
It Takes Great Proficiency to Stones Appreciation

Published in: Chinese Land and Resources Daily

appreciation stone is not only a materialized concrete form, but also a non materialized spiritual product.While reflecting the original ecology, it is endowed with humanistic connotation, so it has become a cultural fashion product suitable for the requirements of the times. The humanistic connotation is the result of artistic processing and cultural carving according to the natural form of the original stone, which shows the unity of appreciation stone and stone appreciator. However, whether we can explore excellent appreciation stones and endow them with more profound humanistic connotation depends in large part on the basic skills of stone appreciator. So, what is the basic skill of appreciating stones?

Throughout ancient and modern times, the basic skills of excellent stone appreciator include many levels.The author believes that there are three main points:

Knowledge level: knowledge accumulation is the initial requirement for stone enjoy. Marx once said, “if you want to appreciate art, you must be a cultured person.” This tells us that stone appreciator must have good artistic cultivation and extensive knowledge in order to appreciate beauty. Stone appreciation not only includes the understanding of the appreciation stone itself, but also includes the understanding of the origin, evolution,formation, grade and other related factors of the stone. Know astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom; Know the past and the present, and go deep into life. The basic knowledge of appreciating and collecting stones is the summary of various disciplines in life. Only by connecting the voices of the world,enriching knowledge and crossing disciplines can we broaden our horizons and enter the infinite imagination space. However, the accumulation of knowledge is not a simple addition, but must be combined with the process of stone appreciation. The so-called practice produces true knowledge. Only in the process of continuous understanding, practice and summary, can we enrich and use knowledge more freely.

Excavation level: excavation is not only an in-depth reflection on the basic knowledge of stone appreciation,but also a thinking link leading to art.The nurturers of natural appreciation stones can be volcanoes, the sea,wind,rain,thunder,lightning,the universe, years and the whole nature, and the excavators and painters are our human-beings. We use our eyes to appreciate the strange stone and endow it with our thoughts and emotions. Because of personal differences, we have different feelings. Some people value color, some people value shape, some people value grain, some people value quality, some people value intuitive feeling, some people value spiritual feeling, some people value emotional catharsis, and some people value value gain.However, when excavating excellent appreciation stones, we need keen insight in observation, that is, the so called eyesight; In thought, we need stable divergent thinking, that is, the so-called comprehension ability; In terms of description, we need to transfer what we see and want to others on the basis of cognitive ability, that is, the so-called expressive power. With these three “ability”, we can analyze, interpret and comprehensively comprehend the stone in many aspects, angles and levels.

The author has an agate stone. On the front, it looks like a rural woman in the 1950s, but on the back , it looks like a handsome rural man. Whether in terms of outline, appearance or dress, they are very consistent with the shape and living state of the characters of that era, and seem to live in the same environment. After thinking about it, i named it“a stone for husband and wife to marry forever”. This name not only truly describes the characteristics of the appreciation stone itself, but also expresses the longing for everlasting love.

Sublimation level: artistic sublimation is a high-level requirement for the cultural literacy of stone appreciator.The uncanny workmanship of nature endows the unpredictable artistic effect of the appreciation stone,and makes people get endless aesthetic enjoyment from it. However, the interpretation and promotion of appreciation stones should be based on the natural characteristics and forms of the stones themselves, based on the imagination and association, and follow the natural laws and universal truth of things, so as to raise the specific personal perception to the abstract artistic expression. Do not indulge in wild imagination, which will not only make the interpretation of appreciation stones irrelevant and inconsistent, but also make the charm of stone appreciation becomes empty or even vulgar. Don't call it “Queen Mother”just because it looks like an old lady; call it“sister Daiyu”just because it looks like a girl, which is bound to make people feel far fetched and unwilling to watch it further.

The author has a turtle shaped agate stone, which will be named “divine turtle” or “looking back” according to the common sense. However, such a proposition is simply based on the shape, and its connotation is not fully explored. Therefore, it is named “wake up,rabbit”, which immediately excavates and sublimates its connotation, so that the viewer immediately thinks of the famous fable of “turtle and rabbit race”.

Top quality appreciation stone is a silent poem, a three-dimensional painting, a solidified philosophy, a flowing gorgeous, and an unrepeatable crystallization of nature. Excellent stone appreciator are poets, painters,masters of philosophy, appreciator of art and pursuers of nature.

August 25, 2010 GePobNmdrTuRo5y8XovCq68J/5UB797226oxZmHkE3canf+SZTHzFoAMJ456eHsV

