

The ideas in this book are the result of a collective effort—my collaboration with many, many Intel managers over the years. I am very grateful to all of them, because I learned everything I know about how to manage from them. I am especially grateful to Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel, who recognized the budding manager under my engineer’s skin long before I had any inkling myself.

Thanks are also due to a group of the company’s middle managers who cheerfully accepted the role of guinea pig, who suffered through my first attempts to articulate these ideas, and who also generously provided me with experiences from their daily lives as managers. I’ve used their examples to illustrate certain points in the book. These managers are acknowledged by name in the Notes.

I owe special thanks to Grant Ujifusa, my Random House editor, who tirelessly hammered away at the rough edges of my ideas and prose and translated the latter into English—from the original engineeringese; to Pam Johnson, who ran the various revisions through the word processor; and most of all to Charlene King, my assistant, who not only helped to pull the whole project together, from capturing class discussions to gathering illustrations, but also made sure that I did my work of running Intel even as I was busily splitting infinitives. HSD/DLNWFWupwwg5WlBu6qUFGRuQHBbgzkB0GXJaiXby5Uhw1jnanBzEgdzd9ZZc
