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Accounting Information and Macro Analysts’Economic Forecasts


(Fudan University)


(Orient Securities Company Limited)


(Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)

Abstract Macroeconomic data is crucial for all economic agents to make decisions. So how to predict the macro economic variables accurately is an important research topic.This paper stud-ies the impact of aggregate accounting earnings on GDP forecast following the“micro to macro”the-ory frame.Firstly,we examine whether the aggregate earnings disclosured quarterly in listed com-panies have macroeconomic information of GDP growth.Further,we examine whether the macro-economic forecasters use the accounting information in their forecasts.We find that aggregate ac-counting earnings can be used to predict future GDP growth,and the macroeconomic forecasters have made used of the accounting information in their forecasts,but they do not fully utilize this in-formation in generating their forecasts.With respect to the different characteristics of the macroeco-nomic forecasters,we find no significant difference between foreign and domestic macroeconomic forecasters when they use accounting information in their forecasts.While compared with inexperi-enced forecasters,experienced forecasters could make better use of accounting information when they make macroeconomic forecasts.

Key words Accounting Earning;Macroeconomic Forecasts;Forecast Error;Information Content 49vlzGOZdY6nsCxGwWWcQUMYhlYhcu7NuBVM4OtXxNbcSY3dLL49XXY5sRYJBQAu
