
Day 1 Maps and Bar Charts

Sample questions and model answers 例题及标准答案

Task 1 Map 1

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.

你应该花大约 20 分钟完成这项任务。至少 150 个单词。

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Changes in the town of Dalton between 1815 and 2015.

The two maps illustrate how the town of Dalton changed over two centuries from 1815 to 2015. They clearly show that there have been a considerable number of changes and developments during this time, and that a large number of buildings have been

Turning to the map in 1815, we can clearly see that the town was much smaller at that time. There are only a few houses to the north of Dalton Hall and Hall farm, and most of the map is taken up by trees and forests to the north of the River Dal. Agriculture is a prominent feature of the landscape with horses and cattle predominant.

However, two centuries later all this has changed dramatically. The number of houses has more than doubled, a school has been built, and Dalton Hall has become a hotel, close to the new airport which has replaced the old Hall Farm. Another major change is the bridge and road over the stream, which leads to the industrial area and the new

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

considerable number of changes and developments 相当多的变化和发展

town was much smaller at that time 那个时候的城镇要小得多

prominent feature of the landscape 主要的风景特点

horses and cattle predominant 以马和牛为主

new airport which has replaced the old Hall Farm 新机场取代了旧的霍尔农场

Teacher's advice. Task 1. 老师的忠告

Write a paragraph about each of the key features in the graph or chart.


Task 1 Map 2

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words

通过选择和报告主要特征来总结信息,并在相关的地方进行比较。至少 150 字。

Changes in Murray Island between 1919 and today.

The two maps show how an island has changed over the past century. We can clearly see that a number of significant developments have taken place, creating dramatic differences between the island in 1919 and today.

Turning first to the older map, we can see that almost half of the island was forested, and there were few buildings. However, this has changed dramatically, with most of the island now occupied by residential and industrial development. The number of houses has increased exponentially, and a large hospital has been built for the benefit of the residents. A factory has also been constructed in the north-west of the island, replacing the farm that was there before, and a large bridge across the River Murray connects the eastern and western areas.

Nonetheless, some things have remained the same. Murray Castle is still standing, and substantial areas of forest remain in the north east of the island. However, the high level of development means that there is much less open space for recreation and leisure than there used to be.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Creating dramatic differences 产生巨大的差异

Almost half of the island was forested 岛上几乎一半都被森林覆盖

Has increased exponentially 成指数增长

Open space for recreation and leisure 娱乐及休闲的开放性场所

Teacher's advice. Task 1. 老师的忠告

Don't give your own opinion. Discuss the information objectively, without suggesting reasons for it. 不要给出你自己的观点。客观地讨论信息,不要写原因。

Task 1 Map

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words

通过选择和报告主要特征来总结显示的信息。在相关的地方进行比较。至少 150 字。

Changes in a school between 1979 and 2019.

The maps show how a particular school changed, and improved its facilities, during a 30-year period from 1979 to 2019. We can clearly see that many changes and improvements have taken place during these three decades.

Turning first to the map showing the school in 1979, we can see the school office in the north with four classrooms, two to the east and two to the west. These are connected by pathways and a road which leads to the main entrance in the south. Either side of this road are a car park and a large playing field, beside which are two changing rooms and seating for spectators. To the east of the road is a line of trees.

Thirty years later, the school has changed dramatically. The classrooms to the east of the school office have been replaced by a large car park, and in addition the playing field has been relocated to the east side of the road, while being reduced in size. The greatest change however is the construction of the three large teaching blocks to the west of the road, which provide much more extensive facilities for study.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Connected by pathways 通过小路连接

Seating for spectators 观众席

Relocated to the east 东迁

More extensive facilities 更多设施

Task 1 Map 4

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words

通过选择和报告主要特征来总结信息,并在相关的地方进行比较,至少 150 字。

Changes in an airport between 1970 and today.

The maps show how an airport has changed over the past few decades. We can see that extensive changes have taken place, expanding and improving the airport facilities so that many more passengers can use it.

Looking first at the situation in 1970, we can see that there were two terminals and two runways in the south east of the site joined by access roads and taxi lanes. However, Terminal 1 was very small, and only Terminal 2 was large enough to handle a substantial number of passengers. There was one control tower in the south.

In contrast, the airport has changed dramatically today. Terminal 1 has been demolished, and replaced by a much larger terminal, and a further large terminal has been added, making three in total. The control tower has been moved from the south to the west of the site, but perhaps the greatest change is in the number of runways, which has been doubled. Instead of two runways running from south-west to north-east, there are now two additional runways aligned north-west to south-east, allowing many more planes to land. Overall, the airport is now much more flexible, and many more people can make
use of it.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Extensive changes have taken place 发生了很大的变化

Substantial number 大量

Control tower 指挥塔台

Aligned north-west to south-east 从西北到东南的跑道

Task 1 Map 5

Essay correction

Read the essay below and correct the mistakes in bold . Then compare it with the notes and the corrected essay.


You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

在这部分,你应该花 20 分钟,至少 150 字。


Changes in a zoo between 1990 and 2018.

The two maps can be seen [1] how a certain zoo changes [2] from 1990 until 2018. We can see that the facilities and the number of enclosures for animal [3] was increased considerably during this period.

Turning first to the changes that have been made, we can see that the deer park at the centre of the map is expanded by move [4] the bear enclosure to the north-west, and trees planted. The otter lake in the east [5] has been allocated to pandas, and the otters moved to a new lake to the north east, on the other side of the pathway. Other significant changes includes [6] the opening of the Safari Park on the southern [7] side of the zoo and the construction of a new tiger enclosure to the right hand side of the entrance.

In contrast, the entrance has remain [8] unchanged, and the central pathway have also stayed basically the same, although new pathways been added to the east and west of it. Overall, the facilities for animals and visitors are much better and more attractive than they are [9] in 1990.

Corrected essay

The two maps show how a certain zoo changed from 1990 until 2018. We can see that the range of facilities and the number of enclosures for animals was increased considerably during this period.

Turning first to the changes that have been made, we can see that the deer park at the centre of the map has been expanded by moving the bear enclosure to the north-west, and trees planted. The otter lake in the central area has been allocated to seals and dolphins, and the otters moved to a new lake to the north east, on the other side of the pathway. Other significant changes include the opening of the Safari Park on the western side of the zoo and the construction of a new gorilla enclosure to the right hand side of the entrance.

In contrast, the entrance has remained unchanged, and the central pathway has also stayed basically the same, although new pathways have been added to the east and west of it. Overall, the facilities for animals and visitors are much better and more attractive than they were in 1990.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

range of facilities 设施的范围

enclosures for animals 动物圈用地

allocated to 分配给

remained unchanged 保持不变

stayed basically the same 基本保持一样

Practice Essay
IELTS Writing Task 1

The maps below show the village of Markham in 1900 and today. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 150 words.


Scan the QR Code for the Model Answer


Task 1 Bar Chart 1

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Responses to a survey on favourite sports amongst male and female adults and children in the UK.

The bar chart shows responses to a survey about the favourite sports of UK citizens. We can see that, in general, football is the most popular sport amongst males and females, followed by tennis. Cricket and rugby were generally the least popular, and a number of other sports were also chosen, although these are not specified on the chart.

We can see that football was by far the most popular choice of male adults, with more than 50% choosing it as their favourite sport. The percentage was lower amongst male children, with under 45% and much lower among female adults and children, only approximately 20% of whom stated football as their favourite.

Cricket and rugby were chosen by a much lower percentage of all four groups, ranging from around 14% for cricket amongst adult males to around 10% of adult females choosing this sport as their favourite. Rugby was slightly more popular than cricket amongst females, with 15% of female children and about 11% of female adults choosing this

Tennis was chosen as the favourite more often than either cricket or rugby amongst all four groups. The highest ratings were for female adults and children, around 20% of whom responded that this was their favourite. The highest response for female adults however was approximately 33%, who stated that they preferred another specified sport. The lowest percentage of those choosing "other" sports was for adult males, below 10% of whom chose this category.

Teacher's advice. Task 1. 老师的忠告

Write about the information scientifically and objectively. Your task is to present the information so that other people will understand it clearly. 科学客观地描述信息。你的任务是把信息呈现出来,以便其他人能清楚地理解它。

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Not specified on the chart 图表上没有具体说明

By far the most popular choice 这是迄今为止最受欢迎的选择

Highest ratings 最高的比率

Chose this category 选择这个类别

Task 1 Bar Chart 2

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Most popular courses chosen by male and female students as a percentage of the total at university in the UK from 2005 until today.

The chart shows the percentages of the five most popular courses chosen by male and female students at UK universities over 10 years, from 2005 until the present day. It is clear that there are considerable differences between male and female choices in accountancy, psychology and education, although roughly equal numbers chose medicine and business studies.

Amongst females, by far the most popular course was psychology, which was chosen by just under 20% of the students surveyed. This contrasts sharply to the number of males choosing this subject at around 3%. The most popular subject for males to opt for was education, where around 16% of students opted to study this, while the figure for females was much lower at about 12%. The second most popular subject of study among females was accountancy, which was chosen by approximately 13%, considerably higher than the rate for males at around 7%.

Moving on to subjects chosen by roughly equal numbers of men and women students, medicine was other choice of 5% of males and approximately 6% of females, while 10% of female students opted for business studies, slightly below the percentage of males
at 11%.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Roughly equal numbers 大致相等的数量

By far the most popular 到目前为止最受欢迎的

To opt for 选择

Considerably higher than 大大高于

Teacher's advice. Task 1. 老师的忠告

What are the important details? For example, the highest and lowest figures in the graph. Make sure you describe these in your essay. 重要的细节是什么?例如,图中最高和最低的数字。确保在你的文章中描述了这些。

Task 1 Bar Chart 3

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Percentage of eligible students attending primary school in three parts of the UK 1850 - 2019

The chart provides information about how many students in the UK attended primary school between 1850 and 2019, divided into three areas. It can be seen that percentage of students attending these schools has risen dramatically over the period, from a very low rate in 1850 to almost universal attendance in 2019.

Looking first at the situation in 1850, we can see that a very low percentage of students throughout the UK attended school at that time. Figures for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland were below 15%. However, the situation had improved by 1900, when almost 30% of qualified students in England and Wales, over 30% in Scotland and around 20% in Ireland were at primary school. This figure had risen still further by 1950, when attendance in all three regions stood at around 80%. There was a further increase in all areas between 1950 and 2019, although this was much smaller than the previous rise. Overall, attendance rates were over 90% in all three parts of the country.

Turning to the rate of increase, we can see that during the 50 years between 1850 and 1900 the percentage of school attendance approximately doubled, and this happened again between 1900 and 1950. The rate of increase was much lower between 1950 and 2019, but this can be accounted for by the fact that, by 2019, attendance rates were almost 100%.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Almost universal attendance 几乎全部入学

Attendance in all three regions stood at 这三个地区的入学率均为

Approximately doubled 大约翻了一番

This can be accounted for 这可以解释为……

Task 1 Bar Chart 4

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

The change in the average rental price of accommodation in four Canadian cities in Canadian dollars per month from 2005 to the present

The types of accommodation rented during the period

The two charts show how the price of accommodation changed in selected Canadian cities between 2005 and the present, and the percentage of people choosing to live in different types of houses and apartments during this period. Overall, the information demonstrates clearly that prices have risen significantly and that houses are much more popular than apartments.

Looking first at the bar chart, it is clear that rental prices rose substantially in Vancouver, Ottawa and Montr é al. The greatest monthly rises were in Vancouver, where prices rose by more than $400 per month, and in Montreal where the rise was around $300. Prices in Ottawa also increased considerably, by around $200, whereas those in Calgary registered a very slight rise.

The pie chart demonstrates that a significant majority of Canadians chose to rent 1-2 bedroom houses, at 59%, more than double the total number that chose apartments. However, the number who chose larger houses, with 3 to 5 bedrooms, was much lower, at only 13%. Smaller 1-2 bedroom apartments were three times more popular than larger ones, with 3 to 5 bedrooms.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

The price of accommodation changed in selected canadian cities 在某些加拿大城市,住宿的价格发生了变化

Prices have risen substantially 价格大幅度上涨

Significant majority 绝大部分

Three times more popular 比……受欢迎三倍

Teacher's advice. Task 1. 老师的忠告

At the beginning of each paragraph, make a general statement. Then give detailed evidence and examples. You should always use numbers and specific data as evidence for your statement. 在每段的开头,做一个总结性的陈述。然后给出详细的证据和例子。你应该经常使用数字和具体的数据作为你陈述的证据。

Task 1 Bar Chart 5

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Percentage of males and females in one European country eating five portions of fruit and vegetables per day

The chart shows the percentages of men and women who eat the recommended consumption of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. We can clearly see that these figures increase throughout life, and that, in general, females eat more fruit and vegetables than males.

The first point to notice is that throughout the age groups the percentage of women eating these foods is higher than that for men. The gender gap is greatest for the youngest age group, 15 to 25, when the percentage for females is almost 3 times that of males at almost 60% and under 20% respectively. However, there is a variation between the genders in all age groups, ranging from around 5% for the 55 to 64 age group to approximately 15% for those aged over 64, 36 to 45, and 26 to 35.

Secondly, the numbers increase over time for both males and females. The lowest figures tend to be in the younger age groups, with the 15 to 25 age group the lowest for men at just under 20%, and the 26 to 35 age group the lowest for women at just over 25%. The highest figure for both genders is found amongst those aged over 64, with just under 100% and around 80% for female and male fruit and vegetable consumption respectively.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Recommended consumption 建议食用

On a daily basis 每天

Gender gap 性别差距

Variation between the genders 性别之间的不同

Task 1 Bar Chart 6

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Millions of mobile phones and computers sold in one European country from 1990 to 2020, with predictions for 2030.

The chart shows how many mobile phones and computers were sold in a country in Europe between 1990 and the present day, with predictions for sales in 2030. We can see that there were substantial increases in the sales of both these items over the period, and that sales of mobile phones are expected to continue increasing in the future.

Turning first to computer sales, we can see that a substantial rise took place over the period, from around 5 million sold in 1990, to a peak of just over 50 million in 2020, a tenfold increase in just 30 years. However, there is predicted to be a slight fall until 2030, with figures declining to 50 million.

In contrast, the numbers of mobile phones sold increased even more dramatically over the period, rising from around 1 million in 1990, before experiencing a sudden rise to around 70 million in 2000, and then increasing steadily to over 85 million today. This steady increase is expected to continue to just under 100 million by 2030. Therefore, it is expected that by 2030 mobile phone sales will be almost double those of computers.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Expected to continue increasing 预计会继续增加

Substantial rise took place over the period 在这段时间里大幅度上涨

Predicted to be a slight fall 预计会有轻微的下降

Sudden rise 突然上升

Task 1 Bar Chart 7

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Physical activities taken part in by boys and girls aged under 18 in New Zealand schools during one year.

The chart shows the percentage of boys and girls taking part in six sports in one school in New Zealand over a single year. The figures show a wide variation in popularity between sports, and some significant differences between male and female students.

Turning first to male students, we can see that the most popular sports were rugby and soccer with over 90% and around 85% of students playing these respectively. Table tennis was also a popular sport with more than half of boys taking part, whereas athletics, basketball and gymnastics were much less popular, with around 15%, 26% and 10% of males under 18 participating.

The figures for female students show some significant differences, with Soccer being the most popular sport with more than 75% of girls taking part, table tennis the next most popular at around 70% and rugby and athletics participated in by just under 60% of female students. Basketball and gymnastics show substantially lower numbers taking part with around 40% and 20% of girls doing these sports respectively.

Comparing boys and girls, we can see that in general slightly greater numbers of boys took part in contact sports than girls, with the greatest differences being in rugby and soccer, where 15 to 20% more male students took part. However, more girls than boys participated in all the other sports, with the most significant difference being in athletics and basketball, in which around 30% and 20% more girls took part in these physical activities respectively.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Wide variation in popularity 受欢迎程度差异很大

Significant differences 显著差异

Substantially lower numbers ……的人数大大减少

Task 1 Bar Chart 8

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Adult car ownership by percentage of households in the USA and Canada from 1970 until today.

The chart shows the growth of vehicle ownership in North America between 1970 and the present day. We can see that car purchases grew at a substantial rate for most of the period.

Looking first at the figures for the USA, we can see that they have almost doubled over the period, from around 55% in 1970 to almost 100% today. Although this figure declined to around 40% in 1980, it grew dramatically between 1980 and 1992 to almost 80%, and then increased steadily to reach its highest point at the present day.

The figures for Canada showed a considerable rise, although these lagged behind the United States over the period. Beginning at just under 30% in 1970, there was a slight decline to around 25% in 1980, before a steep rise took place from 1990 until today. The greatest rises were in the 1980s and 1990s, where figures increased by around 20% in both decades, whereas the smallest increase, of around 10%, took place from 2010 until the present day.

Car ownership in those countries has now reached almost 100%, although rates in the USA have historically been higher than those in Canada, ranging between 25% in 1970 to under 5% today.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Growth of vehicle ownership 车辆拥有量的增长

Reach its highest point 达到最高点

Rates in the USA have historically been higher 美国的……率历来高于……

Task 1 Bar Chart 9

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

One school National average

Percentages of male and female students receiving top grades in four academic subjects in one particular school in the UK and nationwide.

The two charts show how one school measured up to the UK national average by comparing percentages of students receiving top exam grades in four different subjects. It is clear that in most subjects pupils at the school received results that were well over national norms.

Looking first at the results for the single school, we can see that both boys and girls achieved much better results in maths, physics and English. In maths, more than twice as many male and female students, over 60% and over 40% respectively, achieved top grades than the national average, which was around 15% for both boys and girls. The picture was similar for physics with the national average of around 20% and results for the individual school of 50% for boys and around 40% for girls. Results in English confirm this picture with around double the percentage of boys and almost three times the percentage of girls receiving top grades compared to the UK average.

However, the picture for psychology is different. While the national average for male students was slightly lower, the percentage of female pupils receiving top grades was around 30% below that of the national average at around 55% and 90%

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Measured up to the UK national average 达到英国全国平均水平

National norms 国家标准

Results in English confirm this picture 英语测试结果证实了这张图

Double the percentage of ……百分比翻倍

Task 1 Bar Chart 10

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Percentage of households owning one or more cars in a European country from 1975 to 2015.

The chart shows vehicle ownership rates per household from 1975 until 2015 in one European country. It's clear that numbers of cars per household have increased substantially over the period overall, although there are considerable fluctuations within these figures.

Taking the figure for no car first, we can see that this declined dramatically over the period, from almost 60% in 1975 to under 10% in 2015. In contrast, the figure for households with one car rose by almost the same percentage, increasing from around 35% in 1975 to approximately 75% today. The other two percentages, those for two cars and more than two, fluctuated between 1975 and 2015. Between 1975 and 1985 both increased notably, from just over 20% and around 5%, to around 25% and 15% respectively, an increase of between 5% and 10% for both. The percentage of households owning more than two cars also fluctuated, rising to almost 15% in 1995 and then falling to below 10% and around 5% in 2005 and 2015 respectively. Therefore, the gap between households with only one car and the others widened sharply over the 20-year period between 1985, when the gap was approximately 15%, to 2015 when the difference had increased to around 50%.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Vehicle ownership rates per household 每个家庭的车辆拥有率

Considerable fluctuations 相当大的波动

Increased notably 明显增加

The gap widened sharply 差距急剧扩大

Task 1 Bar Chart 11

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.


你应该花大约 20 分钟来完成这项任务。至少 150 字。

Amount of leisure time in hours per week spent reading and listening to music by age group in a selected country.

The chart shows how much of their free time people in a particular country spent on two activities. We can clearly see that there were substantial differences amongst the age groups, with older and younger people tending to spend more time on these.

Turning first to the figures for reading, it is clear that the number of hours fluctuates overall. While young people under the age of 18 spend more than 11 hours a week reading, this figure falls substantially from the age of 18 to 60, when it varies between around six hours for the 41 to 50 and 51 to 60 age groups and around eight hours per week for those aged 18 to 30 and 31 to 40. The number of hours spent reading increases considerably amongst older people, rising to over 11 hours in the 61 to 70 age-group and around 20 hours for those aged 71 and over.

Looking at the hours spent listening to music, the pattern is broadly similar. Although there is a rise rather than a fall between the ages of 18 and 30 from around 15 to over 17 hours per week, this figure then declines significantly to under 10 hours per week for those aged 51 to 60. It then rises again to over 12 hours a week for those aged 61 to 70 and reaches around 20 hours per week for people over the age of 70.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Substantial differences amongst ……之间的巨大差异

Varies between ……之间的不同

The pattern is broadly similar 这种模式大致相似 TcKtFdgd1OI0js4pUcKaG8ST9e2oW1S0N9cZXxXMgVHUF7STj3YlfkkIu7UiY8Bh
