
Lesson 8


G roup 30: cata=down;downwards“向下;相反”

cataclysmic [ˌkætəˈklɪzmɪk]

adj. 灾难性的

severely destructive

The poor economy has driven companies to a cataclysmic end. 萎靡的经济使许多公司遭受了灭顶之灾。

cata(=downwards)+clysm(=to wash)+ic

catastrophe [kəˈtæstrəfi]

n. 灾难,大祸

an event resulting in great loss and misfortune

The sinking of the Titanic was a historical catastrophe. 泰坦尼克号的沉没是历史上的一个重大灾难。

catastrophic adj. 大灾害的

cata(=downwards)+stroph(=to turn)+e

catalyse [ˈkætəlaɪz]

v. 催化,促进

to modify,especially increase,the rate of a chemical reaction by catalysis

Since the experiment was so slow,the chemist added a chemical to catalyse and speed the process. 由于实验反应发生得太慢,这位化学家添加了一种化学物质来催化并加速这一过程。

catalyst [ˈkætəlɪst]

n. ① 催化剂 ② 促使事情发展的因素

① a substance that makes a chemical reaction faster without being changed itself ② a person or thing that causes a change

The introduction of an arbitrator served as a catalyst for the two parties to reach a peaceful accord. 仲裁人的介入促使双方达成了一项和平协议。

catalytic adj. 起催化作用的

G roup 31: cav=hole;hollow“洞;空的,凹的”

cave [keɪv]

n. 洞穴

a hollow space underground,especially one with an opening in the side of a hill or mountain

The cave was dark and filled with bats. 山洞里很暗,到处都是蝙蝠。

carve v. 雕刻;(把肉等)切成片;curve n. 曲线

cavern [ˈkævən]

n. 大洞穴

a large deep cave

The cavern led to an underground city. 这个洞穴通往一座地下城。

concave [kɒnˈkeɪv]

adj . 凹的

curving inward

The inside of his eyeglasses were concave. 他的眼镜内面是凹的。

excavate [ˈekskəveɪt]

v. 挖出,挖掘

to remove the inner part or the core of

The manager instructed the engineering team to carefully excavate the site. 经理指示工程队在现场小心挖掘。

ex(=out of)+cav(=hollow)+ate

G roup 32: ced,cess=go;proceed“行走;前进”

accede [əkˈsiːd]

v. 应允,同意

agree or express agreement

If I accede to his demand for blackmail,I am afraid that I will be the victim of future demands. 如果我同意了他的勒索,我恐怕以后会遭到更多的勒索。

ac(=to)+ced(=to go)+e

accessible [əkˈsesəbl]

adj. ① 可接近的,可达到的 ② 可理解的

① capable of being reached or obtained ② easy to understand

The professor was accessible for questions and discussions during his office hours. 在教授办公期间,可以向其提问或与其讨论问题。

ac(=to)+cess(=to go)+ible

accessory [ækˈsesəri]

adj. 附属的,次要的 n. 附件;附属物;配饰

adj. relating to sth. that is added but is not essential

n. a subordinate or supplementary item

The woman loved to go shopping for wardrobe accessories,like shoes,purses and belts. 这位女士喜欢逛街购买服饰,比如鞋子、手提包和腰带。

concede [kənˈsiːd]

v. ① 让步 ② 承认

① to make a concession;to yield ② to admit sth. as true;acknowledge

I conceded that I had made a mistake. 我承认我犯了一个错误。

concession n. 让步;特许,特许权

con(=with)+ced(=to go)+e

excessive [ɪkˈsesɪv]

adj. 过度的,过分的

beyond normal limits

The policeman was accused of using excessive force when he punched the innocent man. 这名警察受到指控,说他在拳打这位无辜男子时太过用力。

excess n. 过多

ex(=beyond)+cess(=to go)+ive

antecedent [ˌæntɪˈsiːdnt]

n. 先人;前事 adj. 先前的

n. the people in sb's family who lived a long time ago;a preceding occurrence or cause or event

adj. preceding in time or order

Scientists cannot agree on whether the egg or the chicken was the antecedent. 科学家们在“先有鸡还是先有蛋”这个问题上无法达成一致。

anterior adj. 前部的,前面的

ante(=before)+ced(=to go)+ent

recede [rɪˈsiːd]

v. ① 远离,后退 ②(问题、感情等)逐渐减弱,慢慢变小

① to move back and away from ② to become gradually weaker or smaller

We watched the harbour recede from view as our ship headed out to sea. 随着轮船驶入大海,码头渐渐从我们的视线中消失。

rescind v. 废除,取消

re(=back)+ced(=to go)+e

recess [rɪˈses]

n. ① 壁凹(墙上装架子、柜子等凹处)② 休息;休息、停顿期间

① a space set back in the wall for cupboard ② a pause from doing sth.(as work);the period of such cessation

During school recess,the children like to go to the playground and play games. 课间休息时,孩子们喜欢去操场上玩耍。



1. H 2. C 3. J 4. F 5. A 6. D 7. E 8. I9. G 10. B 11. E 12. H 13. A 14. C 15. I 16. B 17. F 18. J 19. G 20. D 21. excavate 22. conceded 23. catalyst 24. abscission 25. catastrophe 26. antecedent 27. caves 28. accessories 29. cataclysmic 30. accessible DvWpfonb3QqOQGGSIMdnNn0/7WaDRFgpGdIujNj/Sqv6VviSzn+UFMtHUlN01cIi
