2015年上映的《灰姑娘》( Cinderella )改编自经典同名童话故事,制作精良,场景精美,是2015年最美最梦幻最令人期待的爱情故事。该片获第17届美国青少年选择奖(TCA:Teen Choice Award)最佳科幻/奇幻电影和女主角两项提名。大陆上映仅三天,票房近2亿。
E = Ella(埃拉)
P = Prince Charming(王子)
E: I’m all right, but you’ve nearly frightened the life out of him. ①
P: Who?
E: The stag . What’s he ever done to you that you should chase him about?
P: I must confess I’ve never met him before. He is a friend of yours?
E: An acquaintance . We met just now. I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine, and I just felt he had a great deal left to do with his life. That’s all.
P: Miss, what do they call you?
E: Never mind what they call me.
P: You shouldn’t be this deep in the forest alone.
E: I’m not alone. I’m with you, Mister... What do they call you?
P: You don’t know who I am? That is... They call me Kit. Well, my father does when he’s in a good mood.
E: And... where do you live, Mr. Kit?
P: At the palace. My father’s teaching me his trade.
E: You’re an apprentice ?
P: Of a sort.
E: That’s very fine. Do they treat you well?
P: Better than I deserve, most likely. And you?
E: They treat me as well as they’re able.
P: I’m sorry.
E: It’s not your doing.
P: Nor yours either, I’ll bet. ②
E: It’s not so very bad. Others have it worse,I’m sure. We must simply have courage and be kind, mustn’t we?
P: Yes. You’re right. That’s exactly how I feel.
E: Please don’t let them hurt him.
P: But we’re hunting, you see. It’s what’s done.
E: Just because it’s what’s done doesn’t mean it’s what should be done.
1. I’m all right, but you’ve nearly frightened the life out of him.
frighten the life out of sb.字面意思是“把命(或魂)都吓出来了”或“吓到某人”。英语中表达“受惊吓,使害怕”,可直接用scare或frighten。但更生动的说法有scare the (utter) hell out of,scare sb. to death,frighten the pants off,scare the crap out of。
2. Nor yours either, I’ll bet.
英语中如果对某事有信心或有把握,可以说I bet或I’ll bet,相当于I’m sure that...(我敢打赌;我敢肯定;保证没错)。埃拉跟偶遇的王子说,家人对她不太好,王子表示很遗憾,埃拉回答说“错不在你”,王子也半打趣地答道“应该也不是你的错”,并在句尾加上I’ll bet。需要注意的是,英语中I bet一般置于句首,后跟完整的句子,如:I bet he will be late.(我敢打赌他会迟到)
stag n. 牡鹿,阉割过的雄鹿
acquaintance n. 相识之人,相识但是不是很熟的人
apprentice n. 学徒,徒弟
of a sort 勉强,差不多
1. I must confess I’ve never met him before.
must confess中,must的[t]只轻微发音,然后再发confess的[k],类似的语音现象在同一片段中还有just now,shouldn’t be,don’t know,doesn’t mean。
2. You shouldn’t be this deep in the forest alone.
shouldn’t be中,shouldn’t的[t]不发音,be的[b]发音。
K = King(国王)
G = Grand Duke(公爵)
M = Master Phineus(皮内斯)
C = Captain(上校)
G: I’m sure your father spoke to you of your behavior in the forest.
P: Is it any business of yours, Grand Duke?
G: Your business is my business, Your Royal Highness. It will not do to let the stag go free. ①
P: Just because it’s what’s done doesn’t mean it’s what should be done. Or something like that.
M: Master Phineus, master of the paintbrush, patiently awaits. ②
K: Make him look marriageable , Master Phineus. We must attract a suitable bride, even if he won’t listen to a word I say.
M: I shall endeavor to please, Your Majesty. But I can’t work miracles .
C: A splendid canvas , Master Phineus.
M: Thank you. As if he knows anything about art.
P: So, these portraits will really be sent abroad? To induce the high and mighty to attend this ball you insist upon. ③
D: Which is a tradition. Which is beloved.
K: At which you will choose a bride.
M: Ah, fascinating .
P: If I must marry, could I not wed , say, a good, honest country girl?
D: How many divisions will this “good, honest country girl” provide us? How will she make the kingdom stronger? We are a small kingdom amongst great states, Your Royal Highness. And it’s a dangerous world.
1. It will not do to let the stag go free.
英语中It will not do to或It won’t do to表示情况需要改变或改进,可译为“不行,不合适”。片中公爵觉得王子围猎时将牡鹿放走不妥。It will not do to(It won’t do to)这种表达方式在英式英语中使用较多。
2. Master Phineus, master of the paintbrush, patiently awaits.
3. To induce the high and mighty to attend this ball you insist upon.
high and mighty两个形容词合用以形容一个人趾高气昂,自高自大的样子。形容词前加the指代某一类人,如the poor(穷人)。王子所说的the high and mighty是指受邀参加舞会的权贵们。
paintbrush n. 画笔,漆刷
marriageable a. (旧)适婚的
endeavor to 努力,尽力,竭力
work miracles 创造奇迹,有效
canvas n. (帆布)画布,油画
induce v. 劝说,诱使
fascinating a. 极有吸引力的,迷人的
wed v. (旧)结婚,娶,嫁
division n. 边界,区域
1. It will not do to let the stag go free.
let的[t]只轻微发音,然后再发the的[ð],类似的语音现象如make the之间。大公爵重读了do,强调王子在围猎时放走牡鹿的行为不妥。
2. We are a small kingdom amongst great states, Your Royal Highness.
听说王子有意娶平民女子为妻,公爵立刻出言阻止,指出与平民女子的婚姻根本无益于王国的壮大。重读small是提醒王子王国势单力薄,如果不靠联姻壮大实力,恐怕处境危险。great states中great的[t]只轻微发音,然后再发states的[s]。
E = Ella(埃拉)
L = Lady Tremaine(特里梅因女士)
L: Are you looking for this? There must be quite a story to go with it. Won’t you tell me?No? All right then. I shall tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl who married for love. And she had two loving daughters. All was well... but, one day, her husband, the light of her life , died. The next time, she married for the sake of her daughters. But that man, too, was taken from her. And she was doomed to look every day upon his beloved child. ① She had hoped to marry off one of her beautiful, stupid daughters to the prince. But his head was turned by a girl with glass slippers. ② And so... I lived unhappily ever after. My story would appear to be ended. Now, tell me yours. Did you steal it?
E: No. It was given to me.
L: Given to you? Given to you. Nothing is ever given. For everything, we must pay and pay.
E: That’s not true. Kindness is free. Love is free.
L: Love is not free. Now, here is how you will pay me. If you are to have what you desire. No one will believe you, a dirty servant girl without a family, if you lay claim to the prince’s heart. But with a respectable gentlewoman to put you forward , you will not be ignored. When you are married, you will make me the head of the royal household . Anastasia and Drisella we will pair off with wealthy lords . And I shall manage that boy.
E: But he’s not a boy.
L: And who are you? How would you rule a kingdom? Best to leave it to me. That way we all get what we want.
E: No.
L: No?
E: I was not able to protect my father from you, but I will protect the prince and the kingdom... no matter what becomes of me.
1. And she was doomed to look every day upon his beloved child.
英语中be doomed表示“命中注定的,难逃一死的”,表示注定不太好的结局。sb./sth. is doomed,如The plan is doomed.(这计划注定失败)。be doomed后面可加to do sth.,但跟名词的情况比较多,且多是failure, disappointment, frustration, death等含有负面意义的词。
2. But his head was turned by a girl with glass slippers.
turn one’s head此处不是字面含义“扭过头去,回头”,指的是“使某人自负,使某人满意,令……冲昏头脑”。如Sudden prosperity had turned his head.突然暴富冲昏了他的头脑。
the light of one’s life 心肝宝贝,心爱之人
marry off 把……嫁出去,给……找对象
servant a. 仆人般的
lay claim to 宣称有,主张
respectable a. 值得尊敬的,可敬的,体面的
put sb. forward推荐(某人)作候选人,突出(某人)
head n. 头儿,主任,负责人
royal household 王室,皇宫
pair off with(口)与……结婚,与……结为夫妻
lord n. 封建领主,有爵位的贵族
1. I shall tell you a story.
2. And she was doomed to look every day upon his beloved child.
这句她特意重读了every day,强调自己孤苦无依,每天过得都不容易。doomed的[d]不发音,to的[t]发音。
3. How would you rule a kingdom? Best to leave it to me.
Fairy Godmother:传说中具有魔力的仙女,因为法国作家奥努瓦夫人(Madame d’Aulnoy)和查尔斯·佩罗(Charles Perrault)的童话故事而家喻户晓。童话故事中大都有各种动物、亡母的灵魂,而仙女教母对主人公的命运影响至大。他们所扮演的角色其实等同于基督教礼仪中的教父/母,保护并教育受洗者。
1. 影片中埃拉在舞会上穿的蓝色舞裙令人惊艳,这套舞裙镶嵌了1万颗施华洛世奇水晶,16名裁缝耗费了近550小时才完工。
2. 电影里埃拉的水晶鞋只出现在特写镜头里。拍摄中,女主角穿着相同形状的皮鞋,后期通过特效做成水晶鞋的样子。
3. 公元前1世纪,古希腊史学家(Strabo)在《地理志》( Geographica )中记叙了嫁给古埃及法老的希腊少女洛多庇斯(Rhodopis)的故事,洛多庇的经历与灰姑娘有诸多相似之处,因此被视为灰姑娘的原型。《灰姑娘》的故事广为流传,其中最经典的当属1812年《格林童话》中的版本。
4. 影片中出现了男爵(baron)、Grand Duke(公爵)和countess(女伯爵)等多种欧洲中世纪的贵族爵位头衔。在欧洲各国,公爵、侯爵和伯爵属于高等贵族。男爵爵位在英国属于世袭贵族头衔的最低等级。各爵位等级均有对应的女性成员称呼,如:Duke(Duchess),baron(baroness),count(countess)。