
Lesson 11


G roup 40: contra=against“反对;相反”

contradict [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt]

vt. 同…矛盾,同…冲突

to be contrary to;to disagree with

The defendant contradicted his words and was accused of perjury. 被告的陈述与之前的供词相矛盾,被指控作伪证。

contradiction n. 矛盾

contra(=against)+dict(=to say)

contradictory [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪktəri]

adj. 相互矛盾的

in disagreement

Her contradictory statements raised suspicion of her honesty. 她自相矛盾的陈述让人怀疑她不诚实。

contrast [ˈkɒntrɑːst]

n. / v. 对比,对照

n. a great difference between two or more people or things

v. to compare(two things)so as to show their differences

Her dark hair is a sharp contrast to her sister's light hair. 她的深色头发和她姐姐的浅色头发形成了鲜明的对比。

contravene [ˌkɒntrəˈviːn]

v. 违犯(法规、习俗等)

to go against rules and laws

The rebellious student contravened the school's formal uniform policy and attended class in casual clothes. 这名叛逆的学生违反学校要求统一着装的规定,穿着休闲服就来上课了。

intervene v. 介入,干涉

contra(=against)+vene(=to come)

G roup 41: counter=against“反对;相反”

counter-argument [ˈkaʊntəˌɑːgjumənt]

n. 反驳,抗辩

an argument in opposition to another

The winning team of the debate contest had the best arguments and counter-arguments. 这场辩论赛的获胜队拥有最好的论据和反论据。

argue v. 争论,争辩;argument n. 争论;论据(证、点);argumentative adj. 好争辩的

counterfeit [ˈkaʊntəfɪt]

v. 伪造,仿造 n. 伪造物;伪钞

v. to make a copy of sth. with the intent to deceive

n. a copy that is presented as the original

This twenty-dollar bill looks genuine,but it is really a counterfeit. 这张20美元的钞票看起来很像真的,但其实是假钞。

forfeit v. 丧失,被没收 n. 没收物;surfeit n. 过量

counter(=against)+feit(=to make)

countermand [ˌkaʊntəˈmɑːnd]

v. 取消订货;撤回(命令)

to withdraw or cancel an order or command

The general countermanded the air strike when it was discovered that the target had many innocent civilians. 当发现袭击地点有很多无辜的平民时,将军下令取消了这次空袭。

counter(=against)+mand(=to order)

encounter [ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)]

v. 遭遇

to meet unexpectedly

The king's soldiers encountered heavy resistance from the Cyclops. 国王的军队遭遇了库克罗普斯顽强的抵抗。

en(=to make)+counter(=against)

G roup 42: cracy=rule;government“统治;政体”

autocracy [ɔːˈtɒkrəsi]

n. 独裁统治,独裁政体

a political system governed by a single individual

The autocracy of the country allowed one man's opinion and prejudices to rule millions. 这个国家的独裁政体允许一个人的主张与偏见统治百万民众。

aristocracy [ˌærɪˈstɒkrəsi]

n. 贵族阶级

a privileged class holding hereditary titles

Earls,duchesses,and princes belong to the aristocracy. 伯爵、公爵夫人和王子都属于贵族阶级。

bureaucracy [bjʊəˈrɒkrəsi]

n. 官僚作风;官僚政治

governmental officialism or inflexible routine

Many people fear that the constant introduction of federal agencies will create a government of bureaucracy. 许多人担心长期采用联邦政府机制会形成官僚政府。


democracy [dɪˈmɒkrəsi]

n. 民主;民主政体;民主国家

a political system governed by the people or their representatives

Voting is not a privilege but a natural right for all citizens in a democracy. 在民主国家,投票不是特权,而是所有公民的自然权利。

gerontocracy [ˌdʒerənˈtɒkrəsi]

n. 老人统治

government by old people

Many native American tribes were governed under gerontocracies. 许多印第安人部落由老人统治。

technocracy [tekˈnɒkrəsi]

n. 专家政治

a form of government in which scientists and technical experts are in control

A group of computer engineers dreamed of creating a technocracy based on the Internet. 一些电脑工程师梦想创建一个基于互联网的专家政治体系。

G roup 43: cre=grow;make“增长;产生”

creative [kriˈeɪtɪv]

adj. ① 有创造力的 ② 创造性的

① having the ability or skill to create sth. new ② involving the use of skill and imagination to produce sth. new or a work of art

Creative business strategies are necessary for a company to compete in the world markets. 创新性的商业策略对公司参与国际市场竞争至关重要。

creativity n. 创造力

creature [ˈkriːtʃə(r)]

n. 生物(尤指动物)

any living person or animal

She loves all the earth's creatures. 她热爱地球上的所有生物。

accrete [æˈkriːt]

v. 累积(因不停地生长而增大)

to cause to adhere or become attached

Over time the trees'roots accreted into one. 随着时间流逝,这些树的根长成了一团。

accretion n. 自然的增加;增加物

ac(=to)+cre(=to grow)+te

concrete [ˈkɒŋkriːt]

adj. 具体的 n. 混凝土

adj. based on facts,not on ideas or guesses

n. a strong hard building material composed of sand,gravel,cement and water

The student used specific examples to give a concrete image of his story. 这个学生利用多个详尽的例子,使他的故事有了一个具体的形象。

G roup 44: cred=believe,trust“相信,信任”

discredit [dɪsˈkredɪt]

v. ① 败坏…的名声,使丧失名誉 ② 使怀疑

① to damage the reputation of ② to make people doubt sth.

Her poor performance in the orchestra discredited her fame as the best singer in the world. 她在管弦乐队的糟糕表现败坏了她作为世界最出色歌手的好名声。

dis(=not)+cred(=to believe)+it

credible [ˈkredəbl]

adj. 可信的

capable of being believed

The mother accepted her son's credible excuse as to why he arrived home late. 母亲认为儿子晚回家的理由是可信的,接受了。

credibility n. 可靠性,可信性

credence [ˈkriːdns]

n. ① 信念,信任 ② 可信性,真实性

① belief in sth. as true ② a quality that an idea or story has that makes you believe it is true

The credence of the woman's testimony led to the jury's verdict of not guilty. 这个女人证词的可信度使陪审团认定她无罪。

credentials [krəˈdenʃlz]

n. ① 证明,资格证书 ② 资历

① documents attesting to the truth of certain stated facts ② previous achievements,training,and general background

His credentials include an MBA degree and over 10 years of work as a manager in a multinational company. 他的资历包括工商管理学硕士学位,以及超过10年的在跨国公司担任经理的工作经验。

credulous [ˈkredjələs]

adj. 轻信的,易受骗的

disposed to believe on little evidence

The credulous man was tricked by the cunning robber and let him go free. 这个人容易轻信他人,被狡猾的盗贼所欺骗,将他放走了。

credulity n. 轻信,易信

G roup 45: crimin=crime;guilty“罪行;犯罪”

criminal [ˈkrɪmɪnl]

n. 罪犯 adj. 刑事的,犯罪的

n. someone who has committed(or been legally convicted of)a crime

adj. relating to a crime or its punishment

The criminal had been set up and was truly innocent. 经过审查,这名犯罪嫌疑人确实是无辜的。

criminality n. 罪行,犯罪

recriminate [rɪˈkrɪmɪneɪt]

v. 反责,反诉

to return an accusation against someone

The company defended that it had not infringed on any trademarks and recriminated the newspaper of libel. 这家公司辩称没有侵犯任何商标权,并反责该报社诽谤。


incriminate [ɪnˈkrɪmɪneɪt]

v. 显示…有罪;牵连

to make it seem as if sb. has done sth. wrong or illegal

The robber's confession incriminated two others who helped to rob the bank. 该名盗贼的供词牵连出了其他两名协助抢劫银行的同伙。

incrimination n. 连累




1. G 2. J 3. D 4. A 5. F 6. B 7. I 8. E 9. H 10. C 11. D 12. G 13. A 14. C 15. E 16. B 17. H 18. F 19. contradictory 20. credulous 21. encountered 22. technocracy 23. concrete 24. contravened 25 creature 26. counterfeit 27. democracy 28. contrast 2tKLC4Cjq/JNokl2FBDS00JgfTiJOYfiHzlyJ6KXtIjpbrYb1PY44/MfXU0UKuO5
