DWI:Drought and Wet Index (干湿指数)
SVD:Singular Value Decomposition (奇异值分解)
PDSI:Palmer Drought Severity Index (帕尔默干旱强度指数,简称干旱指数)
MPM_2:McGill Paleoclimate Model,Version 2 (麦吉尔古气候模式2.0版)
EOF:Emperical Orthogonal Functions (经验正交函数)
IPCC:Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (政府间气候变化专门委员会)
DEOF:Distinct Emperical Orthogonal Functions (显著经验正交函数)
REOF:Rotated Emperical Orthogonal Functions (旋转经验正交函数)
NCEP:National Centers for Environmental Prediction (美国国家环境预报中心)
ITCZ:Intertropical Convergence Zone(热带辐合带)
GPD:Generalized Pareto Distribution (广义帕累托分布)
ENSO:El Nino Southern Oscillation(恩索事件,厄尔尼诺与南方涛动的合称)
MEI:Multivariate ENSO Index(多元ENSO指数)
OLR:Outgoing Longwave Radiation (向外射出长波辐射)
JJA:June July August (夏季、6—8月)
PCP:Period of Concentration Precipitation (降水集中期)
PCPR:Period of Concentration Precipitation Rainfall (降水集中期降水量)
PCPD:Period of Concentration Precipitation Date (降水集中期出现日期)
MMP:Maximum Monthly Precipitation (最大月降水量)
MDP:Maximum Daily Precipitation (最大日降水量)
MPP:Maximum Process Precipitation (最大过程性降水量)
AMDP:Annual Maximum Daily Precipitation (年最大日降水量)
aBP:Ages Before Present (距今的年数)
GOALS:Global Ocean Atmosphere Land System model (全球海洋-大气-陆面系统耦合模式)