
Lesson 10


G roup 37: cite,cit=call;set in motion“呼叫;驱策”

excited [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd]

adj. 激动的

marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion

The office staff were excited about the upcoming new year holidays. 职员们对即将到来的新年假期感到兴奋。

exciting adj. 令人兴奋的;excitement n. 兴奋,激动

incite [ɪnˈsaɪt]

v. 煽动,鼓动

to encourage sb. to do sth. violent,illegal or unpleasant,especially by making them angry or excited

The speaker incited the audience to quick action. 演讲者鼓动听众迅速行动。

solicitous [səˈlɪsɪtəs]

adj. 挂念的,关心的

full of anxiety and concern

During her daughter's surgery,the solicitous neighbour stayed in the hospital waiting to hear news of her daughter's health. 在她女儿手术期间,邻居关切地待在医院里,等待她女儿健康的消息。

solicitation n. 筹集;征求;solicitousness n. 关心;焦虑

recital [rɪˈsaɪtl]

n. ① 叙说,唠叨 ② 独奏会,个人演唱会,诗歌朗诵会

① a spoken description of a series of events,etc. that is often long and boring ② a public performance of music or poetry,usually given by one person or a small group

My music teacher will give a piano recital Tuesday afternoon. 周二下午,我的音乐老师将举办一场钢琴独奏会。

recite v. 背诵;recitation n. 背诵,朗诵

resuscitate [rɪˈsʌsɪteɪt]

v. ① 使复苏,使复兴 ② 使苏醒

① to cause sth. to become active or successful again ② to restore to life or consciousness

The lifeguard pulled the drowning woman to shore and resuscitated her. 救生员将这个溺水的女人拖上岸并救活了她。

resuscitation n. 复活,复兴


screech v. 尖叫

shriek v. 尖叫

exclaim v. 惊叫

yell n. 大叫

bluster v. 咆哮,恐吓

rant v. 怒吼,咆哮

uproar n. 咆哮

G roup 38: claim=cry out“呼喊,叫喊”

claim [kleɪm]

v. 声称;声称有权利 n. 声明

v. to assert or affirm strongly;to state sth. to be true or existing

n. an assertion of a right as to money or property

She claimed that the car accident was his fault. 她声称这场交通事故是他的责任。

acclaim [əˈkleɪm]

v. 称赞;赞扬

to praise vociferously

The mayor acclaimed the firefighters as the city's heroes for their bravery. 消防员们勇敢无畏,市长赞扬他们是这座城市的英雄。

acclimatize v. 使适应

ac(=to)+claim(=to cry out)

disclaim [dɪsˈkleɪm]

v. ① 放弃(权利)② 拒绝承认

① to give up all claim to ② to state publicly that you have no knowledge of sth.,or that you are not responsible for sth.

They disclaimed ownership of the house and explained that they were only renting it. 他们否认拥有这座房屋,声称只是租用。

declamation n. 高谈阔论;慷慨激昂的演说

dis(=not)+claim(=to cry out)

exclaim [ɪkˈskleɪm]

v. 惊叫

to utter aloud,often with surprise,horror,or joy

The children exclaimed with delight at the sight of the Christmas presents. 看到圣诞礼物,孩子们高兴得欢呼起来。

exclamation n. 尖叫

G roup 39: clud,clus=close,shut“关闭”

include [ɪnˈkluːd]

v. 包含,包括

to have sth. as a part;to be made up out of sth.

The dinner included salad,soup,a main course and dessert. 晚餐包括沙拉、汤、主菜和甜点。

inclusion n. 包含

conclude [kənˈkluːd]

v. ① 得出结论 ② 结束

① to reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation ② to bring sth. to a close

The police investigation concluded that the prisoners had escaped the jail through the sewage pipes. 警方通过调查得出了结论:囚犯是通过排污管道从监狱里逃走的。

conclusive [kənˈkluːsɪv]

adj. 结论性的;(事实、证据等)确凿的

final and deciding

The conclusive evidence affirmed the defendant's guilt. 确凿的证据证实了被告有罪。

occlude [əˈkluːd]

v. 使闭塞,堵塞

to close sth. up or block the passage through sth.

The navy occluded any ships from entering the restricted area. 海军封锁航道,禁止任何船只进入禁航区。

recluse [rɪˈkluːs]

n. 隐士;隐居者

n. one who lives in solitude

The recluse lived in the woods,eating the plants from his garden and the meat of animals he hunted. 这个隐士住在森林里,以自己菜园中种植的植物和狩猎所得的肉类为食。

reclusive adj. 隐遁的,隐居的

re(=back)+clus(=to shut)+e

seclusion [sɪˈkluːʒn]

n. 隐居,隐遁;与世隔绝

the act of secluding;isolation

A hermit likes to live in seclusion. 隐居者喜欢居住在与世隔绝的地方。

se(=away)+clus(=to shut)+ion



1. C 2. F 3. D 4. I 5. A 6. H 7. B 8. J 9. E 10. G 11. A 12. C 13. E 14. B 15. D 16. claimed 17. solicitous 18. seclusion 19. acclaimed 20. excited21. include 22. recital 23. exclaimed 24. incited 25. resuscitated koPu8kKpCDZ8c3jSisDeY5+VKvZwPASLpGLGw+UA9ksNpPcGtnOzub8aVb7nEbDt
