
1.1 Introduction to the IELTS Writing Test

The IELTS Writing test is your best friend.....

Writing is the key that unlocks the door to top universities around the world. More and more top universities require a minimum score of 6.5 in IELTS Writing, in addition to a minimum average score. Even if you get a high score in the other three parts of the test, but you don't reach the required level in writing, you won't get a place at your dream university.

.....and your worst enemy!

Unfortunately, writing is normally the most difficult part of the test in which to get a good score. In 2017 the average score in writing was 5.4, much lower than the average for other parts of the test. You need at least 6.5. This book explains how you can get that score.


写作是你解锁世界顶尖大学大门的钥匙。越来越多的顶尖大学除了要求最低平均分外,还会要求雅思写作成绩最低 6.5 分。甚至即使你在考试的其他三个部分都得到了高分,但是你的写作水平没有达到要求,你也不会在你梦想的大学里得到一席之地。


不幸的是,写作通常是考试中最难取得好成绩的部分。 2017 年写作平均分为 5.4 分,远低于其他部分的平均分。你至少需要 6.0 分或 6.5 分。这本书则解释了你该如何才能得到这样的分数。

Test Format
So, so tired!

Imagine. You've just spent an hour travelling to the test centre and waiting, 30 minutes doing your listening test, and an hour doing your reading test. You didn't get much sleep the night before, because you were worrying about what would happen the next day. You are exhausted, and you now have to do the most difficult and demanding part of the IELTS test - writing. If you aren't well prepared, you've got no chance.


想象一下,你刚花了一个小时的时间去考试中心并等待,听力考了 30 分钟,阅读考了 1 小时。而且你前一天晚上也没睡好,因为你太过于担心第二天会发生什么。你累坏了,现在你必须要做雅思考试中最难和要求最高的部分——写作。如果你准备的不够充分,那你就没有机会得到理想的分数。

Task 1. 150 words. Factual reporting
Stick to the facts

The test begins with a factual report on a diagram, graph or chart. Don't give your opinion, because this is an objective description. You will get fewer marks for this essay, so spend around 20 minutes writing it.

小作文, 150 个单词。事实性的报告

考试会从对图表的事实性报告开始。在这一部分不要给出自己的观点,因为这是一个客观的描述。在这一部分你得到的分数较少,因此大概花费 20 分钟的时间在这一部分上就可以了。

Task 2. 250 words. Discussing a topic
What do you think about.....?

After 20 minutes, you move on to the most difficult part of the entire IELTS test for almost every student. It's an essay discussing a topic from at least two points of view, and the questions can be very difficult to understand. Unlike other parts of the test, you need basic knowledge of the topics, and you need to learn this.

大作文, 250 个单词。讨论一个话题

20 分钟后,你将进入雅思考试中几乎所有学生认为最难的部分。这是一篇至少从两个角度讨论一个主题的文章,并且问题可能是很难理解的。不像其他的考试部分,你需要了解有关于这个话题的基本知识,这是需要学习的。

Examiners' likes and dislikes
Which one are you? Headache or high score?

Examiners work hard. They conduct speaking tests around the country, and then have to read piles of essays. If they can't understand clearly what you mean, they might have to read what you have written again and again before they can give you a score. That won't make them happy. So keep it clear and keep it accurate.


考官们的工作很辛苦。他们在全国各地进行口语测试,然后还必须阅读大量的文章。如果他们不能清楚地理解你的意思,他们就得一遍又一遍地去读你写的文章,然后才能给你打分。错误百出的文章会让他们很头痛,所以要想得高分必须保证你的写作思路清晰,表达准确。 1yM2EPTCwXw9sTPITdADKZi9NAnrOga70kUTDuVba+1Obutkog0Yc/WzovuGK0Ht
