
2.3 C.O.M.E. on! Be an I.E.L.T.S.B.E.A.T.E.R!
C.O.M.E. I.E.L.T.S.B.E.A.T.E.R

Task 1. The C.O.M.E. Method.

To get a high score of 6.5 or over in IELTS Task 1 essays, you need a cunning plan. This is it. Follow the plan below and study the example essay.

为了在雅思小作文中获得 6.5 分或更高的分数,你需要一个巧妙的计划。就是这样,按照下面的计划,学习例文。

Example of an essay using the C.O.M.E. method

IELTS Writing Task 1

Summarise the information shown by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend around 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words.



你应该花 20 分钟来写这篇文章。至少 150 字。

Obesity rates for adults and children in one European country between 2015 and today.

Contents "Write a sentence or two simply describing the diagrams".

The chart shows how many people were obese in a country in Europe from 2014 until today.

Overview "Summarise the main changes"

We can see that obesity rates went up in general, although recently there has been a slight fall.

Main point "Select one of the main points. E.g. Significant changes, the highest and lowest numbers".

Looking at the percentage for adults, we can see that this increased slowly between 2014 and 2016.

Example "Give examples. e.g. data to support your main point, For example, the size of the change."

from just over 25% to approximately 37% respectively.

Main point This was followed by a steeper increase until 2018, by which time.

Example almost 50% of the adult population had become obese.

Main point Following this, there has been a slight decline until the present day,

Example with the rate falling by around 5% to approximately 45%.

Main point Compared to the increases seen for adults, those for child obesity rose more slowly,

Example by approximately 12.5% over the period, climbing from 12.5% in 2014 to 25% today.

Main point Between 2014 and 2016 there was a relatively steep rise

Example from 12.5% to approximately 20% respectively.

Main point After this there was a very slight fall, with

Example the figure declining by around 3% between 2016 and 2017. Since that date the rate has risen again, although relatively slowly,

Example reaching 25% at the present day.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

Rates went up in general ……率普遍上升

Steeper increase 陡增

Relatively steep rise 相对急剧上升

Relatively slowly 相对较慢

The I.E.L.T.S.B.E.A.T.E.R Method

To get a high score of 6.5 or over in IELTS Task 2 essays, you need an even more cunning plan. Follow the sentence structure to success!

为了在雅思大作文中获得 6.5 分或更高的分数,你需要一个更巧妙的计划。遵循句子结构走向成功!

Example of an essay using the I.E.L.T.S.B.E.A.T.E.R Method [7.0-7.5]

IELTS Writing. Task 2.

Some people believe that children from countries with a high level of unemployment should be offered a primary education only and should not be offered a secondary education as they will not be able to get a job in the future. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Paragraph 1

I ntroduce - Start with a general statement about the topic.

In this modern globalised world, encouraging higher educational attainment for poorer communities is seen by many as the best way for them to escape the poverty trap.

E xample - Give an example to make your meaning clear.

If children from these communities are not encouraged to stay at school for as long as possible, the cycle of deprivation is likely to continue indefinitely.

L ink to the rest of the essay by giving your opinion

Therefore, in my opinion secondary and higher education should be a top priority for children from these countries.

Paragraph 2

T opic sentence - State your first main point

It is clear that students who do not receive the full high school and tertiary education will suffer from higher levels of unemployment than others in the future.

S upporting detail. - Give detail supporting your main point

If children in countries who suffer from high levels of this are not encouraged to persist and complete their education, this will just make high levels of joblessness permanent.

B ecause. - Provide a reason

This is because, children who leave school early in order to help with the family farm or business may themselves struggle to get a job,

E xample

and perpetuate the problem by requiring their own children to interrupt their education in turn.

A s a result. Suggest a possible result

As a result, they will finish the education process at primary school, which will only keep them in the poverty trap.

T herefore, in these circumstances, it is vital that children faced by such problems as unemployment and poverty be encouraged to persist with education for as long as possible.

Paragraph 3

T opic sentence. On the other hand, in a situation of high unemployment, it may be necessary for children from certain communities to be offered different educational routes. S upporting detail. If they choose to follow these, such children could be directed towards higher education that B ecause would be more likely to produce good results in terms of employment prospects. E xample. For instance, if there were a particular shortage of skills in one particular area, extra provision could be made for teaching these in local high schools. A s a result. Consequently, tailored courses would help to reduce the unemployment rate if they were carefully targeted. T herefore, these types of courses should be provided whenever possible in these circumstances.

Paragraph 4

E xplain. Explain your opinion. In my view, education is the most vital aspect of any young person's life, and everything should be done to ensure that this continues to the highest possible level.

R eview. It should not be denied just because they come from an economically deprived background, and, if necessary, educational provision should be tailored to their specific needs.

当你写关于这个话题的文章时,可以使用这些短语 ! Include these phrases when writing essays about this topic!

The poverty trap 贫困的牢笼

Cycle of deprivation 贫困的循环

High levels of joblessness 高失业率

Interrupt their education 阻碍他们的教育

Different educational routes 不同的教育途径

Employment prospects 就业前景

Shortage of skills 技能的短缺

Extra provision 额外提供

Tailored courses 量身定制的课程 ml8kdv3DUI5jAJIeA6q3F41UKvJTa8EQ5HpAOayWzCmIano9dk1qKR4PklQ1CHJl
