals. To what extent do individuals benefit from education? Should individuals be made to pay for education that will benefit them in the long term?

Social benefits

Key questions: What are the social benefits of education? Should the type of education that is received be changed? Do the benefits of higher education outweigh the costs of providing it?


Key questions: with the advent of the Internet and digital devices, is education going to change dramatically? Will teachers still be needed, and how will education continue to change in future?

1.4.7 教育






IELTS Writing Task 2. Number of essay questions asked about "Lifestyle" since January 2017.
雅思大作文。 2017 1 月起关于生活方式的问答题的数量

Key questions on this topic include.... 关于这个话题的关键问题包括……

Leisure activities

Key questions: what kind of leisure activities are suitable and beneficial for families, children and others? Do people today get enough free time to relax and socialise?

Quality of life

Is life better than it was in the past, or do people have worse lives than their parents and grandparents did? Despite problems with the environment and long working hours, how can people ensure a good quality of life?

Social media

Has social media improved or damaged relationships between people? Does the ability to use social media to stay in contact 24 hours a day mean that people's lives today are more or less stressful?


How have working conditions changed, and are they improving or deteriorating for the majority of people? Should governments insure that access to all jobs be equal between male and female, younger and older people, or should this be up to individuals to decide?






社交媒体是否改善或破坏了人与人之间的关系?一天 24 小时都能使用社交媒体保持联系,这意味着人们现在的生活压力更大还是更小了?



IELTS Writing Task 2. Number of essay questions asked about the "Environment" since January 2017.
雅思大作文。 2017 1 月以来,关于环境的问答题数量。

Key questions on this topic include.... 关于这个话题的关键问题包括……


How do environmental conditions in cities impact the lives of ordinary people? Is enough being done to ensure clean air and water? What effect does the design of buildings have on people's lives?


What problems does the environment face today, and what should be done about them? Should plants and animals be preserved, whatever the cost, or is the extinction of species inevitable?

Food industry

Are people right to be concerned about the food they eat? What can they do to ensure that the food they buy and consume is healthy? What are the environmental issues involved in international food transport, which has become more common in recent years?


Are governments, scientists, businesses or individuals responsible for environmental problems, and what can, and should, be done about them?









IELTS Writing Task 2. Number of essay questions asked about "Business" since January 2017.
雅思大作文。自 2017 1 月以来,关于商业的问答题数量。

Key questions on this topic include... 关于这个话题的关键问题包括……


Does advertising have bad effects on people in general, and children in particular? Should advertising be restricted for certain products, or banned altogether?


Are the effects of globalisation making people around the world more similar to each other? What effect does it have on national culture if people eat international food, watch international films and use international products? Is the effect of a global language harmful or beneficial?

The Media

How much influence does the media have on society? Should governments control the media, and stop them publishing stories about people's private lives? What type of media produces the most accurate and complete information about events? How has the media changed as a result of the Internet, and how much a change in future?






媒体对社会有多大的影响?政府应该控制媒体,阻止他们发表关于人们私生活的报道吗?什么样的媒体能提供关于事件最准确、最完整的信息?互联网给媒体带来了怎样的变化?未来会有多大的变化? Ci6FLc70482BVVRJG8VFpHqjsH0HoTbW/T1pvLOcD9cmj/dadBQCQS7eOtK6/cCm
