
Day 4 Graphs

High score model answers 高分标准答案

Task 1 Graph 1

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.

The graph below shows changes in the percentage of students attending high school and university in the UK during the twentieth century, and the bar chart shows changes in the percentage of male and female students in full-time education during the same period. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

你应该花大约 20 分钟完成这项任务。至少 150 个单词。


Students attending high school and university in the UK between 1910 and 2000

The bar chart and line graph show percentage changes in attendance at full time university and high school education in the UK from 1910 to the year 2000, and the differences between percentages of male and female students over the period. The figures clearly show that numbers attending high school and university increased dramatically during this time, while the numbers of males and females in full time education became more equal.

Turning first to the line graph, it clearly shows that figures for high school and university attendance in 1910 were 24% and around 3% respectively, a relatively small figure compared to the year 2000. These figures rose significantly to over 50% for both forms of education by 1980, and by the year 2000 attendance at high school had reached almost 100% of the population, although university attendance was almost 25% below this figure, at 75%.

The bar chart also shows significant changes. Whereas full-time education was over 90% male in the year 1910, by 2000 this figure had dropped to under 50%. In contrast, the figure for female attendance at full time education rose dramatically from under 5% to over 50% during this period.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Percentage changes in attendance 就读的百分比变化

Differences between percentages of male and female students 男女学生比例的差异

Figures for high school and university attendance were 24% and around 3% respectively 高中和大学就读率分别为 24% 3% 左右

By 2000 this figure had dropped to under 50% 2000 年,这个数字已经下降到 50% 以下

Teacher's advice. Task 1 and 2. 老师的忠告

Write in clear sentences, and check that you have put a full stop at the end. Examiners must be able to read your full stops and sentences clearly. 写出清晰的句子,并在结尾写上句号。考官必须能够清楚地读出你的句号和句子。

Task 1 Graph 2

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Consumption and production of sugar in millions of tons in India 1950 to 2010, with projections until 2030

The graph provides information about how much sugar was consumed and produced in India from 1950 until 2010, and how this is likely to change in the future. We can see that both figures have risen increasingly steeply, and that this will probably continue until 2030.

Between 1950 and 1970 both production and consumption were relatively low at around 20 to 30 million tons, although there was a slight rise over the period. However, in 1970 consumption began to rise sharply, increasing by more than 400% over the next 30 years, and reaching approximately 140 million tons today. Projections suggest that this rise will continue until 2030, reaching 160 million tons by that date.

In contrast, figures for production remained approximately stable until 2010, reaching just below 40 million tons, before a dramatic rise took place after 2010, almost doubling between that date and the present day. It is anticipated that this rise will continue, although at a less dramatic rate, reaching just under 100 million tonnes by 2030.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Consumed and produced 消费和生产

Relatively low 相对较低的

Projections suggest that this rise will continue 预测显示,这一增长将继续下去

Remained approximately stable 大约保持稳定

It is anticipated that 预计

Teacher's advice. Task 1 and 2. 老师的忠告

Use appropriate academic language. Remember that you are taking the "IELTS Academic" test. Use the type of English that is suitable for university study. There are examples of this after every essay. 使用恰当的学术语言。记住你要参加的是学术类雅思考试。使用适合大学学习的英语。在之后的每篇文章里都有这样的例子。

Task 1 Graph 3

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Revenue from timber production in billions of dollars in selected countries since 1900.

The graph shows the rise in revenue obtained from wood and related products from 1900 until today. We can see that in all countries there has been a considerable increase in the value of timber production.

In 1900, figures for all five countries were fairly similar. The USA had the largest production at around $15 billion, while Brazil and Russia were the smallest producers at under $5 billion. This continued until 1940, when the USA had extended its lead to around $60 billion. However, the figures for the other countries had all risen sharply overall, and those for Sweden and Canada had more than doubled to reach around $48 and $28 billion respectively.

From 1940 until the present day, money received from timber production rose rapidly in all countries. Between 1940 and 1980, the amount received for sales of wood products rose slowly in Brazil and Russia, reaching just over 25 million and around $15 billion respectively. Since 2000, the revenue for both countries has risen sharply, although more so in Russia than Brazil. However, the figures for Canada, Sweden and the USA have continued to rise rapidly, reaching just under $100 billion, while those for Russia and Brazil have lagged behind, at $75 billion and $50 billion respectively.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Revenue obtained from 从……获得的收入

Extended its lead to 扩大到

$48 and $28 billion respectively 分别为 480 亿美元和 280 亿美元

Lagged behind 落后于

Teacher's advice. Task 1 and 2. 老师的忠告

Monitor your time carefully. You have one hour to complete both tasks. Don't spend too long on one task, or you won't have enough time to complete the other one. 仔细监测你的时间。你有一个小时的时间来完成两篇文章。不要在一篇文章上花费太长时间,否则你将没有足够的时间来完成另外一篇。

Task 1 Graph 4

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Average prices of fruit in Euros per kilo in 2015 in selected European countries.

The graph shows variations between the prices of four types of fruit in seven European countries during the year 2015. We can see that there is considerable variation in the figures for these countries, with some countries experiencing considerably higher prices than others.

It is clear that prices in Ireland and Finland were the highest overall. In Ireland, prices ranged between around three euros per kilo for bananas, to more than four euros for melons. In Finland the picture was similar, with slightly lower prices overall.

In general, the countries with the lowest costs were Portugal, Italy and Slovakia, with the lowest prices at around 1.22 per kilo for bananas in Portugal, and the highest around three euros for melons in Slovakia. Prices in Poland and Germany ranged between these figures, with grapes in Poland the lowest priced at around 1.50 for grapes, and German consumers paying the highest prices for any type of fruit for pineapples at over 3.75 per kilogram.

Turning to the types of fruit, we can see that melons and pineapples were generally the costliest, ranging between 2.5 per kilo in Portugal for both items, to almost 4.5 per kilo for melons in Ireland and pineapples in Finland. The lowest costs were recorded for grapes in Portugal and Slovakia at a little over 1.25 per kilo and the lowest price of any type of fruit was that for bananas in Portugal at around 1.20.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Variations between the prices of ……价格之间的变化

Ranged between these figures 介于这些数字之间

Costliest 昂贵的

Task 1 Graph 5

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Percentage of households in the UK using selected electronic goods between 2010 and 2015.

The line graph shows the proportion of six machines in use in UK homes over six years from 2010 to 2015. We can see a wide variation between the six types, with some recording very high figures, others very low percentages and still others rising steeply over the period.

The two most common types of household machine were the vacuum cleaner and washing machine, which were in use in just under 80%, to a little below 100% of households over the period, rising steadily to above 90% by 2015. Treadmills and microwave ovens showed rapid increases in popularity over the six years surveyed. Beginning at a relatively low percentage of 25%, and around 20% respectively, these two items more than doubled in use from 2010 to 2015, reaching a little over 75% and around 60% respectively. Finally, air-conditioners and dishwashers declined in ownership over the period, from just under 25% in the case of dishwashers, and around 15% for air-conditioners, to approximately 15% and 10% respectively.

Overall, we can see that there was an increase in four of the items, microwave ovens, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and treadmills, whereas dishwashers and air-conditioners became less popular among UK households.

记住这些与主题相关的短语 ! Memorise these phrases relevant to the topic!

Wide variation between 在……之间差异很大

Rapid increase in popularity 受欢迎程度迅速增加

A relatively low percentage 相对较低的百分比

Task 1 Graph 6

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Average numbers of visitors in millions to museums, historic buildings and art galleries in a selected European country in 2000 and 2019

The line graph shows how many people visited three types of attractions during the years 2000 and 2019 in a country in Europe. We can see that there are significant seasonal variations between visitor numbers to the different places, and in general figures declined slightly.

In 2000 and 2019 the highest figures were recorded by historic buildings. Visitor numbers for both years peaked at below 100 million, and the lowest figures were recorded during the winter and spring, when numbers fell to below 50 million. The numbers of visitors to museums were lower, and showed less variation, ranging from just below 50 million to a peak of around 75 million during the summer. Art galleries were the least popular of the three, with figures for 2000 slightly above or slightly below 25 million throughout the year, and ranging from just below 5 million to just under 25 million in 2019.

If we look now at the changes in the figures overall, we can see that numbers showed an overall decline. Although the figures for art galleries fell the most, those for museums and historic buildings were also lower by around 5 million in total. However there was one significant increase, with the numbers visiting historic buildings during the winter almost doubling, from just over 25 million in 2000, to just below 50 million in 2019.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Visited three types of attractions 参观了三种类型的景点

Significant seasonal variations 明显的季节性变化

Peaked at 达到峰值

Least popular of the three 这三个中最不受欢迎的

Doubling 翻倍

Task 1 Graph 7

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Thousands of males and females in a selected European country convicted of criminal offences during the 20th century, and percentages committing different types of crime

The two graphs show how many men and women were found guilty of criminal offences between 1900 and 2000, and the overall numbers who perpetrated four selected crimes. We can see that there are considerable differences, not only between the numbers of males and females convicted, but also between the types of criminal acts.

Turning first to the overall conviction rate for males and females, we can see that the numbers of men committing crimes was always higher than that of women, and that the difference increased dramatically during the second half of the 20th century. Between 1900 and 1940, the figures for female criminals were very low indeed at under 5000, while both males and females were convicted of below 25,000 crimes overall, and the figure for both had declined to below 10,000 by 1940. However, after this the numbers for both men and women increased steeply, reaching almost 25,000 and just under 100,000 for women and men respectively by the year 2000.

The figure for crimes committed over this period shows more consistency, although all four figures fluctuated over the century. The number of murders and arson convictions remained low throughout the period ranging between 5,000 and 15,000, with a very slight increase in both during the 100-year period. The number of assaults fluctuated above and below 30,000, with a further very slight increase to just over that figure by 2000. The number of robberies was almost double this figure in 1900, at nearly 60,000, but declined steadily over the period, and decreased overall by around 10,000, finishing at just under 50,000.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Perpetrated four selected crimes 犯下四项选定的罪行

Overall conviction rate 整体定罪率

Fluctuated over the century 一个世纪以来一直波动

Murders and arson convictions 谋杀和纵火罪

Teacher's advice. Task 1 and 2. 老师的忠告

Use your time logically. Use 40 minutes to write Task 2, and 20 minutes to write Task 1. This is because Task 2 is worth double the marks of Task 1. 合理利用时间。用 40 分钟写大作文,用 20 分钟写小作文。这是因为大作文的分数是小作文的两倍。

Task 1 Graph 8

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Worldwide sources of air pollution during the 20th century in millions of tons, and predicted figures for 2050.

The graph shows changes in the amounts of four major types of pollution from 1950 to the present day, with projections to 2050. We can see clearly that there are substantial rises in all four types, although pollution deriving from vehicle exhausts and electricity generation demonstrated the steepest increases.

Looking first at the two lowest figures, for heating and rubbish disposal, we can see that both of these increased by several hundred percent, and are expected to continue this trend in future. Heating grew from around 5 million tons of pollutants in 1950, to over 25 million at the present day, and is expected to reach around 40 million tons by 2050. Rubbish disposal produced consistently less pollution, beginning at around 5 million tons and increasing more slowly to reach just below 20 million today, and is predicted to reach around 23 million tons in 2050.

The two most serious pollutants were vehicle exhausts and electricity generation. Although these began with relatively low figures of around 20 million tons in 1950, they began to grow at a higher rate than the other two types in 1980, and are expected to soar to just under 100 million, and a little over 75 million tons respectively, by 2050.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Pollution deriving from vehicle exhausts 车辆废气所造成的污染

Demonstrated the steepest increases 增幅最大

Continue this trend 继续这一趋势

Serious pollutants 严重的污染物

Teacher's advice. Task 1 and 2. 老师的忠告

Make sure you use all the time available for writing and checking your essay. If you finish early, this means that you will lose marks, and get a lower grade. 确保你把所有可用的时间都用来写和检查你的文章。如果你过早完成,这意味着你会失去分数,得到一个较低的分数。

Task 1 Graph 9

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Population change in two continents from 2000 until today, with predictions to 2050

Essay correction

Read the essay below and correct the mistakes in bold . Then compare it with the notes and the corrected essay.


The graph above shows how the population changed between 2000 to [1] 2015 in the Americas and Europe, and is expected to change until 2050. The vertical axis shows the populations [2] in millions and the horizontal one shows the years.

In 2000, the population of Europe was 375 millions [3] , whereas the figure for The Americas was around 300 million. While in 2000 the difference was 75 million, by 2015 this had narrowed to just over 1 million.

From the present day until 2030, population in The Americas is predicted to increase to 400 million and that in Europe is expected to rise to aproximately [4] the same figure. From 2030 the European population is expected to decline to around 300 million until the end of the time period. In contrast, the population in The Americas predicted [5] to increase until 2050, when it will reach 500 million.

Overall, over the 50 year period, Europe will experience a peak in 2030 and the population will decrease. On the other hand the number of people in The Americas is expect [6] to increase by 2050 to the [7] higher figure than Europe.

Corrected essay

The graph above shows how the population changed between 2000 and 2015 in The Americas and Europe, and is expected to change until 2050. The vertical axis shows the population in millions and the horizontal one shows the years.

In 2000, the population of Europe was 375 million, whereas the figure for The Americas was around 300 million. While in 2000 the difference was 75 million, by 2015 this had narrowed to just over 1 million.

From the present day until 2030, population in The Americas is predicted to increase to 400 million and that in Europe is expected to rise to approximately the same figure. From 2030 the European population is expected to decline to around 300 million until the end of the time period. In contrast, the population in The Americas is predicted to increase until 2050, when it will reach 500 million.

Overall, over the 50 year period, Europe will experience a peak in 2030 and the population will decrease. On the other hand, the number of people in the Americas is expected to increase by 2050, to a higher figure than Europe.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Is expected to 预计

Vertical axis 纵轴

Is predicted to 预计

Until the end of the time period 直到时间结束

IELTS Writing Task 1

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Volume of fish caught in millions of tonnes in five oceans since 1980


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