

一 体育锻炼


Of all the advantages of exercising, the physical benefits are the most well-known. Regular physical activity can strengthen the heart and lungs, increase muscle strength, and lower blood pressure. It can also promote the growth of bone density, thus reducing people's chances of developing osteoporosis. By helping us to maintain and improve overall physical fitness, exercise lowers our chances of developing chronic diseases. Conversely, a lack of physical activity can increase our risk of health problems. Those who never or rarely exercise, for example, are at greater risk for high blood pressure, which could eventually lead to a heart attack or stroke.



In recent years, the psychological and emotional benefits of physical activity have been well documented by researchers worldwide. One important way that exercise can improve mental health is by reducing our stress levels. This is especially important for people leading fast-paced lives or who face a high degree of pressure at work or at home. Moderate exercise can even help to alleviate potentially serious psychological conditions, such as anxiety and depression. Even for those who are enjoying good mental health, exercise can still help to boost their self-confidence and give them a greater sense of control.



Finally, engaging in physical activity can benefit one's social health as well. Since staying active leads to a more positive frame of mind, those who are physically active will be more likeable than inactive individuals, and able to interact more naturally with friends and colleagues. By increasing our energy level, exercising also enables us to spend more enjoyable time with our loved ones. Moreover, exercise itself can provide an excellent opportunity to socialize with others. For example, people can go jogging or biking with friends, or even make new acquaintances by joining a yoga class or a fitness studio.



College athletics contribute both to students' physical well-being and to their mental well-being. There is a new appreciation of the importance of sports as students' bodies are increasingly weak and vulnerable to diseases because of inactivity. School authorities, as well as students themselves, have realized that sports are especially necessary to a person who works with his brain most of the day. Besides, sports offer a healthy form of escape from their monotonous routine studies. Taking part in swimming, jogging and ball games can make their academic life richer and fuller. And most importantly, sports help to promote the development of a student's personality. Such traits of character as competitiveness, self-discipline, teamwork and endurance—the things much needed in their later career and life—are encouraged and cultivated in sports.


二 学业压力


Pressure from studies can negatively affect university students' psychological health. It is well documented that intense pressure can lead to both anxiety and depression. Consequently, students who place excessively high expectations on themselves or are constantly worried about their grades will be at a heightened risk of developing these emotional symptoms. For students who focus all of their time on academics to the exclusion of other activities, these negative emotions will have no outlet for release and thus may continue to affect them for a long time.



Apart from its harmful effects on emotional well-being, academic pressure can also cause students to suffer physical health ailments. As science confirms, there exists a strong connection between the mind and the body. The brain regulates hormones and biochemical processes to maintain homeostasis. This balance, however, can be offset by excessive stress or pressure, leading to a host of physical problems, including fatigue, muscular tension, headaches, ulcers and insomnia. Academic pressure can also cause indirect physical suffering. Students who worry obsessively about their studies are more likely to lead a sedentary lifestyle devoid of physical activity, which could induce additional physical health symptoms.



Academic pressure can also adversely affect students' social health. University students who are under severe pressure in their studies are less likely to socialize with their peers and may even isolate themselves to some degree. In addition, psychologists have demonstrated a causal link between stress and various negative emotional changes. Classmates of the affected students are unlikely to understand the reasons for such changes and may shy away from interaction with them. College students who are overcome by academic pressure may thus find it difficult to make and sustain healthy social relationships.


三 禁止吸烟


Personally, I love clean air. I think many people feel the same way. Second-hand cigarette smoke makes our breathing air dirty and it is a proven cause of cancer and other respiratory ailments. In my view, breathing smoky air is just as unhealthy as drinking dirty water. Thus, I’m in favor of any rule that prohibits smoking in public places and office buildings.



Can't we do without a rule and just ask people to stop smoking? Voluntary abstention has been previously proven ineffective. In most countries, smokers are the minority and all of them are well aware that their cigarette smoke can adversely affect the health of others. Although considerate smokers refrain from lighting-up indoors in public places, many ignorant ones pollute the air of others wherever and whenever they feel the urge to smoke. Some smokers are arrogant and seem to believe that smoking is a personal right and that it is nobody else's business. These types will rebuff any request to put out their cigarettes, even in the face of a “no-smoking” sign. Sometimes, a government rule is the only way to settle the issue.



Why should we be so concerned about public places and office buildings? I think these are the areas where second-hand cigarette smoke can be the most dangerous and where the right to non-polluted air is the most evident. Public places are intended for everyone to use and enjoy. Cigarette smoke unjustly prevents many members of the public from fully enjoying these places. It also makes these public areas hazardous for children, seniors, and people with respiratory problems. Most office buildings don't have open windows so they end up recirculating the internal air many times over. Workers spend eight or more hours breathing the same air. This extended exposure to recirculated air multiplies the harmful effects of any cigarette smoke in the building.



The factors for a great rise in teenage smoking are complex. Some attribute it to the improved standard of living which enables kids to have more pocket money, and others place the blame on cigarette advertising and the import of cigarettes, which give them easy access to Marlboros. Whatever the causes, only particular external circumstances have been examined. The factors, actually, are psychological as well as social. Most young people begin to smoke just out of curiosity: they have a strong desire to experience the pleasure of smoking which is forbidden to them. They also have a subconscious feeling that smoking will make them mature, tough and sophisticated. When they light up a cigarette, and produce puffs of smoke carelessly, they are under the illusion that they are grown-ups instead of kids and that they are admired rather than rejected by society.

青少年吸烟人数剧增的原因是很复杂的。有些人把它归咎于生活水平的提高,使得孩子有更多的零用钱(用来买烟),也有些人说问题出在香烟广告和香烟的进口上,这使得年轻人很容易得到“万宝路”。但无论什么原因,都只考虑了特殊的外在环境。实际上,原因不仅仅是社会方面的,还有青少年心理方面的。大多数年轻人开始吸烟只是出于好奇心:由于不准年轻人吸烟,所以他们有一种强烈的欲望,想体验一下吸烟带来的快感。他们潜意识里也觉得,吸烟会使他们成熟、强硬和老练。当点燃一支香烟,漫不经心地喷出一圈圈烟雾时,他们有一种幻觉:他们已经是大人而不是小孩了,人们投来的是羡慕的眼光,而不是厌弃的神情。 A07rIyHZCn8WjnRvcu2BfP1+OOq9Zh0qz41nnraSBVe/cOY7OtMaJkjxdUbFE6i7
