
Lesson 3


G roup 10: am=love;friendly“爱;友好的”

amateur [ˈæmətə(r)]

n. 业余爱好者

someone who pursues a study or sport as a pastime

This painting is the work of an amateur;it shows very little skill. 这幅画是一位业余爱好者的作品,几乎没有什么技巧。

enamoured [ɪˈnæməd]

adj. 倾心于,迷恋

in love with sb.

The princess was enamoured with the boy because of his passionate love letters. 公主因为男孩给她写的一些热情洋溢的情书而倾心于他。

enamel n. 搪瓷;珐琅

glamorous [ˈɡlæmərəs]

adj. 富有魅力的,迷人的

full of glamour;fascinating

She thought becoming a fashion model would be glamorous. 她觉得成为一名时尚模特很令人向往。

amity [ˈæməti]

n. 友好

peace and friendship;a friendly relationship

If there were amity between nations,there would be no wars. 如果国家与国家之间都相互友好,就不会有战争了。

amenity [əˈmiːnəti]

n. 舒适,宜人

pleasantness resulting from agreeable conditions

We went to Hawaii to enjoy the amenity of a warm climate. 我们去了夏威夷,享受舒适宜人的温暖气候。

amnesty n. 大赦,赦免

am(=to love)+en(=nature of)+ity

amiable [ˈeɪmiəbl]

adj. 和蔼的,亲切的

pleasant and friendly

She has such an amiable personality that everyone can get along with her. 她的性格和蔼可亲,每个人都能与她和睦相处。

amiability n. 和蔼可亲,友善

amicable [ˈæmɪkəbl]

adj. 友好的,心平气和的

characterized by friendship and goodwill

The marriage ended in an amicable divorce. 这段婚姻最终以和平分手而告终。

am(=to love)+ic(=nature of)+able

G roup 11: ambi,amphi=both“两个,两种”

ambiguous [æmˈbɪɡjuəs]

adj. 模棱两可的,含糊的

having more than one possible meaning

The language of poetry cannot be too ambiguous;by nature,it relies on specific,concrete expressions to convey the essence of a feeling. 诗歌的语言不能太含糊不清;从本质上来讲,它依靠确切、具体的表述来表达情感的本质。

unambiguous adj. 清楚的;ambiguity n. 模棱两可,含糊不清

ambivalent [æmˈbɪvələnt]

adj. (对人或物)有矛盾情绪的

characterized by a mixture of opposite feelings or attitudes

At one moment,she seemed fascinating to me,at the next,a little short of revolting;I found it hard to understand my own ambivalent reactions. 在这一刻,我似乎对她很着迷,而在下一刻,我似乎对她又有点厌恶;我发现我很难理解自己这种矛盾的反应。

ambivalence n. 矛盾心理


ambidextrous [ˌæmbiˈdekstrəs]

adj. 双手灵巧的,左右开弓的

equally skillful with each hand

As an ambidextrous person,she had no problem using chopsticks with her right or left hands. 她是一个双手都灵巧的人,用左右手拿筷子都没问题。

dexterity n. 纯熟,灵巧;index n. 索引

ambi(=both)+dextr(=right hand)+ous

amphibian [æmˈfɪbiən]

n. 两栖动物

cold-blooded vertebrate typically living on land but breeding in water

Amphibians are very versatile creatures,being able to live in water or on land. 两栖动物都有着多种本领,既能在水里生存,也能在陆地上生存。

amphibious adj. 两栖的

ambitious adj. 有雄心抱负的


G roup 12: anim=life;spirit;mind“生命;精神;感觉”

animated [ˈænɪmeɪtɪd]

adj. ① 栩栩如生的 ② 活泼的,生机勃勃的

① seeming to be alive ② lively;vigorous

The clown's animated performance made both the children and the adults laugh. 小丑栩栩如生的表演逗得孩子和大人都哈哈大笑。

animate v. 使有生命;animation n. 富有生命力,活力;

inanimate adj. 死气沉沉的,无生命的

unanimous [juˈnænɪməs]

adj. 意见一致的,一致同意的

in complete agreement

The board came to the unanimous decision to elect Olin as president. 董事会一致决定推选奥林为主席。

unanimity n. 全体一致,一致同意

pusillanimous [ˌpjuːsɪˈlænɪməs]

adj. 懦弱的,胆小的


The pusillanimous elephant ran away at the sight of the mouse. 那头胆小的大象一看见老鼠就跑掉了。

pusillanimity n. 胆小,胆怯

animosity [ˌænɪˈmɒsəti]

n. 憎恶,仇恨

violent hatred;active dislike

The wife held a great deal of animosity towards her ex-husband for the way he had treated her. 那位妻子因其前夫对她很恶劣而十分憎恨他。

magnanimous [mæɡˈnænɪməs]

adj. 宽宏大量的

generous and forgiving

The magnanimous emperor released the prisoners of war after the war ended. 战争结束后,那位大度的皇帝释放了战犯。

magnanimity n. 宽宏大量


G roup 13: anti=against;opposite“抗…;相反”

antibody [ˈæntibɒdi]

n. 抗体

a protein substance produced in the blood or tissues in response to a specific antigen,such as a bacterium or a toxin

The professor explained to the biology students how our bodies create antibodies in response to foreign substances in our blood. 那位教授向生物系学生讲解了当外来物质进入我们的血液中,我们的身体是如何产生抗体的。


antibiotic [ˌæntibaɪˈɒtɪk]

n. 抗生素

a substance produced by a living organism,especially a bacterium or fungus,that destroys or weakens germs

Penicillin is an antibiotic . 青霉素是一种抗生素。


antidote [ˈæntidəʊt]

n. 解毒剂

a remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison

They gave the patient an antidote to reverse the course the poison had taken. 他们给病人服用了解毒剂来中和毒药的毒性。

anti(=against)+dote(=to give)

anticlimax [ˌæntɪˈklaɪmæks]

n. 令人失望的情况,令人扫兴的事件

a disappointing decline after a previous rise

After all the suspense for the new movie,the actor's poor performance made the last scene an anticlimax . 这部新电影前期设置了许多悬念,但这个男演员拙劣的表演使最后一场戏变得索然无味。

antipathy [ænˈtɪpəθi]

n. 憎恶,反感,不相容

a feeling of intense dislike

Cats naturally have a strong antipathy towards dogs. 猫天生对狗有一种强烈的憎恶。

anti(=against,opposite)+path(=to feel)+y

antique [ænˈtiːk]

n. 古董,古物 adj. 古老的,古代的

n. something made long ago

adj. of times long ago;from times long ago

This carved chest is a genuine antique. 这个雕花的箱子是一件真正的古董。

antiquated [ˈæntɪkweɪtɪd]

adj. ① 陈旧的 ② 过时的

① extremely old as seeming to belong to an earlier period ② being out of style or fashion

Marine explorers discovered the remains of an antiquated city at the bottom of the ocean. 海洋探险家在海底发现了一座古城遗址。

G roup 14: apo=off“离开,远离”

apophasis [əˈpɒfəsɪs]

n. 【修辞】婉转表达法,表面否认要说或正说的话来加以暗示

allusion to sth. by denying that it will be mentioned

The attorney's use of apophasis aimed to discredit his rival without accusing him of anything outright. 这位律师没有直接指控对手的罪行,而是通过婉转表述来达到使其名誉扫地的目的。

apostrophe [əˈpɒstrəfi]

n. 撇号(’)

the mark(’)used to indicate possession as well as the omission of one or more letters from a printed word

The apostrophe is used to express possession. 撇号用来表示所有格。

apostasy [əˈpɒstəsi]

n. 背教;脱党

a total departure from one's faith or religion

His statements revealed his apostasy and he was excommunicated from the church. 他的话透露了他的叛教,因此被逐出教会。

apostate n. 背教者,变节者

apo(=off)+stas(=to stand)+y

apoplectic [ˌæpəˈplektɪk]

adj. ① 狂怒的;大怒的 ② 中风的

① extremely angry;furious ② having or inclined to have apoplexy

Members of Congress became apoplectic about wasteful government spending. 国会成员对于政府开支的浪费感到非常愤怒。


deflect v. 偏离,转向

deviate v. 违背,脱离

deviation n. 背离

disengaged adj. 【机】脱离啮合的;不受牵连的

exodus n. 大批离去,成群外出

outgoing adj. 向外的;离开的

sever v. 切断;断绝

sunder v. 切开,割裂,使分离



1. C 2. F 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. G 7. H 8. E 9. I 10. D 11. G 12. E 13. B 14. A 15. C 16. F 17. antibiotics 18. animated 19. antipathy 20. amity 21. apostrophes 22. ambiguous 23. antique 24. amiable 25. unanimous 26. amphibians kcMAXi38mDdNDvxw6/xPMCgOpnsoKrmIachdYm8uwZQo+LPk1/8lf9dju3qUxSjG
