

a couple of 几个

a great deal of 很多

a head 每人

a host of 大量的

a load of 很多,大量的

a mass of 一大堆

a range of 一系列

a series of 一系列

a set of 一套

a total of 共计

a variety of 多种多样的

a waste of 浪费……

aim for 计划,打算

all sorts of 各种各样的

along with 连同

and so forth 等等

apart from 除此之外

arise from 由……产生的

as a matter of fact 事实上

as a whole 总体上

as far as 至于

as long as 只要

as usual 像往常一样

at a time 每次,一次

at least 至少

at present 目前,现在

at risk 有危险

at some stage 在某个阶段

at speeds of 以速度为……

at the moment 此刻,现在

at the outset 在开始的时候

at this stage 在此种情况下,眼下

based on 基于

be accompanied by 由……陪同

be afraid of 害怕

be attached to 附属于,连接着

be confused about 困惑的

be converted into 被变成

be coupled with 与……联合,结合

be credited to 归功于……

be expected to do 被期望做

be familiar with v. 熟悉;认识

be frightened about doing 害怕……

be made up of 由……组成

be replaced with 被……替换

be struck by 被……震惊

be subjected to 经历

be superior to 比……更优越

be supposed to 应该

be taken aback 吃惊

be to blame 对某事应负责任的,应受责备的

be up to sb .取决于某人

be used to sth. 习惯于

bear in mind 记住

belong to 属于

break the mould 打破常规

buy out 买下……的全部

by means of 用,依靠

come across 偶遇

carry out 执行,进行

cater for 迎合,满足需要

chase up 敦促,追着……索要

come along 一起来

come down to 归结起来(为……)

come up with 提出,提供

come up 出现,提出

compared with 与……比较

compensate for 弥补

concentrate on 专心于,把思想集中于

consist of 由……组成

cope with 对付,处理

deal with 处理,对付;论述

depend on 取决于

dispense with 省去,免掉

do a degree 攻读一个学位

do the speech 做演讲

do trips 旅行

don’t mind doing 不介意做某事

draw the line 排除,划清界限

draw up 草拟

drop out 退出,退学

due to 由于

eat out 在外吃饭

either... or... 不是……就是……

end up 最终

enrol on 报名参加

fall into 分成;掉进

far more 更加,更多

figure out 弄明白,搞定

fill in 告诉某人事情

fill out 填写(表格等)

fix up 安排,安顿

for the sake of 为了

from abroad 从国外

from the very beginning 从一开始

generally speaking 总的来说

get around 绕开

get hold of sb. 找到某人

get hold of 得到

get into shape 锻炼身体

get on and off 上下(车)

get on with 继续(干某事)

get stuck 遇到困难

get to 开始,接触

give priority to 给予……优先权

give the speech 做演讲

give up 放弃

go extinct 灭绝

go for 对某事物有兴趣,爱好

go through 仔细检查

go to around 参观

go wrong 出错

grab a coffee 喝杯咖啡

hand in 交上;递交

hand out 分发

have a word with 与某人说话

have access to 接触到,利用

have difficulty doing 做某事有困难

have trouble with 遇到困难

have words with sb. 与某人吵架

hit on 想出,想到

in a moment 一会儿,立刻,马上

in accordance with 与……一致

in advance 提前

in broad terms 宽泛的说

in case 以防

in comparison with 与……比较起来

in fashion 流行

in favour of 赞成,支持

in line 一致,协调

in one’s employ 在……的雇佣下

in particular 尤其,特别

in peak times 在高峰时间

in person 亲自,当面

in place 起作用,在工作

in regard to 关于

in spite of 虽然,尽管……

in terms of 就……而言

in that 因为

in the list 在列表中

in the middle of 处在……之中

in this field 在这个领域

in turn 依次,轮流

in which case 在这种情况下

intend to 打算

jump in 投入

keep fit 保持健康

keep in mind 记住,谨记

keep up the pace 跟上速度

kick off 开始

knock down 拆除

line up 排队等候

loads of 许多

log on to 登录到

look after 照顾,负责

look around 参观

look through 仔细查看,浏览

look to 指望,希望

make a claim 提出索赔要求

make a contribution 做出贡献

make a note 做笔记

make an application 申请

make an effort to 做出努力

make up one’s mind 打定主意

manage to do 设法做成某事

meet target 达到目标

meet up 碰面,碰头

not at all 根本不

note down 记下

on a roll 做得很顺,势如破竹

on behave of 代表

on board 在会上讨论

on campus 在校内

on display 展出

on one’s behalf 代表某人

on request 根据要求

on the same wavelength 融洽

on time 准时

on top of 在……之上

on your own 独自地

ought to 应该

out of bounds 禁止入内的

out of print (图书)绝版,断货

pack up 打包

per month 每个月

per person 每人

phase out 逐步淘汰

pick one’s brain 听取某人的意见

pick out 选出,挑出

pick sb. up 接某人

pick up 挑出

plan on 计划

point out 指出,指明

print off 打印

pull out 离开

put it another way 换言之

put off 推迟,阻止

put up 建造,搭起

quite a few 相当多

raise money 集资,筹款

raise public awareness 提高公众意识

rather than 而不是

rather than 而不是

refer to 指的是

relating to 与……有关

reliance on 依赖

rely on 信赖

run out of time 到时间了

second half 后半时,后半场

serve a purpose 起到一个作用

set back 受挫

set trends 引领潮流

shut down 关闭

sign up 报名;登记

so far 到现在为止

sold out 卖光

sort out 把……安排妥当;挑选出

spend time on 花时间在……上

split off 分裂,分离

spoil oneself 放纵一下自己

spot on 恰好的,准确的

stand still 站着不动,静止

stay calm 保持镇静

straight away 立即,马上

suffer from 遭受

sum up 总结,概括

take advantage of 利用

take down 记录,记下

take part in 参与

take photograph 拍照

take pity on sb. 可怜某人

take the lead 占主要地位,领先

take up 占去

throw away 扔掉

tick off 用记号勾出,勾选

to some extent 某种程度上

to start with 首先

turn down 拒绝

turn into (使)变成

turn to 求助于

turn out to be 证明是,结果是

under control 被控制住,受到控制

upside down 倒置

watch out 关注,小心

work out 确定,解决,搞定 lyRehLxzptwwEQq8YjxB0FZppQ0KDMRLkOXcaE36knYevNq9Rzrsdg+Qax0HV5/n
