
In Memoriam

Michael Hammer
April 1948–September 2008

Even the most mundane work can be given meaning and value for those who perform it if they understand how it benefits, even in the simplest of ways, the lives of others. Process-centered work can help satisfy everyone’s hunger for connection with something beyond themselves and their own needs. It widens our horizons and connects us with others—with our teammates, with our organization, with our customers. In the process-centered world, dignity is restored to work, the dignity that was lost to workers who only performed repetitive tasks.

A late classical Jewish text contains a paean to the spiritual value of work: “Precious is work, for of all the creatures that God created in the world, He granted work only to humankind.” This text’s author tells us that the fullest expression of soul or spirit or intelligence is to be found in one’s work. It is work that distinguishes us as human beings, the way in which we express our essential nature and our reflection of the divine. These prophetic words capture the essence of process-centered work. By making them a reality, the twenty-first-century organization will truly be on the side of the angels.

—Michael Hammer, unpublished manuscript

Some will remember him for his brilliance, others for his wit, but we will remember him most of all for his unceasing love, and for teaching us always to ask why.

—Phyllis Hammer, Jessica, Alison, Dana, and David

To my husband, Brandt, who believes in me, at times more than I believe in myself, and who was a huge help in bringing this project to a successful conclusion.

To my mom, Dolores, whose zest for life is a constant encouragement to try new things and explore great possibilities. To my sister, Nadine, my brother, Greg, and my brother, Carl, his wife, Michele, and my nieces, Melissa and Katherine—thanks for cheering me on from the sidelines.

To my dad, Carl (CJ), whom I think about every day—I hope I’m still making you proud. I miss you.

And finally, I thank God every day for the many blessings—through opportunities, experiences, and people I meet—that He has granted me.

—Lisa W. Hershman YlMWI6ji0X0YXSWe1ITP5wJrBPi8pdiaZvYwRHXAyo6a70ZVPqNIUaAvW7ewTILM

