
Lesson 2


G roup 4: add=add“加,增加”

addition [əˈdɪʃn]

n. 增加;加法

the act of adding one thing to another

The addition of new factories around the community would hinder the local air quality. 在社区周围建造新的工厂会影响当地的空气质量。

additional [əˈdɪʃənl]

adj. 附加的

more than was first mentioned or is usual

The teacher realized the test was too long and gave the students an additional ten minutes to finish it. 老师意识到测试内容太多,额外给了学生10分钟来完成。

additive [ˈædɪtɪv]

n. 添加剂,添加物

sth. added to enhance food or gasoline or paint or medicine

The food from fast food restaurants has a lot of chemical additives,such as preservatives. 快餐店的食物含很多化学添加剂,比如防腐剂。

addicted adj. 沉溺于某种嗜好中的,上瘾的;addiction n. 沉溺,上瘾


aggrandize v. 增大,扩大(权势、地位、财富等)

augment v. 增大,增值

hike n. 将(数量、数额等)大幅提高

proliferate v. 繁殖;(数目)激增

accrete v. 因不停的生长而使增大

escalate v. (战争等)升级;扩大,加剧

G roup 5: agog=lead“引导”

agog [əˈɡɒɡ]

adj. 兴奋的,热切的,有强烈兴趣的

highly excited and very interested to find about sth.

After four long years,many students were agog to graduate. 漫长的四年之后,许多学生都兴奋地盼着毕业。

pedagogy [ˈpedəɡɒdʒi]

n. 教育学,教学法

the study of teaching methods

The English teacher had published her doctoral thesis on the pedagogy of languages. 那名英语教师发表了她关于语言教学法的博士论文。

paediatrics n. 儿科学;pedantic adj. 迂腐的,学究气的;pedantry n. 迂腐;pedant n. 书呆子,迂腐之人

pedagogue n. 教师

demagogue [ˈdeməɡɒɡ]

n. 煽动者,蛊惑民心的政客

an orator who appeals to the passions and prejudices of his audience

The demagogue had been elected senator during the economic depression because of his campaign speeches on implementing economic reform. 在经济萧条时期,那位具有煽动力的政客因为在竞选演讲中提出实施经济改革而被选为参议员。

demagogic adj. 煽动的,蛊惑人心的

dem(=people)+agog(=to lead)+ue

G roup 6: agon=struggle“挣扎,斗争”

agony [ˈæɡəni]

n. 苦恼,极大的痛苦

great physical or mental pain

The loss of their child filled them with agony. 他们失去了自己的孩子,痛苦万分。

agonize v. 使极度痛苦,折磨

antagonize [ænˈtæɡənaɪz]

v. ① 与…对抗 ② 激怒

① to act in opposition to ② to provoke the hostility of

The fly antagonized him as he sat peacefully reading a book. 在他平静地坐着看书时,一只苍蝇惹恼了他。

antagonistic [ænˌtæɡəˈnɪstɪk]

adj. 对立的,敌对的

acting against each other;opposing;hostile

Cats and dogs are antagonistic towards each other. 猫和狗互相敌视。

antagonism n. 对抗,敌对

protagonist [prəʊˈtæɡənɪst]

n. ① 提倡者,支持者 ②(戏剧、故事、小说中的)主角

① a proponent;an advocate ② the main character in a drama or other literary work

The politician had a group of loyal protagonists help promote his campaign for reelection. 这名政客让一群忠实的拥护者来帮助宣传他连任的竞选活动。

G roup 7: agra,agri,agro=field;agriculture“田地;农业”

agrarian [əˈɡreəriən]

adj. 耕地的,土地的

connected with farming and the use of land for farming

The agrarian society depended mainly on its crops for food,rather than meat from hunting. 农耕社会主要依靠农作物作为食物来源,而不是靠打猎获取肉食。

chagrin n. 失望,懊恼;saccharin n. 糖精;grin n./ v. 露齿笑,咧嘴笑

agriculture [ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)]

n. 农业

the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock

The farmer's son studied agriculture in college so he could return and successfully run the family farm. 这位农民的儿子上大学时学了农学,以便归来后可以成功地经营家庭农场。

agronomy [əˈɡrɒnəmi]

n. 农学

the application of soil and plant sciences to land management and crop production

The farmer used agronomy to make his farm more productive. 这位农场主运用农学使他的农场更加高产。

agronomist [əˈɡrɒnəmɪst]

n. 农学家

a scientist engaged in the management of land

The professor was an agronomist and he met with local farmers to discuss advances in agricultural science. 这位教授是一位农学家,他与当地的农民会面,讨论农业科学的进步。

G roup 8: air,aer=air“空气;充气”

aircraft [ˈeəkrɑːft]

n. 飞行器

a vehicle that can fly

Airplanes,airships,helicopters,and hot air balloons are all aircraft. 飞机、飞艇、直升机和热气球都属于飞行器。

airtight [ˈeətaɪt]

adj. 密封的

not allowing air to pass in or out

She put her lunch in an airtight container so it would stay fresh. 她把午餐装进密封盒里保鲜。

aerate [ˈeəreɪt]

v. 充气于,让空气进入

to fill a liquid with a gas

Soda water is water that has been aerated with carbon dioxide. 苏打水是压入二氧化碳的水溶液。

anaerobic [ˌæneəˈrəʊbɪk]

adj. 厌氧的

living or active in the absence of oxygen

Although the distant planet did not have an oxygenated atmosphere,scientists could not rule out the possible existence of anaerobic life forms. 尽管这颗遥远的星球并不存在有氧环境,但是科学家也不能排除厌氧生命体存在的可能。


atmosphere n. 大气

gaseous adj. 气体的

gasification n. 气化

oxygen n. 氧,氧气

hydrogen n. 氢气

chlorine n. 氯气

inflate v. 打气,使膨胀;通货膨胀

deflate v. 放气;通货紧缩

aroma n. 芳香,香气

stratosphere n. 大气平流层

G roup 9: alter,altru,ali=other“其他的”

alter [ˈɔːltə(r)]

v. 改变,变更

to cause sth. to change;to make sth. different

They had to alter their vacation plans to the Caribbean because of the hurricane present there. 由于加勒比海风暴肆虐,他们不得不改变去那儿休假的计划。

alternate [ˈɔːltəneɪt]

v. (使)交替,(使)轮流

to make things or people follow one after the other in a repeated pattern

We alternated work and pleasure. 我们劳逸结合。

altruist [ˈæltrʊɪst]

n. 利他主义者,爱他主义者

someone who makes charitable donations intended to increase human well-being

The rich altruist made regular donations for homeless people. 这位无私的富翁经常为无家可归的人捐款。

altruism n. 利他主义,无私;altruistic adj. 利他的

alias [ˈeɪlɪəs]

n. 化名,别名 adj. 亦名,别名

(having)a false and different name

The thief had so many aliases that no one knew his real name. 这个小偷有许多化名,没人知道他的真实姓名。

alibi [ˈæləbaɪ]

n. 借口,托词

an explanation offered to avoid blame or justify action;an excuse

The inspector was able to put his finger on the weak point in the suspect's alibi. 检察官能准确指出嫌疑人辩词中的弱点。

ad-lib v. 即兴表演;albinism n. 白化病;albino n. 患白化病者;album n. 集邮册;相册;唱片

alienate [ˈeɪlɪəneɪt]

v. 使疏远

to make sb. turn from affection to indifference,dislike,or hatred

The other students alienated her because she looked different. 由于她看上去和别人不一样,其他的同学都疏远她。




1. I 2. D 3. A 4. F 5. B 6. J 7. H 8. E 9. G 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. E 14. C 15. B 16. agony 17. aerates 18. agrarian 19. alias 20. additional 21. aircraft 22. agronomists 23. agog 24. agriculture 25. antagonized Ax9SDKL1TD02ShAxkUYbvSYi4JdY6a5TqSw16kk1B0VcBWRxj+BSJ5hC6drb3u4B
