

I’m fortunate to work with a wonderful team of people.

Doris Michaels remains the only agent I’ve ever had, and it’s a joy to still work with her after all these years.

I’m not the only one who took a liking to Doris. Charlie Michaels met her first and married her. He is president of Sierra Global Management, LLC, a hedge fund company in New York City. Charlie’s thorough understanding of the stock market helped with the first edition of this book, and his comments have provided the last word in each subsequent edition.

This book is packed full of content from many fine people and organizations. Thanks to Bill Miller, one of the best mutual fund managers in the business who took time to speak with me over the phone and review the material I wrote about him, and answer questions from subscribers to The Kelly Letter . Thanks to Morningstar, Standard & Poor’s, Value Line, and Yahoo! Finance for supplying me with all the data I requested, and to OnlineTradingConcepts.com and StockCharts.com for supplying the charts I requested.

Finally, a nod of gratitude to the swell folks at Plume. My editor, Kate Napolitano, understood the spirit of past editions and helped me make this one a fine mixture of fresh material in a familiar voice. The people who’ve cared for this title through the years have been a pleasure to know, and I’m happy to count Kate among them. She’s a delightful partner. SXUa9sVI6N20CBhIO9/DsV1CfqMZ3CNClG3Z2paeTbG0zpMOLs21Ca9GuLmQwl6V
