
05 American Car Culture

The Words That Facilitate the Exchange of Ideas


America was destined to change on October 1, 1908, when the Ford Model T [1] was made available to dealers. The Model T ushered in a new era of “automobility.” Before the creation of the Model T, automobiles were only available to the upper class, and the cars were poorly designed to handle the rough roads. The Model T was designed with utility in mind, ideal for getting out of ruts on muddy roads, was lightweight, had excellent fuel economy and most importantly it was inexpensive. American society has since revolved around the automobile.A huge infrastructure [2] was created to support America’s new obsession, and a culture developed around the automobile. From its inception [3] ,the automobile proved to be more than just transportation, it defined the restless and rugged nature of Americans. The American automobile is an incredible invention in that people shaped the car, and the car shaped people.


The automobile has redefined American society by enabling people to travel across the country, thus revolutionizing transportation.The automobile has changed the way Americans look at the world around them. Henry Ford’s assembly line and mass production has now been applied to nearly every aspect of production,from farming to toy making. But, the negative aspects of Fordism [4] still influence consumer purchases. Americans to this day desire individuality,something the Fordist assembly line could not produce. Mass consumption created by mass production has taken over Western civilization,and has spread across the world. It seems as if the entire world is now as materialistic [5] as Americans. The American car culture has had effects beyond simple economic outcomes. For many Americans, cars still symbolize freedom and mobility. Who doesn’t remember that feeling after receiving their driver’s license and suddenly the entire United States was just a gas tank or two away?


The Revolt Against Mainstream Automobile Culture: In 1958, for the first time, the quantity of cars imported to America was greater than the quantity of cars exported. Clearly, the supreme reign of the American automobile was winding down. The rise of imports was caused by two events: Detroit discontinuing production of small cars from their line up, and Americans searching for autoindividuality through purchases of foreign cars. Upper class Americans often favored Mercedes Benz or Jaguar,while the slightly lower income group would often turn to Volkswagen or Fiat for their car needs. There was another consumer revolt that was taking place in the lower working classes of Americans. In Southern California in the early 1940s many young men were tired of paying outrageous amounts of money for cars that did not offer any mechanical advantage of old cars, just new body styles. Because older cars were so plentiful and cheap, it was easy to purchase older cars and make as much power from the car as possible. There was a return to pre-Depression Fordism; the emphasis was taken off styling and applied to the mechanics of the automobile.



from but mass thus way redefined assembly

The automobile has 1 American society by enabling people to travel across the country, 2 evolutionizing transportation. The automobile has changed the 3 Americans look at the world around them. Henry Ford’s 4 line and 5 production has now been applied to nearly every aspect of production, 6 farming to toy making. 7 the negative aspects of Fordism still influence consumer purchases.


1. redefined 2. thus 3. way 4. assembly 5. mass

6. from 7. But

Translation Practices

Upper class Americans often favored Mercedes Benz or Jaguar, while the slightly lower income group would often turn to Volkswagen or Fiat for their car needs. There was another consumer revolt that was taking place in the lower working classes of Americans. In Southern California in the early 1940s many young men were tired of paying outrageous amounts of money for cars that did not offer any mechanical advantage of old cars, just new body styles.























Are Dialects Just Acceptable in Public Places?

Last week, a group of us students, who just attended a class given by a lecturer who advocates using dialects in public places and insists on speaking his Hunan dialect in his lecturing, raised a question about the issue: Are dialects just acceptable in public places? Some stood by the teacher because they believe that only by using his dialect can one express himself exactly and vividly while others maintained that since we are from across the country, we need a national “lingua franca” in order to secure efficient communication among dialectally different people. I side with the latter since I am convinced that language should above all function as a means of effective communication and in the current situation, Mandarin serves this purpose best.

To start with, our country is a culturally and of course dialectally diverse country.In order that people from different provinces can communicate with each other clearly and efficiently, we should concur on using a Putonghua, a variety of Chinese acceptable by all as a standard language especially in public places, on radios and TVs,in conferences. Otherwise, we may encounter a chaos of messy communications and misunderstandings and basic communication of society may be hindered and normal life disrupted.

In the second place, we as a people need an emblem to tell us from other peoples just as RP English distinguishes British from Australians. And of course Putonghua can best perform this function in this country. Don’t forget that some 2,000 years ago the Chinese characters—a kind of Putonghua prevailing then helped unite the country in a way that few can imagine today. And now we don’t see any sign we need such Putonghua less as we communicate with the outside world and among ourselves in public places. In this faster, richer and smaller world we do need a unified, efficient and gracious Putonghua as a national identity. No nation can be credited with civility without such a widely accepted, unified, economical means of communication for sake of our social, cultural and economic life.

Of course, advocating Mandarin or Putonghua does not mean we will banish or prejudice against our nation’s richest treasure of dialects, estimated more than 200 altogether. They make up a great resource for our life and linguistic enrichment. As we all know, some of sit-comedies are comic and fun only when their lines are said in a certain dialect. Otherwise people don’t find them amusing and laugh-worthy. So in a sense, dialects can enrich literary creation as is shown unmistakably in the fact that huge number of ethnic and local plays are sung or played only in dialects. And dialects can also contribute to the coinage and creation of new words and fresh expressions. It is one of the driving mechanisms for language change. Of course it can add a lot of fun and intimacy to family talks and folk conversations. But in public places we had better speak Putonghua.

Speaking Putonghua in public places has already become a public trend accepted by more and more people although there are still few who feel uneasy about this.Despite the fact that dialects are rich, innovative and figurative and there is nothing wrong with it when we speak overtly and loudly among folks and families, they are not acceptable on radios and televisions, in conferences and other public occasions so far as efficacy in communications among people from different parts of the country and in such a metropolitan as Shanghai is concerned.

[1] Ford Model T: T 型福特车

[2] infrastructure: the basic structure or features of a system or organization 基础设施;公共建设

[3] inception: an event that is a beginning; a first part or stage of subsequent events 起初

[4] Fordism: 福特主义

[5] materialistic: marked by materialism 唯物主义的;唯物论的 pARjDeZ1rI1T3fLiqTLC+qfO/BH8JKBYRmxx1knl0Qk8/dL5FN+I7eGmFrjUPQj6
