
Day 2 Process Diagrams and Tables

High score model answers 高分标准答案

Task 1 Process diagram 1

The diagram below shows the steps required before a driving license can be issued in a certain country. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task.

You should write at least 150 words.



你应该花大约 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

How to get your driving licence

The diagram shows the steps that applicants need to follow before obtaining a driving licence. The process involves five stages, including the online application, taking driving lessons, and passing a test.

First, the applicant, who must be over the age of 17, needs to visit the website of the driver licensing agency, and download the form that is needed in order to apply for a provisional license. Once the form has been printed out, it must be filled in and sent to the driver licensing agency with the appropriate fee. Then, after the provisional license is received, driving lessons can be booked at a driving school.

When the driving lessons have been completed, a test is taken. Then there are two possible stages before a driving license can be obtained. If the person passes the test, they must post the test certificate to the driver licensing agency, with the necessary fee. They will send a license by post. However, if the applicant is unsuccessful, they have to go back to Step 4, and start taking lessons again. This will continue until they pass
the test.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

steps that applicants need to follow before obtaining 申请人在获得……前需遵循的步骤

the form that is needed 需要的表单

with the appropriate fee 适当的费用

driving lessons can be booked at a driving school 驾驶课程可以在驾校预约

Task 1 Process diagram 2

The chart below shows the process of obtaining a visa to study in a certain country.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words.


通过选择和报告主要特征来总结显示的信息。在相关的地方进行比较。至少 150 字。

How can I get a study visa?

The diagram provides information about how students can apply for a visa to study in a particular country.

Firstly, students must go to the appropriate website and set up the process by opening an account.

After this they should study the information carefully and make sure that they have all the documents required, translated into the language of the country concerned.

The third stage is to fill in the form with the necessary information, and make the payment needed.

Following this, they should upload the application form and documents, and then wait until they are contacted by the organization. If the process is successful they will be contacted and get an appointment to visit the nearest consulate.

After this, they will be interviewed at the consulate and provide biometric data.

Next, successful applications are approved and students may return to pick up their visa, or they may opt to have it sent to them by post

Overall, the diagram shows that this is a complex process, and that obtaining a student visa requires considerable effort and time.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Translated into the language of the country concerned 翻译成有关国家的语言

The necessary information 必要的信息

Upload the application form 上传申请表格

They will be contacted and get an appointment 联系并预约

They may opt to have it sent to them by post 他们可以选择邮寄

Teacher's advice. Task 1 老师的忠告

You will not get a higher grade for neat handwriting. However, make sure your handwriting is easy to read. Otherwise, you will get a lower score. IELTS examiners are human, and they prefer clear handwriting. 你的字写得工整不会得到更高的分数。然而,要确保你的笔迹易于阅读。否则,你会得到一个较低的分数。雅思考官是人,他们更喜欢清晰的字迹。

Task 1 Process diagram 3

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words

通过选择和报告主要特征来总结显示的信息。在相关的地方进行比较。至少 150 字。

How a newspaper story is created and published.

The diagram above shows how journalists write and produce newspaper articles. We can see clearly that there are many stages in this process, and that it is a complex one.

The first step is for suitable and relevant information to be received in the newsroom and, if this is of interest to the readers, passed on to a journalist or reporter by the duty editor. The reporter then begins to collect more detail about the story by interviewing people connected to it either by telephone, or by personally visiting the people and places involved.

The next stage is to involve photographers who take pictures related to the story, and then submit these to the staff in the newsroom for possible publication. After this, the story is passed on to a sub-editor, who chooses suitable photos and headlines to go with the story. Finally, the editor checks and reads the story before it is sent to be printed as part of the newspaper. Overall, we can see that many people are responsible for presenting a news story to the public.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Suitable and relevant information 合适及相关的信息

Of interest to the readers 读者感兴趣的

Submit photos to the staff in the newsroom 把照片交给编辑部的工作人员

Responsible for presenting a news story 负责新闻报道

Task 1 Table 1

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Percentages of adults taking part in vocational training programs in selected European countries, and related expenditure in millions of Euros 1995-2015

The tables show the rate of participation in job-related training programs in four European countries from 1995 to 2015, and how much these cost. It is clear that, in most cases, both the popularity of programs and expenditure increased substantially during the period.

Looking first at the participation rates, we can see that overall participation was much lower in 1995 than 10 years later. In 1995 in all countries these were below 6%, whereas 10 years later they had increased to between 10% and 13%. The two most striking increases took place in Poland and Lithuania where rates increased from 2% and 1% to 10% and 13% respectively.

Turning now to the cost of these programs, we can see that this rose in three out of the four countries. The highest costs were borne by Belgium, where 28.75 million euros was spent on training programs in 1995, and this figure had almost doubled by 2015 to 51.27 million euros. The lowest costs were in Poland and Lithuania, where 3.46 million and 0.65 million were spent in 1995. These figures had risen to 8.72 million and 6.71 million by 2015. The only country to experience a decline in expenditure was Greece, where the figure of 10.43 million, although rising to 13.59 million in 2000, declined dramatically to 7.23 million in 2015.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Rate of participation 参与率

Most striking increases 最明显的增加

The highest costs were borne 最高的花费是

Decline in expenditure 支出下降

Teacher's advice. Task 1 and 2. 老师的忠告

Format your essay correctly. Make sure that paragraphs are clear by indenting the first line. If the examiners cannot see the paragraphs clearly, they are required to reduce your grade. 确保你的文章格式正确。通过缩进第一行来确保段落清晰。如果主考官看不清这些段落,他们会被要求降低你的分数。

Task 1 Table 2

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Volume of water used in billions of cubic metres, and purpose of use, in selected countries worldwide from 2000 until today.

The tables show how much water was used between the year 2000 and today, and the purposes for which it was used, in seven selected countries around the world. It is clear that water use has been rising in most countries, and that agriculture and industry are by far the biggest consumers of this resource.

Looking at the volume of water use, we can see that in the year 2000 the USA was by far the largest user at 67.2 billion cubic metres, followed by Australia, at 33.5 billion m 3 . Roughly the same amount of water was used in Brazil, Mexico, and the UK, with figures of between 21 billion m 3 and 21.5 billion m ³ . The smallest user was Canada with 7.2 billion m ³ . These figures have risen in all countries with the exception of the UK and the USA, where the figures fell to 18.9 and 65.1 billion m ³ respectively. The greatest increase was in France, where in the year 2000 13.4 billion m ³ were used, but this has risen to 23.1 billion m ³ today.

Turning to the purposes of water use, we can see that in all countries except Canada and the UK agricultural use constituted the main purpose. The highest percentage was in Australia at 85%, followed by Mexico at 79% and Brazil at 68%, and the lowest was the UK at 11%. Industrial use was highest in the UK at 79%, followed by Canada at 52%. The lowest industrial consumption was in Australia at 9%. Domestic use was the lowest in all countries, ranging from the highest figure of 12% in Brazil, closely followed by France at 11%, while the lowest domestic consumer was Australia at 6%.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Cubic metres 立方米

Roughly the same amount 大致相同的量

With the exception of 除了

Constituted the main purpose 构成了主要用途

Table 3
IELTS Writing Task 1

The table gives information about the number of cars owned by people living in 10 European countries between 2012 and 2018. We can see that overall car ownership has increased, although there are wide variations in the rate of increase between countries.

Turning first to the figures for 2012, it is clear that Denmark had by far the highest rate at 490 cars per thousand people, followed by Switzerland at 401 and France at 399. The lowest rates were in Romania, at 94 cars per 1000 people, and Hungary with 168, slightly below the Czech Republic with 177. By 2014, all these figures had risen slightly except those of Denmark and Greece which had fallen marginally from 490 and 210 to 484 and 199 respectively. Moving on to 2016 we see further slight increases of less than 5% in all countries except for Greece, Italy and Romania, where numbers fell slightly by less than 10 in each case. In 2018 there were further slight increases of between one and fourteen cars per thousand people in the majority of countries, and slight falls in Denmark, by five from 506 to 501, and in France by two, from 411 to 409.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Overall car ownership 整体汽车拥有量

Wide variations in the rate of increase 增长率差异很大

Fallen marginally 小幅下降

Fell slightly 略有下降

Teacher's advice. Task 1. 老师的忠告

In your essay, compare the important information. For example, compare trends, overall figures, and percentages. 在你的文章中,比较重要的信息。例如,比较趋势、总体数据和百分比。

Task 1 Table 3

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

The table shows how teachers' pay varied in different European countries in two years, 2000 and 2018. It is clear that there were substantial variations in salary, although teachers'pay in almost all countries rose over the eight years.

In the year 2000 the highest-paid teachers were in Switzerland, where the annual salary was 37,518, followed by Denmark at 36,583, and Austria at 35,278. The lowest salaries were in the Czech Republic at 20,116 per year, Hungary at 22,134 and Romania at 14,433.

Looking at the figures for 2018, we can see that salaries rose slightly in all countries with the exception of Greece, where there was a fall in average annual payment from 30,005 to 29,325. Over the eight years period, Austrian teachers became the highest paid at 41,602 followed by Switzerland at 40,094 and Denmark at 39,157. The lowest payment was again experienced by Romanian teachers, who were only paid 16,721 per year. The next lowest paid were Hungarian teachers at 24,658, while the third lowest paid teachers were in the Czech Republic at 25,923 per year.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Substantial variations in salary 工资的巨大变化

Rose slightly in all countries 所有国家都有小幅上升

The next lowest paid 薪资第二低的

Task 1 Table 4

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

The table provides information about the number of sports trainers and sports centres in three selected countries in Europe, and how long each person spent on specific training courses, with projections for these to 2050. It is clear that the length of time spent by each person on training courses has declined in all three countries and is expected to decline further, whereas the proportion of sports trainers and sports centres has risen and is predicted to continue rising.

Looking first at the figures for sports trainers, we can see that in Belgium and Hungary this figure has risen steadily since 1950 and is expected to rise rapidly until 2050, when the figures will reach 13.2 and 13.3 per thousand respectively. However, there was a slight fall in the proportion of trainers between 1950 and 2000 in Spain, although this was a very small decline, from 2.2 to 2.0.

A similar tendency can be seen in sports centres per thousand, where numbers in Belgium, Hungary and Spain increased slowly from 11.2 to 15.2, 19.0 to 23.0, and 15.1 to 17.4 between 1950 and 2000 respectively. While there is predicted to be a further increase in Belgium and Hungary, the opposite is true for Spain where figures are expected to decline from 17.4 in 2000 to 13.6 in 2050.

In contrast, the average length of training courses shows a steady decline in all three countries. In Belgium, Hungary and Spain figures are expected to decline from 18 to 13 days, 13 to 10 days and 23 days to 18 days in 1950 and 2000 respectively. These figures are expected to decrease to 9, 8 and 6 days respectively by 2050.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Specific training courses 特定的培训课程

Is expected to decline further 预计会进一步下跌

Is predicted to continue rising 预计会继续上涨

Similar tendency can be seen 可以看到类似的趋势

Steady decline 稳步下降

Task 1 Table 5

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Essay correction

Read the essay below and correct the mistakes in bold . Then compare it with the notes and the corrected essay.


The two diagrams show how satisfied people have been with various aspect [1] of travelling by train in the UK from 2000 until today. It is clear that in recently [2] years levels of satisfaction have increased overall, although in some aspects [3] travellers believe the service is not as good as in the past.

Looking first at the overall level of satisfaction we could [4] see that this has increased slightly from around 65% in 2000 to 70% today. A percentage [5] of dissatisfied travellers has correspondingly declined from around 30% in 2000, to just over 20% today.

Turning to a more detailed analysis of the reasons for contentment with the service provided, we can see that in general this has grown during the period. Furthermore [6] in 2000 88% of people were satisfied with train schedules, which has grown to 92% today. There is also a high degree of contentment with ticket prices and the courtesy of railway staff. Satisfactions [7] with prices has grown sharply from 45% to 65%, and customers are also much happier with the courtesy of check-in staff today, at 88%, then they were in 2000 or 2010 when satisfaction rates were 64% and 70% respectively. Courtesy of attendants is also praise [8] by most customers, rising slightly from 75% in 2000 to 79% in both 2010 and today.

Corrected essay

The two diagrams show how satisfied people were with various aspects of travelling by train in the UK from 2000 until today. It is clear that in recent years levels of satisfaction have increased overall, although in some respects travellers believe the service is not as good as in the past.

Looking first at the overall level of satisfaction we can see that this has increased slightly from around 65% in 2000 to 70% today. The percentage of dissatisfied travellers has correspondingly declined from around 30% in 2000, to just over 20% today.

Turning to a more detailed analysis of the reasons for contentment with the service provided, we can see that in general this has grown during the period. Whereas in 2000 88% of people were satisfied with train schedules, this has grown to 92% today. There is also a high degree of contentment with ticket prices and the courtesy of railway staff. Satisfaction with prices has grown sharply from 45% to 65%, and customers are also much happier with the courtesy of check-in staff today, at 88%, then they were in 2000 or 2010 when satisfaction rates were 64% and 70% respectively. Courtesy of attendance is also praised by most customers, rising slightly from 75% in 2000 to 79% in both 2010 and today.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

In some respects 在某些方面

Correspondingly declined 相应的减少

Contentment with the service 对服务满意

High degree of contentment 高满意度

Courtesy of check-in staff 检票人员的礼貌举止

Teacher's advice. Task 1 老师的忠告

In IELTS Writing Task 1, the overview, or summary, should be a general description of the information, without giving data or specific details. 在小作文中,概述或总结应该是对信息的一般描述,而不应该给出数据或具体细节。

IELTS Writing Task 1

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words,


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Teacher's advice. Task 1 老师的忠告

What are the important details? For example, the highest and lowest figures in the graph. Make sure you describe these in your essay. 重要的细节是什么?例如,图中最高和最低的数字。确保在你的文章中描述了这些。

Distance travelled by various means of transport in a European country in 2000 and today


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