

一 诚信


Students who cheat on examinations or plagiarize essays have an unfair advantage over other students. For instance, an honest student with average writing ability might spend many hours or even days writing a term paper and receive a grade of, say, 75 percent. A dishonest student might spend only five minutes downloading an essay from the Internet and, unless he or she is caught, receive a grade of 80 percent or higher. Likewise, it would be extremely unjust for a student who cheats on an exam to obtain a perfect score of 100, while a bright and hard-working student studies for a week to receive a score of 95.



Plagiarism and cheating on tests are not only unfair to students who do their work independently, but are also detrimental to a university's reputation and the worth of its diploma. If such dishonest practices become prevalent at an institution of higher learning, this information will eventually reach the news media and the community at large. The university's credibility would become diminished, and repairing this credibility would be a slow process. In addition, alumni of a university where cheating and plagiarism are prevalent would see the value of their degree weakened in the job marketplace.



Finally, students who plagiarize others' work or cheat on exams will end up hurting themselves. Even if their actions are not detected, they will fail to achieve the learning that honest students have attained. As they seek employment upon their graduation, potential employers might discover through the interview process that they lack certain required skills or knowledge and, instead, award the job to an honest student able to demonstrate the requisite abilities. Furthermore, deceitful academic practices may lead to habitual dishonesty that affects students long after they leave the university, and could have adverse effects in every facet of their life.




Academic dishonesty has a very damaging effect. It not only puts honest students at a competitive disadvantage, encourages those who did not cheat to adopt similar practices later, but undermines the very foundation of academic learning on campus. Since cheating on exams reveals the moral deficiencies as well as the academic weakness of those students who engage in it, the dishonest practice will ultimately exert a perverse effect on their personality.



It is high time that colleges and universities did something about it. First, it is necessary to take effective precautions. Since the incentives to engage in cheating on exams are mainly due to a lack of adequate precautions, some effective measures should be taken to prevent one form of cheating and another. For example, different test papers might be used in the same exam, and students should be asked to produce their ID card with an attached photo.



Second, it is vital to impose strict penalties. It is not enough to simply give the offending students a failing grade for such a policy does not deter those students already in danger of failing the course. To eliminate academic dishonesty thoroughly, serious forms of punishment for a willful offense—a suspension of the offender from school, or a permanent notation on the student's official transcript—should be applied.


二 经商与道德


Ethics can be defined as the principles of behavior relating to moral conduct and judgment. One area in which ethics has been the subject of increasing debate is that of industry and business. While some people believe that robust business ethics often go unrewarded and may even reduce a company's competitiveness, others argue that high ethical standards can be conducive and instrumental to the success of a business. I am a strong proponent of the latter view.



The first benefit of maintaining a high standard of business ethics is that, in the long run, it will ensure a larger and more loyal customer base. Some businesses conduct their trade with no concern for the preservation of the environment or for the well-being of their employees. Examples include clothing retailers that use child labor and pharmaceutical companies that perform biased clinical trials. Most customers are unwilling to make any purchases that would perpetuate these kinds of unethical practices; ultimately, people will choose to spend their money on the products and services of ethically sound companies.



In addition to attracting more customers, ethical leadership can also improve employee recruitment, retention and productivity. Not surprisingly, most people would prefer to work for a company that demonstrates honesty, integrity and responsibility. For this reason, a worker who found out that his or her boss was engaging in ethically questionable practices would be likely to “jump ship” at the first available opportunity. Furthermore, since ethically strong companies are more appealing to discriminating job seekers, such firms will be able to choose from a wider range of potential employees and thus select the most talented individuals with the skills needed to further enhance the corporate.



Last but not least, strict ethical standards are instrumental in ensuring that a company does not get into legal or regulatory trouble. Firms with a high level of ethics and responsibility will not only safeguard themselves from potentially hefty fines, but also avoid negative media coverage that can leave a company's reputation permanently tarnished. In extreme cases, lax ethics can even spell the demise of an entire corporation, as was the case with Bre-X minerals limited, WorldCom, and Enron Corporation. Such fates can be avoided by businesses that place an emphasis on corporate ethics.



Admittedly, setting high ethical standards entails certain costs for a business. However, any cost associated with establishing an ethically favorable reputation will ultimately pay for itself as the company attracts more customers, maintains a loyal and motivated workforce, and avoids costly regulatory action. In today's increasingly competitive business world, perhaps the question that companies should ask themselves is not whether they can afford to be ethical, but whether they can afford not to be.

诚然,制定高水准的道德标准会让一个企业承担某些费用。然而,有关建立良好的道德信誉的任何花费终将有回报,因为公司能吸引更多的顾客,保留忠诚又积极进取的员工队伍,避免昂贵的监管行为等。在今天竞争日益激烈的商业世界里,企业该问自己的也许不是能否负担得起发扬商业道德的费用,而是能否承担得了没有道德规范的后果。 6SXHHdm+BKo3RKcrcAb6VmK46yTvwz0TkDGi5VCJbxmEBiMXvlmEiBtk3E2C8ao5
