
Lesson 6


G roup 23: bene=good“好,善”

beneficent [bɪˈnefɪsnt]

adj. 慈善的,仁慈的

giving help;showing kindness

The beneficent donation helped many children learn how to read and write. 慈善捐助帮助许多孩子学会了读书和写字。

beneficence n. 行善,慈善

beneficial [ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl]

adj. 有益的;有用的


Daily exercise is beneficial to your health. 每天锻炼对身体有益。

bene(=good)+fic(=to make,to do)+ial

benevolent [bɪˈnevələnt]

adj. 慈善的,乐善好施的

kind,helpful and generous

The benevolent man gave his money and volunteered his time to help the poor and sick. 这位乐善好施的男士捐了款并自愿花时间来帮助那些穷人和病人。

benevolence n. 善行;善心,仁心


benediction [ˌbenɪˈdɪkʃn]

n. 祝福;祈祷

the act of praying for divine protection,saying a blessing

The priest gave him a benediction for his good deeds. 牧师因他所做的善事而为他祈祷。

bene(=good)+dict(=to say)+ion

benefactor [ˈbenɪfæktə(r)]

n. 行善者,捐助人

a person who gives money or other help to people or institutions

Pip's benefactor paid for his education and helped him find a job. 皮普的捐助人为他支付了学费,并且帮他找到了一份工作。

bene(=good)+fact(=to do,to make)+or


amicable adj. 友好的

amity n. 友好

goodwill n. 友好,善意

hospitality n. 好客,殷勤

charitable adj. 仁慈的,宽厚的

charity n. 仁慈,慈善;施舍

clemency n. 仁慈,宽厚

leniency n. 仁慈,怜悯

lenient adj. 宽大的;仁慈的

mercy n. 仁慈,宽恕,怜悯

philanthropy n. 慈善;乐善好施

G roup 24: bi,du=double;two;twice“两”

bifurcate [ˈbaɪfəkeɪt]

v. (使)分为两支;(使)分叉

to divide or to make sth. divide into two branches

The townspeople were bifurcated over whether or not to build a factory in the community. 小镇居民在是否在该社区建造工厂这一问题上分为两派。


bilingual [baɪˈlɪŋɡwəl]

adj. 双语的(能说两种语言的)

using or knowing two languages

Since his parents spoke English and Chinese,he grew up in a bilingual environment. 因为他的父母既说英语又说中文,所以他从小在双语的环境中长大。

linguist n. 语言学家;linguistics n. 语言学

biped [ˈbaɪped]

n. 两足动物

any creature with two feet

Humans are among the few species of bipeds on the planet. 人类是地球上少数的两足物种之一。

duality [djuːˈæləti]

n. 两重性

dual condition or quality

His duality was expressed in two identities,Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 他的双重人格表现在两种身份上:杰基尔博士和海德先生。

duet [djuːˈet]

n. 二重奏;二重唱

a musical composition for two performers

The two singers sang a duet together. 两位歌手一起演唱了二重唱。

duel n. 决斗;dulcet adj. 美妙的,悦耳的

G roup 25: body=body“身体”

full-bodied [ˌfʊlˈbɒdɪd]

adj. (味道等)浓郁的;(声音)圆浑的

marked by richness and fullness of flavour or sound

People enjoyed the Italian restaurant because of the full-bodied wine it served with the meals. 人们之所以喜欢这家意大利餐厅,是因为它提供用来佐餐的葡萄酒味道醇厚。

antibody [ˈæntɪbɒdi]

n. 抗体

a substance formed in the blood tending to inhibit or destroy harmful bacteria,etc.

The antibodies surrounded and killed the bacteria in his liver. 抗体包围并消灭了他肝脏里的细菌。

bodyguard [ˈbɒdiɡɑːd]

n. 保镖,警卫

someone who escorts and protects a prominent person

The actress'bodyguard is tall,dark and handsome. 这位女演员的保镖皮肤黝黑,又高又帅。

guard n. 哨兵 v. 保卫,保护;guarded adj. 谨慎的,提防的;guardian n. 护卫者,监护人;safeguard n. 防卫措施,安全措施 v. 保护,捍卫

busybody [ˈbɪzɪbɒdi]

n. 爱管闲事的人,好事的人

a person who meddles in the affairs of others

She was a busybody at work,always having something to do. 她在工作中是个爱管闲事的人,总有事情要做。

disembodied [ˌdɪsɪmˈbɒdid]

adj. ① 从看不到的人(或地方)发出的 ② 脱离肉体的

① coming from a person or place that can not be seen or identified ② separated from the body

Ghosts are usually thought of as disembodied spirits. 鬼魂通常被看作是脱离肉体的灵魂。

G roup 26: brev,bri=short“短;缩短”

abbreviate [əˈbriːvieɪt]

v. 缩写,缩略

to reduce in scope while retaining essential elements

John Paul abbreviated his name to J.P. 约翰·保罗把他的名字缩写成J.P.。

abbreviation n. 缩短,删节;缩写词,略语

ab<ad (=to)+brev(=brief,short)+i+ate(注:<意为“来源于;是……的变体”,如此处“ab<ad”表示ab是词缀ad的变体,ab相当于ad。)

brevity [ˈbrevəti]

n. 简短,简洁

shortness or conciseness of expression

The students appreciated the brevity of their principal's speech. 校长的演讲简短有力,学生们非常欣赏。

abridge [əˈbrɪdʒ]

v. 删节,节略

to make a book,play,etc. shorter by leaving parts out

Since the book was very long and detailed,he abridged it to make a new version. 由于这本书内容冗长、细节繁琐,他将其加以删减,形成了一个新的版本。

ridge n. 脊(如屋脊、山脊等);隆起物;bridge n. 桥;drawbridge n. 吊桥;badge n. 徽章;badger v. 不断纠缠,一再要求

a(=to)+bridg<brevi(=to shorten)+e

brief [briːf]

n. 诉讼摘要;简报 adj. 简短的

n. a short statement;summary

adj. lasting only a short time;using few words

The lawyer prepared a brief of the facts and the points of law in the case. 律师准备了这个案件的事实摘要和法律要点。

debrief [diːˈbriːf]

vt. 询问,听取(某人执行任务的情况)

to question sb. to obtain knowledge or intelligence after a mission has been completed,in order to record information

The government officials debriefed the President when he returned from the negotiations overseas. 总统从海外谈判归来,政府官员听取了他所作的工作报告。



1. C 2. F 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. H 7. I 8. G 9. E 10. B 11. E 12. D 13. F 14. A 15. C 16. G 17. benefactors 18. antibodies 19. bilingual 20. abbreviated 21. beneficent 22. brief 23. bifurcated 24. bodyguards 25. beneficial 26. biped ZMHhucEEyLIDKiZbvE8nV/AMJXiJBZtHA68HvYaCFz/3FGhfarhoEKhofaL7t++d
