
Lesson 5


G roup 19: ball=dance;ball“舞;球”

balloon [bəˈluːn]

n. 气球 v. (数量)激增

n. an inverted bag of very light material,which rises and floats in the air

v. to increase rapidly in amount

The room was filled with streamers and balloons for the party. 房间里到处都是为聚会而准备的彩带和气球。

ballet [ˈbæleɪ]

n. 芭蕾舞

a theatrical representation of a story performed to music by ballet dancers

A ballet is a beautiful,graceful dance. 芭蕾是一种美丽而优雅的舞蹈。

ballroom [ˈbɔːlruːm]

n. 舞厅

a large room used mainly for dancing

The dance competition was held in the main ballroom of the luxurious hotel. 这个舞蹈比赛在这座豪华酒店的大舞厅举办。

baseball [ˈbeɪsbɔːl]

n. 棒球

a game played with a bat and ball between two teams of 9 players

Baseball is a popular recreation for young boys who like to see how far they can hit the ball. 棒球是一种年轻男孩喜爱的消遣方式,他们想看看自己能把球击出多远。

baseboard n. 壁脚板;cardboard n. 硬纸板;aboveboard adj. 光明正大的


tango n. 探戈舞

waltz n. 华尔兹

choreographer n. 舞蹈编排者

choreography n. 编舞艺术;舞蹈设计

pirouette n. (舞蹈)单脚尖旋转

G roup 20: base=low;foundation“低下的;基础”

base [beɪs]

adj. 卑鄙的,下流的

morally low or mean

People were offended by his base jokes. 人们被他低俗的笑话激怒。

basic [ˈbeɪsɪk]

adj. 基础的

of,relating to,or forming a base;fundamental

The basic ingredients for success include hard work and a pinch of luck. 成功的基本要素包括努力工作和少许的运气。

debase [dɪˈbeɪs]

v. ① 贬低 ② 使降值

① to make sb. less respected ② to lessen the value of sth.

They debased themselves through greed. 他们因为贪婪而贬低了自己。

baste v. 涂油(于烤肉上,以防烤干);debate n. / v. 辩论

basement [ˈbeɪsmənt]

n. 地下室

the lowermost portion of a structure partly or wholly below ground level,often used for storage

It is advisable to store your wine in the basement so it will not be spoiled by the heat. 把酒储藏在地下室是可取的,这样酒就不会由于受热而变质。

G roup 21: beat,bat=beat“打、击”

beater [ˈbiːtə(r)]

n. 搅拌器

a device or utensil for beating eggs,cream,etc.

She used a beater to mix ingredients when making baked goods. 在制作烘焙食品时,她使用搅拌机把各种材料混合在一起。

abate [əˈbeɪt]

v. (使)减轻,(使)减弱

to(make sth.)become less strong

When the rain abated,we went outside again. 雨变小了之后,我们又出去了。

a(=to)+bat(=to beat)+e

baton [ˈbætɒn]

n. 接力棒;指挥棒

a slender wooden stick or rod passed from runner to runner in a relay race or used by a conductor to direct an orchestra

If one of the runners in the relay race dropped the baton,the whole relay team would be disqualified. 在接力赛中,如果其中一名队员掉了接力棒,那么整个接力队将失去比赛资格。

battle [ˈbætl]

n. 战斗

a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war

The general told his adversary that he may have won the battle,but not the war. 将军告诉他的敌人,他可能赢了这场战役,但赢不了整个战争。

belittle v. 轻视;贬低;brittle adj. 易碎的;脆弱的;bristle v. 大为恼怒,被激怒 n. 硬毛

combative [ˈkɒmbətɪv]

adj. 好斗的

having or showing a ready disposition to fight

The general first sent his most combative soldiers to fight. 将军首先派出最能征善战的士兵参战。

combatant n. 战士

G roup 22: bel=war“战争”

rebel [ˈrebl]

v. 造反,反抗 n. 反叛者

v. to fight against or refuse to obey an authority

n. a person who takes part in a rebellion in the hope of improving conditions

It is natural for teenagers to rebel against their parents. 反抗父母是青少年的天性。

bellicose [ˈbelɪkəʊs]

adj. 好战的;好斗的

having or showing a ready disposition to fight

The bellicose warrior always wanted to pick a fight with someone. 这个好斗的勇士总是喜欢寻衅打架。

rebellion [rɪˈbeljən]

n. 反抗;叛乱

organized opposition to authority;a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another

The rebellion overthrew the king from his throne. 这场叛乱推翻了国王的统治。

belligerent [bɪˈlɪdʒərənt]

adj. ① 好战的;寻衅的 ②(国家等)交战的

① characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight ② fighting a war

The man became belligerent when he drank too much beer. 这个男人喝多了啤酒之后就变得爱寻衅滋事。

belligerence n. 好战,好斗



1. F 2. C 3. J 4. H 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. I9. G 10. E 11. D 12. F 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. G 17. E 18. base 19. rebels 20. ballooned 21. abate 22. belligerent 23. debased 24. combative 25. Baseball 26. battle 27. basic eaab/on2NqH1TowMDSpR+8P1cEk14w5nqEU6RW+Z9bDNmyfQvtsgz4mivh2b28aO
